package owl_jabber; use Authen::SASL qw(Perl); use Net::Jabber; ################################################################################ # owl perl jabber support # # Todo: # Connect command. # ################################################################################ our $client; our $jid; sub onStart { if(eval{\&owl::queue_message}) { register_owl_commands(); } else { # Our owl doesn't support queue_message. Unfortunately, this # means it probably *also* doesn't support owl::error. So just # give up silently. } } push @::onStartSubs, \&onStart; sub onMainLoop { return if ($client == undef); my $status = $client->Process(0); if ($status == 0 # No data received || $status == 1) # Data received { } else #Error { queue_admin_msg("Jabber disconnected."); $client = undef; return; } if ($::shutdown) { $client->Disconnect(); $client = undef; return; } } push @::onMainLoop, \&onMainLoop; ################################################################################ ### Owl Commands sub register_owl_commands() { owl::new_command( jabberlogin => \&cmd_login, { summary => "Log into jabber", } ); owl::new_command( jabberlogout => \&cmd_logout, { summary => "Log out of jabber" } ); owl::new_command( jwrite => \&cmd_jwrite, { summary => "Send a Jabber Message", usage => "jwrite JID [-t thread]" } ); owl::new_command( jchat => \&cmd_jwrite_gc, { summary => "Send a Jabber Message", usage => "jchat [room]@[server]" } ); owl::new_command( jjoin => \&cmd_join_gc, { summary => "Joins a jabber groupchat.", usage => "jjoin [room]@[server]/[nick]" } ); owl::new_command( jpart => \&cmd_part_gc, { summary => "Parts a jabber groupchat.", usage => "jpart [room]@[server]/[nick]" } ); } sub cmd_login { if ($client != undef) { queue_admin_msg("Already logged in."); return; } # These strings should not be hard-coded here. $client = Net::Jabber::Client->new(); $client->SetMessageCallBacks(chat => sub { owl_jabber::process_incoming_chat_message(@_) }, error => sub { owl_jabber::process_incoming_error_message(@_) }, groupchat => sub { owl_jabber::process_incoming_groupchat_message(@_) }, headline => sub { owl_jabber::process_incoming_headline_message(@_) }, normal => sub { owl_jabber::process_incoming_normal_message(@_) }); my $status = $client->Connect(hostname => '', tls => 1, port => 5222, componentname => ''); if (!$status) { owl::error("We failed to connect"); return; } my @result = $client->AuthSend(username => $ENV{USER}, resource => 'owl', password => ''); if($result[0] ne 'ok') { owl::error("Error in connect: " . join(" ", $result[1..$#result])); $client->Disconnect(); $client = undef; return; } $jid = new Net::Jabber::JID; $jid->SetJID(userid => $ENV{USER}, server => ($client->{SERVER}->{componentname} || $client->{SERVER}->{hostname}), resource => 'owl'); $client->PresenceSend(priority => 1); queue_admin_msg("Connected to jabber as ".$jid->GetJID('full')); return ""; } sub cmd_logout { if ($client) { $client->Disconnect(); $client = undef; queue_admin_msg("Jabber disconnected."); } return ""; } our $jwrite_to; our $jwrite_thread; our $jwrite_subject; our $jwrite_type; sub cmd_jwrite { if (!$client) { # Error here return; } $jwrite_to = ""; $jwrite_thread = ""; $jwrite_subject = ""; $jwrite_type = "chat"; my @args = @_; my $argsLen = @args; JW_ARG: for (my $i = 1; $i < $argsLen; $i++) { $args[$i] =~ /^-t$/ && ($jwrite_thread = $args[++$i] && next JW_ARG); $args[$i] =~ /^-s$/ && ($jwrite_subject = $args[++$i] && next JW_ARG); if ($jwrite_to ne '') { # Too many To's $jwrite_to = ''; last; } if ($jwrite_to) { $jwrite_to == ''; last; } $jwrite_to = $args[$i]; } if(!$jwrite_to) { owl::error("Usage: jwrite JID [-t thread] [-s 'subject']"); return; } owl::message("Type your message below. End with a dot on a line by itself. ^C will quit."); owl::start_edit_win(join(' ', @args), \&process_owl_jwrite); } sub cmd_join_gc { if (!