Changeset be43554 for perl/modules
- Timestamp:
- Aug 8, 2013, 3:51:55 PM (12 years ago)
- Branches:
- master, release-1.10
- Children:
- 76e80de
- Parents:
- ae2b830
- git-author:
- Jason Gross <> (01/05/13 14:41:45)
- git-committer:
- Jason Gross <> (08/08/13 15:51:55)
- Location:
- perl/modules/IRC/lib/BarnOwl/Module
- Files:
- 2 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
rc84c365 rbe43554 21 21 22 22 use AnyEvent::IRC; 23 use Encode; 24 use File::Spec; 23 25 use Getopt::Long; 24 use Encode;25 26 use Text::Wrap; 26 27 27 28 our $VERSION = 0.02; 29 30 our $IRC_SUBS_FILENAME = "ircchannels"; 28 31 29 32 our $irc; … … 230 233 { 231 234 summary => 'Join an IRC channel', 232 usage => 'irc-join [-a ALIAS] #channel [KEY]', 233 234 description => <<END_DESCR 235 Join an IRC channel. 235 usage => 'irc-join [-a ALIAS] [-t] #channel [KEY]', 236 237 description => <<END_DESCR 238 Join an IRC channel. If the -t option is present the subscription will only be 239 temporary, i.e., it will not be written to the subscription file and will 240 therefore not be present the next time BarnOwl is started, and will disappear 241 if the connection is lost. 236 242 END_DESCR 237 243 } … … 242 248 { 243 249 summary => 'Leave an IRC channel', 244 usage => 'irc-part [-a ALIAS] #channel', 245 246 description => <<END_DESCR 247 Part from an IRC channel. 250 usage => 'irc-part [-a ALIAS] [-t] #channel', 251 252 description => <<END_DESCR 253 Part from an IRC channel. If the -t option is present the unsubscription will 254 only be temporary, i.e., it will not be updated in the subscription file and 255 will therefore not be in effect the next time BarnOwl is started, or if the 256 connection is lost. 248 257 END_DESCR 249 258 } … … 342 351 This can be used to perform some operation not yet supported by 343 352 BarnOwl, or to define new IRC commands. 353 END_DESCR 354 } 355 ); 356 357 BarnOwl::new_command( 358 'irc-loadchannels' => \&cmd_loadchannels, 359 { 360 summary => 'Reload persistent channels', 361 usage => 'irc-loadchannels [-a ALIAS] [<file>]', 362 363 description => <<END_DESCR 364 Load persistent channels from a file. The file defaults to 365 \$HOME/.owl/$IRC_SUBS_FILENAME. If the ALIAS is present, only channels 366 on the given alias are loaded. The ALIAS is case-sensitive. 367 368 Each line of the file should describe a single channel, in the format 369 '\$alias \$channel' (without quotes). 344 370 END_DESCR 345 371 } … … 356 382 ######################## Owl command handlers ################################## 357 383 ################################################################################ 384 385 sub make_autoconnect_filename { 386 # can't use ||, or else we'll treat '0' as invalid. We could check for eq "" ... 387 # TODO(jgross): When we move to requiring perl 5.10, combine the 388 # following two lines using // 389 my $filename = shift; 390 $filename = File::Spec->catfile(BarnOwl::get_config_dir(), $IRC_SUBS_FILENAME) unless defined $filename; 391 if (!File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($filename)) { 392 $filename = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{HOME}, $filename); 393 } 394 return $filename; 395 } 396 397 sub _get_autoconnect_lines { 398 my $filename = shift; 399 400 # TODO(jgross): Write a C-side function to do this, asynchronously; 401 # AIUI, perl doesn't do asynchronous I/O in any useful way 402 if (open (my $subsfile, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $filename)) { 403 my @lines = <$subsfile>; 404 close($subsfile); 405 406 # strip trailing newlines 407 local $/ = ""; 408 chomp(@lines); 409 410 return @lines; 411 } 412 413 return (); 414 } 415 416 sub get_autoconnect_channels { 417 my $filename = make_autoconnect_filename(shift); 418 my %channel_hash = (); 419 420 # Load the subs from the file 421 my @lines = _get_autoconnect_lines($filename); 422 423 foreach my $line (@lines) { 424 my @parsed_args = split(' ', $line); 425 if (scalar @parsed_args == 2) { 426 push @{$channel_hash{$parsed_args[0]}}, $parsed_args[1]; 427 } else { 428 warn "Trouble parsing irc configuration file '$filename' line '$line'; the format is '\$alias \$channel', with no spaces in either\n"; 429 } 430 } 431 432 return %channel_hash; 433 } 434 435 sub add_autoconnect_channel { 436 my $conn = shift; 437 my $channel = shift; 438 my $alias = $conn->alias; 439 my $filename = make_autoconnect_filename(shift); 440 441 # we already checked for spaces in $channel in cmd_join, but we still need 442 # to check $alias 443 die "Alias name '$alias' contains a space; parsing will fail. Use the -t flag.