/* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The BarnOwl Developers. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004 James Kretchmar. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or * modify under the terms of the Sleepycat License. See the COPYING * file included with the distribution for more information. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "owl.h" #if OWL_STDERR_REDIR #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H #include #endif int stderr_replace(void); #endif #define STDIN 0 static const char fileIdent[] = "$Id$"; owl_global g; int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { WINDOW *recwin, *sepwin, *typwin, *msgwin; owl_editwin *tw; owl_popwin *pw; int ret, initialsubs, debug, argcsave, followlast; int newmsgs, nexttimediff; struct sigaction sigact; char *configfile, *tty, *perlout, *perlerr, **argvsave, buff[LINE], startupmsg[LINE]; char *confdir; owl_filter *f; owl_style *s; time_t nexttime, now; struct tm *today; char *dir; struct termios tio; owl_message *m; #if OWL_STDERR_REDIR int newstderr; #endif if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 12, 0)) g_error ("GLib version 2.12.0 or above is needed."); argcsave=argc; argvsave=argv; configfile=NULL; confdir = NULL; tty=NULL; debug=0; initialsubs=1; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); if (argc>0) { argv++; argc--; } while (argc>0) { if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-n")) { initialsubs=0; argv++; argc--; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-c")) { if (argc<2) { fprintf(stderr, "Too few arguments to -c\n"); usage(); exit(1); } configfile=argv[1]; argv+=2; argc-=2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-t")) { if (argc<2) { fprintf(stderr, "Too few arguments to -t\n"); usage(); exit(1); } tty=argv[1]; argv+=2; argc-=2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-s")){ if (argc<2) { fprintf(stderr, "Too few arguments to -s\n"); usage(); exit(1); } confdir = argv[1]; argv+=2; argc-=2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-d")) { debug=1; argv++; argc--; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-D")) { debug=1; unlink(OWL_DEBUG_FILE); argv++; argc--; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-v")) { printf("This is barnowl version %s\n", OWL_VERSION_STRING); exit(0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown argument\n"); usage(); exit(1); } } owl_function_debugmsg("startup: Finished parsing arguments"); /* signal handler */ /*sigact.sa_handler=sig_handler;*/ sigact.sa_sigaction=sig_handler; sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask); sigact.sa_flags=SA_SIGINFO; sigaction(SIGWINCH, &sigact, NULL); sigaction(SIGALRM, &sigact, NULL); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigact, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, NULL); sigaction(SIGHUP, &sigact, NULL); /* save initial terminal settings */ tcgetattr(0, owl_global_get_startup_tio(&g)); /* turn ISTRIP off */ tcgetattr(0, &tio); tio.c_iflag &= ~ISTRIP; tcsetattr(0, TCSAFLUSH, &tio); /* screen init */ if (!getenv("TERMINFO")) { owl_function_debugmsg("startup: Not setting TERMINFO"); } else { owl_function_debugmsg("startup: leaving TERMINFO as %s from envrionment", getenv("TERMINFO")); } initscr(); start_color(); #ifdef HAVE_USE_DEFAULT_COLORS use_default_colors(); #endif raw(); noecho(); /* define simple color pairs */ if (has_colors() && COLOR_PAIRS>=8) { int bg = COLOR_BLACK; #ifdef HAVE_USE_DEFAULT_COLORS bg = -1; #endif init_pair(OWL_COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK, bg); init_pair(OWL_COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED, bg); init_pair(OWL_COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_GREEN, bg); init_pair(OWL_COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, bg); init_pair(OWL_COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLUE, bg); init_pair(OWL_COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_MAGENTA, bg); init_pair(OWL_COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_CYAN, bg); init_pair(OWL_COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE, bg); } /* owl global init */ owl_global_init(&g); if (debug) owl_global_set_debug_on(&g); if (confdir) owl_global_set_confdir(&g, confdir); owl_function_debugmsg("startup: first available debugging message"); owl_global_set_startupargs(&g, argcsave, argvsave); owl_global_set_haveaim(&g); /* prepare