use strict; use warnings; package BarnOwl::ModuleLoader; use PAR; our %modules; sub load_all { my $class = shift; $class->rescan_modules; PAR::reload_libs(); for my $mod (keys %modules) { if(!defined eval "use BarnOwl::Module::$mod") { BarnOwl::error("Unable to load module $mod: \n$@\n") if $@; } } $BarnOwl::Hooks::startup->add(\®ister_keybindings); } =h2 rescan_modules Re-compute the list of available modules, and add the necessary items to @INC and @PAR_INC. We load modules from two directories, the system module dir, and the user module directory. Modules can be in either of two forms: ${modname}.par, or else a ${modname}/ directory containing lib/${modname}. We prefer to load modules from the user's directory, and if a module exists in both packed and unpacked form in the same directory, we prefer the unpacked module. We walk the module directories in order of ascending priority -- user directory, and then system directory. When we walk the directories, we first check all things that are not named Foo.par, add them to @INC, and add them to the module list. We then walk the .par files and add them to @PAR_INC and update the module list. It is important that we never add a module to @INC (or @PAR_INC) if we already have a source for it, in order to get priorities right. The reason is that @INC is processed before @PAR_INC, so if we had an unpacked system module and a packed local module, if we added both, the system module would take priority. =cut sub rescan_modules { @PAR::PAR_INC = (); %modules = (); my @moddirs = (); push @moddirs, BarnOwl::get_config_dir() . "/modules"; push @moddirs, BarnOwl::get_data_dir() . "/modules"; for my $dir (@moddirs) { # Strip defunct entries from @INC @INC = grep {!/^\Q$dir/} @INC; opendir(my $dh, $dir) or next; my @ents = grep {!/^\./} readdir($dh); # Walk unpacked modules for my $f (grep {!/\.par$/} @ents) { if(-d "$dir/$f" && -d "$dir/$f/lib") { next if $modules{$f}; unshift @INC, "$dir/$f/lib" unless grep m{^$dir/$f/lib$}, @INC; $modules{$f} = 1; } } # Walk parfiles for my $f (grep /\.par$/, @ents) { if(-f "$dir/$f" && $f =~ /^(.+)\.par$/) { next if $modules{$1}; PAR->import("$dir/$f"); $modules{$1} = 1; } } closedir($dh); } } sub reload_module { my $class = shift; my $module = shift; $class->rescan_modules(); for my $m (keys %INC) { delete $INC{$m} if $m =~ m{^BarnOwl/Module/$module}; } my $parfile; for my $p (@PAR::PAR_INC) { if($p =~ m/\Q$module\E[.]par$/) { $parfile = $p; last; } } local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&squelch_redefine; if(defined $parfile) { PAR::reload_libs($parfile); $class->run_startup_hooks(); } elsif(!defined eval "use BarnOwl::Module::$module") { BarnOwl::error("Unable to load module $module: \n$@\n") if $@; } } sub reload_module_cmd { my $class = shift; shift; # Command my $module = shift; unless(defined($module)) { die("Usage: reload-module [MODULE]"); }; $class->reload_module($module); } sub complete_module_name { return sort(keys %modules); } sub register_keybindings { BarnOwl::new_command('reload-modules', sub {BarnOwl::ModuleLoader->reload}, { summary => 'Reload all modules', usage => 'reload-modules', description => q{Reloads all modules located in ~/.owl/modules and the system modules directory} }); BarnOwl::new_command('reload-module', sub {BarnOwl::ModuleLoader->reload_module_cmd(@_)}, { summary => 'Reload one module', usage => 'reload-module [MODULE]', description => q{Reloads a single module located in ~/.owl/modules or the system modules directory} }); BarnOwl::Completion::register_completer('reload-module', \&complete_module_name); } sub reload { my $class = shift; for my $m (keys %INC) { delete $INC{$m} if $m =~ m{^BarnOwl/}; } # Restore core modules from $INC{$_} = 1 for (qw( BarnOwl/ BarnOwl/ BarnOwl/; $class->run_startup_hooks(); } sub run_startup_hooks { my $class = shift; local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&squelch_redefine; $class->load_all; $BarnOwl::Hooks::startup->run(1); BarnOwl::startup() if *BarnOwl::startup{CODE}; } sub squelch_redefine { my $warning = shift; warn $warning unless $warning =~ /^Subroutine .+ redefined at/; } 1;