use strict; use warnings; package BarnOwl::Module::IRC; =head1 NAME BarnOwl::Module::IRC =head1 DESCRIPTION This module implements IRC support for barnowl. =cut use BarnOwl; use BarnOwl::Hooks; use BarnOwl::Message::IRC; use BarnOwl::Module::IRC::Connection qw(is_private); use Net::IRC; use Getopt::Long; our $VERSION = 0.02; our $irc; # Hash alias -> BarnOwl::Module::IRC::Connection object our %ircnets; our %channels; sub startup { BarnOwl::new_variable_string('irc:nick', { default => $ENV{USER}, summary => 'The default IRC nickname', description => 'By default, irc-connect will use this nick ' . 'when connecting to a new server. See :help irc-connect for ' . 'more information.' }); BarnOwl::new_variable_string('irc:user', { default => $ENV{USER}, summary => 'The IRC "username" field' }); BarnOwl::new_variable_string('irc:name', { default => "", summary => 'A short name field for IRC', description => 'A short (maybe 60 or so chars) piece of text, ' . 'originally intended to display your real name, which people ' . 'often use for pithy quotes and URLs.' }); BarnOwl::new_variable_bool('irc:spew', { default => 0, summary => 'Show unhandled IRC events', description => 'If set, display all unrecognized IRC events as ' . 'admin messages. Intended for debugging and development use only ' }); register_commands(); register_handlers(); BarnOwl::filter(qw{irc type ^IRC$ or ( type ^admin$ and adminheader ^IRC$ )}); } sub shutdown { for my $conn (values %ircnets) { $conn->conn->disconnect(); } } sub quickstart { return <<'END_QUICKSTART'; @b[IRC:] Use ':irc-connect @b[server]' to connect to an IRC server, and ':irc-join @b[#channel]' to join a channel. ':irc-msg @b[#channel] @b[message]' sends a message to a channel. END_QUICKSTART } #sub mainloop_hook { # return unless defined $irc; # eval { # $irc->do_one_loop(); # }; # return; #} sub OwlProcess { return unless defined $irc; eval { $irc->do_one_loop(); }; return; } sub register_handlers { if(!$irc) { $irc = Net::IRC->new; $irc->timeout(0); } } use constant OPTIONAL_CHANNEL => 1; use constant REQUIRE_CHANNEL => 2; sub register_commands { BarnOwl::new_command( 'irc-connect' => \&cmd_connect, { summary => 'Connect to an IRC server', usage => 'irc-connect [-a ALIAS ] [-s] [-p PASSWORD] [-n NICK] SERVER [port]', description => < Define an alias for this server -s Use SSL -p Specify the password to use -n Use a non-default nick The -a option specifies an alias to use for this connection. This alias can be passed to the '-a' argument of any other IRC command to control which connection it operates on. For servers with hostnames of the form "irc.FOO.{com,org,...}", the alias will default to "FOO"; For other servers the full hostname is used. END_DESCR } ); BarnOwl::new_command( 'irc-disconnect' => mk_irc_command( \&cmd_disconnect ), { summary => 'Disconnect from an IRC server', usage => 'irc-disconnect [-a ALIAS]', description => < mk_irc_command( \&cmd_msg ), { summary => 'Send an IRC message', usage => 'irc-msg [-a ALIAS] DESTINATION MESSAGE', description => < mk_irc_command( \&cmd_mode, OPTIONAL_CHANNEL ), { summary => 'Change an IRC channel or user mode', usage => 'irc-mode [-a ALIAS] TARGET [+-]MODE OPTIONS', description => < mk_irc_command( \&cmd_join ), { summary => 'Join an IRC channel', usage => 'irc-join [-a ALIAS] #channel [KEY]', description => < mk_irc_command( \&cmd_part, REQUIRE_CHANNEL ), { summary => 'Leave an IRC channel', usage => 'irc-part [-a ALIAS] #channel', description => < mk_irc_command( \&cmd_nick ), { summary => 'Change your IRC nick on an existing connection.', usage => 'irc-nick [-a ALIAS] NEW-NICK', description => < mk_irc_command( \&cmd_names, REQUIRE_CHANNEL ), { summary => 'View the list of users in a channel', usage => 'irc-names [-a ALIAS] #channel', description => < mk_irc_command( \&cmd_whois ), { summary => 'Displays information about a given IRC user', usage => 'irc-whois [-a ALIAS] NICK', description => < mk_irc_command( \&cmd_motd ), { summary => 'Displays an IRC server\'s MOTD (Message of the Day)', usage => 'irc-motd [-a ALIAS]', description => < \&cmd_list, { summary => 'Show all the active IRC connections.', usage => 'irc-list', description => < mk_irc_command( \&cmd_who ) ); BarnOwl::new_command( 'irc-stats' => mk_irc_command( \&cmd_stats ) ); BarnOwl::new_command( 'irc-topic' => mk_irc_command( \&cmd_topic, REQUIRE_CHANNEL ), { summary => 'View or change the topic of an IRC channel', usage => 'irc-topic [-a ALIAS] #channel [TOPIC]', description => < mk_irc_command( \&cmd_quote ), { summary => 'Send a raw command to the IRC servers.', usage => 'irc-quote [-a ALIAS] TEXT', description => <add('BarnOwl::Module::IRC::startup'); $BarnOwl::Hooks::shutdown->add('BarnOwl::Module::IRC::shutdown'); $BarnOwl::Hooks::getQuickstart->add('BarnOwl::Module::IRC::quickstart'); ################################################################################ ######################## Owl command handlers ################################## ################################################################################ sub cmd_connect { my $cmd = shift; my $nick = BarnOwl::getvar('irc:nick'); my $username = BarnOwl::getvar('irc:user'); my $ircname = BarnOwl::getvar('irc:name'); my $host; my $port; my $alias; my $ssl; my $password = undef; { local @ARGV = @_; GetOptions( "alias=s" => \$alias, "ssl" => \$ssl, "password=s" => \$password, "nick=s" => \$nick, ); $host = shift @ARGV or die("Usage: $cmd HOST\n"); if(!$alias) { if($host =~ /^(?:irc[.])?([\w-]+)[.]\w+$/) { $alias = $1; } else { $alias = $host; } } $ssl ||= 0; $port = shift @ARGV || ($ssl ? 6697 : 6667); } if(exists $ircnets{$alias}) { die("Already connected to a server with alias '$alias'. Either disconnect or specify an alias with -a.\n"); } my $conn = BarnOwl::Module::IRC::Connection->new($irc, $alias, Nick => $nick, Server => $host, Port => $port, Username => $username, Ircname => $ircname, Port => $port, Password => $password, SSL => $ssl ); if ($conn->conn->connected) { BarnOwl::admin_message("IRC", "Connected to $alias as $nick"); $ircnets{$alias} = $conn; my $fd = $conn->getSocket()->fileno(); BarnOwl::add_dispatch($fd, \&OwlProcess); $conn->{FD} = $fd; } else { die("IRC::Connection->connect failed: $!"); } return; } sub cmd_disconnect { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; $conn->conn->disconnect; delete $ircnets{$conn->alias}; return; } sub cmd_msg { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; my $to = shift or die("Usage: $cmd [NICK|CHANNEL]\n"); # handle multiple recipients? if(@_) { process_msg($conn, $to, join(" ", @_)); } else { BarnOwl::start_edit_win("/msg -a " . $conn->alias . " $to", sub {process_msg($conn, $to, @_)}); } return; } sub process_msg { my $conn = shift; my $to = shift; my $body = shift; # Strip whitespace. In the future -- send one message/line? $body =~ tr/\n\r/ /; if ($body =~ /^\/me (.*)/) { $conn->conn->me($to, $1); $body = '* '.$conn->nick.' '.$1; } else { $conn->conn->privmsg($to, $body); } my $msg = BarnOwl::Message->new( type => 'IRC', direction => is_private($to) ? 