stdin dispatch */ { owl_dispatch *d = owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_dispatch)); d->fd = STDIN; d->cfunc = &owl_process_input; d->destroy = NULL; owl_select_add_dispatch(d); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR /* zephyr init */ ret=owl_zephyr_initialize(); if (!ret) { owl_dispatch *d = owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_dispatch)); d->fd = ZGetFD(); d->cfunc = &owl_zephyr_process_events; d->destroy = NULL; owl_select_add_dispatch(d); owl_global_set_havezephyr(&g); } #endif #if OWL_STDERR_REDIR /* Do this only after we've started curses up... */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: doing stderr redirection"); newstderr = stderr_replace(); owl_muxevents_add(owl_global_get_muxevents(&g), newstderr, OWL_MUX_READ, stderr_redirect_handler, NULL); #endif /* create the owl directory, in case it does not exist */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: creating owl directory, if not present"); dir=owl_global_get_confdir(&g); mkdir(dir, S_IRWXU); /* set the tty, either from the command line, or by figuring it out */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: setting tty name"); if (tty) { owl_global_set_tty(&g, tty); } else { owl_global_set_tty(&g, owl_util_get_default_tty()); } /* Initialize perl */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: processing config file"); owl_context_set_readconfig(owl_global_get_context(&g)); perlerr=owl_perlconfig_initperl(configfile); if (perlerr) { endwin(); owl_function_error("Internal perl error: %s\n", perlerr); fprintf(stderr, "Internal perl error: %s\n", perlerr); fflush(stderr); printf("Internal perl error: %s\n", perlerr); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } /* setup the default filters */ /* the personal filter will need to change again when AIM chat's are * included. Also, there should be an %aimme% */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: creating default filters"); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "personal", "isprivate ^true$ and ( not type ^zephyr$" " or ( class ^message and" " ( instance ^personal$ or instance ^urgent$ ) ) )"); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "wordwrap", "not ( type ^admin$ or type ^zephyr$ ) "); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "trash", "class ^mail$ or opcode ^ping$ or type ^admin$ or ( not login ^none$ )"); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "ping", "opcode ^ping$"); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "auto", "opcode ^auto$"); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "login", "not login ^none$"); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "reply-lockout", "class ^noc or class ^mail$"); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "out", "direction ^out$"); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "aim", "type ^aim$"); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "zephyr", "type ^zephyr$"); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "none", "false"); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); f=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_filter)); owl_filter_init_fromstring(f, "all", "true"); owl_list_append_element(owl_global_get_filterlist(&g), f); /* set the current view */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: setting the current view"); owl_view_create(owl_global_get_current_view(&g), "main", f, owl_global_get_style_by_name(&g, "default")); /* AIM init */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: doing AIM initialization"); owl_aim_init(); /* execute the startup function in the configfile */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: executing perl startup, if applicable"); perlout = owl_perlconfig_execute("BarnOwl::Hooks::_startup();"); if (perlout) owl_free(perlout); /* hold on to the window names for convenience */ msgwin=owl_global_get_curs_msgwin(&g); recwin=owl_global_get_curs_recwin(&g); sepwin=owl_global_get_curs_sepwin(&g); typwin=owl_global_get_curs_typwin(&g); tw=owl_global_get_typwin(&g); /* welcome message */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: creating splash message"); strcpy(startupmsg, "-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); sprintf(buff, "Welcome to barnowl version %s. Press 'h' for on-line help. \n", OWL_VERSION_STRING); strcat(startupmsg, buff); strcat(startupmsg, "To