use strict; use warnings; package BarnOwl::Module::IRC::Connection; =head1 NAME BarnOwl::Module::IRC::Connection =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is a wrapper around Net::IRC::Connection for BarnOwl's IRC support =cut use Net::IRC::Connection; use base qw(Class::Accessor Exporter); __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(conn alias channels connected motd names_tmp whois_tmp)); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(&is_private); use BarnOwl; BEGIN { no strict 'refs'; my @delegate = qw(nick server); for my $meth (@delegate) { *{"BarnOwl::Module::IRC::Connection::$meth"} = sub { shift->conn->$meth(@_); } } }; sub new { my $class = shift; my $irc = shift; my $alias = shift; my %args = (@_); my $conn = Net::IRC::Connection->new($irc, %args); my $self = bless({}, $class); $self->conn($conn); $self->alias($alias); $self->channels([]); $self->motd(""); $self->connected(0); $self->names_tmp([]); $self->whois_tmp(""); $self->conn->add_handler(376 => sub { shift; $self->on_connect(@_) }); $self->conn->add_default_handler(sub { shift; $self->on_event(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(['msg', 'notice', 'public', 'caction'], sub { shift; $self->on_msg(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(['welcome', 'yourhost', 'created', 'luserclient', 'luserop', 'luserchannels', 'luserme', 'error'], sub { shift; $self->on_admin_msg(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(['myinfo', 'map', 'n_local', 'n_global', 'luserconns'], sub { }); $self->conn->add_handler(motdstart => sub { shift; $self->on_motdstart(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(motd => sub { shift; $self->on_motd(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(endofmotd => sub { shift; $self->on_endofmotd(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(join => sub { shift; $self->on_join(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(part => sub { shift; $self->on_part(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(disconnect => sub { shift; $self->on_disconnect(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(nicknameinuse => sub { shift; $self->on_nickinuse(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(cping => sub { shift; $self->on_ping(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(topic => sub { shift; $self->on_topic(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(topicinfo => sub { shift; $self->on_topicinfo(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(namreply => sub { shift; $self->on_namreply(@_) }); $self->conn->add_handler(endofnames=> sub { shift; $self->on_endofnames(@_) }); return $self; } sub getSocket { my $self = shift; return $self->conn->socket; } ################################################################################ ############################### IRC callbacks ################################## ################################################################################ sub new_message { my $self = shift; my $evt = shift; return BarnOwl::Message->new( type => 'IRC', server => $self->server, network => $self->alias, sender => $evt->nick, hostname => $evt->host, from => $evt->from, @_ ); } sub on_msg { my ($self, $evt) = @_; my ($recipient) = $evt->to; my $body = strip_irc_formatting([$evt->args]->[0]); my $nick = $self->nick; BarnOwl::beep() if $body =~ /\b\Q$nick\E\b/; $body = BarnOwl::Style::boldify($evt->nick.' '.