/* This file is stolen and slightly modified code */ /* zcrypt.c -- Read in a data stream from stdin & dump a decrypted/encrypted * * datastream. Reads the string to make the key from from the first * * parameter. Encrypts or decrypts according to -d or -e flag. (-e is * * default.) Will invoke zwrite if the -c option is provided for * * encryption. If a zephyr class is specified & the keyfile name omitted * * the ~/.crypt-table will be checked for "crypt-classname" and then * * "crypt-default" for the keyfile name. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "owl.h" #ifdef OWL_ENABLE_ZCRYPT #define BASE_CODE 70 #define LAST_CODE (BASE_CODE + 15) #define OUTPUT_BLOCK_SIZE 16 #include #include #ifdef HAVE_KERBEROS_IV #include #else #include #endif #define MAX_KEY 128 #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE -1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #define ZWRITE_OPT_NOAUTH (1<<0) #define ZWRITE_OPT_SIGNATURE (1<<1) #define ZWRITE_OPT_IGNOREVARS (1<<2) #define ZWRITE_OPT_VERBOSE (1<<3) #define ZWRITE_OPT_QUIET (1<<4) #define ZCRYPT_OPT_MESSAGE (1<<5) #define ZCRYPT_OPT_IGNOREDOT (1<<6) typedef struct { int flags; char *signature; char *message; } ZWRITEOPTIONS; char *GetZephyrVarKeyFile(const char *whoami, const char *class, const char *instance); #define M_NONE 0 #define M_ZEPHYR_ENCRYPT 1 #define M_DECRYPT 2 #define M_ENCRYPT 3 #define M_RANDOMIZE 4 #define M_SETKEY 5 /* The 'owl_zcrypt_decrypt' function was written by kretch for Owl. * Decrypt the message in 'in' on class 'class' and instance * 'instance' and leave the result in 'out'. Out must be a buffer * allocated by the caller. * * return 0 on success, otherwise -1 */ int owl_zcrypt_decrypt(char *out, const char *in, const char *class, const char *instance) { const char *inptr, *endptr; char *fname, keystring[MAX_KEY]; FILE *fkey; des_cblock key; des_key_schedule schedule; char input[8], output[9]; int i, c1, c2; fname=GetZephyrVarKeyFile("zcrypt", class, instance); if (!fname) return(-1); fkey=fopen(fname, "r"); if (!fkey) return(-1); fgets(keystring, MAX_KEY-1, fkey); fclose(fkey); strcpy(out, ""); output[0] = '\0'; /* In case no message at all */ output[8] = '\0'; /* NULL at end will limit string length to 8 */ des_string_to_key(keystring, key); des_key_sched(key, schedule); inptr=in; endptr=in+strlen(in)-1; while (inptr 1) { size = 8; memcpy(input, inptr, size); inptr+=8; num_blocks--; } else if (num_blocks == 1) { size=last_block_size; memcpy(input, inptr, size); num_blocks--; } else { size=0; } /* Check for EOF and pad the string to 8 chars, if needed */ if (size == 0) break; /* END OF INPUT: BREAK FROM while LOOP! */ if (size<8) memset(input + size, 0, 8 - size); /* Encrypt and output the block */ des_ecb_encrypt(input, output, schedule, TRUE); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { sprintf(out + strlen(out), "%c", ((output[i] & 0xf0) >> 4) + BASE_CODE); sprintf(out + strlen(out), "%c", (output[i] & 0x0f) + BASE_CODE); } if (size < 8) break; } return(0); } #define MAX_BUFF 258 #define MAX_SEARCH 3 /* Find the class/instance in the .crypt-table */ char *GetZephyrVarKeyFile(const char *whoami, const char *class, const char *instance) { char *keyfile = NULL; char *varname[MAX_SEARCH]; int length[MAX_SEARCH], i; char buffer[MAX_BUFF]; char *filename; char result[MAX_SEARCH][MAX_BUFF]; int numsearch = 0; FILE *fsearch; memset(varname, 0, sizeof(varname)); /* Determine names to look for in .crypt-table */ if (instance) { varname[numsearch++] = owl_sprintf("crypt-%s-%s:", (class?class:"message"), instance); } if (class) { varname[numsearch++] = owl_sprintf("crypt-%s:", class); } varname[numsearch++] = owl_strdup("crypt-default:"); /* Setup the result array, and determine string lengths */ for (i = 0; i < numsearch; i++) { result[i][0] = '\0'; length[i] = strlen(varname[i]); } /* Open~/.crypt-table */ filename = owl_sprintf("%s/.crypt-table", getenv("HOME")); fsearch = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fsearch) { /* Scan file for a match */ while (!feof(fsearch)) { fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFF - 3, fsearch); for (i = 0; i < numsearch; i++) { if (strncasecmp(varname[i], buffer, length[i]) == 0) { int j; for (j = length[i]; buffer[j] == ' '; j++) ; strcpy(result[i], &buffer[j]); if (*result[i]) { if (result[i][strlen(result[i])-1] == '\n') { result[i][strlen(result[i])-1] = '\0'; } } } } } /* Pick the "best" match found */ keyfile = NULL; for (i = 0; i < numsearch; i++) { if (*result[i]) { keyfile = result[i]; break; } } if (keyfile == NULL) { /* printf("Could not find key table entry.\n"); */ } else { /* Prepare result to be returned */ keyfile = owl_strdup(keyfile); } fclose(fsearch); } else { /* printf("Could not open key table file: %s\n", filename); */ } for(i = 0; i < MAX_SEARCH; i++) { owl_free(varname[i]); } owl_free(filename); return(keyfile); } static pid_t zephyrpipe_pid = 0; #endif