see a quick introduction, type ':show quickstart'. \n"); strcat(startupmsg, " \n"); strcat(startupmsg, "BarnOwl is free software. Type ':show license' for more \n"); strcat(startupmsg, "information. ^ ^ \n"); strcat(startupmsg, " OvO \n"); strcat(startupmsg, "Please report any bugs or suggestions to bug-barnowl@mit.edu ( ) \n"); strcat(startupmsg, "-----------------------------------------------------------------m-m---\n"); owl_function_adminmsg("", startupmsg); sepbar(NULL); /* process the startup file */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: processing startup file"); owl_function_source(NULL); wrefresh(sepwin); /* load zephyr subs */ if (initialsubs) { int ret2; owl_function_debugmsg("startup: loading initial zephyr subs"); /* load default subscriptions */ ret=owl_zephyr_loaddefaultsubs(); /* load subscriptions from subs file */ ret2=owl_zephyr_loadsubs(NULL, 0); if (ret || ret2) { owl_function_adminmsg("", "Error loading zephyr subscriptions"); } else if (ret2!=-1) { owl_global_add_userclue(&g, OWL_USERCLUE_CLASSES); } /* load login subscriptions */ if (owl_global_is_loginsubs(&g)) { owl_function_debugmsg("startup: loading login subs"); owl_function_loadloginsubs(NULL); } } /* First buddy check to sync the list without notifications */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: doing initial zephyr buddy check"); /* owl_function_zephyr_buddy_check(0); */ /* set the startup and default style, based on userclue and presence of a * formatting function */ owl_function_debugmsg("startup: setting startup and default style"); if (0 != strcmp(owl_global_get_default_style(&g), "__unspecified__")) { /* the style was set by the user: leave it alone */ } else { owl_global_set_default_style(&g, "default"); } /* zlog in if we need to */ if (owl_global_is_startuplogin(&g)) { owl_function_debugmsg("startup: doing zlog in"); owl_zephyr_zlog_in(); } owl_function_debugmsg("startup: set style for the view: %s", owl_global_get_default_style(&g)); s = owl_global_get_style_by_name(&g, owl_global_get_default_style(&g)); if(s) owl_view_set_style(owl_global_get_current_view(&g), s); else owl_function_error("No such style: %s", owl_global_get_default_style(&g)); owl_function_debugmsg("startup: setting context interactive"); owl_context_set_interactive(owl_global_get_context(&g)); nexttimediff=10; nexttime=time(NULL); owl_select_add_timer(180, 180, owl_zephyr_buddycheck_timer, NULL, NULL); /* If we ever deprecate the mainloop hook, remove this. */ owl_select_add_timer(0, 1, owl_perlconfig_mainloop, NULL, NULL); owl_function_debugmsg("startup: entering main loop"); /* main loop */ while (1) { /* if a resize has been scheduled, deal with it */ owl_global_resize(&g, 0, 0); /* these are here in case a resize changes the windows */ msgwin=owl_global_get_curs_msgwin(&g); recwin=owl_global_get_curs_recwin(&g); sepwin=owl_global_get_curs_sepwin(&g); typwin=owl_global_get_curs_typwin(&g); followlast=owl_global_should_followlast(&g); /* little hack */ now=time(NULL); today=localtime(&now); if (today->tm_mon==9 && today->tm_mday==31 && owl_global_get_runtime(&g)<600) { if (time(NULL)>nexttime) { if (nexttimediff==1) { nexttimediff=10; } else { nexttimediff=1; } nexttime+=nexttimediff; owl_hack_animate(); } } /* Grab incoming messages. */ newmsgs=0; while(owl_global_messagequeue_pending(&g)) { m = owl_global_messagequeue_popmsg(&g); if(owl_process_message(m)) newmsgs = 1; } /* dispatch any muxevents */ owl_muxevents_dispatch(owl_global_get_muxevents(&g), 0); /* follow the last message if we're supposed to */ if (newmsgs && followlast) { owl_function_lastmsg_noredisplay(); } /* do the newmsgproc thing */ if (newmsgs) { owl_function_do_newmsgproc(); } /* redisplay if necessary */ /* this should be optimized to not run if the new messages won't be displayed */ if (newmsgs) { owl_mainwin_redisplay(owl_global_get_mainwin(&g)); sepbar(NULL); if (owl_popwin_is_active(owl_global_get_popwin(&g))) { owl_popwin_refresh(owl_global_get_popwin(&g)); /* TODO: this is a broken kludge */ if (owl_global_get_viewwin(&g)) { owl_viewwin_redisplay(owl_global_get_viewwin(&g), 0); } } owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); } /* if a popwin just came up, refresh it */ pw=owl_global_get_popwin(&g); if (owl_popwin_is_active(pw) && owl_popwin_needs_first_refresh(pw)) { owl_popwin_refresh(pw); owl_popwin_no_needs_first_refresh(pw); owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); /* TODO: this is a broken kludge */ if (owl_global_get_viewwin(&g)) { owl_viewwin_redisplay(owl_global_get_viewwin(&g), 0); } } /* update the terminal if we need to */ if (owl_global_is_needrefresh(&g)) { /* leave the cursor in the appropriate window */ if (owl_global_is_typwin_active(&g)) { owl_function_set_cursor(typwin); } else { owl_function_set_cursor(sepwin); } doupdate(); owl_global_set_noneedrefresh(&g); } /* select on FDs we know about. */ owl_select(); /* Log any error signals */ { siginfo_t si; int signum; if ((signum = owl_global_get_errsignal_and_clear(&g, &si)) > 0) { owl_function_error("Got unexpected signal: %d %s (code: %d band: %ld errno: %d)", signum, signum==SIGPIPE?"SIGPIPE":"SIG????", si.si_code, si.si_band, si.si_errno); } } } } /* * Process a new message passed to us on the message queue from some * protocol. This includes adding it to the message list, updating the * view and scrolling if appropriate, logging it, and so on. * * Either a pointer is kept to the message internally, or it is freed * if unneeded. The caller no longer ``owns'' the message's memory. * * Returns 1 if the message was added to the message list, and 0 if it * was ignored due to user settings or otherwise. */ int owl_process_message(owl_message *m) { owl_filter *f; /* if this message it on the puntlist, nuke it and continue */ if (owl_global_message_is_puntable(&g, m)) { owl_message_free(m); return 0; } /* login or logout that should be ignored? */ if (owl_global_is_ignorelogins(&g) && owl_message_is_loginout(m)) { owl_message_free(m); return 0; } if (!owl_global_is_displayoutgoing(&g) && owl_message_is_direction_out(m)) { owl_message_free(m); return 0; } /* add it to the global list */ owl_messagelist_append_element(owl_global_get_msglist(&g), m); /* add it to any necessary views; right now there's only the current view */ owl_view_consider_message(owl_global_get_current_view(&g), m); if(owl_message_is_direction_in(m)) { /* let perl know about it*/ owl_perlconfig_getmsg(m, NULL); /* do we need to autoreply? */ if (owl_global_is_zaway(&g) && !owl_message_get_attribute_value(m, "isauto")) { if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m)) { owl_zephyr_zaway(m); } else if (owl_message_is_type_aim(m)) { if (owl_message_is_private(m)) { owl_function_send_aimawymsg(owl_message_get_sender(m), owl_global_get_zaway_msg(&g)); } } } /* ring the bell if it's a personal */ if (!strcmp(owl_global_get_personalbell(&g), "on")) { if (!owl_message_is_loginout(m) && !owl_message_is_mail(m) && owl_message_is_personal(m)) { owl_function_beep(); } } else if (!strcmp(owl_global_get_personalbell(&g), "off")) { /* do nothing */ } else { f=owl_global_get_filter(&g, owl_global_get_personalbell(&g)); if (f && owl_filter_message_match(f, m)) { owl_function_beep(); } } /* if it matches the alert filter, do the alert action */ f=owl_global_get_filter(&g, owl_global_get_alert_filter(&g)); if (f && owl_filter_message_match(f, m)) { owl_function_command(owl_global_get_alert_action(&g)); } /* if it's a zephyr login or logout, update the zbuddylist */ if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m) && owl_message_is_loginout(m)) { if (owl_message_is_login(m)) { owl_zbuddylist_adduser(owl_global_get_zephyr_buddylist(&g), owl_message_get_sender(m)); } else if (owl_message_is_logout(m)) { owl_zbuddylist_deluser(owl_global_get_zephyr_buddylist(&g), owl_message_get_sender(m)); } else { owl_function_error("Internal error: received login notice that is neither login nor logout"); } } } /* let perl know about it */ owl_perlconfig_newmsg(m, NULL); /* log the message if we need to */ owl_log_message(m); return 1; } void owl_process_input(owl_dispatch *d) { int ret; owl_input j; owl_popwin *pw; owl_editwin *tw; WINDOW *typwin; typwin = owl_global_get_curs_typwin(&g); while (1) { j.ch = wgetch(typwin); if (j.ch == ERR) return; owl_global_set_lastinputtime(&g, time(NULL)); pw=owl_global_get_popwin(&g); tw=owl_global_get_typwin(&g); j.uch = '\0'; if (j.ch >= KEY_MIN && j.ch <= KEY_MAX) { /* This is a curses control character. */ } else if (j.ch > 0x7f && j.ch < 0xfe) { /* Pull in a full utf-8 character. */ int bytes, i; char utf8buf[7]; memset(utf8buf, '\0', 7); utf8buf[0] = j.ch; if ((j.ch & 0xc0) && (~j.ch & 0x20)) bytes = 2; else if ((j.ch & 0xe0) && (~j.ch & 0x10)) bytes = 3; else if ((j.ch & 0xf0) && (~j.ch & 0x08)) bytes = 4; else if ((j.ch & 0xf8) && (~j.ch & 0x04)) bytes = 5; else if ((j.ch & 0xfc) && (~j.ch & 0x02)) bytes = 6; else bytes = 1; for (i = 1; i < bytes; i++) { int tmp = wgetch(typwin); /* If what we got was not a byte, or not a continuation byte */ if (tmp > 0xff || !