$client) { # Error here return; } if(!$_[1]) { owl::error("Usage: jchat [room]@[server]/[nick]"); return; } my $x = new XML::Stream::Node('x'); $x->put_attrib(xmlns => ''); $x->add_child('history')->put_attrib(maxchars => '0'); my $presence = new Net::Jabber::Presence; $presence->SetPresence(to => $_[1]); $presence->AddX($x); $client->Send($presence); return ""; } sub cmd_part_gc { if (!$client) { # Error here return; } if(!$_[1]) { owl::error("Usage: jchat [room]@[server]/[nick]"); return; } $client->PresenceSend(to=>$_[1], type=>'unavailable'); return ""; } sub cmd_jwrite_gc { if (!$client) { # Error here return; } $jwrite_to = $_[1]; $jwrite_thread = ""; $jwrite_subject = ""; $jwrite_type = "groupchat"; my @args = @_; my $argsLen = @args; owl::message("Type your message below. End with a dot on a line by itself. ^C will quit."); owl::start_edit_win(join(' ', @args), \&process_owl_jwrite); } ################################################################################ ### Owl Callbacks sub process_owl_jwrite { my $body = shift; my $j = new Net::XMPP::Message; $body =~ s/\n\z//; $j->SetMessage(to => $jwrite_to, from => $jid->GetJID('full'), type => $jwrite_type, body => $body ); $j->SetThread($jwrite_thread) if ($jwrite_thread); $j->SetSubject($jwrite_subject) if ($jwrite_subject); my $m = j2o($j, 'out'); if ($jwrite_type ne 'groupchat') { #XXX TODO: Check for displayoutgoing. owl::queue_message($m); } $client->Send($j); } ### XMPP Callbacks sub process_incoming_chat_message { my ($session, $j) = @_; owl::queue_message(j2o($j, 'in')); } sub process_incoming_error_message { my ($session, $j) = @_; queue_admin_msg("Error ".$j->GetErrorCode()." sending to ".$j->GetFrom('jid')->GetJID('base')); } sub process_incoming_groupchat_message { my ($session, $j) = @_; # HACK IN PROGRESS (ignoring delayed messages) return if ($j->DefinedX('jabber:x:delay') && $j->GetX('jabber:x:delay')); owl::queue_message(j2o($j, 'in')); } sub process_incoming_headline_message { my ($session, $j) = @_; owl::queue_message(j2o($j, 'in')); } sub process_incoming_normal_message { my ($session, $j) = @_; owl::queue_message(j2o($j, 'in')); } ### Helper functions sub j2o { my $j = shift; my $dir = shift; my %props = (type => 'jabber', direction => $dir); $props{replycmd} = "jwrite"; $props{jtype} = $j->GetType(); $props{jtype} =~ /^(?:headline|error)$/ && {$props{replycmd} = undef}; $props{jtype} =~ /^groupchat$/ && {$props{replycmd} = "jchat"}; $props{isprivate} = $props{jtype} =~ /^(?:normal|chat)$/; my $reply_to; if ($j->DefinedTo()) { my $jid = $j->GetTo('jid'); $props{recipient} = $jid->GetJID('base'); $props{to_jid} = $jid->GetJID('full'); if ($dir eq 'out') { $reply_to = $props{to_jid}; $props{jtype} =~ /^groupchat$/ && {$reply_to = $jid->GetJID('base')}; } } if ($j->DefinedFrom()) { my $jid = $j->GetFrom('jid'); $props{sender} = $jid->GetJID('base'); $props{from_jid} = $jid->GetJID('full'); $reply_to = $props{from_jid} if ($dir eq 'in'); if ($dir eq 'in') { $reply_to = $props{from_jid}; $props{jtype} =~ /^groupchat$/ && {$reply_to = $jid->GetJID('base')}; } } $props{subject} = $j->GetSubject() if ($j->DefinedSubject()); $props{body} = $j->GetBody() if ($j->DefinedBody()); # if ($j->DefinedThread()) # { # $props{thread} = $j->GetThread() if ($j->DefinedThread()); # $props{replycmd} .= " -t $props{thread}"; # } $props{error} = $j->GetError() if ($j->DefinedError()); $props{error_code} = $j->GetErrorCode() if ($j->DefinedErrorCode()); $props{replycmd} .= " $reply_to"; $props{replysendercmd} = $props{replycmd}; return owl::Message->new(%props); } sub queue_admin_msg { my $err = shift; my $m = owl::Message->new(type => 'admin', direction => 'none', body => $err); owl::queue_message($m); }