package Facebook::Graph; BEGIN { $Facebook::Graph::VERSION = '1.0300'; } use Any::Moose; use MIME::Base64::URLSafe; use JSON; use Facebook::Graph::AccessToken; use Facebook::Graph::Authorize; use Facebook::Graph::Query; use Facebook::Graph::Picture; use Facebook::Graph::Publish::Post; use Facebook::Graph::Publish::Checkin; use Facebook::Graph::Publish::Like; use Facebook::Graph::Publish::Comment; use Facebook::Graph::Publish::Note; use Facebook::Graph::Publish::Link; use Facebook::Graph::Publish::Event; use Facebook::Graph::Publish::RSVPMaybe; use Facebook::Graph::Publish::RSVPAttending; use Facebook::Graph::Publish::RSVPDeclined; use Ouch; has app_id => ( is => 'ro', ); has secret => ( is => 'ro', predicate => 'has_secret', ); has postback => ( is => 'ro', ); has access_token => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_access_token', ); sub parse_signed_request { my ($self, $signed_request) = @_; require Digest::SHA; my ($encoded_sig, $payload) = split(/\./, $signed_request); my $sig = urlsafe_b64decode($encoded_sig); my $data = JSON->new->decode(urlsafe_b64decode($payload)); if (uc($data->{'algorithm'}) ne "HMAC-SHA256") { ouch '500', 'Unknown algorithm. Expected HMAC-SHA256'; } my $expected_sig = Digest::SHA::hmac_sha256($payload, $self->secret); if ($sig ne $expected_sig) { ouch '500', 'Bad Signed JSON signature!'; } return $data; } sub request_access_token { my ($self, $code) = @_; my $token = Facebook::Graph::AccessToken->new( code => $code, postback => $self->postback, secret => $self->secret, app_id => $self->app_id, )->request; $self->access_token($token->token); return $token; } sub convert_sessions { my ($self, $sessions) = @_; return Facebook::Graph::Session->new( secret => $self->secret, app_id => $self->app_id, sessions => $sessions, ) ->request ->as_hashref; } sub authorize { my ($self) = @_; return Facebook::Graph::Authorize->new( app_id => $self->app_id, postback => $self->postback, ); } sub fetch { my ($self, $object_name) = @_; return $self->query->find($object_name)->request->as_hashref; } sub query { my ($self) = @_; my %params; if ($self->has_access_token) { $params{access_token} = $self->access_token; } if ($self->has_secret) { $params{secret} = $self->secret; } return Facebook::Graph::Query->new(%params); } sub picture { my ($self, $object_name) = @_; return Facebook::Graph::Picture->new( object_name => $object_name ); } sub add_post { my ($self, $object_name) = @_; my %params; if ($object_name) { $params{object_name} = $object_name; } if ($self->has_access_token) { $params{access_token} = $self->access_token; } if ($self->has_secret) { $params{secret} = $self->secret; } return Facebook::Graph::Publish::Post->new( %params ); } sub add_checkin { my ($self, $object_name) = @_; my %params; if ($object_name) { $params{object_name} = $object_name; } if ($self->has_access_token) { $params{access_token} = $self->access_token; } if ($self->has_secret) { $params{secret} = $self->secret; } return Facebook::Graph::Publish::Checkin->new( %params ); } sub add_like { my ($self, $object_name) = @_; my %params = ( object_name => $object_name, ); if ($self->has_access_token) { $params{access_token} = $self->access_token; } if ($self->has_secret) { $params{secret} = $self->secret; } return Facebook::Graph::Publish::Like->new( %params ); } sub add_comment { my ($self, $object_name) = @_; my %params = ( object_name => $object_name, ); if ($self->has_access_token) { $params{access_token} = $self->access_token; } if ($self->has_secret) { $params{secret} = $self->secret; } return Facebook::Graph::Publish::Comment->new( %params ); } sub add_note { my ($self) = @_; my %params; if ($self->has_access_token) { $params{access_token} = $self->access_token; } if ($self->has_secret) { $params{secret} = $self->secret; } return Facebook::Graph::Publish::Note->new( %params ); } sub add_link { my ($self) = @_; my %params; if ($self->has_access_token) { $params{access_token} = $self->access_token; } if ($self->has_secret) { $params{secret} = $self->secret; } return Facebook::Graph::Publish::Link->new( %params ); } sub add_event { my ($self, $object_name) = @_; my %params; if ($object_name) { $params{object_name} = $object_name; } if ($self->has_access_token) { $params{access_token} = $self->access_token; } if ($self->has_secret) { $params{secret} = $self->secret; } return Facebook::Graph::Publish::Event->new( %params ); } sub rsvp_maybe { my ($self, $object_name) = @_; my %params = ( object_name => $object_name, ); if ($self->has_access_token) { $params{access_token} = $self->access_token; } if ($self->has_secret) { $params{secret} = $self->secret; } return Facebook::Graph::Publish::RSVPMaybe->new( %params ); } sub rsvp_attending { my ($self, $object_name) = @_; my %params = ( object_name => $object_name, ); if ($self->has_access_token) { $params{access_token} = $self->access_token; } if ($self->has_secret) { $params{secret} = $self->secret; } return Facebook::Graph::Publish::RSVPAttending->new( %params ); } sub rsvp_declined { my ($self, $object_name) = @_; my %params = ( object_name => $object_name, ); if ($self->has_access_token) { $params{access_token} = $self->access_token; } if ($self->has_secret) { $params{secret} = $self->secret; } return Facebook::Graph::Publish::RSVPDeclined->new( %params ); } no Any::Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; =head1 NAME Facebook::Graph - A fast and easy way to integrate your apps with Facebook. =head1 VERSION version 1.0300 =head1 SYNOPSIS my $fb = Facebook::Graph->new; my $sarah_bownds = $fb->fetch('sarahbownds'); my $perl_page = $fb->fetch('16665510298'); Or better yet: my $sarah_bownds = $fb->query ->find('sarahbownds') ->include_metadata ->select_fields(qw( id name picture )) ->request ->as_hashref; my $sarahs_picture_uri = $fb->picture('sarahbownds')->get_large->uri_as_string; Or fetching a response from a URI you already have: my $response = $fb->query ->request('') ->as_hashref; =head2 Building A Privileged App my $fb = Facebook::Graph->new( app_id => $facebook_application_id, secret => $facebook_application_secret, postback => '', ); Get the user to authorize your app (only needed if you want to fetch non-public information or publish stuff): my $uri = $fb ->authorize ->extend_permissions(qw(offline_access publish_stream)) ->uri_as_string; # redirect the user's browser to $uri Handle the Facebook authorization code postback: my $q = Plack::Request->new($env); $fb->request_access_token($q->query_param('code')); Or if you already had the access token: $fb->access_token($token); Get some info: my $user = $fb->fetch('me'); my $friends = $fb->fetch('me/friends'); my $sarah_bownds = $fb->fetch('sarahbownds'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a Perl interface to the Facebook Graph API L. With this module you can currently query public Facebook data, query privileged Facebook data, and build a privileged Facebook application. See the TODO for all that this module cannot yet do. For example code, see L. B The work on this module has only just begun because the Graph API itself isn't very new, and I'm only working on it as I have some tuits. Therefore things are potentially subject to change drastically with each release. =head1 METHODS =head2 new ( [ params ] ) The constructor. =head3 params A hash of base parameters, just so you don't have to pass them around. If you only want to do public queries then these params are not needed. =over =item access_token An access token string used to make Facebook requests as a privileged user. Required if you want to make privileged queries or perform privileged actions on Facebook objects. =item app_id The application id that you get from Facebook after registering (L) your application on their site. Required if you'll be calling the C, C, or C methods. =item secret The application secret that you get from Facebook after registering your application. Required if you'll be calling the C or C methods. =item postback The URI that Facebook should post your authorization code back to. Required if you'll be calling the C or C methods. B It must be a sub URI of the URI that you put in the Application Settings > Connect > Connect URL field of your application's profile on Facebook. =back =head2 authorize ( ) Creates a L object, which can be used to get permissions from a user for your application. =head2 request_access_token ( code ) Creates a L object and fetches an access token from Facebook, which will allow everything you do with Facebook::Graph to work within user privileges