(tmp & 0x80 && ~tmp & 0x40)) { /* ill-formed UTF-8 code unit subsequence, put back the char we just got. */ ungetch(tmp); j.ch = ERR; break; } utf8buf[i] = tmp; } if (j.ch != ERR) { if (g_utf8_validate(utf8buf, -1, NULL)) { j.uch = g_utf8_get_char(utf8buf); } else { j.ch = ERR; } } } else if (j.ch <= 0x7f) { j.uch = j.ch; } owl_global_set_lastinputtime(&g, time(NULL)); /* find and activate the current keymap. * TODO: this should really get fixed by activating * keymaps as we switch between windows... */ if (pw && owl_popwin_is_active(pw) && owl_global_get_viewwin(&g)) { owl_context_set_popless(owl_global_get_context(&g), owl_global_get_viewwin(&g)); owl_function_activate_keymap("popless"); } else if (owl_global_is_typwin_active(&g) && owl_editwin_get_style(tw)==OWL_EDITWIN_STYLE_ONELINE) { /* owl_context_set_editline(owl_global_get_context(&g), tw); owl_function_activate_keymap("editline"); */ } else if (owl_global_is_typwin_active(&g) && owl_editwin_get_style(tw)==OWL_EDITWIN_STYLE_MULTILINE) { owl_context_set_editmulti(owl_global_get_context(&g), tw); owl_function_activate_keymap("editmulti"); } else { owl_context_set_recv(owl_global_get_context(&g)); owl_function_activate_keymap("recv"); } /* now actually handle the keypress */ ret = owl_keyhandler_process(owl_global_get_keyhandler(&g), j); if (ret!=0 && ret!=1) { owl_function_makemsg("Unable to handle keypress"); } } } void sig_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *data) { if (sig==SIGWINCH) { /* we can't inturrupt a malloc here, so it just sets a flag * schedulding a resize for later */ owl_function_resize(); } else if (sig==SIGPIPE || sig==SIGCHLD) { /* Set a flag and some info that we got the sigpipe * so we can record that we got it and why... */ owl_global_set_errsignal(&g, sig, si); } else if (sig==SIGTERM || sig==SIGHUP) { owl_function_quit(); } } void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "Barnowl version %s\n", OWL_VERSION_STRING); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: barnowl [-n] [-d] [-D] [-v] [-h] [-c ] [-s ] [-t ]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -n don't load zephyr subscriptions\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -d enable debugging\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -D enable debugging and delete previous debug file\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v print the Barnowl version number and exit\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -h print this help message\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -c specify an alternate config file\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -s specify an alternate config dir (default ~/.owl)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -t set the tty name\n"); } #if OWL_STDERR_REDIR /* Replaces stderr with a pipe so that we can read from it. * Returns the fd of the pipe from which stderr can be read. */ int stderr_replace(void) { int pipefds[2]; if (0 != pipe(pipefds)) { perror("pipe"); owl_function_debugmsg("stderr_replace: pipe FAILED\n"); return -1; } owl_function_debugmsg("stderr_replace: pipe: %d,%d\n", pipefds[0], pipefds[1]); if (-1 == dup2(pipefds[1], 2 /*stderr*/)) { owl_function_debugmsg("stderr_replace: dup2 FAILED (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); perror("dup2"); return -1; } return pipefds[0]; } /* Sends stderr (read from rfd) messages to the error console */ void stderr_redirect_handler(int handle, int rfd, int eventmask, void *data) { int navail, bread; char *buf; /*owl_function_debugmsg("stderr_redirect: called with rfd=%d\n", rfd);*/ if (rfd<0) return; if (-1 == ioctl(rfd, FIONREAD, (void*)&navail)) { return; } /*owl_function_debugmsg("stderr_redirect: navail = %d\n", navail);*/ if (navail<=0) return; if (navail>256) { navail = 256; } buf = owl_malloc(navail+1); bread = read(rfd, buf, navail); if (buf[navail-1] != '\0') { buf[navail] = '\0'; } owl_function_error("Err: %s", buf); owl_free(buf); } #endif /* OWL_STDERR_REDIR */ void owl_zephyr_buddycheck_timer(owl_timer *t, void *data) { if (owl_global_is_pseudologins(&g)) { owl_function_debugmsg("Doing zephyr buddy check"); owl_function_zephyr_buddy_check(1); } }