/* Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2004,2009 James M. Kretchmar * * This file is part of Owl. * * Owl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Owl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Owl. If not, see . * * --------------------------------------------------------------- * * As of Owl version 2.1.12 there are patches contributed by * developers of the branched BarnOwl project, Copyright (c) * 2006-2009 The BarnOwl Developers. All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include "owl.h" static const char fileIdent[] = "$Id$"; extern owl_cmd commands_to_init[]; /**************************************************************************/ /***************************** COMMAND DICT *******************************/ /**************************************************************************/ int owl_cmddict_setup(owl_cmddict *cd) { if (0 != owl_cmddict_init(cd)) return(-1); if (0 != owl_cmddict_add_from_list(cd, commands_to_init)) return(-1); return(0); } int owl_cmddict_init(owl_cmddict *cd) { if (owl_dict_create(cd)) return(-1); return(0); } /* for bulk initialization at startup */ int owl_cmddict_add_from_list(owl_cmddict *cd, owl_cmd *cmds) { owl_cmd *cur, *cmd; for (cur = cmds; cur->name != NULL; cur++) { cmd = owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_cmd)); owl_cmd_create_from_template(cmd, cur); owl_dict_insert_element(cd, cmd->name, (void*)cmd, NULL); } return 0; } /* free the list with owl_cmddict_namelist_free */ void owl_cmddict_get_names(owl_cmddict *d, owl_list *l) { owl_dict_get_keys(d, l); } owl_cmd *owl_cmddict_find(owl_cmddict *d, char *name) { return (owl_cmd*)owl_dict_find_element(d, name); } void owl_cmddict_namelist_free(owl_list *l) { owl_list_free_all(l, owl_free); } /* creates a new command alias */ int owl_cmddict_add_alias(owl_cmddict *cd, char *alias_from, char *alias_to) { owl_cmd *cmd; cmd = owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_cmd)); owl_cmd_create_alias(cmd, alias_from, alias_to); owl_dict_insert_element(cd, cmd->name, (void*)cmd, (void(*)(void*))owl_cmd_free); return(0); } char *owl_cmddict_execute(owl_cmddict *cd, owl_context *ctx, char *cmdbuff) { char **argv; int argc; char *tmpbuff; char *retval = NULL; owl_cmd *cmd; tmpbuff=strdup(cmdbuff); argv=owl_parseline(tmpbuff, &argc); if (argc < 0) { owl_free(tmpbuff); sepbar(NULL); owl_function_makemsg("Unbalanced quotes"); return NULL; } if (argc < 1) return(NULL); if (!strcmp(argv[0], "")) { } else if (NULL != (cmd = (owl_cmd*)owl_dict_find_element(cd, argv[0]))) { retval = owl_cmd_execute(cmd, cd, ctx, argc, argv, cmdbuff); } else { owl_function_makemsg("Unknown command '%s'.", cmdbuff); } owl_parsefree(argv, argc); owl_free(tmpbuff); sepbar(NULL); return retval; } /*********************************************************************/ /***************************** COMMAND *******************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /* sets up a new command based on a template, copying strings */ int owl_cmd_create_from_template(owl_cmd *cmd, owl_cmd *templ) { *cmd = *templ; if (!templ->name) return(-1); cmd->name = owl_strdup(templ->name); if (templ->summary) cmd->summary = owl_strdup(templ->summary); if (templ->usage) cmd->usage = owl_strdup(templ->usage); if (templ->description) cmd->description = owl_strdup(templ->description); if (templ->cmd_aliased_to) cmd->cmd_aliased_to = owl_strdup(templ->cmd_aliased_to); return(0); } int owl_cmd_create_alias(owl_cmd *cmd, char *name, char *aliased_to) { memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(owl_cmd)); cmd->name = owl_strdup(name); cmd->cmd_aliased_to = owl_strdup(aliased_to); cmd->summary = owl_malloc(strlen(aliased_to)+strlen(OWL_CMD_ALIAS_SUMMARY_PREFIX)+2); strcpy(cmd->summary, OWL_CMD_ALIAS_SUMMARY_PREFIX); strcat(cmd->summary, aliased_to); return(0); } void owl_cmd_free(owl_cmd *cmd) { if (cmd->name) owl_free(cmd->name); if (cmd->summary) owl_free(cmd->summary); if (cmd->usage) owl_free(cmd->usage); if (cmd->description) owl_free(cmd->description); } int owl_cmd_is_context_valid(owl_cmd *cmd, owl_context *ctx) { if (owl_context_matches(ctx, cmd->validctx)) return 1; else return 0; } char *owl_cmd_execute(owl_cmd *cmd, owl_cmddict *cd, owl_context *ctx, int argc, char **argv, char *cmdbuff) { static int alias_recurse_depth = 0; int ival=0; char *cmdbuffargs, *newcmd, *rv=NULL; if (argc < 1) return(NULL); /* Recurse if this is an alias */ if (cmd->cmd_aliased_to) { if (alias_recurse_depth++ > 50) { owl_function_makemsg("Alias loop detected for '%s'.", cmdbuff); } else { cmdbuffargs = skiptokens(cmdbuff, 1); newcmd = owl_malloc(strlen(cmd->cmd_aliased_to)+strlen(cmdbuffargs)+2); strcpy(newcmd, cmd->cmd_aliased_to); strcat(newcmd, " "); strcat(newcmd, cmdbuffargs); rv = owl_function_command(newcmd); owl_free(newcmd); } alias_recurse_depth--; return rv; } /* Do validation and conversions */ if (cmd->cmd_ctxargs_fn || cmd->cmd_ctxv_fn || cmd->cmd_ctxi_fn) { if (!owl_cmd_is_context_valid(cmd, ctx)) { owl_function_makemsg("Invalid context for command '%s'.", cmdbuff); return NULL; } } if ((argc != 1) && (cmd->cmd_v_fn || cmd->cmd_ctxv_fn)) { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments for %s command.", argv[0]); return NULL; } if (cmd->cmd_i_fn || cmd->cmd_ctxi_fn) { char *ep = "x"; if (argc != 2) { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments for %s command.", argv[0]); return NULL; } ival = strtol(argv[1], &ep, 10); if (*ep || ep==argv[1]) { owl_function_makemsg("Invalid argument '%s' for %s command.", argv[1], argv[0]); return(NULL); } } if (cmd->cmd_args_fn) { return cmd->cmd_args_fn(argc, argv, cmdbuff); } else if (cmd->cmd_v_fn) { cmd->cmd_v_fn(); } else if (cmd->cmd_i_fn) { cmd->cmd_i_fn(ival); } else if (cmd->cmd_ctxargs_fn) { return cmd->cmd_ctxargs_fn(owl_context_get_data(ctx), argc, argv, cmdbuff); } else if (cmd->cmd_ctxv_fn) { cmd->cmd_ctxv_fn(owl_context_get_data(ctx)); } else if (cmd->cmd_ctxi_fn) { cmd->cmd_ctxi_fn(owl_context_get_data(ctx), ival); } return NULL; } /* returns a reference */ char *owl_cmd_get_summary(owl_cmd *cmd) { return cmd->summary; } /* returns a summary line describing this keymap. the caller must free. */ char *owl_cmd_describe(owl_cmd *cmd) { char *s; int slen; if (!cmd || !cmd->name || !cmd->summary) return NULL; slen = strlen(cmd->name)+strlen(cmd->summary)+30; s = owl_malloc(slen); snprintf(s, slen-1, "%-25s - %s", cmd->name, cmd->summary); return s; } void owl_cmd_get_help(owl_cmddict *d, char *name, owl_fmtext *fm) { char *indent, *s; owl_cmd *cmd; if (!name || (cmd = owl_dict_find_element(d, name)) == NULL) { owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, "OWL HELP\n\n"); owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, "No such command...\n"); return; } owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, "OWL HELP\n\n"); owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, "NAME\n\n"); owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, OWL_TABSTR); owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, cmd->name); if (cmd->summary && *cmd->summary) { owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, " - "); owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, cmd->summary); } owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, "\n"); if (cmd->usage && *cmd->usage) { s = cmd->usage; indent = owl_malloc(strlen(s)+(owl_text_num_lines(s)+3)*OWL_TAB+1); owl_text_indent(indent, s, OWL_TAB); owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, "\nSYNOPSIS\n"); owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, indent); owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, "\n"); owl_free(indent); } else { owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, "\nSYNOPSIS\n"); owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, OWL_TABSTR); owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, cmd->name); owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, "\n"); } if (cmd->description && *cmd->description) { s = cmd->description; indent = owl_malloc(strlen(s)+(owl_text_num_lines(s)+3)*OWL_TAB+1); owl_text_indent(indent, s, OWL_TAB); owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, "\nDESCRIPTION\n"); owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, indent); owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, "\n"); owl_free(indent); } owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, "\n\n"); }