package Facebook::Graph::Publish::Post; BEGIN { $Facebook::Graph::Publish::Post::VERSION = '1.0300'; } use Any::Moose; extends 'Facebook::Graph::Publish'; use constant object_path => '/feed'; has message => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_message', ); sub set_message { my ($self, $message) = @_; $self->message($message); return $self; } has picture_uri => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_picture_uri', ); sub set_picture_uri { my ($self, $picture) = @_; $self->picture_uri($picture); return $self; } has link_uri => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_link_uri', ); sub set_link_uri { my ($self, $source) = @_; $self->link_uri($source); return $self; } has link_name => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_link_name', ); sub set_link_name { my ($self, $source) = @_; $self->link_name($source); return $self; } has link_caption => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_link_caption', ); sub set_link_caption { my ($self, $source) = @_; $self->link_caption($source); return $self; } has link_description => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_link_description', ); sub set_link_description { my ($self, $source) = @_; $self->link_description($source); return $self; } has target_countries => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {[]}, lazy => 1, isa => 'ArrayRef', predicate => 'has_target_countries', ); sub set_target_countries { my ($self, $source) = @_; $self->target_countries($source); return $self; } has target_cities => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {[]}, lazy => 1, isa => 'ArrayRef', predicate => 'has_target_cities', ); sub set_target_cities { my ($self, $source) = @_; $self->target_cities($source); return $self; } has target_regions => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {[]}, lazy => 1, isa => 'ArrayRef', predicate => 'has_target_regions', ); sub set_target_regions { my ($self, $source) = @_; $self->target_regions($source); return $self; } has target_locales => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {[]}, lazy => 1, isa => 'ArrayRef', predicate => 'has_target_locales', ); sub set_target_locales { my ($self, $source) = @_; $self->target_locales($source); return $self; } has source => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_source', ); sub set_source { my ($self, $source) = @_; $self->source($source); return $self; } has actions => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {[]}, lazy => 1, isa => 'ArrayRef', predicate => 'has_actions', ); sub set_actions { my ($self, $actions) = @_; $self->actions($actions); return $self; } sub add_action { my ($self, $name, $link) = @_; my $actions = $self->actions; push @$actions, { name => $name, link => $link }; $self->actions($actions); return $self; } has privacy => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_privacy', ); has privacy_options => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', default => sub {{}}, ); sub set_privacy { my ($self, $privacy, $options) = @_; $self->privacy($privacy); $self->privacy_options($options); return $self; } has 'properties' => ( is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_properties' ); sub set_properties { my $self = shift; my $properties = @_ % 2 ? shift @_ : { @_ }; $self->properties($properties); return $self; } around get_post_params => sub { my ($orig, $self) = @_; my $post = $orig->($self); if ($self->has_message) { push @$post, message => $self->message; } if ($self->has_link_uri) { push @$post, link => $self->link_uri; } if ($self->has_link_name) { push @$post, name => $self->link_name; } if ($self->has_link_caption) { push @$post, caption => $self->link_caption; } if ($self->has_link_description) { push @$post, description => $self->link_description; } if ($self->has_picture_uri) { push @$post, picture => $self->picture_uri; } if ($self->has_source) { push @$post, source => $self->source; } if ($self->has_actions) { foreach my $action (@{$self->actions}) { push @$post, actions => JSON->new->encode($action); } } if ($self->has_privacy) { my %privacy = %{$self->privacy_options}; $privacy{value} = $self->privacy; push @$post, privacy => JSON->new->encode(\%privacy); } if ($self->has_properties) { push @$post, properties => JSON->new->encode($self->properties); } return $post; }; no Any::Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; =head1 NAME Facebook::Graph::Publish::Post - Publish to a user's wall. =head1 VERSION version 1.0300 =head1 SYNOPSIS my $fb = Facebook::Graph->new; $fb->add_post ->set_message('I like beer.') ->publish; my $response = $fb->add_post ->set_message('I like