#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "owl.h" static void _owl_global_init_windows(owl_global *g); void owl_global_init(owl_global *g) { char *cd; const char *homedir; g_type_init(); g->lines=LINES; g->cols=COLS; /* We shouldn't need this if we initialize lines and cols before the first * owl_window_get_screen, but to be safe, we synchronize. */ owl_window_resize(owl_window_get_screen(), g->lines, g->cols); g->context_stack = NULL; owl_global_push_context(g, OWL_CTX_STARTUP, NULL, NULL, NULL); g->curmsg=0; g->topmsg=0; g->markedmsgid=-1; g->startupargs=NULL; owl_variable_dict_setup(&(g->vars)); g->rightshift=0; g->pw = NULL; g->vw = NULL; g->tw = NULL; owl_keyhandler_init(&g->kh); owl_keys_setup_keymaps(&g->kh); owl_dict_create(&(g->filters)); g->filterlist = NULL; owl_list_create(&(g->puntlist)); g->messagequeue = g_queue_new(); owl_dict_create(&(g->styledict)); g->curmsg_vert_offset=0; g->resizepending=0; g->direction=OWL_DIRECTION_DOWNWARDS; g->zaway=0; if (has_colors()) { g->hascolors=1; } owl_fmtext_init_colorpair_mgr(&(g->cpmgr)); g->debug=OWL_DEBUG; owl_regex_init(&g->search_re); g->starttime=time(NULL); /* assumes we call init only a start time */ g->lastinputtime=g->starttime; g->newmsgproc_pid=0; owl_global_set_config_format(g, 0); owl_global_set_no_have_config(g); owl_history_init(&(g->msghist)); owl_history_init(&(g->cmdhist)); owl_history_set_norepeats(&(g->cmdhist)); g->nextmsgid=0; /* Fill in some variables which don't have constant defaults */ /* glib's g_get_home_dir prefers passwd entries to $HOME, so we * explicitly check getenv first. */ homedir = getenv("HOME"); if (!homedir) homedir = g_get_home_dir(); g->homedir = g_strdup(homedir); g->confdir = NULL; g->startupfile = NULL; cd = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", g->homedir, OWL_CONFIG_DIR); owl_global_set_confdir(g, cd); g_free(cd); owl_messagelist_create(&(g->msglist)); _owl_global_init_windows(g); g->aim_screenname=NULL; g->aim_screenname_for_filters=NULL; g->aim_loggedin=0; owl_buddylist_init(&(g->buddylist)); g->havezephyr=0; g->haveaim=0; g->ignoreaimlogin=0; owl_global_set_no_doaimevents(g); owl_errqueue_init(&(g->errqueue)); g->got_err_signal=0; owl_zbuddylist_create(&(g->zbuddies)); g->zaldlist = NULL; g->pseudologin_notify = 0; owl_message_init_fmtext_cache(); owl_list_create(&(g->io_dispatch_list)); owl_list_create(&(g->psa_list)); g->timerlist = NULL; g->interrupted = FALSE; g->kill_buffer = NULL; } static void _owl_global_init_windows(owl_global *g) { /* Create the main window */ owl_mainpanel_init(&(g->mainpanel)); /* Create the widgets */ owl_mainwin_init(&(g->mw), g->mainpanel.recwin); owl_msgwin_init(&(g->msgwin), g->mainpanel.msgwin); owl_sepbar_init(g->mainpanel.sepwin); owl_window_set_default_cursor(g->mainpanel.sepwin); /* set up a pad for input */ g->input_pad = newpad(1, 1); nodelay(g->input_pad, 1); keypad(g->input_pad, 1); meta(g->input_pad, 1); } void owl_global_sepbar_dirty(owl_global *g) { owl_window_dirty(g->mainpanel.sepwin); } /* Called once perl has been initialized */ void owl_global_complete_setup(owl_global *g) { owl_cmddict_setup(&(g->cmds)); } owl_context *owl_global_get_context(const owl_global *g) { if (!g->context_stack) return NULL; return g->context_stack->data; } static void owl_global_activate_context(owl_global *g, owl_context *c) { if (!c) return; if (c->keymap) { if (!owl_keyhandler_activate(owl_global_get_keyhandler(g), c->keymap)) { owl_function_error("Unable to activate keymap '%s'", c->keymap); } } owl_window_set_cursor(c->cursor); } void owl_global_push_context(owl_global *g, int mode, void *data, const char *keymap, owl_window *cursor) { owl_context *c; c = owl_context_new(mode, data, keymap, cursor); owl_global_push_context_obj(g, c); } void owl_global_push_context_obj(owl_global *g, owl_context *c) { g->context_stack = g_list_prepend(g->context_stack, c); owl_global_activate_context(g, owl_global_get_context(g)); } /* Pops the current context from the context stack and returns it. Caller is * responsible for freeing. */ owl_context *owl_global_pop_context_no_delete(owl_global *g) { owl_context *c; if (!g->context_stack) return NULL; c = owl_global_get_context(g); owl_context_deactivate(c); g->context_stack = g_list_delete_link(g->context_stack, g->context_stack); owl_global_activate_context(g, owl_global_get_context(g)); return c; } /* Pops the current context from the context stack and deletes it. */ void owl_global_pop_context(owl_global *g) { owl_context *c; c = owl_global_pop_context_no_delete(g); if (c) owl_context_delete(c); } int owl_global_get_lines(const owl_global *g) { return(g->lines); } int owl_global_get_cols(const owl_global *g) { return(g->cols); } int owl_global_get_recwin_lines(const owl_global *g) { return g->mainpanel.recwinlines; } /* curmsg */ int owl_global_get_curmsg(const owl_global *g) { return(g->curmsg); } void owl_global_set_curmsg(owl_global *g, int i) { g->curmsg=i; /* we will reset the vertical offset from here */ /* we might want to move this out to the functions later */ owl_global_set_curmsg_vert_offset(g, 0); } /* topmsg */ int owl_global_get_topmsg(const owl_global *g) { return(g->topmsg); } void owl_global_set_topmsg(owl_global *g, int i) { g->topmsg=i; } /* markedmsgid */ int owl_global_get_markedmsgid(const owl_global *g) { return(g->markedmsgid); } void owl_global_set_markedmsgid(owl_global *g, int i) { g->markedmsgid=i; /* i; index of message in the current view. const owl_message *m; owl_view *v; v = owl_global_get_current_view(&g); m = owl_view_get_element(v, i); g->markedmsgid = m ? owl_message_get_id(m) : 0; */ } /* windows */ owl_mainwin *owl_global_get_mainwin(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->mw)); } owl_popwin *owl_global_get_popwin(owl_global *g) { return g->pw; } void owl_global_set_popwin(owl_global *g, owl_popwin *pw) { g->pw = pw; } /* msglist */ owl_messagelist *owl_global_get_msglist(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->msglist)); } /* keyhandler */ owl_keyhandler *owl_global_get_keyhandler(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->kh)); } /* Gets the currently active typwin out of the current context. */ owl_editwin *owl_global_current_typwin(const owl_global *g) { owl_context *ctx = owl_global_get_context(g); return owl_editcontext_get_editwin(ctx); } /* variable dictionary */ owl_vardict *owl_global_get_vardict(owl_global *g) { return &(g->vars); } /* command dictionary */ owl_cmddict *owl_global_get_cmddict(owl_global *g) { return &(g->cmds); } /* rightshift */ void owl_global_set_rightshift(owl_global *g, int i) { g->rightshift = i; owl_mainwin_redisplay(owl_global_get_mainwin(g)); } int owl_global_get_rightshift(const owl_global *g) { return(g->rightshift); } /* typwin */ owl_editwin *owl_global_set_typwin_active(owl_global *g, int style, owl_history *hist) { int d; d = owl_global_get_typewindelta(g); if (d > 0 && style == OWL_EDITWIN_STYLE_MULTILINE) owl_function_resize_typwin(owl_global_get_typwin_lines(g) + d); if (g->typwin_erase_id) { g_signal_handler_disconnect(g->mainpanel.typwin, g->typwin_erase_id); g->typwin_erase_id = 0; } g->tw = owl_editwin_new(g->mainpanel.typwin, owl_global_get_typwin_lines(g), g->cols, style, hist); return g->tw; } void owl_global_deactivate_editcontext(owl_context *ctx) { owl_global *g = ctx->cbdata; owl_global_set_typwin_inactive(g); } void owl_global_set_typwin_inactive(owl_global *g) { int d = owl_global_get_typewindelta(g); if (d > 0 && owl_editwin_get_style(g->tw) == OWL_EDITWIN_STYLE_MULTILINE) owl_function_resize_typwin(owl_global_get_typwin_lines(g) - d); if (!g->typwin_erase_id) { g->typwin_erase_id = g_signal_connect(g->mainpanel.typwin, "redraw", G_CALLBACK(owl_window_erase_cb), NULL); } owl_window_dirty(g->mainpanel.typwin); owl_editwin_unref(g->tw); g->tw = NULL; } /* resize */ void owl_global_set_resize_pending(owl_global *g) { g->resizepending=1; } const char *owl_global_get_homedir(const owl_global *g) { if (g->homedir) return(g->homedir); return("/"); } const char *owl_global_get_confdir(const owl_global *g) { if (g->confdir) return(g->confdir); return("/"); } /* * Setting this also sets startupfile to confdir/startup */ void owl_global_set_confdir(owl_global *g, const