#include "owl.h" #include void owl_help(void) { owl_fmtext fm; const char *varname; owl_list varnames; int i, numvarnames; owl_fmtext_init_null(&fm); owl_fmtext_append_bold (&fm, "OWL HELP\n\n"); owl_fmtext_append_normal (&fm, " If you're new to BarnOwl, the first thing you should type is\n\n" " :show quickstart\n\n" " For help on a specific command use 'help '\n" " For information on advanced keys, use 'show keymaps'.\n" " For information on advanced commands, use 'show commands'.\n" " For information on variables, use 'show variables'.\n\n"); owl_fmtext_append_bold (&fm, " Basic Keys:\n" ); owl_fmtext_append_normal (&fm, " n Move to next non-deleted message\n" " p Move to previous non-deleted message\n" " C-n , down Move to next message\n" " C-p , up Move to previous message\n" " < , > Move to first, last message\n" " right , left Scroll screen left or right\n" " C-v Page down\n" " M-v Page up\n" " i Print more information about a message\n" " P Move to the next personal message\n" " M-P Move to the previous personal message\n" " C-space Move the mark (asterisk) to the current message\n" " C-x C-x Move the mark to the current message while moving to previous mark\n" "\n" " d Mark message for deletion\n" " u Undelete a message marked for deletion\n" " x Expunge deleted messages\n" " X Expunge deleted messages and switch to home view\n" " T Mark all 'trash' messages for deletion\n" " M-D Mark all messages in current view for deletion\n" " M-u Unmark all messages in the current view for deletion\n" "\n" " z Start a zwrite command\n" " a Start an aimwrite command\n" " r Reply to the current message\n" " R Reply to sender\n" " C-r Reply but allow editing of reply line\n" "\n" " M-n View zephyrs in selected conversation\n" " M-N View zephyrs in selected conversation of instance\n" " M-p View only personal zephyrs\n" " V Change to back to home view ('all' by default)\n" " v Start a view command\n" " ! Invert the current view\n" "\n" " l Print a zephyr/AIM buddy listing\n" " A Toggle zaway\n" " o Toggle one-line display mode\n" " w Open a URL in the current message\n" " C-l Refresh the screen\n" " C-z Suspend Owl\n" " h Print this help message\n" " : , M-x Enter command mode\n" "\n" " / Foward search\n" " ? Reverse search\n" "\n\n" ); owl_fmtext_append_bold (&fm, " Basic Commands:\n" ); owl_fmtext_append_normal (&fm, " quit, exit Exit owl\n" " help Get help about commands\n" " show Show information about owl (see detailed help)\n" "\n" " zwrite Send a zephyr\n" " aimlogin Login to AIM\n" " aimwrite Send an AIM message\n" "\n" " addbuddy Add a zephyr or AIM buddy\n" " zaway Turn zaway on or off, or set the message\n" " zlocate Locate a user\n" " subscribe Subscribe to a zephyr class or instance\n" " unsubscribe Unsubscribe to a zephyr class or instance\n" " blist Print a list of zephyr and AIM buddies logged in\n" " search Search for a text string\n" "\n" " set Set a variable (see list below)\n" " print Print a variable's value (variables listed below)\n" " startup Set a command to be run at every Owl startup\n" " unstartup Remove a command to be run at every Owl startup\n" "\n" " getsubs Print a list of current subscriptions\n" " unsuball Unsubscribe from all zephyr classes\n" " load-subs Load zephyr subscriptions from a file\n" " zpunt Supress messages from a zephyr triplet\n" " zlog Send a login or logout notification\n" " zlist Print a list of zephyr buddies logged in\n" " alist Print a list of AIM buddies logged in\n" " info Print detailed information about the current message\n" " filter Create a message filter\n" " view View messages matching a filter\n" " viewuser View messages to or from a particular user\n" " viewclass View messages to a particular class\n" " expunge Expunge messages marked for deletion\n" " bindkey Create a new key binding\n" " alias Create a command alias\n" " dump Dump messagelist as text to a file\n" "\n" " about Print information about owl\n" " status Print status information about the running owl\n" " version Print the version number of owl\n" "\n"); /* help for variables */ owl_fmtext_append_bold(&fm, "Variables:\n"); owl_variable_dict_get_names(owl_global_get_vardict(&g), &varnames); numvarnames = owl_list_get_size(&varnames); for (i=0; i