package Net::Jabber::MUC; =head1 NAME Net::Jabber::Roster - Jabber Multi-User Chat Object =head1 SYNOPSIS my $Client = Net::XMPP:Client->new(...); my $muc = Net::Jabber::MUC(connection => $Client, room => "jabber", server => "", nick => "nick"); or my $muc = Net::Jabber::MUC(connection => $Client, jid => ''); $muc->Join(Password => "secret", History => {MaxChars => 0}); if( $muc->Contains($JID) ) { ... } my @jids = $muc->Presence(); $muc->Leave(); =head1 DESCRIPTION The MUC object seeks to provide a simple API for interfacing with Jabber multi-user chats (as defined in XEP 0045). It automatically registers callbacks with the connections to keep track of presence in the MUC. =cut use strict; use warnings; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { }; my %args; while($#_ >= 0) { $args{ lc(pop(@_)) } = pop(@_); } if (!exists($args{connection}) || !$args{connection}->isa("Net::XMPP::Connection")) { croak("You must pass Net::Jabber::MUC a valid connection object."); } if($args{jid}) { my $jid = $args{jid}; $jid = Net::Jabber::JID->new($jid) unless UNIVERSAL::isa($jid, 'Net::Jabber::JID'); $args{jid} = $jid; } elsif($args{room} && $args{server} && $args{nick}) { $args{jid} = New::Jabber::JID->new($args{room}."@".$args{server}."/".$args{nick}); } else { croak("You must specify either a jid or room,server,nick."); } $self->{CONNECTION} = $args{connection}; $self->{JID} = $args{jid}; $self->{PRESENCE} = { }; bless($self, $class); $self->_init; return $self; } =head2 JID Returns the Net::Jabber::JID object representing this MUC's JID (room@host/nick) =cut sub JID { my $self = shift; return $self->{JID}; } =head2 BaseJID Returns the base JID of this MUC as a string =cut sub BaseJID { my $self = shift; return $self->JID->GetJID('base'); } =head2 _init Add callbacks to our connection to receive the appropriate packets. =cut sub _init { my $self = shift; $self->{CONNECTION}->SetXPathCallBacks('/presence' => sub { $self->_handler(@_) }); } =head2 Join Sends the appropriate presence packet to join us to the MUC. =cut sub Join { my $self = shift; my %args; while($#_ >= 0) { $args{ lc(pop(@_)) } = pop(@_); } my $presence = Net::Jabber::Presence->new; $presence->SetTo($self->JID); my $x = $presence->NewChild(''); if($args{password}) { $x->SetPassword($args{password}); } if($args{history}) { my $h = $x->AddHistory(); if($args{history}{MaxChars}) { $h->SetMaxChars($args{history}{MaxChars}); } elsif($args{history}{MaxStanzas}) { $h->SetMaxStanzas($args{history}{MaxStanzas}); } elsif($args{history}{Seconds}) { $h->SetSeconds($args{history}{Seconds}); } elsif($args{history}{Since}) { $h->SetSince($args{history}{Since}); } } $self->{CONNECTION}->Send($presence); } =head2 Leave Leaves the MUC =cut sub Leave { my $self = shift; my %args; while($#_ >= 0) { $args{ lc(pop(@_)) } = pop(@_); } $self->{CONNECTION}->PresenceSend(to => $self->JID, type => 'unavailable'); $self->{PRESENCE} = {}; } =head2 _handler Central dispatch point for handling incoming packets. =cut sub _handler { my $self = shift; my $sid = shift; my $packet = shift; $self->_handlePresence($packet) if $packet->GetTag() eq "presence"; } =head2 handlePresence Handle an incoming presence packet. =cut sub _handlePresence { my $self = shift; my $presence = shift; my $type = $presence->GetType() || "available"; my $from = Net::Jabber::JID->new($presence->GetFrom()); return unless $from->GetJID('base') eq $self->BaseJID; if($type eq 'unavailable') { delete $self->{PRESENCE}->{$from->GetJID('full')}; } elsif($type eq 'available') { $self->{PRESENCE}->{$from->GetJID('full')} = $from; } } =head2 Contains JID Returns true iff the MUC contains the specified full JID =cut sub Contains { my $self = shift; my $jid = shift; $jid = $jid->GetJID('full') if UNIVERSAL::isa($jid, 'Net::Jabber::JID'); return exists $self->{PRESENCE}->{$jid}; } =head2 Presence Returns a list of JIDS in the MUC, as Net::Jabber::JID objects =cut sub Presence { my $self = shift; return values %{$self->{PRESENCE}}; } 1;