Changeset 4485285 for libfaim/email.c

Jan 12, 2013, 1:43:31 PM (11 years ago)
Jason Gross <>
4626016 (diff), 7869e48 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.
Merge 7869e4801e577613b7db987d11bddb0a31fe755c into 46260161946c87dfed4fef9e3223b2327895f139
1 edited


  • libfaim/email.c

    rcf02dd6 r7869e48  
    22 * Family 0x0018 - Email notification
    33 *
    4  * Used for being alerted when the email address(es) associated with 
    5  * your screen name get new electronic-m.  For normal AIM accounts, you 
    6  * get the email address  AOL accounts have 
     4 * Used for being alerted when the email address(es) associated with
     5 * your screen name get new electronic-m.  For normal AIM accounts, you
     6 * get the email address  AOL accounts have
    77 *, and can also activate a account.
    88 *
    6565 * Subtype 0x0007 - Receive information about your email account
    6666 *
    67  * So I don't even know if you can have multiple 16 byte keys, 
     67 * So I don't even know if you can have multiple 16 byte keys,
    6868 * but this is coded so it will handle that, and handle it well.
    69  * This tells you if you have unread mail or not, the URL you 
    70  * should use to access that mail, and the domain name for the 
    71  * email account (  If this is the 
    72  * first 0x0007 SNAC you've received since you signed on, or if 
    73  * this is just a periodic status update, this will also contain 
     69 * This tells you if you have unread mail or not, the URL you
     70 * should use to access that mail, and the domain name for the
     71 * email account (  If this is the
     72 * first 0x0007 SNAC you've received since you signed on, or if
     73 * this is just a periodic status update, this will also contain
    7474 * the number of unread emails that you have.
    7575 */
    131131        alertitle = aim_tlv_getstr(tlvlist, 0x0005, 1);
    132132        alerturl  = aim_tlv_getstr(tlvlist, 0x000d, 1);
    134134        if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, rx->conn, snac->family, snac->subtype)))
    135135                ret = userfunc(sess, rx, new, havenewmail, alertitle, (alerturl ? alerturl + 2 : NULL));
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