- Timestamp:
- Nov 3, 2006, 10:54:00 PM (18 years ago)
- Branches:
- master, barnowl_perlaim, debian, release-1.10, release-1.4, release-1.5, release-1.6, release-1.7, release-1.8, release-1.9
- Children:
- 6a6dd47
- Parents:
- a75309a
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r38ffdf9 rb6a253c 5 5 # owl perl jabber support 6 6 # 7 # Todo: 8 # Connect command. 7 # XXX Todo: 8 # Rosters for MUCs 9 # More user feedback 10 # * joining MUC 11 # * parting MUC 12 # * presence (Roster and MUC) 13 # Implementing formatting and logging callbacks for C 14 # Appropriate callbacks for presence subscription messages. 15 # * Current behavior => auto-accept (default for Net::Jabber) 9 16 # 10 17 ################################################################################ … … 12 19 our $client; 13 20 our $jid; 21 our $roster; 14 22 15 23 sub onStart … … 18 26 { 19 27 register_owl_commands(); 28 push @::onMainLoop, sub { owl_jabber::onMainLoop(@_) }; 29 push @::onGetBuddyList, sub { owl_jabber::onGetBuddyList(@_) }; 20 30 } 21 31 else … … 26 36 } 27 37 } 28 push @::onStartSubs, \&onStart;38 push @::onStartSubs, sub { owl_jabber::onStart(@_) }; 29 39 30 40 sub onMainLoop … … 40 50 { 41 51 queue_admin_msg("Jabber disconnected."); 52 $roster = undef; 42 53 $client = undef; 43 54 return; … … 46 57 if ($::shutdown) 47 58 { 59 $roster = undef; 48 60 $client->Disconnect(); 49 61 $client = undef; … … 51 63 } 52 64 } 53 push @::onMainLoop, \&onMainLoop; 65 66 sub blist_listBuddy 67 { 68 my $buddy = shift; 69 my $blistStr .= " "; 70 my %jq = $roster->query($buddy); 71 my $res = $roster->resource($buddy); 72 73 $blistStr .= $jq{name} ? $jq{name} : $buddy->GetJID(); 74 75 if ($res) 76 { 77 my %rq = $roster->resourceQuery($buddy, $res); 78 $blistStr .= " [".($rq{show} ? $rq{show} : 'online')."]"; 79 $blistStr .= " ".$rq{status} if $rq{status}; 80 $blistStr = boldify($blistStr); 81 } 82 else 83 { 84 $blistStr .= $jq{ask} ? " [pending]" : " [offline]"; 85 } 86 87 return $blistStr."\n"; 88 } 89 90 sub onGetBuddyList 91 { 92 return "" if ($client == undef); 93 my $blist = "\n".boldify("Jabber Roster for ".$jid->GetJID('base'))."\n"; 94 95 foreach my $group ($roster->groups()) 96 { 97 $blist .= " Group: $group\n"; 98 foreach my $buddy ($roster->jids('group',$group)) 99 { 100 $blist .= blist_listBuddy($buddy); 101 } 102 } 103 104 my @unsorted = $roster->jids('nogroup'); 105 if (@unsorted) 106 { 107 $blist .= " [unsorted]\n"; 108 foreach my $buddy (@unsorted) 109 { 110 $blist .= blist_listBuddy($buddy); 111 } 112 } 113 114 $blist .= "\n"; 115 } 54 116 55 117 ################################################################################ … … 69 131 { 70 132 summary => "Send a Jabber Message", 71 usage => "jwrite JID [- t thread]"133 usage => "jwrite JID [-g] [-t thread] [-s subject]" 72 134 } 73 135 ); 74 136 owl::new_command( 75 j chat => \&cmd_jwrite_gc,137 jlist => \&cmd_jlist, 76 138 { 77 summary => "Send a Jabber Message",78 usage => "j chat [room]@[server]"139 summary => "Show your Jabber roster.", 140 usage => "jlist" 79 141 } 80 142 ); 81 143 owl::new_command( 82 j join => \&cmd_join_gc,144 jmuc => \&cmd_jmuc, 83 145 { 84 summary => "Joins a jabber groupchat.", 85 usage => "jjoin [room]@[server]/[nick]" 146 summary => "Jabber MUC related commands.", 147 description => "jmuc sends jabber commands related to muc.\n\n". 148 "The following commands are available\n\n". 149 "join {muc} Join a muc.\n\n". 150 "part [muc] Part a muc.". 151 " The muc is taken from the current message if not supplied.\n\n". 152 "invite {jid} [muc]\n\n". 153 " Invite {jid} to [muc].\n". 154 " The muc is taken from the current message if not supplied.\n\n", 155 usage => "jmuc {command} {args}" 86 156 } 87 157 ); 88 owl::new_command(89 jpart => \&cmd_part_gc,90 {91 summary => "Parts a jabber groupchat.",92 usage => "jpart [room]@[server]/[nick]"93 }94 );95 158 } 96 159 … … 102 165 return; 103 166 } 104 105 # These strings should not be hard-coded here.167 168 %muc_roster = (); 106 169 $client = Net::Jabber::Client->new(); 170 $roster = $client->Roster(); 171 172 #XXX Todo: Add more callbacks. 173 # MUC presence handlers 107 174 $client->SetMessageCallBacks(chat => sub { owl_jabber::process_incoming_chat_message(@_) }, 108 175 error => sub { owl_jabber::process_incoming_error_message(@_) }, … … 110 177 headline => sub { owl_jabber::process_incoming_headline_message(@_) }, 111 178 normal => sub { owl_jabber::process_incoming_normal_message(@_) }); 179 180 #XXX Todo: Parameterize the arguments to Connect() 112 181 my $status = $client->Connect(hostname => 'jabber.mit.edu', 113 182 tls => 1, … … 118 187 { 119 188 owl::error("We failed to connect"); 120 return; 121 } 189 $client = undef; 190 return; 191 } 192 122 193 123 194 my @result = $client->AuthSend(username => $ENV{USER}, resource => 'owl', password => ''); 124 195 if($result[0] ne 'ok') { 125 196 owl::error("Error in connect: " . join(" ", $result[1..$#result])); 197 $roster = undef; 126 198 $client->Disconnect(); 127 199 $client = undef; … … 135 207 resource => 'owl'); 136 208 209 $roster->fetch(); 137 210 $client->PresenceSend(priority => 1); 138 211 queue_admin_msg("Connected to jabber as ".$jid->GetJID('full')); … … 145 218 if ($client) 146 219 { 220 $roster = undef; 147 221 $client->Disconnect(); 148 222 $client = undef; … … 150 224 } 151 225 return ""; 226 } 227 228 sub cmd_jlist 229 { 230 if (!$client) 231 { 232 owl::error("You are not logged in to Jabber."); 233 return; 234 } 235 owl::popless_ztext(onGetBuddyList()); 152 236 } 153 237 … … 160 244 if (!$client) 161 245 { 162 # Error here246 owl::error("You are not logged in to Jabber."); 163 247 return; 164 248 } … … 173 257 JW_ARG: for (my $i = 1; $i < $argsLen; $i++) 174 258 { 175 $args[$i] =~ /^-t$/ && ($jwrite_thread = $args[++$i] && next JW_ARG); 176 $args[$i] =~ /^-s$/ && ($jwrite_subject = $args[++$i] && next JW_ARG); 259 $args[$i] =~ /^-t$/ && ($jwrite_thread = $args[++$i] and next JW_ARG); 260 $args[$i] =~ /^-s$/ && ($jwrite_subject = $args[++$i] and next JW_ARG); 261 $args[$i] =~ /^-g$/ && ($jwrite_type = "groupchat" and next JW_ARG); 262 177 263 if ($jwrite_to ne '') 178 264 { … … 189 275 } 190 276 191 if(!$jwrite_to) { 277 if(!$jwrite_to) 278 { 192 279 owl::error("Usage: jwrite JID [-t thread] [-s 'subject']"); 193 280 return; 194 281 } 195 282 283 196 284 owl::message("Type your message below. End with a dot on a line by itself. ^C will quit."); 197 285 owl::start_edit_win(join(' ', @args), \&process_owl_jwrite); 198 286 } 199 287 200 sub cmd_j oin_gc288 sub cmd_jmuc 201 289 { 202 290 if (!$client) 203 291 { 204 # Error here 205 return; 206 } 207 if(!$_[1]) 208 { 209 owl::error("Usage: jchat [room]@[server]/[nick]"); 210 return; 211 } 212 213 my $x = new XML::Stream::Node('x'); 214 $x->put_attrib(xmlns => 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'); 215 $x->add_child('history')->put_attrib(maxchars => '0'); 216 217 218 my $presence = new Net::Jabber::Presence; 219 $presence->SetPresence(to => $_[1]); 220 $presence->AddX($x); 221 222 $client->Send($presence); 292 owl::error("You are not logged in to Jabber."); 293 return; 294 } 295 296 if (!$_[1]) 297 { 298 #XXX TODO: Write general usage for jmuc command. 299 return; 300 } 301 302 my $cmd = $_[1]; 303 304 if ($cmd eq 'join') 305 { 306 if (!$_[2]) 307 { 308 owl::error('Usage: jmuc join {muc} [password]'); 309 return; 310 } 311 my $muc = $_[2]; 312 my $x = new XML::Stream::Node('x'); 313 $x->put_attrib(xmlns => 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'); 314 $x->add_child('history')->put_attrib(maxchars => '0'); 315 316 if ($_[3]) #password 317 { 318 $x->add_child('password')->add_cdata($_[3]); 319 } 320 321 my $presence = new Net::Jabber::Presence; 322 $presence->SetPresence(to => $muc); 323 $presence->AddX($x); 324 $client->Send($presence); 325 } 326 elsif ($cmd eq 'part') 327 { 328 my $muc; 329 if (!$_[2]) 330 { 331 my $m = owl::getcurmsg(); 332 if ($m->is_jabber && $m->{jtype} eq 'groupchat') 333 { 334 $muc = $m->{muc}; 335 } 336 else 337 { 338 owl::error('Usage: "jmuc part [muc]"'); 339 return; 340 } 341 } 342 else 343 { 344 $muc = $_[2]; 345 } 346 $client->PresenceSend(to => $muc, type => 'unavailable'); 347 } 348 elsif ($cmd eq 'invite') 349 { 350 my $jid; 351 my $muc; 352 353 owl::error('Usage: jmuc invite {jid} [muc]') if (!$_[2]); 354 355 if (!@_[3]) 356 { 357 my $m = owl::getcurmsg(); 358 if ($m->is_jabber && $m->{jtype} eq 'groupchat') 359 { 360 $muc = $m->{muc}; 361 } 362 else 363 { 364 owl::error('Usage: jmuc invite {jid} [muc]'); 365 return; 366 } 367 } 368 else 369 { 370 $muc = $_[3]; 371 } 372 373 my $x = new XML::Stream::Node('x'); 374 $x->put_attrib(xmlns => 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'); 375 $x->add_child('invite')->put_attrib(to => $_[2]); 376 377 my $message = new Net::Jabber::Message; 378 $message->SetTo($muc); 379 $message->AddX($x); 380 381 $client->Send($message); 382 } 383 else 384 { 385 owl::error('jmuc: unrecognized command.'); 386 } 223 387 return ""; 224 }225 226 sub cmd_part_gc227 {228 if (!$client)229 {230 # Error here231 return;232 }233 if(!$_[1])234 {235 owl::error("Usage: jchat [room]@[server]/[nick]");236 return;237 }238 239 $client->PresenceSend(to=>$_[1], type=>'unavailable');240 return "";241 }242 243 sub cmd_jwrite_gc244 {245 if (!$client)246 {247 # Error here248 return;249 }250 251 $jwrite_to = $_[1];252 $jwrite_thread = "";253 $jwrite_subject = "";254 $jwrite_type = "groupchat";255 my @args = @_;256 my $argsLen = @args;257 258 owl::message("Type your message below. End with a dot on a line by itself. ^C will quit.");259 owl::start_edit_win(join(' ', @args), \&process_owl_jwrite);260 388 } 261 389 … … 296 424 { 297 425 my ($session, $j) = @_; 298 queue_admin_msg("Error ".$j->GetErrorCode()." sending to ".$j->GetFrom('jid')->GetJID('base')); 426 my %jhash = j2hash($j, 'in'); 427 $jhash{type} = 'admin'; 428 owl::queue_message(owl::Message->new(%jhash)); 299 429 } 300 430 … … 316 446 { 317 447 my ($session, $j) = @_; 318 owl::queue_message(j2o($j, 'in')); 448 my %props = j2hash($j, 'in'); 449 450 # XXX TODO: handle things such as MUC invites here. 451 452 # if ($j->HasX('http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user')) 453 # { 454 # my $x = $j->GetX('http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'); 455 # if ($x->HasChild('invite')) 456 # { 457 # $props 458 # } 459 # } 460 # 461 owl::queue_message(owl::Message->new(%props)); 462 } 463 464 sub process_muc_presence 465 { 466 my ($session, $p) = @_; 467 return unless ($p->HasX('http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user')); 468 319 469 } 320 470 … … 322 472 ### Helper functions 323 473 324 sub j2 o474 sub j2hash 325 475 { 326 476 my $j = shift; … … 330 480 direction => $dir); 331 481 332 333 $props{replycmd} = "jwrite"; 334 335 $props{jtype} = $j->GetType(); 336 $props{jtype} =~ /^(?:headline|error)$/ && {$props{replycmd} = undef}; 337 $props{jtype} =~ /^groupchat$/ && {$props{replycmd} = "jchat"}; 338 339 $props{isprivate} = $props{jtype} =~ /^(?:normal|chat)$/; 340 341 my $reply_to; 342 if ($j->DefinedTo()) 343 { 344 my $jid = $j->GetTo('jid'); 345 $props{recipient} = $jid->GetJID('base'); 346 $props{to_jid} = $jid->GetJID('full'); 347 if ($dir eq 'out') 348 { 349 $reply_to = $props{to_jid}; 350 $props{jtype} =~ /^groupchat$/ && {$reply_to = $jid->GetJID('base')}; 351 } 352 } 353 if ($j->DefinedFrom()) 354 { 355 my $jid = $j->GetFrom('jid'); 356 $props{sender} = $jid->GetJID('base'); 357 $props{from_jid} = $jid->GetJID('full'); 358 $reply_to = $props{from_jid} if ($dir eq 'in'); 359 if ($dir eq 'in') 360 { 361 $reply_to = $props{from_jid}; 362 $props{jtype} =~ /^groupchat$/ && {$reply_to = $jid->GetJID('base')}; 363 } 364 } 365 366 $props{subject} = $j->GetSubject() if ($j->DefinedSubject()); 367 $props{body} = $j->GetBody() if ($j->DefinedBody()); 368 # if ($j->DefinedThread()) 369 # { 370 # $props{thread} = $j->GetThread() if ($j->DefinedThread()); 371 # $props{replycmd} .= " -t $props{thread}"; 372 # } 373 $props{error} = $j->GetError() if ($j->DefinedError()); 482 my $jtype = $props{jtype} = $j->GetType(); 483 my $from = $j->GetFrom('jid'); 484 my $to = $j->GetTo('jid'); 485 486 $props{from} = $from->GetJID('full'); 487 $props{to} = $to->GetJID('full'); 488 489 $props{recipient} = $to->GetJID('base'); 490 $props{sender} = $from->GetJID('base'); 491 $props{subject} = $j->GetSubject() if ($j->DefinedSubject()); 492 $props{thread} = $j->GetThread() if ($j->DefinedThread()); 493 $props{body} = $j->GetBody() if ($j->DefinedBody()); 494 $props{error} = $j->GetError() if ($j->DefinedError()); 374 495 $props{error_code} = $j->GetErrorCode() if ($j->DefinedErrorCode()); 375 $props{replycmd} .= " $reply_to"; 496 $props{xml} = $j->GetXML(); 497 498 if ($jtype eq 'chat') 499 { 500 $props{replycmd} = "jwrite ".(($dir eq 'in') ? $props{from} : $props{to}); 501 $props{isprivate} = 1; 502 } 503 elsif ($jtype eq 'groupchat') 504 { 505 my $nick = $props{nick} = $from->GetResource(); 506 my $room = $props{room} = $from->GetJID('base'); 507 $props{replycmd} = "jwrite -g $room"; 508 509 $props{sender} = $nick; 510 $props{recipient} = $room; 511 512 if ($props{subject} && !$props{body}) 513 { 514 $props{body} = '['.$nick." has set the topic to: ".$props{subject}."]" 515 } 516 } 517 elsif ($jtype eq 'normal') 518 { 519 $props{replycmd} = undef; 520 $props{isprivate} = 1; 521 } 522 elsif ($jtype eq 'headline') 523 { 524 $props{replycmd} = undef; 525 } 526 elsif ($jtype eq 'error') 527 { 528 $props{replycmd} = undef; 529 $props{body} = "Error ".$props{error_code}." sending to ".$props{from}."\n".$props{error}; 530 } 531 376 532 $props{replysendercmd} = $props{replycmd}; 377 378 return owl::Message->new(%props); 533 return %props; 534 } 535 536 sub j2o 537 { 538 return owl::Message->new(j2hash(@_)); 379 539 } 380 540 … … 387 547 owl::queue_message($m); 388 548 } 549 550 sub boldify($) 551 { 552 $str = shift; 553 554 return '@b('.$str.')' if ( $str !~ /\)/ ); 555 return '@b<'.$str.'>' if ( $str !~ /\>/ ); 556 return '@b{'.$str.'}' if ( $str !~ /\}/ ); 557 return '@b['.$str.']' if ( $str !~ /\]/ ); 558 559 my $txt = "\@b($str"; 560 $txt =~ s/\)/\)\@b\[\)\]\@b\(/g; 561 return $txt.')'; 562 } 563
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