use strict; use warnings; package BarnOwl::Module::Jabber; =head1 NAME BarnOwl::Module::Jabber =head1 DESCRIPTION This module implements Jabber support for BarnOwl. =cut use BarnOwl; use BarnOwl::Hooks; use utf8; our $VERSION = 0.1; our $impl_loaded; $impl_loaded = 0 unless defined($impl_loaded); sub _load_impl { unless ($impl_loaded) { BarnOwl::debug("_load_impl"); require BarnOwl::Module::Jabber::Impl; $impl_loaded = 1; BarnOwl::Module::Jabber::Impl::onStart(); } } sub onStart { if ( *BarnOwl::queue_message{CODE} ) { register_owl_commands(); register_keybindings(); register_filters(); $BarnOwl::Hooks::getQuickstart->add("BarnOwl::Module::Jabber::onGetQuickstart"); BarnOwl::new_variable_bool("jabber:show_offline_buddies", { default => 1, summary => 'Show offline or pending buddies.'}); BarnOwl::new_variable_bool("jabber:show_logins", { default => 0, summary => 'Show login/logout messages.'}); BarnOwl::new_variable_bool("jabber:spew", { default => 0, summary => 'Display unrecognized Jabber messages.'}); BarnOwl::new_variable_int("jabber:auto_away_timeout", { default => 5, summary => 'After minutes idle, auto away.', }); BarnOwl::new_variable_int("jabber:auto_xa_timeout", { default => 15, summary => 'After minutes idle, auto extended away.' }); BarnOwl::new_variable_bool("jabber:reconnect", { default => 1, summary => 'Auto-reconnect when disconnected from servers.' }); # If we're called as part of module reload, let Impl's reload # code run too. if ($impl_loaded) { BarnOwl::Module::Jabber::Impl::onStart(); } } else { # Our owl doesn't support queue_message. Unfortunately, this # means it probably *also* doesn't support BarnOwl::error. So just # give up silently. } } $BarnOwl::Hooks::startup->add("BarnOwl::Module::Jabber::onStart"); sub _make_stub { my $func = shift; return sub { _load_impl(); no strict 'refs'; &{"BarnOwl::Module::Jabber::Impl::$func"}; } } sub register_owl_commands() { BarnOwl::new_command( jabberlogin => _make_stub("cmd_login"), { summary => "Log in to Jabber", usage => "jabberlogin []" } ); BarnOwl::new_command( jabberlogout => _make_stub("cmd_logout"), { summary => "Log out of Jabber", usage => "jabberlogout [-A|]", description => "jabberlogout logs you out of Jabber.\n\n" . "If you are connected to one account, no further arguments are necessary.\n\n" . "-A Log out of all accounts.\n" . " Which account to log out of.\n" } ); BarnOwl::new_command( jwrite => _make_stub("cmd_jwrite"), { summary => "Send a Jabber Message", usage => "jwrite [-t ] [-s ] [-a ] [-m ]" } ); BarnOwl::new_command( jaway => _make_stub("cmd_jaway"), { summary => "Set Jabber away / presence information", usage => "jaway [-s online|dnd|...] []" } ); BarnOwl::new_command( jlist => _make_stub("cmd_jlist"), { summary => "Show your Jabber roster.", usage => "jlist" } ); BarnOwl::new_command( jmuc => _make_stub("cmd_jmuc"), { summary => "Jabber MUC related commands.", description => "jmuc sends Jabber commands related to MUC.\n\n" . "The following commands are available\n\n" . "join [/]\n" . " Join a MUC (with a given nickname, or otherwise your JID).\n\n" . "part Part a MUC.\n" . " The MUC is taken from the current message if not supplied.\n\n" . "invite []\n" . " Invite to .\n" . " The MUC is taken from the current message if not supplied.\n\n" . "configure []\n" . " Configures a MUC.\n" . " Necessary to initalize a new MUC.\n" . " At present, only the default configuration is supported.\n" . " The MUC is taken from the current message if not supplied.\n\n" . "presence []\n" . " Shows the roster for .\n" . " The MUC is taken from the current message if not supplied.\n\n" . "presence -a\n" . " Shows rosters for all MUCs you're participating in.\n\n", usage => "jmuc []" } ); BarnOwl::new_command( jroster => _make_stub("cmd_jroster"), { summary => "Jabber roster related commands.", description => "jroster sends Jabber commands related to rosters.\n\n" . "The following commands are available\n\n" . "sub Subscribe to 's presence. (implicit add)\n\n" . "add Adds to your roster.\n\n" . "unsub Unsubscribe from 's presence.\n\n" . "remove Removes from your roster. (implicit unsub)\n\n" . "auth Authorizes to subscribe to your presence.\n\n" . "deauth De-authorizes 's subscription to your presence.\n\n" . "The following arguments are supported for all commands\n\n" . "-a Specify which account to make the roster changes on.\n" . " Required if you're signed into more than one account.\n\n" . "The following arguments only work with the add and sub commands.\n\n" . "-g Add to group .\n" . " May be specified more than once, will not remove from any groups.\n\n" . "-p Purge. Removes from all groups.\n" . " May be combined with -g.\n\n" . "-n Sets as 's short name.\n\n" . "Note: Unless -n is used, you can specify multiple arguments.\n", usage => "jroster " } ); } sub register_keybindings { BarnOwl::bindkey(qw(recv j command start-command), 'jwrite '); } sub register_filters { BarnOwl::filter(qw(jabber type ^jabber$)); } sub onGetQuickstart { return <<'EOF' @b(Jabber:) Type ':jabberlogin @b(' to log in to Jabber. The command ':jroster sub @b(' will request that they let you message them. Once you get a message saying you are subscribed, you can message them by typing ':jwrite @b(' or just 'j @b(somebody)'. EOF } 1;