char *cd) { g_free(g->confdir); g->confdir = g_strdup(cd); g_free(g->startupfile); g->startupfile = g_strdup_printf("%s/startup", cd); } const char *owl_global_get_startupfile(const owl_global *g) { if(g->startupfile) return(g->startupfile); return("/"); } int owl_global_get_direction(const owl_global *g) { return(g->direction); } void owl_global_set_direction_downwards(owl_global *g) { g->direction=OWL_DIRECTION_DOWNWARDS; } void owl_global_set_direction_upwards(owl_global *g) { g->direction=OWL_DIRECTION_UPWARDS; } /* perl stuff */ void owl_global_set_perlinterp(owl_global *g, void *p) { g->perl=p; } void *owl_global_get_perlinterp(const owl_global *g) { return(g->perl); } int owl_global_is_config_format(const owl_global *g) { if (g->config_format) return(1); return(0); } void owl_global_set_config_format(owl_global *g, int state) { if (state==1) { g->config_format=1; } else { g->config_format=0; } } void owl_global_set_have_config(owl_global *g) { g->haveconfig=1; } void owl_global_set_no_have_config(owl_global *g) { g->haveconfig=0; } int owl_global_have_config(owl_global *g) { if (g->haveconfig) return(1); return(0); } /* * Compute the size of the terminal. Try a ioctl, fallback to other stuff on * fail. */ void owl_global_get_terminal_size(int *lines, int *cols) { struct winsize size; /* get the new size */ ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &size); if (size.ws_row) { *lines = size.ws_row; } else { *lines = LINES; } if (size.ws_col) { *cols = size.ws_col; } else { *cols = COLS; } } void owl_global_check_resize(owl_global *g) { /* resize the screen. If lines or cols is 0 use the terminal size */ if (!g->resizepending) return; g->resizepending = 0; owl_global_get_terminal_size(&g->lines, &g->cols); owl_window_resize(owl_window_get_screen(), g->lines, g->cols); owl_function_debugmsg("New size is %i lines, %i cols.", g->lines, g->cols); } /* debug */ int owl_global_is_debug_fast(const owl_global *g) { if (g->debug) return(1); return(0); } /* starttime */ time_t owl_global_get_starttime(const owl_global *g) { return(g->starttime); } time_t owl_global_get_runtime(const owl_global *g) { return(time(NULL)-g->starttime); } time_t owl_global_get_lastinputtime(const owl_global *g) { return(g->lastinputtime); } void owl_global_set_lastinputtime(owl_global *g, time_t time) { g->lastinputtime = time; } time_t owl_global_get_idletime(const owl_global *g) { return(time(NULL)-g->lastinputtime); } /* viewwin */ owl_viewwin *owl_global_get_viewwin(owl_global *g) { return g->vw; } void owl_global_set_viewwin(owl_global *g, owl_viewwin *vw) { g->vw = vw; } /* vert offset */ int owl_global_get_curmsg_vert_offset(const owl_global *g) { return(g->curmsg_vert_offset); } void owl_global_set_curmsg_vert_offset(owl_global *g, int i) { g->curmsg_vert_offset = i; } /* startup args */ void owl_global_set_startupargs(owl_global *g, int argc, char **argv) { if (g->startupargs) g_free(g->startupargs); g->startupargs = g_strjoinv(" ", argv); } const char *owl_global_get_startupargs(const owl_global *g) { if (g->startupargs) return(g->startupargs); return(""); } /* history */ owl_history *owl_global_get_msg_history(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->msghist)); } owl_history *owl_global_get_cmd_history(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->cmdhist)); } /* filterlist */ typedef struct _owl_global_filter_ent { /* noproto */ owl_global *g; owl_filter *f; } owl_global_filter_ent; owl_filter *owl_global_get_filter(const owl_global *g, const char *name) { owl_global_filter_ent *e = owl_dict_find_element(&(g->filters), name); if (e) return e->f; return NULL; } static void owl_global_delete_filter_ent(void *data) { owl_global_filter_ent *e = data; e->g->filterlist = g_list_remove(e->g->filterlist, e->f); owl_filter_delete(e->f); g_free(e); } void owl_global_add_filter(owl_global *g, owl_filter *f) { owl_global_filter_ent *e = g_new(owl_global_filter_ent, 1); e->g = g; e->f = f; owl_dict_insert_element(&(g->filters), owl_filter_get_name(f), e, owl_global_delete_filter_ent); g->filterlist = g_list_append(g->filterlist, f); } void owl_global_remove_filter(owl_global *g, const char *name) { owl_global_filter_ent *e = owl_dict_remove_element(&(g->filters), name); if (e) owl_global_delete_filter_ent(e); } /* nextmsgid */ int owl_global_get_nextmsgid(owl_global *g) { return(g->nextmsgid++); } /* current view */ owl_view *owl_global_get_current_view(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->current_view)); } /* has colors */ int owl_global_get_hascolors(const owl_global *g) { if (g->hascolors) return(1); return(0); } owl_colorpair_mgr *owl_global_get_colorpair_mgr(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->cpmgr)); } /* puntlist */ owl_list *owl_global_get_puntlist(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->puntlist)); } int owl_global_message_is_puntable(owl_global *g, const owl_message *m) { const owl_list *pl; int i, j; pl=owl_global_get_puntlist(g); j=owl_list_get_size(pl); for (i=0; isearch_re)) return(1); return(0); } void owl_global_set_search_re(owl_global *g, const owl_regex *re) { if (owl_regex_is_set(&g->search_re)) { owl_regex_cleanup(&g->search_re); owl_regex_init(&g->search_re); } if (re != NULL) owl_regex_copy(re, &g->search_re); /* TODO: Emit a signal so we don't depend on the viewwin and mainwin */ if (owl_global_get_viewwin(g)) owl_viewwin_dirty(owl_global_get_viewwin(g)); owl_mainwin_redisplay(owl_global_get_mainwin(g)); } const owl_regex *owl_global_get_search_re(const owl_global *g) { return &g->search_re; } void owl_global_set_newmsgproc_pid(owl_global *g, pid_t i) { g->newmsgproc_pid=i; } pid_t owl_global_get_newmsgproc_pid(const owl_global *g) { return(g->newmsgproc_pid); } /* AIM stuff */ int owl_global_is_aimloggedin(const owl_global *g) { if (g->aim_loggedin) return(1); return(0); } const char *owl_global_get_aim_screenname(const owl_global *g) { if (owl_global_is_aimloggedin(g)) { return (g->aim_screenname); } return(""); } const char *owl_global_get_aim_screenname_for_filters(const owl_global *g) { if (owl_global_is_aimloggedin(g)) { return (g->aim_screenname_for_filters); } return(""); } void owl_global_set_aimloggedin(owl_global *g, const char *screenname) { char *sn_escaped; g->aim_loggedin=1; if (g->aim_screenname) g_free(g->aim_screenname); if (g->aim_screenname_for_filters) g_free(g->aim_screenname_for_filters); g->aim_screenname=g_strdup(screenname); sn_escaped = owl_text_quote(screenname, OWL_REGEX_QUOTECHARS, OWL_REGEX_QUOTEWITH); g->aim_screenname_for_filters = owl_arg_quote(sn_escaped); g_free(sn_escaped); } void owl_global_set_aimnologgedin(owl_global *g) { g->aim_loggedin=0; } int owl_global_is_doaimevents(const owl_global *g) { if (g->aim_doprocessing) return(1); return(0); } void owl_global_set_doaimevents(owl_global *g) { g->aim_doprocessing=1; } void owl_global_set_no_doaimevents(owl_global *g) { g->aim_doprocessing=0; } aim_session_t *owl_global_get_aimsess(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->aimsess)); } aim_conn_t *owl_global_get_bosconn(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->bosconn)); } void owl_global_set_bossconn(owl_global *g, aim_conn_t *conn) { g->bosconn=*conn; } /* message queue */ void owl_global_messagequeue_addmsg(owl_global *g, owl_message *m) { g_queue_push_tail(g->messagequeue, m); } /* pop off the first message and return it. Return NULL if the queue * is empty. The caller should free the message after using it, if * necessary. */ owl_message *owl_global_messagequeue_popmsg(owl_global *g) { owl_message *out; if (g_queue_is_empty(g->messagequeue)) return NULL; out = g_queue_pop_head(g->messagequeue); return out; } int owl_global_messagequeue_pending(owl_global *g) { return !g_queue_is_empty(g->messagequeue); } owl_buddylist *owl_global_get_buddylist(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->buddylist)); } /* style */ /* Return the style with name 'name'. If it does not exist return * NULL */ const owl_style *owl_global_get_style_by_name(const owl_global *g, const char *name) { return owl_dict_find_element(&(g->styledict), name); } int owl_global_get_style_names(const owl_global *g, owl_list *l) { return owl_dict_get_keys(&(g->styledict), l); } void