use warnings; use strict; =head1 NAME BarnOwl::Module::Twitter =head1 DESCRIPTION Post outgoing zephyrs from -c $USER -i status -O TWITTER to Twitter =cut package BarnOwl::Module::Twitter; use Net::Twitter; use JSON; use BarnOwl; use BarnOwl::Hooks; sub fail { my $msg = shift; BarnOwl::admin_message('Twitter Error', $msg); die; } my $user = BarnOwl::zephyr_getsender(); my ($class) = ($user =~ /(^[^@]+)/); my $instance = "status"; my $opcode = "twitter"; if(BarnOwl::getvar('twitter:class') eq '') { BarnOwl::new_variable_string('twitter:class', { default => $class, summary => 'Class to watch for Twitter messages' }); BarnOwl::new_variable_string('twitter:instance', { default => $instance, summary => 'Instance on twitter:class to watch for Twitter messages' }); BarnOwl::new_variable_string('twitter:opcode', { default => $opcode, summary => 'Opcode for zephyrs that will be sent as twitter updates' }); } open(my $fh, "<", "$ENV{HOME}/.owl/twitter") || fail("Unable to read ~/.owl/twitter"); my $cfg = do {local $/; <$fh>}; close($fh); eval { $cfg = from_json($cfg); }; if(@!) { fail("Unable to parse ~/.owl/twitter: @!"); } my $twitter = Net::Twitter->new(username => $cfg->{user} || $user, password => $cfg->{password}, clientname => 'BarnOwl'); if(!defined($twitter->verify_credentials())) { fail("Invalid twitter credentials found"); } sub handle_message { my $m = shift; ($class, $instance, $opcode) = map{BarnOwl::getvar("twitter:$_")} qw(class instance opcode); if($m->sender eq $user && $m->class eq $class && $m->instance eq $instance && $m->opcode eq $opcode && $m->auth eq 'YES') { twitter($m->body); } } sub twitter { my $msg = shift; $twitter->update($msg); } $BarnOwl::Hooks::receiveMessage->add(\&handle_message); 1;