'out' : 'in', server => $conn->server, network => $conn->alias, recipient => $to, body => $body, sender => $conn->nick, is_private($to) ? (isprivate => 'true') : (channel => $to), replycmd => "irc-msg -a " . $conn->alias . " $to", replysendercmd => "irc-msg -a " . $conn->alias . " $to" ); BarnOwl::queue_message($msg); return; } sub cmd_mode { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; my $target = shift; $target ||= shift; $conn->conn->mode($target, @_); return; } sub cmd_join { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; my $chan = shift or die("Usage: $cmd channel\n"); $channels{$chan} ||= []; push @{$channels{$chan}}, $conn; $conn->conn->join($chan, @_); return; } sub cmd_part { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; my $chan = shift; $channels{$chan} = [grep {$_ ne $conn} @{$channels{$chan} || []}]; $conn->conn->part($chan); return; } sub cmd_nick { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; my $nick = shift or die("Usage: $cmd \n"); $conn->conn->nick($nick); return; } sub cmd_names { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; my $chan = shift; $conn->names_tmp([]); $conn->conn->names($chan); return; } sub cmd_whois { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; my $who = shift || die("Usage: $cmd \n"); $conn->conn->whois($who); return; } sub cmd_motd { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; $conn->conn->motd; return; } sub cmd_list { my $cmd = shift; my $message = BarnOwl::Style::boldify('Current IRC networks:') . "\n"; while (my ($alias, $conn) = each %ircnets) { $message .= ' ' . $alias . ' => ' . $conn->nick . '@' . $conn->server . "\n"; } BarnOwl::popless_ztext($message); return; } sub cmd_who { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; my $who = shift || die("Usage: $cmd \n"); BarnOwl::error("WHO $cmd $conn $who"); $conn->conn->who($who); return; } sub cmd_stats { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; my $type = shift || die("Usage: $cmd [server] \n"); $conn->conn->stats($type, @_); return; } sub cmd_topic { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; my $chan = shift; $conn->conn->topic($chan, @_ ? join(" ", @_) : undef); return; } sub cmd_quote { my $cmd = shift; my $conn = shift; $conn->conn->sl(join(" ", @_)); return; } ################################################################################ ########################### Utilities/Helpers ################################## ################################################################################ sub mk_irc_command { my $sub = shift; my $use_channel = shift || 0; return sub { my $cmd = shift; my $conn; my $alias; my $channel; my $getopt = Getopt::Long::Parser->new; my $m = BarnOwl::getcurmsg(); local @ARGV = @_; $getopt->configure(qw(pass_through permute no_getopt_compat prefix_pattern=-|--)); $getopt->getoptions("alias=s" => \$alias); if(defined($alias)) { $conn = get_connection_by_alias($alias); } if(!$conn && $use_channel) { $channel = $ARGV[0]; if(defined($channel) && $channel =~ /^#/) { if($channels{$channel} && @{$channels{$channel}} == 1) { shift @ARGV; $conn = $channels{$channel}[0]; } } else { if($m && $m->type eq 'IRC' && !$m->is_private) { $channel = $m->channel; } else { undef $channel; } } } if(!$channel && $use_channel == REQUIRE_CHANNEL) { die("Usage: $cmd \n"); } if(!$conn) { if($m && $m->type eq 'IRC') { $conn = get_connection_by_alias($m->network); } } if(!$conn && scalar keys %ircnets == 1) { $conn = [values(%ircnets)]->[0]; } if(!$conn) { die("You must specify an IRC network using -a.\n"); } if($use_channel) { $sub->($cmd, $conn, $channel, @ARGV); } else { $sub->($cmd, $conn, @ARGV); } }; } sub get_connection_by_alias { my $key = shift; die("No such ircnet: $key\n") unless exists $ircnets{$key}; return $ircnets{$key}; } 1;