#define OWL_PERL #include "owl.h" /* Assumes owenership of one existing ref on `obj`*/ void owl_style_create_perl(owl_style *s, const char *name, SV *obj) { s->name=g_strdup(name); s->perlobj = obj; } int owl_style_matches_name(const owl_style *s, const char *name) { if (!strcmp(s->name, name)) return(1); return(0); } const char *owl_style_get_name(const owl_style *s) { return(s->name); } const char *owl_style_get_description(const owl_style *s) { SV *sv = NULL; OWL_PERL_CALL(call_method("description", G_SCALAR|G_EVAL), XPUSHs(s->perlobj);, "Error in style_get_description: %s", 0, false, sv = SvREFCNT_inc(POPs); ); if (sv) { return SvPV_nolen(sv_2mortal(sv)); } else { return "[error getting description]"; } } /* Use style 's' to format message 'm' into fmtext 'fm'. * 'fm' should already be be initialzed */ void owl_style_get_formattext(const owl_style *s, owl_fmtext *fm, const owl_message *m) { const char *body; char *indent; int curlen; owl_fmtext with_tabs; SV *sv = NULL; /* Call the perl object */ OWL_PERL_CALL(call_method("format_message", G_SCALAR|G_EVAL), XPUSHs(s->perlobj); XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(owl_perlconfig_message2hashref(m)));, "Error in format_message: %s", 0, false, sv = SvREFCNT_inc(POPs); ); if (sv) { body = SvPV_nolen(sv); } else { body = ""; } /* indent and ensure ends with a newline */ indent = owl_text_indent(body, OWL_TAB, true); curlen = strlen(indent); if (curlen == 0 || indent[curlen-1] != '\n') { char *tmp = indent; indent = g_strconcat(tmp, "\n", NULL); g_free(tmp); } owl_fmtext_init_null(&with_tabs); /* fmtext_append. This needs to change */ owl_fmtext_append_ztext(&with_tabs, indent); /* Expand tabs, taking the indent into account. Otherwise, tabs from the * style display incorrectly due to our own indent. */ owl_fmtext_expand_tabs(&with_tabs, fm, OWL_TAB_WIDTH - OWL_TAB); owl_fmtext_cleanup(&with_tabs); g_free(indent); if(sv) SvREFCNT_dec(sv); } int owl_style_validate(const owl_style *s) { if (!s || !s->perlobj || !SvOK(s->perlobj)) { return -1; } return 0; } void owl_style_cleanup(owl_style *s) { if (s->name) g_free(s->name); SvREFCNT_dec(s->perlobj); } void owl_style_delete(owl_style *s) { owl_style_cleanup(s); g_free(s); }