#include "owl.h" void owl_buddylist_init(owl_buddylist *bl) { bl->buddies = g_ptr_array_new(); } /* add a (logged-in) AIM buddy to the buddy list */ void owl_buddylist_add_aim_buddy(owl_buddylist *bl, const char *screenname) { owl_buddy *b; b=g_new(owl_buddy, 1); owl_buddy_create(b, OWL_PROTOCOL_AIM, screenname); g_ptr_array_add(bl->buddies, b); } /* remove an AIM buddy from the buddy list */ int owl_buddylist_remove_aim_buddy(owl_buddylist *bl, const char *name) { int i; owl_buddy *b; for (i = 0; i < bl->buddies->len; i++) { b = bl->buddies->pdata[i]; if (!strcasecmp(name, owl_buddy_get_name(b)) && owl_buddy_is_proto_aim(b)) { owl_buddy_delete(g_ptr_array_remove_index(bl->buddies, i)); return(0); } } return(1); } /* Deal with an "oncoming" message. This means recognizing the user * has logged in, and displaying a message if they were not already * logged in. */ void owl_buddylist_oncoming(owl_buddylist *bl, const char *screenname) { owl_message *m; if (!owl_buddylist_is_aim_buddy_loggedin(bl, screenname)) { owl_buddylist_add_aim_buddy(bl, screenname); /* are we ingoring login messages for a while? */ if (owl_global_is_ignore_aimlogin(&g)) return; /* if not, create the login message */ m=g_new(owl_message, 1); owl_message_create_aim(m, screenname, owl_global_get_aim_screenname(&g), "", OWL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_IN, 1); owl_global_messagequeue_addmsg(&g, m); } } /* Deal with an "offgoing" message. This means recognizing the user * has logged out, and sending a message if they were logged in. */ void owl_buddylist_offgoing(owl_buddylist *bl, const char *screenname) { owl_message *m; if (owl_buddylist_is_aim_buddy_loggedin(bl, screenname)) { m=g_new(owl_message, 1); owl_message_create_aim(m, screenname, owl_global_get_aim_screenname(&g), "", OWL_MESSAGE_DIRECTION_IN, -1); owl_global_messagequeue_addmsg(&g, m); } owl_buddylist_remove_aim_buddy(bl, screenname); } /* return the number of logged in buddies */ int owl_buddylist_get_size(const owl_buddylist *bl) { return bl->buddies->len; } /* return the buddy with index N. If out of range, return NULL */ owl_buddy *owl_buddylist_get_buddy_n(const owl_buddylist *bl, int index) { if (index<0) return(NULL); if (index>(owl_buddylist_get_size(bl)-1)) return(NULL); return bl->buddies->pdata[index]; } /* return the AIM buddy with screenname 'name'. If * no such buddy is logged in, return NULL. */ owl_buddy *owl_buddylist_get_aim_buddy(const owl_buddylist *bl, const char *name) { int i; owl_buddy *b; for (i = 0; i < bl->buddies->len; i++) { b = bl->buddies->pdata[i]; if (!strcasecmp(name, owl_buddy_get_name(b))) return(b); } return(NULL); } /* return 1 if the buddy 'screenname' is logged in, * otherwise return 0 */ int owl_buddylist_is_aim_buddy_loggedin(const owl_buddylist *bl, const char *screenname) { const owl_buddy *b; b=owl_buddylist_get_aim_buddy(bl, screenname); if (b==NULL) return(0); return(1); } /* remove all buddies from the list */ void owl_buddylist_clear(owl_buddylist *bl) { g_ptr_array_foreach(bl->buddies, (GFunc)owl_buddy_delete, NULL); g_ptr_array_set_size(bl->buddies, 0); } void owl_buddylist_cleanup(owl_buddylist *bl) { owl_ptr_array_free(bl->buddies, (GDestroyNotify)owl_buddy_delete); }