use warnings; use strict; =head1 NAME BarnOwl::Module::Facebook::Handle =head1 DESCRIPTION Contains everything needed to send and receive messages from Facebook =cut package BarnOwl::Module::Facebook::Handle; use Facebook::Graph; use List::Util qw(reduce); eval { require Lingua::EN::Keywords; }; if ($@) { *keywords = sub { # stupidly pick the longest one, and only return one. my $sentence = shift; $sentence =~ s/[[:punct:]]//g; my @words = split(' ', lc($sentence)); return () unless @words; return (reduce{ length($a) > length($b) ? $a : $b } @words,); }; } else { *keywords = \&Lingua::EN::Keywords::keywords; } use JSON; use Date::Parse; use POSIX; use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); use BarnOwl; use BarnOwl::Message::Facebook; our $app_id = 235537266461636; # for application 'barnowl' # Unfortunately, Facebook does not offer a comment stream, in the same # way we can get a post stream using the news feed. This makes it a bit # difficult to de-duplicate comments we have already seen. We use a # simple heuristic to fix this: we check if the comment's time is dated # from before our last update, and don't re-post if it's dated before. # Be somewhat forgiving, since it's better to duplicate a post than to # drop one. Furthermore, we must use Facebook's idea of time, since the # server BarnOwl is running on may be desynchronized. So we need to # utilize Facebook's idea of time, not ours. We do this by looking at # all of the timestamps we see while processing an update, and take the # latest one and increment it by one second. # # What properties do we get with this setup? # # - We get comment updates only for the latest N posts on a news feed. # Any later ones, you have to use Facebook's usual mechanisms (e.g. # email notifications). # # - Processing a poll is relatively expensive, since we have to # iterate over N new posts. It might be worthwhile polling for new # comments less frequently than polling for new posts. sub fail { my $self = shift; my $msg = shift; undef $self->{facebook}; die("[Facebook] Error: $msg\n"); } sub new { my $class = shift; my $cfg = shift; my $self = { 'cfg' => $cfg, 'facebook' => undef, # Initialized with our 'time', but will be synced to Facebook # soon enough. 'last_poll' => time - 60 * 60 * 24 * 2, 'timer' => undef, # Message polling not implemented yet #'last_message_poll' => time, #'message_timer' => undef, # yeah yeah, inelegant, I know. You can try using # $fb->authorize, but at time of writing (1.0300) they didn't support # the response_type parameter. # 'login_url' => ',read_mailbox,publish_stream,offline_access&redirect_uri=', # minified to fit in most terminal windows. 'login_url' => '', 'logged_in' => 0, # would need another hash for topic de-dup 'topics' => {}, }; bless($self, $class); $self->{facebook} = Facebook::Graph->new( app_id => $app_id ); $self->facebook_do_auth; return $self; } =head2 sleep N Stop polling Facebook for N seconds. =cut sub sleep { my $self = shift; my $delay = shift; # prevent reference cycles my $weak = $self; weaken($weak); # Stop any existing timers. if (defined $self->{timer}) { $self->{timer}->stop; $self->{timer} = undef; } if (defined $self->{message_timer}) { # XXX doesn't do anything right now $self->{message_timer}->stop; $self->{message_timer} = undef; } $self->{timer} = BarnOwl::Timer->new({ name => "Facebook poll", after => $delay, interval => 90, cb => sub { $weak->poll_facebook if $weak } }); # XXX implement message polling } sub die_on_error { my $self = shift; my $error = shift; die "$error" if $error; } sub poll_facebook { my $self = shift; #return unless ( time - $self->{last_poll} ) >= 60; return unless BarnOwl::getvar('facebook:poll') eq 'on'; return unless $self->{logged_in}; #BarnOwl::message("Polling Facebook..."); # XXX Oh no! This blocks the user interface. Not good. # Ideally, we should have some worker thread for polling facebook. # But BarnOwl is probably not thread-safe >_< my $old_topics = $self->{topics}; $self->{topics} = {}; my $updates = eval { $self->{facebook} ->query ->from("my_news") # Not using this, because we want to pick up comment # updates. We need to manually de-dup, though. # ->where_since( "@" . $self->{last_poll} ) ->limit_results( 200 ) ->request() ->as_hashref() }; $self->die_on_error($@); my $new_last_poll = $self->{last_poll}; for my $post ( reverse @{$updates->{data}} ) { # No app invites, thanks! (XXX make configurable) if ($post->{type} eq 'link' && $post->{application}) { next; } # XXX Filtering out interest groups for now # A more reasonable strategy may be to show their # posts, but not the comments. if (defined $post->{from}{category}) { next; } # XXX Need to somehow access Facebook's user hiding # mechanism # There can be multiple recipients! Strange! Pick the first one. my $name = $post->{to}{data}[0]{name} || $post->{from}{name}; my $name_id = $post->{to}{data}[0]{id} || $post->{from}{id}; my $post_id = $post->{id}; # Only handle post if it's new my $created_time = str2time($post->{created_time}); if ($created_time >= $self->{last_poll}) { my @keywords = keywords($post->{name} || $post->{message}); my $topic = $keywords[0] || 'personal'; $self->{topics}->{$post_id} = $topic; # XXX indexing is fragile my $msg = BarnOwl::Message->new( type => 'Facebook', sender => $post->{from}{name}, sender_id => $post->{from}{id}, name => $name, name_id => $name_id, direction => 'in', body => $self->format_body($post), post_id => $post_id, topic => $topic, time => asctime(localtime $created_time), # XXX The intent is to get the 'Comment' link, which also # serves as a canonical link to the post. The {name} # field should equal 'Comment'. zsig => $post->{actions}[0]{link}, ); BarnOwl::queue_message($msg); } else { $self->{topics}->{$post_id} = $old_topics->{$post_id} || 'personal'; } # This will have funky interleaving of times (they'll all be # sorted linearly), but since we don't expect too many updates between # polls this is pretty acceptable. my $updated_time = str2time($post->{updated_time}); if ($updated_time >= $self->{last_poll} && defined $post->{comments}{data}) { for my $comment ( @{$post->{comments}{data}} ) { my $comment_time = str2time($comment->{created_time}); if ($comment_time < $self->{last_poll}) { next; } my $msg = BarnOwl::Message->new( type => 'Facebook', sender => $comment->{from}{name}, sender_id => $comment->{from}{id}, name => $name, name_id => $name_id, direction => 'in', body => $comment->{message}, post_id => $post_id, topic => $self->get_topic($post_id), time => asctime(localtime $comment_time), ); BarnOwl::queue_message($msg); } } if ($updated_time + 1 > $new_last_poll) { $new_last_poll = $updated_time + 1; } } # old_topics gets GC'd $self->{last_poll} = $new_last_poll; } sub format_body { my $self = shift; my $post = shift; # XXX implement optional URL minification if ($post->{type} eq 'status') { return $post->{message}; } elsif ($post->{type} eq 'link' || $post->{type} eq 'video' || $post->{type} eq 'photo') { return $post->{name} . ($post->{caption} ? " (" . $post->{caption} . ")\n" : "\n") . $post->{link} . ($post->{description} ? "\n\n" . $post->{description} : "") . ($post->{message} ? "\n\n" . $post->{message} : ""); } else { return "(unknown post type " . $post->{type} . ")"; } } sub facebook { my $self = shift; my $msg = shift; my $reply_to = shift; if (!defined $self->{facebook} || !$self->{logged_in}) { BarnOwl::admin_message('Facebook', 'You are not currently logged into Facebook.'); return; } $self->{facebook}->add_post->set_message( $msg )->publish; $self->sleep(0); } sub facebook_comment { my $self = shift; my $post_id = shift; my $msg = shift; $self->{facebook}->add_comment( $post_id )->set_message( $msg )->publish; $self->sleep(0); } sub facebook_auth { my $self = shift; my $url = shift; # $url =~ /access_token=([^&]+)/; # XXX Ew regex $self->{cfg}->{token} = $1; if ($self->facebook_do_auth) { my $raw_cfg = to_json($self->{cfg}); BarnOwl::admin_message('Facebook', "Add this as the contents of your ~/.owl/facebook file:\n$raw_cfg"); } } sub facebook_do_auth { my $self = shift; if ( ! defined $self->{cfg}->{token} ) { BarnOwl::admin_message('Facebook', "Login to Facebook at ".$self->{login_url} . "\nand run command ':facebook-auth URL' with the URL you are redirected to."); return 0; } $self->{facebook}->access_token($self->{cfg}->{token}); # Do a quick check to see if things are working my $result = eval { $self->{facebook}->fetch('me'); }; if ($@) { BarnOwl::admin_message('Facebook', "Failed to authenticate! Login to Facebook at ".$self->{login_url} . "\nand run command ':facebook-auth URL' with the URL you are redirected to."); return 0; } else { my $name = $result->{'name'}; BarnOwl::admin_message('Facebook', "Successfully logged in to Facebook as $name!"); $self->{logged_in} = 1; $self->sleep(0); # start polling return 1; } } sub get_topic { my $self = shift; my $post_id = shift; return $self->{topics}->{$post_id} || 'personal'; } 1;