#include #include #include #include #include #include #define OWL_PERL #include "owl.h" static const char fileIdent[] = "$Id$"; extern char *owl_perlwrap_codebuff; extern XS(boot_owl); extern XS(boot_DynaLoader); // extern XS(boot_DBI); static void owl_perl_xs_init(pTHX) { char *file = __FILE__; dXSUB_SYS; { newXS("owl::bootstrap", boot_owl, file); newXS("DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader", boot_DynaLoader, file); } } SV *owl_perlconfig_message2hashref(owl_message *m) /*noproto*/ { HV *h; SV *hr; char *ptr, *blessas; int i, j; owl_pair *pair; if (!m) return &PL_sv_undef; h = newHV(); #define MSG2H(h,field) hv_store(h, #field, strlen(#field), \ newSVpv(owl_message_get_##field(m),0), 0) if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m) && owl_message_is_direction_in(m)) { /* Handle zephyr-specific fields... */ AV *av_zfields; av_zfields = newAV(); j=owl_zephyr_get_num_fields(owl_message_get_notice(m)); for (i=0; iattributes)); for(i=0; iattributes), i); hv_store(h, owl_pair_get_key(pair), strlen(owl_pair_get_key(pair)), newSVpv(owl_pair_get_value(pair),0),0); } MSG2H(h, type); MSG2H(h, direction); MSG2H(h, class); MSG2H(h, instance); MSG2H(h, sender); MSG2H(h, realm); MSG2H(h, recipient); MSG2H(h, opcode); MSG2H(h, hostname); MSG2H(h, body); MSG2H(h, login); MSG2H(h, zsig); MSG2H(h, zwriteline); if (owl_message_get_header(m)) { MSG2H(h, header); } hv_store(h, "time", strlen("time"), newSVpv(owl_message_get_timestr(m),0),0); hv_store(h, "id", strlen("id"), newSViv(owl_message_get_id(m)),0); hv_store(h, "deleted", strlen("deleted"), newSViv(owl_message_is_delete(m)),0); hv_store(h, "private", strlen("private"), newSViv(owl_message_is_private(m)),0); if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m)) blessas = "owl::Message::Zephyr"; else if (owl_message_is_type_aim(m)) blessas = "owl::Message::AIM"; else if (owl_message_is_type_jabber(m)) blessas = "owl::Message::Jabber"; else if (owl_message_is_type_admin(m)) blessas = "owl::Message::Admin"; else if (owl_message_is_type_generic(m)) blessas = "owl::Message::Generic"; else blessas = "owl::Message"; hr = sv_2mortal(newRV_noinc((SV*)h)); return sv_bless(hr, gv_stashpv(blessas,0)); } SV *owl_perlconfig_curmessage2hashref(void) /*noproto*/ { int curmsg; owl_view *v; v=owl_global_get_current_view(&g); if (owl_view_get_size(v) < 1) { return &PL_sv_undef; } curmsg=owl_global_get_curmsg(&g); return owl_perlconfig_message2hashref(owl_view_get_element(v, curmsg)); } /* Calls in a scalar context, passing it a hash reference. If return value is non-null, caller must free. */ char *owl_perlconfig_call_with_message(char *subname, owl_message *m) { dSP ; int count, len; SV *msgref, *srv; char *out, *preout; ENTER ; SAVETMPS; PUSHMARK(SP) ; msgref = owl_perlconfig_message2hashref(m); XPUSHs(msgref); PUTBACK ; count = call_pv(subname, G_SCALAR|G_EVAL|G_KEEPERR); SPAGAIN ; if (SvTRUE(ERRSV)) { STRLEN n_a; owl_function_error("Perl Error: '%s'", SvPV(ERRSV, n_a)); /* and clear the error */ sv_setsv (ERRSV, &PL_sv_undef); } if (count != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "bad perl! no biscuit! returned wrong count!\n"); abort(); } srv = POPs; if (srv) { preout=SvPV(srv, len); out = owl_malloc(strlen(preout)+1); strncpy(out, preout, len); out[len] = '\0'; } else { out = NULL; } PUTBACK ; FREETMPS ; LEAVE ; return out; } char *owl_perlconfig_readconfig(char *file) { int ret, fd; PerlInterpreter *p; char filename[1024]; char *embedding[5]; char *err; struct stat statbuff; if (file==NULL) { sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", getenv("HOME"), ".owlconf"); } else { strcpy(filename, file); } embedding[0]=""; embedding[1]=filename; embedding[2]=0; /* create and initialize interpreter */ p=perl_alloc(); owl_global_set_perlinterp(&g, (void*)p); perl_construct(p); owl_global_set_no_have_config(&g); /* Before we let perl have at it, we'll do our own checks on the the * file to see if it's present, readnable etc. */ /* Not present, start without it */ ret=stat(filename, &statbuff); if (ret) { return(NULL); } /* present, but stat thinks it's unreadable */ if (! (statbuff.st_mode & S_IREAD)) { return(owl_sprintf("%s present but not readable", filename)); } /* can we open it? */ fd=open(filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd==-1) { return(owl_sprintf("could not open %s for reading", filename)); } close(fd); ret=perl_parse(p, owl_perl_xs_init, 2, embedding, NULL); if (ret || SvTRUE(ERRSV)) { STRLEN n_a; err=owl_strdup(SvPV(ERRSV, n_a)); sv_setsv(ERRSV, &PL_sv_undef); /* and clear the error */ return(err); } ret=perl_run(p); if (ret || SvTRUE(ERRSV)) { STRLEN n_a; err=owl_strdup(SvPV(ERRSV, n_a)); sv_setsv(ERRSV, &PL_sv_undef); /* and clear the error */ return(err); } owl_global_set_have_config(&g); /* create legacy variables */ perl_get_sv("owl::id", TRUE); perl_get_sv("owl::class", TRUE); perl_get_sv("owl::instance", TRUE); perl_get_sv("owl::recipient", TRUE); perl_get_sv("owl::sender", TRUE); perl_get_sv("owl::realm", TRUE); perl_get_sv("owl::opcode", TRUE); perl_get_sv("owl::zsig", TRUE); perl_get_sv("owl::msg", TRUE); perl_get_sv("owl::time", TRUE); perl_get_sv("owl::host", TRUE); perl_get_av("owl::fields", TRUE); perl_eval_pv(owl_perlwrap_codebuff, FALSE); if (SvTRUE(ERRSV)) { STRLEN n_a; err=owl_strdup(SvPV(ERRSV, n_a)); sv_setsv (ERRSV, &PL_sv_undef); /* and clear the error */ return(err); } /* check if we have the formatting function */ if (owl_perlconfig_is_function("owl::format_msg")) { owl_global_set_config_format(&g, 1); } return(NULL); } /* returns whether or not a function exists */ int owl_perlconfig_is_function(char *fn) { if (perl_get_cv(fn, FALSE)) return(1); else return(0); } /* returns 0 on success */ int owl_perlconfig_get_hashkeys(char *hashname, owl_list *l) { HV *hv; HE *he; char *key; I32 i; if (owl_list_create(l)) return(-1); hv = get_hv(hashname, FALSE); if (!hv) return(-1); i = hv_iterinit(hv); while ((he = hv_iternext(hv))) { key = hv_iterkey(he, &i); if (key) { owl_list_append_element(l, owl_strdup(key)); } } return(0); } /* caller is responsible for freeing returned string */ char *owl_perlconfig_execute(char *line) { STRLEN len; SV *response; char *out, *preout; if (!owl_global_have_config(&g)) return NULL; /* execute the subroutine */ response = perl_eval_pv(line, FALSE); if (SvTRUE(ERRSV)) { STRLEN n_a; owl_function_error("Perl Error: '%s'", SvPV(ERRSV, n_a)); sv_setsv (ERRSV, &PL_sv_undef); /* and clear the error */ } preout=SvPV(response, len); /* leave enough space in case we have to add a newline */ out = owl_malloc(strlen(preout)+2); strncpy(out, preout, len); out[len] = '\0'; if (!strlen(out) || out[strlen(out)-1]!='\n') { strcat(out, "\n"); } return(out); } char *owl_perlconfig_getmsg(owl_message *m, int mode, char *subname) { /* if mode==1 we are doing message formatting. The returned * formatted message needs to be freed by the caller. * * if mode==0 we are just doing the message-has-been-received * thing. */ if (!owl_global_have_config(&g)) return(NULL); /* run the procedure corresponding to the mode */ if (mode==1) { char *ret = NULL; ret = owl_perlconfig_call_with_message(subname?subname :"owl::_format_msg_legacy_wrap", m); if (!ret) { ret = owl_sprintf("@b([Perl Message Formatting Failed!])\n"); } return ret; } else { char *ptr = NULL; if (owl_perlconfig_is_function("owl::receive_msg")) { ptr = owl_perlconfig_call_with_message(subname?subname :"owl::_receive_msg_legacy_wrap", m); } if (ptr) owl_free(ptr); return(NULL); } } char *owl_perlconfig_perlcmd(owl_cmd *cmd, int argc, char **argv) { int i, count; char * ret = NULL; STRLEN n_a; dSP; ENTER; SAVETMPS; PUSHMARK(SP); for(i=0;icmd_perl, G_SCALAR|G_EVAL); SPAGAIN; if(SvTRUE(ERRSV)) { owl_function_error("Error: %s", SvPV(ERRSV, n_a)); POPs; } else { if(count != 1) croak("Perl command %s returned more than one value!", cmd->name); SV * rv = POPs; if(SvTRUE(rv)) { ret = owl_strdup(SvPV(rv, n_a)); } } FREETMPS; LEAVE; return ret; } void owl_perlconfig_cmd_free(owl_cmd *cmd) { SvREFCNT_dec(cmd); } void owl_perlconfig_edit_callback(owl_editwin *e) { SV *cb = (SV*)(e->cbdata); if(cb == NULL) { owl_function_error("Perl callback is NULL!"); } dSP; ENTER; SAVETMPS; PUSHMARK(SP); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(owl_editwin_get_text(e), 0))); PUTBACK; call_sv(cb, G_DISCARD); FREETMPS; LEAVE; SvREFCNT_dec(cb); e->cbdata = NULL; } void owl_perlconfig_mainloop() { dSP ; PUSHMARK(SP) ; call_pv("owl::mainloop_hook", G_DISCARD|G_EVAL|G_KEEPERR); return; }