#include "owl.h" static const char fileIdent[] = "$Id$"; void owl_buddylist_init(owl_buddylist *b) { owl_list_create(&(b->buddies)); owl_list_create(&(b->idletimes)); /* owl_list_create(&(g->buddymsg_queue)); */ } /* Deal with an "oncoming" message. This means recognizing the user * has logged in, and displaying a message if they were not already * logged in. */ void owl_buddylist_oncoming(owl_buddylist *b, char *screenname) { int *zero; owl_message *m; if (!owl_buddylist_is_buddy_loggedin(b, screenname)) { /* add the buddy */ owl_list_append_element(&(b->buddies), owl_strdup(screenname)); zero=owl_malloc(sizeof(int)); *zero=0; owl_list_append_element(&(b->idletimes), zero); /* do a request for idle time */ owl_buddylist_request_idletime(b, screenname); /* are we ingoring login messages for a while? */ if (!owl_timer_is_expired(owl_global_get_aim_login_timer(&g))) return; /* if not, create the login message */ m=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_message)); owl_message_create_aim(m, screenname, owl_global_get_aim_screenname(&g), "", OWL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_IN, 1); owl_global_messagequeue_addmsg(&g, m); } } /* Deal with an "offgoing" message. This means recognizing the user * has logged out, and sending a message if they were logged in. */ void owl_buddylist_offgoing(owl_buddylist *b, char *screenname) { int index; owl_message *m; index=owl_buddylist_get_buddy_index(b, screenname); if (index==-1) return; owl_free(owl_list_get_element(&(b->buddies), index)); owl_free(owl_list_get_element(&(b->idletimes), index)); owl_list_remove_element(&(b->buddies), index); owl_list_remove_element(&(b->idletimes), index); m=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_message)); owl_message_create_aim(m, screenname, owl_global_get_aim_screenname(&g), "", OWL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_IN, -1); owl_global_messagequeue_addmsg(&g, m); } /* send requests to the AIM server to retrieve info * on all buddies. The AIM callback then fills in the * values when the responses are received */ void owl_buddylist_request_idletimes(owl_buddylist *b) { int i, j; j=owl_buddylist_get_size(b); for (i=0; ibuddies))); } /* get buddy number 'n' */ char *owl_buddylist_get_buddy(owl_buddylist *b, int n) { if (n > owl_buddylist_get_size(b)-1) return(""); return(owl_list_get_element(&(b->buddies), n)); } /* Return the index of the buddy 'screename' or -1 * if the buddy is not logged in. */ int owl_buddylist_get_buddy_index(owl_buddylist *b, char *screenname) { int i, j; j=owl_list_get_size(&(b->buddies)); for (i=0; ibuddies), i), screenname)) { return(i); } } return(-1); } /* return 1 if the buddy 'screenname' is logged in, * otherwise return 0 */ int owl_buddylist_is_buddy_loggedin(owl_buddylist *b, char *screenname) { if (owl_buddylist_get_buddy_index(b, screenname)!=-1) return(1); return(0); } /* get the idle time for buddy number 'n' */ int owl_buddylist_get_idletime(owl_buddylist *b, int n) { int *foo; foo=owl_list_get_element(&(b->idletimes), n); return(*foo); } /* Set the idle time for user 'screenname'. If the given screenname * is not on the buddy list do nothing. If there is a queued request * for this screename, remove it from the queue. */ void owl_buddylist_set_idletime(owl_buddylist *b, char *screenname, int minutes) { int index, *idle; index=owl_buddylist_get_buddy_index(b, screenname); if (index==-1) return; owl_free(owl_list_get_element(&(b->idletimes), index)); idle=owl_malloc(sizeof(int)); *idle=minutes; owl_list_replace_element(&(b->idletimes), index, idle); } /* remove all buddies from the list */ void owl_buddylist_clear(owl_buddylist *b) { owl_list_free_all(&(b->buddies), owl_free); owl_list_free_all(&(b->idletimes), owl_free); owl_list_create(&(b->buddies)); owl_list_create(&(b->idletimes)); }