Perl.') ->set_picture_uri('') ->set_link_uri('') ->set_link_name('') ->set_link_caption('Perl is a programming language.') ->set_link_description('A link to the Perl web site.') ->publish; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module gives you quick and easy access to publish to a user's Facebook feed. B You must have the C privilege to use this module. B Facebook seems to use these terms interchangibly: Feed, Post, News, Wall. So if you want to publish to a user's wall, this is the mechanism you use to do that. =head1 METHODS =head2 to ( id ) Specify a profile id to post to. Defaults to 'me', which is the currently logged in user. =head2 set_message ( message ) Sets the text to post to the wall. =head3 message A string of text. =head2 set_picture_uri ( uri ) Sets the URI of a picture to be displayed in the message. =head3 uri A URI to a picture. =head2 set_link_uri ( uri ) Sets the URI of a link that viewers can click on for more information about whatever you posted in C. =head3 uri A URI to a site. =head2 set_link_name ( name ) If you want to give the link you set in C a human friendly name, use this method. =head2 name A text string to be used as the name of the link. =head2 set_link_caption ( caption ) Sets a short blurb to be displayed below the link/picture. =head3 caption A text string. =head2 set_link_description ( description ) Sets a longer description of the site you're linking to. Can also be a portion of the article you're linking to. =head3 description A text string. =head2 set_source ( uri ) Sets a source URI for a flash or video file. =head3 uri The URI you wish to set. For example if you wanted to include a YouTube video: $post->set_source(''); =head2 set_actions ( actions ) Sets a list of actions (or links) that should go in the post as things people can do with the post. This allows for integration of the post with third party sites. =head3 actions An array reference of hash references containing C / C pairs. $post->actions([ { name => 'Click Me!', link => '', }, ... ]); =head2 add_action ( name, link ) Adds an action to the list of actions set either by previously calling C or by calling C. =head3 name The name of the action (the clickable label). =head3 link The URI of the action. =head2 set_privacy ( setting, options ) A completely optional privacy setting. =head2 set_properties ( properties ) "property" values assigned when the post is published. This is typically rendered as a list of links. $post->set_properties( { "search engine:" => { "text" => "Google", "href" => "" } } ); =head3 setting The privacy setting. Choose from: EVERYONE, CUSTOM, ALL_FRIENDS, NETWORKS_FRIENDS, and FRIENDS_OF_FRIENDS. See L for changes in this list. =head3 options A hash reference of options to tweak the privacy setting. Some options are required depending on what privacy setting you chose. See L for details. $post->set_privacy('CUSTOM', { friends => 'SOME_FRIENDS', allow => [qw( 119393 993322 )] }); =over =item friends A string that must be one of EVERYONE, NETWORKS_FRIENDS, FRIENDS_OF_FRIENDS, ALL_FRIENDS, SOME_FRIENDS, SELF, or NO_FRIENDS. =item networks An array reference of network ids. =item allow An array reference of user ids. =item deny. An array reference of user ids. =back =head2 set_target_countries ( countries ) Makes a post only available to viewers in certain countries. $post->set_target_countries( ['US'] ); =head3 countries An array reference of two letter country codes (upper case). You can find a list of country codes in the list of city ids here: L. =head2 set_target_regions ( regions ) Makes a post only available to viewers in certain regions. $post->set_target_regions( [6,53] ); =head3 regions An array reference of region numbers however Facebook defines that. I've got no idea because their documentation sucks. I'm not even sure what a region is. Is it a region of a country? Of a continent? No idea. I do know it is an integer, but that's about it. =head2 set_target_cities ( cities ) Makes a post only available to viewers in certain cities. $post->set_target_cities( [2547804] ); =head3 cities An array reference of cities ids. In the example above I've listed Madison, WI. You can find a list of their cities here: L =head2 set_target_locales ( locales ) Makes a post only available to viewers in certain locales. $post->set_target_locales( [6] ); =head3 locales An array reference of locales ids. You can find their list of locales here: L =head2 publish ( ) Posts the data and returns a L object. The response object should contain the id: {"id":"1647395831_130068550371568"} =head1 LEGAL Facebook::Graph is Copyright 2010 Plain Black Corporation (L) and is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut