#include "owl.h" void owl_buddy_create(owl_buddy *b, int proto, const char *name) { b->proto=proto; b->name=owl_strdup(name); b->idlesince=0; } const char *owl_buddy_get_name(owl_buddy *b) { if (b->name) return(b->name); return(""); } int owl_buddy_is_idle(owl_buddy *b) { if (b->isidle) return(1); return(0); } void owl_buddy_set_idle(owl_buddy *b) { b->isidle=1; } void owl_buddy_set_unidle(owl_buddy *b) { b->isidle=0; } int owl_buddy_get_proto(owl_buddy *b) { return(b->proto); } int owl_buddy_is_proto_aim(owl_buddy *b) { if (b->proto==OWL_PROTOCOL_AIM) return(1); return(0); } /* Set the buddy to have been idle since 'diff' minutes ago */ void owl_buddy_set_idle_since(owl_buddy *b, int diff) { time_t now; now=time(NULL); b->idlesince=now-(diff*60); } /* return the number of minutes the buddy has been idle */ int owl_buddy_get_idle_time(owl_buddy *b) { time_t now; if (b->isidle) { now=time(NULL); return((now - b->idlesince)/60); } return(0); } void owl_buddy_free(owl_buddy *b) { if (b->name) owl_free(b->name); }