rather than through the public interface. Returns a L object, and also sets the C property in the Facebook::Graph object. =head3 code An authorization code string that you should have gotten by going through the C process. =head2 query ( ) Creates a L object, which can be used to fetch and search data from Facebook. =head2 fetch ( id ) Returns a hash reference of an object from facebook. A quick way to grab an object from Facebook. These two statements are identical: my $sarah = $fb->fetch('sarahbownds'); my $sarah = $fb->query->find('sarahbownds')->request->as_hashref; =head3 id An profile id like C or an object id like C<16665510298> for the Perl page. =head2 picture ( id ) Returns a L object, which can be used to generate the URLs of the pictures of any object on Facebook. =head3 id An profile id like C or an object id like C<16665510298> for the Perl page. =head2 add_post ( [ id ] ) Creates a L object, which can be used to publish data to a user's feed/wall. =head3 id Optionally provide an object id to place it on. Requires that you have administrative access to that page/object. =head2 add_checkin ( [ id ] ) Creates a L object, which can be used to publish a checkin to a location. =head3 id Optionally provide an user id to check in. Requires that you have administrative access to that user. =head2 add_like ( id ) Creates a L object to tell everyone about a post you like. =head3 id The id of a post you like. =head2 add_comment ( id ) Creates a L object that you can use to comment on a note. =head3 id The id of the post you want to comment on. =head2 add_note ( ) Creates a L object, which can be used to publish notes. =head2 add_link ( ) Creates a L object, which can be used to publish links. =head2 add_event ( [id] ) Creates a L object, which can be used to publish events. =head3 id Optionally provide an object id to place it on. Requires that you have administrative access to that page/object. =head2 rsvp_maybe ( id ) RSVP as 'maybe' to an event. =head3 id The id of an event. =head2 rsvp_attending ( id ) RSVP as 'attending' to an event. =head3 id The id of an event. =head2 rsvp_declined ( id ) RSVP as 'declined' to an event. =head3 id The id of an event. =head2 convert_sessions ( sessions ) A utility method to convert old sessions into access tokens that can be used with the Graph API. Returns an array reference of hash references of access tokens. [ { "access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "expires": 1271649600, }, ... ] See also L. =head3 sessions An array reference of session ids from the old Facebook API. =head2 parse_signed_request ( signed_request ) Allows the decoding of signed requests for canvas applications to ensure data passed back from Facebook isn't tampered with. You can read more about this at L. =head3 signed_request A signature string passed from Facebook. To capture a signed request your app must be displayed within the Facebook canvas page and then you must pull the query parameter called C from the query string. B To get this passed to your app you must enable it in your migration settings for your app (L). =head1 EXCEPTIONS This module throws exceptions when it encounters a problem. It uses L to throw the exception, and the Exception typically takes 3 parts: code, message, and a data portion that is the URI that was originally requested. For example: eval { $fb->call_some_method }; if (kiss 500) { say "error: ". $@->message; say "uri: ".$@->data; } else { throw $@; # rethrow the error } =head1 TODO I still need to add publishing albums/photos, deleting of content, impersonation, and analytics to have a feature complete API. In addition, the module could use a lot more tests. =head1 PREREQS L L L L L L L L L L L =head2 Optional L is used for signed requests. If you don't plan on using the signed request feature, then you do not need to install Digest::SHA. =head1 SUPPORT =over =item Repository L =item Bug Reports L =back =head1 SEE ALSO If you're looking for a fully featured Facebook client in Perl I highly recommend L. It does just about everything, it just uses the old Facebook API. =head1 AUTHOR JT Smith =head1 LEGAL Facebook::Graph is Copyright 2010 Plain Black Corporation (L) and is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut