Changeset 39caad0

Mar 15, 2016, 10:39:46 PM (9 years ago)
Karl Ramm <>
master, release-1.10
0f5af62 (diff), e8db357 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.
Merge pull request #164 from andersk/filterproc

filterproc: Rewrite using GIOChannel
1 added
6 edited


  • filterproc.c

    r7155955 re8db357  
    11#include "filterproc.h"
    22#include <sys/wait.h>
    3 #include <fcntl.h>
     3#include <string.h>
    44#include <glib.h>
    5 #include <poll.h>
    6 #include <string.h>
    7 #include <unistd.h>
    9 /* Even in case of error, send_receive is responsible for closing wfd
    10  * (to EOF the child) and rfd (for consistency). */
    11 static int send_receive(int rfd, int wfd, const char *out, char **in)
     6struct filter_data {
     7  const char **in;
     8  const char *in_end;
     9  GString *out_str;
     10  GMainLoop *loop;
     11  int err;
     14static gboolean filter_stdin(GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data_)
    13   GString *str = g_string_new("");
    14   char buf[1024];
    15   nfds_t nfds;
    16   int err = 0;
    17   struct pollfd fds[2];
     16  struct filter_data *data = data_;
     17  gboolean done = condition & (G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP);
    19   fcntl(rfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | fcntl(rfd, F_GETFL));
    20   fcntl(wfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | fcntl(wfd, F_GETFL));
    22   fds[0].fd = rfd;
    23   fds[0].events = POLLIN;
    24   fds[1].fd = wfd;
    25   fds[1].events = POLLOUT;
    27   if(!out || !*out) {
    28     /* Nothing to write. Close our end so the child doesn't hang waiting. */
    29     close(wfd); wfd = -1;
    30     out = NULL;
     19  if (condition & G_IO_OUT) {
     20    gsize n;
     21    GIOStatus ret = g_io_channel_write_chars(channel, *data->in, data->in_end - *data->in, &n, NULL);
     22    *data->in += n;
     23    if (ret == G_IO_STATUS_ERROR)
     24      data->err = 1;
     25    if (ret == G_IO_STATUS_ERROR || *data->in == data->in_end)
     26      done = TRUE;
    3127  }
    33   while(1) {
    34     if(out && *out) {
    35       nfds = 2;
    36     } else {
    37       nfds = 1;
    38     }
    39     err = poll(fds, nfds, -1);
    40     if(err < 0) {
    41       break;
    42     }
    43     if(out && *out) {
    44       if(fds[1].revents & POLLOUT) {
    45         err = write(wfd, out, strlen(out));
    46         if(err > 0) {
    47           out += err;
    48         }
    49         if(err < 0) {
    50           out = NULL;
    51         }
    52       }
    53       if(!out || !*out || fds[1].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP)) {
    54         close(wfd); wfd = -1;
    55         out = NULL;
    56       }
    57     }
    58     if(fds[0].revents & POLLIN) {
    59       err = read(rfd, buf, sizeof(buf));
    60       if(err <= 0) {
    61         break;
    62       }
    63       g_string_append_len(str, buf, err);
    64     } else if(fds[0].revents & (POLLHUP | POLLERR)) {
    65       err = 0;
    66       break;
     29  if (condition & G_IO_ERR)
     30    data->err = 1;
     32  if (done)
     33    g_io_channel_shutdown(channel, TRUE, NULL);
     34  return !done;
     37static gboolean filter_stdout(GIOChannel *channel, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data_)
     39  struct filter_data *data = data_;
     40  gboolean done = condition & (G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP);
     42  if (condition & (G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP)) {
     43    gchar *buf;
     44    gsize n;
     45    GIOStatus ret = g_io_channel_read_to_end(channel, &buf, &n, NULL);
     46    g_string_append_len(data->out_str, buf, n);
     47    g_free(buf);
     48    if (ret == G_IO_STATUS_ERROR) {
     49      data->err = 1;
     50      done = TRUE;
    6751    }
    6852  }
    70   if (wfd >= 0) close(wfd);
    71   close(rfd);
    72   *in = g_string_free(str, err < 0);
    73   return err;
     54  if (condition & G_IO_ERR)
     55    data->err = 1;
     57  if (done) {
     58    g_io_channel_shutdown(channel, TRUE, NULL);
     59    g_main_loop_quit(data->loop);
     60  }
     61  return !done;
    7664int call_filter(const char *const *argv, const char *in, char **out, int *status)
    78   int err;
    7966  GPid child_pid;
    8067  int child_stdin, child_stdout;
    8976  }
    91   err = send_receive(child_stdout, child_stdin, in, out);
    92   if (err == 0) {
    93     waitpid(child_pid, status, 0);
    94   }
    95   return err;
     78  if (in == NULL) in = "";
     79  GMainContext *context = g_main_context_new();
     80  struct filter_data data = {&in, in + strlen(in), g_string_new(""), g_main_loop_new(context, FALSE), 0};
     82  GIOChannel *channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(child_stdin);
     83  g_io_channel_set_encoding(channel, NULL, NULL);
     84  g_io_channel_set_flags(channel, g_io_channel_get_flags(channel) | G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, NULL);
     85  GSource *source = g_io_create_watch(channel, G_IO_OUT | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP);
     86  g_io_channel_unref(channel);
     87  g_source_set_callback(source, (GSourceFunc)filter_stdin, &data, NULL);
     88  g_source_attach(source, context);
     89  g_source_unref(source);
     91  channel = g_io_channel_unix_new(child_stdout);
     92  g_io_channel_set_encoding(channel, NULL, NULL);
     93  g_io_channel_set_flags(channel, g_io_channel_get_flags(channel) | G_IO_FLAG_NONBLOCK, NULL);
     94  source = g_io_create_watch(channel, G_IO_IN | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP);
     95  g_io_channel_unref(channel);
     96  g_source_set_callback(source, (GSourceFunc)filter_stdout, &data, NULL);
     97  g_source_attach(source, context);
     98  g_source_unref(source);
     100  g_main_loop_run(data.loop);
     102  g_main_loop_unref(data.loop);
     103  g_main_context_unref(context);
     105  waitpid(child_pid, status, 0);
     106  g_spawn_close_pid(child_pid);
     107  *out = g_string_free(data.out_str, data.err);
     108  return data.err;
  • .travis.yml

    r48c09d4 rbecd617  
    11language: perl
     2sudo: false
    34  - clang
    910  - "5.16"
    1011  - "5.18"
    11   - "5.19"
    12 install:
    13   - sudo apt-get update -q
    14 # we actually want debhelper >= 7, libperl-dev >= 5.10.1-8, libzephyr-dev >= 3.0~beta
    15   - sudo apt-get install -q autoconf autotools-dev debhelper dh-autoreconf libglib2.0-dev libkrb5-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libzephyr-dev pkg-config zip
     12  - "5.20"
     14  apt:
     15    # we actually want debhelper >= 7, libperl-dev >= 5.10.1-8, libzephyr-dev >= 3.0~beta
     16    packages:
     17    - autoconf
     18    - autotools-dev
     19    - debhelper
     20    - dh-autoreconf
     21    - libglib2.0-dev
     22    - libkrb5-dev
     23    - libncurses5-dev
     24    - libncursesw5-dev
     25    - libssl-dev
     26    - libzephyr-dev
     27    - pkg-config
     28    - zip
    1629# perl things
    1730# In lp:~barnowl/barnowl/packaging, we use apt-get.  Here, we use cpanm.
    1831#  - sudo apt-get install libanyevent-perl libclass-accessor-perl libextutils-depends-perl libglib-perl libmodule-install-perl libnet-twitter-lite-perl libpar-perl libperl-dev
    19   - cpanm AnyEvent Class::Accessor ExtUtils::Depends Glib Module::Install Net::Twitter::Lite PAR
    20 script: "./ && ./configure && make distcheck"
     32# It's taken care of by the default install script
     33script: ./ && ./configure && make distcheck
  • commands.c