$body) if $evt->type eq 'caction'; my $msg = $self->new_message($evt, direction => 'in', recipient => $recipient, body => $body, $evt->type eq 'notice' ? (notice => 'true') : (), is_private($recipient) ? (isprivate => 'true') : (channel => $recipient), replycmd => 'irc-msg -a ' . $self->alias . ' ' . (is_private($recipient) ? $evt->nick : $recipient), replysendercmd => 'irc-msg -a ' . $self->alias . ' ' . $evt->nick ); BarnOwl::queue_message($msg); } sub on_ping { my ($self, $evt) = @_; $self->conn->ctcp_reply($evt->nick, join (' ', ($evt->args))); } sub on_admin_msg { my ($self, $evt) = @_; BarnOwl::admin_message("IRC", BarnOwl::Style::boldify('IRC ' . $evt->type . ' message from ' . $self->alias) . "\n" . strip_irc_formatting(join '\n', $evt->args)); } sub on_motdstart { my ($self, $evt) = @_; $self->motd(join "\n", cdr($evt->args)); } sub on_motd { my ($self, $evt) = @_; $self->motd(join "\n", $self->motd, cdr($evt->args)); } sub on_endofmotd { my ($self, $evt) = @_; $self->motd(join "\n", $self->motd, cdr($evt->args)); if(!$self->connected) { BarnOwl::admin_message("IRC", "Connected to " . $self->server . " (" . $self->alias . ")"); $self->connected(1); } BarnOwl::admin_message("IRC", BarnOwl::Style::boldify('MOTD for ' . $self->alias) . "\n" . strip_irc_formatting($self->motd)); } sub on_join { my ($self, $evt) = @_; my $msg = $self->new_message($evt, loginout => 'login', channel => $evt->to, replycmd => 'irc-msg -a ' . $self->alias . ' ' . $evt->nick, replysendercmd => 'irc-msg -a ' . $self->alias . ' ' . $evt->nick ); BarnOwl::queue_message($msg); } sub on_part { my ($self, $evt) = @_; my $msg = $self->new_message($evt, loginout => 'logout', channel => $evt->to, replycmd => 'irc-msg -a ' . $self->alias . ' ' . $evt->nick, replysendercmd => 'irc-msg -a ' . $self->alias . ' ' . $evt->nick ); BarnOwl::queue_message($msg); } sub on_disconnect { my $self = shift; delete $BarnOwl::Module::IRC::ircnets{$self->alias}; BarnOwl::remove_dispatch($self->{FD}); BarnOwl::admin_message('IRC', "[" . $self->alias . "] Disconnected from server"); } sub on_nickinuse { my ($self, $evt) = @_; BarnOwl::admin_message("IRC", "[" . $self->alias . "] " . [$evt->args]->[1] . ": Nick already in use"); unless($self->connected) { $self->conn->disconnect; } } sub on_topic { my ($self, $evt) = @_; my @args = $evt->args; if (scalar @args > 1) { BarnOwl::admin_message("IRC", "Topic for $args[1] on " . $self->alias . " is $args[2]"); } else { BarnOwl::admin_message("IRC", "Topic changed to $args[0]"); } } sub on_topicinfo { my ($self, $evt) = @_; my @args = $evt->args; BarnOwl::admin_message("IRC", "Topic for $args[1] set by $args[2] at " . localtime($args[3])); } sub on_event { my ($self, $evt) = @_; BarnOwl::admin_message("IRC", "[" . $self->alias . "] Unhandled IRC event of type " . $evt->type . ":\n" . strip_irc_formatting(join("\n", $evt->args))) if BarnOwl::getvar('irc:spew') eq 'on'; } # IRC gives us a bunch of namreply messages, followed by an endofnames. # We need to collect them from the namreply and wait for the endofnames message. # After this happens, the names_tmp variable is cleared. sub on_namreply { my ($self, $evt) = @_; $self->names_tmp([@{$self->names_tmp}, split(' ', [$evt->args]->[3])]); } sub on_endofnames { my ($self, $evt) = @_; my $names = BarnOwl::Style::boldify("Members of " . [$evt->args]->[1] . ":\n"); for my $name (@{$self->names_tmp}) { $names .= " $name\n"; } BarnOwl::popless_ztext($names); $self->names_tmp([]); } ################################################################################ ########################### Utilities/Helpers ################################## ################################################################################ sub strip_irc_formatting { my $body = shift; # Strip mIRC colors. If someone wants to write code to convert # these to zephyr colors, be my guest. $body =~ s/\cC\d+(?:,\d+)?//g; $body =~ s/\cO//g; my @pieces = split /\cB/, $body; my $out = ''; while(@pieces) { $out .= shift @pieces; $out .= BarnOwl::Style::boldify(shift @pieces) if @pieces; } return $out; } # Determines if the given message recipient is a username, as opposed to # a channel that starts with # or &. sub is_private { return shift !~ /^[\#\&]/; } sub cdr { shift; return @_; } 1;