/* Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2004,2009 James M. Kretchmar * * This file is part of Owl. * * Owl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Owl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Owl. If not, see . * * --------------------------------------------------------------- * * As of Owl version 2.1.12 there are patches contributed by * developers of the branched BarnOwl project, Copyright (c) * 2006-2009 The BarnOwl Developers. All rights reserved. */ #include #include #include #include #include "owl.h" static const char fileIdent[] = "$Id$"; int owl_zwrite_create_from_line(owl_zwrite *z, char *line) { int argc, badargs, myargc; char **argv, **myargv; char *zsigproc, *zsigowlvar, *zsigzvar, *ptr; struct passwd *pw; badargs=0; /* start with null entires */ z->realm=NULL; z->class=NULL; z->inst=NULL; z->opcode=NULL; z->zsig=NULL; z->message=NULL; z->cc=0; z->noping=0; owl_list_create(&(z->recips)); /* parse the command line for options */ argv=myargv=owl_parseline(line, &argc); if (argc<0) { owl_function_error("Unbalanced quotes in zwrite"); return(-1); } myargc=argc; if (myargc && *(myargv[0])!='-') { myargc--; myargv++; } while (myargc) { if (!strcmp(myargv[0], "-c")) { if (myargc<2) { badargs=1; break; } z->class=owl_strdup(myargv[1]); myargv+=2; myargc-=2; } else if (!strcmp(myargv[0], "-i")) { if (myargc<2) { badargs=1; break; } z->inst=owl_strdup(myargv[1]); myargv+=2; myargc-=2; } else if (!strcmp(myargv[0], "-r")) { if (myargc<2) { badargs=1; break; } z->realm=owl_strdup(myargv[1]); myargv+=2; myargc-=2; } else if (!strcmp(myargv[0], "-s")) { if (myargc<2) { badargs=1; break; } z->zsig=owl_strdup(myargv[1]); myargv+=2; myargc-=2; } else if (!strcmp(myargv[0], "-O")) { if (myargc<2) { badargs=1; break; } z->opcode=owl_strdup(myargv[1]); myargv+=2; myargc-=2; } else if (!strcmp(myargv[0], "-m")) { if (myargc<2) { badargs=1; break; } /* we must already have users or a class or an instance*/ if (owl_list_get_size(&(z->recips))<1 && (!z->class) && (!z->inst)) { badargs=1; break; } /* Once we have -m, gobble up everything else on the line */ myargv++; myargc--; z->message=owl_strdup(""); while (myargc) { z->message=realloc(z->message, strlen(z->message)+strlen(myargv[0])+5); strcat(z->message, myargv[0]); strcat(z->message, " "); myargc--; myargv++; } z->message[strlen(z->message)-1]='\0'; /* remove last space */ break; } else if (!strcmp(myargv[0], "-C")) { z->cc=1; myargv++; myargc--; } else if (!strcmp(myargv[0], "-n")) { z->noping=1; myargv++; myargc--; } else { /* anything unattached is a recipient */ owl_list_append_element(&(z->recips), strdup(myargv[0])); myargv++; myargc--; } } owl_parsefree(argv, argc); if (badargs) { return(-1); } /* now deal with defaults */ if (z->class==NULL) z->class=owl_strdup("message"); if (z->inst==NULL) z->inst=owl_strdup("personal"); if (z->realm==NULL) z->realm=owl_strdup(""); if (z->opcode==NULL) z->opcode=owl_strdup(""); /* z->message is allowed to stay NULL */ if (!strcasecmp(z->class, "message") && !strcasecmp(z->inst, "personal") && owl_list_get_size(&(z->recips))==0) { owl_function_error("You must specify a recipient for zwrite"); return(-1); } /* get a zsig, if not given */ if (z->zsig==NULL) { zsigproc = owl_global_get_zsigproc(&g); zsigowlvar = owl_global_get_zsig(&g); zsigzvar = owl_zephyr_get_variable("zwrite-signature"); if (zsigowlvar && *zsigowlvar) { z->zsig=owl_strdup(zsigowlvar); } else if (zsigproc && *zsigproc) { FILE *file; char buff[LINE], *openline; /* simple hack for now to nuke stderr */ openline=owl_malloc(strlen(zsigproc)+40); strcpy(openline, zsigproc); #if !(OWL_STDERR_REDIR) strcat(openline, " 2> /dev/null"); #endif file=popen(openline, "r"); owl_free(openline); if (!file) { if (zsigzvar && *zsigzvar) { z->zsig=owl_strdup(zsigzvar); } } else { z->zsig=owl_malloc(LINE*5); strcpy(z->zsig, ""); while (fgets(buff, LINE, file)) { /* wrong sizing */ strcat(z->zsig, buff); } pclose(file); if (z->zsig[strlen(z->zsig)-1]=='\n') { z->zsig[strlen(z->zsig)-1]='\0'; } } } else if (zsigzvar) { z->zsig=owl_strdup(zsigzvar); } else if (((pw=getpwuid(getuid()))!