    rca1fb26a r8fcd3e7  
    548548              "optional color arguments are used they specifies the colors that\n"
    549549              "messages matching this filter should be displayed in.\n\n"
    550               "SEE ALSO: view, viewclass, viewuser\n"),
     550              "SEE ALSO: smartfilter, smartnarrow, view, viewclass, viewuser\n"),
    552552  OWLCMD_ARGS("colorview", owl_command_colorview, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE,
    585585              "filter expression that will be dynamically created by BarnOwl and then\n"
    586586              "applied as the view's filter\n"
    587               "SEE ALSO: filter, viewclass, viewuser\n"),
     587              "SEE ALSO: filter, smartfilter, smartnarrow, viewclass, viewuser\n"),
    589589  OWLCMD_ARGS("smartnarrow", owl_command_smartnarrow, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE,
    599599              "    then narrow to the class and instance.\n"
    600600              "If '-r' or '--related' is specified, behave as though the\n"
    601               "    'narrow-related' variable was inverted."),
     601              "    'narrow-related' variable was inverted.\n\n"
     602              "SEE ALSO: filter, smartfilter, view, viewclass, viewuser\n"),
    603604  OWLCMD_ARGS("smartfilter", owl_command_smartfilter, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE,
    610611              "If the curmsg is a class message, the filter is that class.\n"
    611612              "If the curmsg is a class message and '-i' is specified\n"
    612               "    the filter is to that class and instance.\n"),
     613              "    the filter is to that class and instance.\n\n"
     614              "SEE ALSO: filter, smartnarrow, view, viewclass, viewuser\n"),
    614616  OWLCMD_ARGS("viewclass", owl_command_viewclass, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE,
    618620              "matching the specified class and switch the current view\n"
    619621              "to it.\n\n"
    620               "SEE ALSO: filter, view, viewuser\n"),
     622              "SEE ALSO: filter, smartfilter, smartnarrow, view, viewuser\n"),
    621623  OWLCMD_ALIAS("vc", "viewclass"),
    627629              "matching the specified user and switch the current\n"
    628630              "view to it.\n\n"
    629               "SEE ALSO: filter, view, viewclass\n"),
     631              "SEE ALSO: filter, smartfilter, smartnarrow, view, viewclass\n"),
    630632  OWLCMD_ALIAS("vu", "viewuser"),
    631633  OWLCMD_ALIAS("viewperson", "viewuser"),
  • perl/modules/IRC/lib/BarnOwl/Module/

    r926c721 rd4f33f1  
    562562                               "[" . $conn->alias . "] Reconnect cancelled");
    563563        $conn->cancel_reconnect;
     564        delete $ircnets{$conn->alias};
     565    } elsif (exists $ircnets{$conn->alias}) { # inconsistent state; no socket, but not yet deleted
     566        BarnOwl::admin_message('IRC',
     567                               "[" . $conn->alias . "] Attempt to disconnect from a socketless connection; deleting it");
    564568        delete $ircnets{$conn->alias};
    565569    }
  • perl/modules/IRC/lib/BarnOwl/Module/IRC/

    rbe43554 r4379288  
     439sub rejoin_channels {
     440    my $self = shift;
     441    my @channels = @_;
     442    # As reported in, if we reconnect to
     443    # too many at once, the server rejects us.  Empirically, this is about
     444    # 20-26, so we set the cap at 15, then delay further joins for 5 seconds.
     445    my $MAX_RECONNECT_CHANNELS = 15;
     446    my $DELAY = 5;
     447    foreach my $c (@channels[ 0 .. $MAX_RECONNECT_CHANNELS ]) {
     448        $self->conn->send_msg(join => $c);
     449    }
     450    if ($MAX_RECONNECT_CHANNELS < $#channels) {
     451        my $remaining = $#channels - $MAX_RECONNECT_CHANNELS;
     452        my $cur_alias = $self->alias;
     453        BarnOwl::admin_message('IRC', "[$cur_alias] Delaying $remaining autorejoins for $DELAY seconds");
     454        # if we don't assign the timer to anything, then it gets garbage
     455        # collected, and never runs
     456        $self->{autoconnect_channels_delay_timer} = BarnOwl::Timer->new({
     457            name  => "IRC rejoin overflow timer ($remaining remaining)",
     458            after => $DELAY,
     459            cb    => sub {
     460                rejoin_channels($self, @channels[ $MAX_RECONNECT_CHANNELS .. $#channels ]);
     461            }
     462        });
     463    }
    439467sub connected {
    440468    my $self = shift;
    443471    $self->cancel_reconnect;
    444472    if ($self->autoconnect_channels) {
    445         for my $c (@{$self->autoconnect_channels}) {
    446             $self->conn->send_msg(join => $c);
    447         }
     473        rejoin_channels($self, @{$self->autoconnect_channels});
    448474    }
    449475    $self->conn->enable_ping(60, sub {
  • zephyr.c

    r18380fd rff58239  
    13121312  int n = strcspn(in, "./");
    1313   char *realm = strchrnul(in, '@');
     1313  const char *realm = strchr(in, '@');
     1314  if (realm == NULL)
     1315    realm = in + strlen(in);
    13151317  if (in + n >= realm ||
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.