owl_global_add_style(owl_global *g, owl_style *s) { /* * If we're redefining the current style, make sure to update * pointers to it. */ if(g->current_view.style && !strcmp(owl_style_get_name(g->current_view.style), owl_style_get_name(s))) g->current_view.style = s; owl_dict_insert_element(&(g->styledict), owl_style_get_name(s), s, (void (*)(void *))owl_style_delete); } void owl_global_set_haveaim(owl_global *g) { g->haveaim=1; } int owl_global_is_haveaim(const owl_global *g) { if (g->haveaim) return(1); return(0); } void owl_global_set_ignore_aimlogin(owl_global *g) { g->ignoreaimlogin = 1; } void owl_global_unset_ignore_aimlogin(owl_global *g) { g->ignoreaimlogin = 0; } int owl_global_is_ignore_aimlogin(const owl_global *g) { return g->ignoreaimlogin; } void owl_global_set_havezephyr(owl_global *g) { g->havezephyr=1; } int owl_global_is_havezephyr(const owl_global *g) { if (g->havezephyr) return(1); return(0); } owl_errqueue *owl_global_get_errqueue(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->errqueue)); } void owl_global_set_errsignal(owl_global *g, int signum, siginfo_t *siginfo) { g->got_err_signal = signum; if (siginfo) { g->err_signal_info = *siginfo; } else { siginfo_t si; memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); g->err_signal_info = si; } } int owl_global_get_errsignal_and_clear(owl_global *g, siginfo_t *siginfo) { int signum; if (siginfo && g->got_err_signal) { *siginfo = g->err_signal_info; } signum = g->got_err_signal; g->got_err_signal = 0; return signum; } owl_zbuddylist *owl_global_get_zephyr_buddylist(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->zbuddies)); } GList **owl_global_get_zaldlist(owl_global *g) { return &(g->zaldlist); } int owl_global_get_pseudologin_notify(owl_global *g) { return g->pseudologin_notify; } void owl_global_set_pseudologin_notify(owl_global *g, int notify) { g->pseudologin_notify = notify; } struct termios *owl_global_get_startup_tio(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->startup_tio)); } owl_list *owl_global_get_io_dispatch_list(owl_global *g) { return &(g->io_dispatch_list); } owl_list *owl_global_get_psa_list(owl_global *g) { return &(g->psa_list); } GList **owl_global_get_timerlist(owl_global *g) { return &(g->timerlist); } int owl_global_is_interrupted(const owl_global *g) { return g->interrupted; } void owl_global_set_interrupted(owl_global *g) { g->interrupted = 1; } void owl_global_unset_interrupted(owl_global *g) { g->interrupted = 0; } void owl_global_setup_default_filters(owl_global *g) { int i; static const struct { const char *name; const char *desc; } filters[] = { { "personal", "isprivate ^true$ and ( not type ^zephyr$ or ( class ^message ) )" }, { "trash", "class ^mail$ or opcode ^ping$ or type ^admin$ or ( not login ^none$ )" }, { "wordwrap", "not ( type ^admin$ or type ^zephyr$ )" }, { "ping", "opcode ^ping$" }, { "auto", "opcode ^auto$" }, { "login", "not login ^none$" }, { "reply-lockout", "class ^noc or class ^mail$" }, { "out", "direction ^out$" }, { "aim", "type ^aim$" }, { "zephyr", "type ^zephyr$" }, { "none", "false" }, { "all", "true" }, { NULL, NULL } }; owl_function_debugmsg("startup: creating default filters"); for (i = 0; filters[i].name != NULL; i++) owl_global_add_filter(g, owl_filter_new_fromstring(filters[i].name, filters[i].desc)); } FILE *owl_global_get_debug_file_handle(owl_global *g) { static char *open_file = NULL; const char *filename = owl_global_get_debug_file(g); if (g->debug_file == NULL || (open_file && strcmp(filename, open_file) != 0)) { char *path; int fd; if (g->debug_file) fclose(g->debug_file); g->debug_file = NULL; path = g_strdup_printf("%s.%d", filename, getpid()); fd = open(path, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_EXCL, 0600); g_free(path); if (fd >= 0) g->debug_file = fdopen(fd, "a"); g_free(open_file); open_file = g_strdup(filename); } return g->debug_file; } const char *owl_global_get_kill_buffer(owl_global *g) { return g->kill_buffer; } void owl_global_set_kill_buffer(owl_global *g, const char *kill, int len) { g_free(g->kill_buffer); g->kill_buffer = g_strndup(kill, len); }