=NULL) && (pw->pw_gecos)) { z->zsig=strdup(pw->pw_gecos); ptr=strchr(z->zsig, ','); if (ptr) { ptr[0]='\0'; } } } return(0); } void owl_zwrite_send_ping(owl_zwrite *z) { int i, j; char *to; if (z->noping) return; if (strcasecmp(z->class, "message") || strcasecmp(z->inst, "personal")) { return; } /* if there are no recipients we won't send a ping, which is what we want */ j=owl_list_get_size(&(z->recips)); for (i=0; irealm, "")) { to = owl_sprintf("%s@%s", (char *) owl_list_get_element(&(z->recips), i), z->realm); } else { to = owl_strdup(owl_list_get_element(&(z->recips), i)); } send_ping(to); owl_free(to); } } void owl_zwrite_set_message(owl_zwrite *z, char *msg) { int i, j; char *toline = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; if (z->message) owl_free(z->message); j=owl_list_get_size(&(z->recips)); if (j>0 && z->cc) { toline = owl_strdup( "CC: "); for (i=0; irealm, "")) { toline = owl_sprintf( "%s%s@%s ", toline, (char *) owl_list_get_element(&(z->recips), i), z->realm); } else { toline = owl_sprintf( "%s%s ", toline, (char *) owl_list_get_element(&(z->recips), i)); } owl_free(tmp); tmp=NULL; } z->message=owl_sprintf("%s\n%s", toline, msg); owl_free(toline); } else { z->message=owl_strdup(msg); } } char *owl_zwrite_get_message(owl_zwrite *z) { if (z->message) return(z->message); return(""); } int owl_zwrite_is_message_set(owl_zwrite *z) { if (z->message) return(1); return(0); } int owl_zwrite_send_message(owl_zwrite *z) { int i, j; char *to = NULL; if (z->message==NULL) return(-1); j=owl_list_get_size(&(z->recips)); if (j>0) { for (i=0; irealm, "")) { to = owl_sprintf("%s@%s", (char *) owl_list_get_element(&(z->recips), i), z->realm); } else { to = owl_strdup( owl_list_get_element(&(z->recips), i)); } send_zephyr(z->opcode, z->zsig, z->class, z->inst, to, z->message); owl_free(to); to = NULL; } } else { to = owl_sprintf( "@%s", z->realm); send_zephyr(z->opcode, z->zsig, z->class, z->inst, to, z->message); } owl_free(to); return(0); } int owl_zwrite_create_and_send_from_line(char *cmd, char *msg) { owl_zwrite z; int rv; rv=owl_zwrite_create_from_line(&z, cmd); if (rv) return(rv); if (!owl_zwrite_is_message_set(&z)) { owl_zwrite_set_message(&z, msg); } owl_zwrite_send_message(&z); owl_zwrite_free(&z); return(0); } char *owl_zwrite_get_class(owl_zwrite *z) { return(z->class); } char *owl_zwrite_get_instance(owl_zwrite *z) { return(z->inst); } char *owl_zwrite_get_opcode(owl_zwrite *z) { return(z->opcode); } void owl_zwrite_set_opcode(owl_zwrite *z, char *opcode) { if (z->opcode) owl_free(z->opcode); z->opcode=owl_strdup(opcode); } char *owl_zwrite_get_realm(owl_zwrite *z) { return(z->realm); } char *owl_zwrite_get_zsig(owl_zwrite *z) { if (z->zsig) return(z->zsig); return(""); } void owl_zwrite_get_recipstr(owl_zwrite *z, char *buff) { int i, j; strcpy(buff, ""); j=owl_list_get_size(&(z->recips)); for (i=0; irecips), i)); strcat(buff, " "); } buff[strlen(buff)-1]='\0'; } int owl_zwrite_get_numrecips(owl_zwrite *z) { return(owl_list_get_size(&(z->recips))); } char *owl_zwrite_get_recip_n(owl_zwrite *z, int n) { return(owl_list_get_element(&(z->recips), n)); } int owl_zwrite_is_personal(owl_zwrite *z) { /* return true if at least one of the recipients is personal */ int i, j; char *foo; j=owl_list_get_size(&(z->recips)); for (i=0; irecips), i); if (foo[0]!='@') return(1); } return(0); } void owl_zwrite_free(owl_zwrite *z) { owl_list_free_all(&(z->recips), &owl_free); if (z->class) owl_free(z->class); if (z->inst) owl_free(z->inst); if (z->opcode) owl_free(z->opcode); if (z->realm) owl_free(z->realm); if (z->message) owl_free(z->message); if (z->zsig) owl_free(z->zsig); }