package Facebook::Graph::AccessToken; BEGIN { $Facebook::Graph::AccessToken::VERSION = '1.0300'; } use Any::Moose; use Facebook::Graph::AccessToken::Response; with 'Facebook::Graph::Role::Uri'; use AnyEvent::HTTP; has app_id => ( is => 'ro', required=> 1, ); has secret => ( is => 'ro', required=> 1, ); has postback => ( is => 'ro', required=> 1, ); has code => ( is => 'ro', required=> 1, ); sub uri_as_string { my ($self) = @_; my $uri = $self->uri; $uri->path('oauth/access_token'); $uri->query_form( client_id => $self->app_id, client_secret => $self->secret, redirect_uri => $self->postback, code => $self->code, ); return $uri->as_string; } sub request { my ($self, $cb) = @_; http_get $self->uri_as_string, sub { my ($response, $headers) = @_; $cb->(Facebook::Graph::AccessToken::Response->new( response => $response, headers => $headers, uri => $self->uri_as_string )); }; () # return nothing } no Any::Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; =head1 NAME Facebook::Graph::AccessToken - Acquire an access token from Facebook. =head1 VERSION version 1.0300 =head1 SYNOPSIS my $fb = Facebook::Graph->new( secret => $facebook_application_secret, app_id => $facebook_application_id, postback => '', ); my $token_response_object = $fb->request_access_token($code_from_authorize_postback); my $token_string = $token_response_object->token; my $token_expires_epoch = $token_response_object->expires; =head1 DESCRIPTION Allows you to request an access token from Facebook so you can make privileged requests on the Graph API. =head1 METHODS =head2 uri_as_string () Returns the URI that will be called to fetch the token as a string. Mostly useful for debugging and testing. =head2 request () Makes a request to Facebook to fetch an access token. Returns a L object. =head1 LEGAL Facebook::Graph is Copyright 2010 Plain Black Corporation (L) and is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut