.TH owl 1 "21 May 2002" .SH NAME owl \- tty based zephyr client .SH SYNOPSIS .B owl [ \-n ] [ \-c .I configfile ] [ \-t .I tty ] [ \-v ] .br .SH DESCRIPTION .B Owl is a fully integrated tty based zephyr client for sending and receiving zephyrs. It is curses-based, allows for emacs style editing of outgoing messages and uses a perl configuration language for setting options and customizing message formatting. Owl will also run happily without a configuration file. Once owl is started typing 'h' will display a help screen. Typing ':' enters command mode, allowing the user to type an owl command line. .PP .SH USE The following command line options are avilable when running owl: .B \-n .IP Do not subscribe to messages on startup. By default owl subscribes to the default subscriptions and to anything found in ~/.zephyr.subs .LP .B \-c \fIconfigfile\fP .IP Specifiy an alternate config file for owl to use. By default it looks for ~/.owlconf .LP .B \-t \fItty\fP .IP Specifiy the tty name to use for the zephyr location. .LP .B \-v .IP Print the version number of owl and exit. .LP .SH AUTHOR Written by James Kretchmar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Comments, questions, and bug reports may be mailed to \fBbug-ktools@mit.edu\fP.