\n" unless index($alias, " ") == -1; 444 445 my $line = "$alias $channel"; 446 447 my @lines = _get_autoconnect_lines($filename); 448 449 # We don't want to be noisy about duplicated joins. For example, some 450 # people might have :irc-join in startup files, even though that doesn't 451 # work correctly anymore because connect is asynchronous and so join on 452 # startup races with connect. Regardless, just fail silently if the line 453 # already exists. 454 return if grep { $_ eq $line } @lines; 455 456 open (my $subsfile, ">>:encoding(UTF-8)", make_autoconnect_filename($filename)) 457 or die "Cannot open $filename for writing: $!\n"; 458 local $, = ""; 459 local $/ = ""; 460 print $subsfile "$line\n"; 461 close($subsfile); 462 } 463 464 sub remove_autoconnect_channel { 465 my $conn = shift; 466 my $channel = shift; 467 my $alias = $conn->alias; 468 my $filename = make_autoconnect_filename(shift); 469 470 BarnOwl::Internal::file_deleteline($filename, "$alias $channel", 1); 471 } 472 473 sub cmd_loadchannels { 474 my $cmd = shift; 475 my $alias; 476 my $getopt = Getopt::Long::Parser->new; 477 478 local @ARGV = @_; 479 $getopt->configure(qw(pass_through permute no_getopt_compat prefix_pattern=-|--)); 480 $getopt->getoptions("alias=s" => \$alias); 481 482 my %channel_hash = get_autoconnect_channels(@ARGV); 483 484 my $aliases = (defined $alias) ? [$alias] : [keys %channel_hash]; 485 486 foreach my $cur_alias (@$aliases) { 487 # get_connection_by_alias might die, and we don't want to 488 eval { 489 my $conn = get_connection_by_alias($cur_alias, 1); 490 my %existing_channels = map { $_ => 1 } @{$conn->autoconnect_channels}, @{$channel_hash{$cur_alias}}; 491 $conn->autoconnect_channels([keys %existing_channels]); 492 }; 493 foreach my $channel (@{$channel_hash{$cur_alias}}) { 494 if ($cur_alias eq "") { 495 BarnOwl::command("irc-join", "-t", $channel); 496 } else { 497 BarnOwl::command("irc-join", "-t", "-a", $cur_alias, $channel); 498 } 499 } 500 } 501 } 358 502 359 503 sub cmd_connect { … … 393 537 } 394 538 539 my %channel_hash = get_autoconnect_channels; 540 395 541 my $conn = BarnOwl::Module::IRC::Connection->new($alias, $host, $port, { 396 nick => $nick, 397 user => $username, 398 real => $ircname, 399 password => $password, 400 SSL => $ssl, 401 timeout => sub {0} 542 nick => $nick, 543 user => $username, 544 real => $ircname, 545 password => $password, 546 SSL => $ssl, 547 timeout => sub {0}, 548 autoconnect_channels => $channel_hash{$alias} 402 549 }); 403 550 $ircnets{$alias} = $conn; … … 486 633 sub cmd_join { 487 634 my $cmd = shift; 488 my $conn = shift; 489 my $chan = shift or die("Usage: $cmd channel\n"); 490 $conn->conn->send_msg(join => $chan, @_); 635 my $is_temporary; 636 637 my $getopt = Getopt::Long::Parser->new; 638 639 local @ARGV = @_; 640 $getopt->configure(qw(pass_through permute no_getopt_compat prefix_pattern=-|--)); 641 $getopt->getoptions("temporary" => \$is_temporary); 642 643 my $conn = shift @ARGV; 644 my $chan = shift @ARGV or die("Usage: $cmd channel\n"); 645 646 die "Channel name '$chan' contains a space. As per RFC 2812, IRC channel names may not contain spaces.\n" unless index($channel, " ") == -1; 647 648 $conn->conn->send_msg(join => $chan, @ARGV); 649 650 # regardless of whether or not this is temporary, we want to persist it 651 # across reconnects. 652 653 # check if the channel is already in the list 654 if (!grep { $_ eq $chan } @{$conn->autoconnect_channels}) { 655 push @{$conn->autoconnect_channels}, $chan; 656 } 657 658 if (!$is_temporary) { 659 # add the line to the subs file 660 add_autoconnect_channel($conn, $chan); 661 } 662 491 663 return; 492 664 } … … 494 666 sub cmd_part { 495 667 my $cmd = shift; 496 my $conn = shift; 497 my $chan = shift; 668 my $is_temporary; 669 670 my $getopt = Getopt::Long::Parser->new; 671 672 local @ARGV = @_; 673 $getopt->configure(qw(pass_through permute no_getopt_compat prefix_pattern=-|--)); 674 $getopt->getoptions("temporary" => \$is_temporary); 675 676 my $conn = shift @ARGV; 677 my $chan = shift @ARGV or die("Usage: $cmd channel\n"); 678 498 679 $conn->conn->send_msg(part => $chan); 680 681 # regardless of whether or not this is temporary, we want to persist it 682 # across reconnects 683 my %existing_channels = map { $_ => 1 } @{$conn->autoconnect_channels}; 684 delete $existing_channels{$chan}; 685 $conn->autoconnect_channels([keys %existing_channels]); 686 687 if (!$is_temporary) { 688 # remove the line from the subs file 689 remove_autoconnect_channel($conn, $chan); 690 } 691 499 692 return; 500 693 } … … 596 789 my $alias; 597 790 my $channel; 791 my $is_temporary; 598 792 my $getopt = Getopt::Long::Parser->new; 599 793 my $m = BarnOwl::getcurmsg(); … … 601 795 local @ARGV = @_; 602 796 $getopt->configure(qw(pass_through permute no_getopt_compat prefix_pattern=-|--)); 603 $getopt->getoptions("alias=s" => \$alias); 797 $getopt->getoptions("alias=s" => \$alias, 798 "temporary" => \$is_temporary); 604 799 605 800 if(defined($alias)) { … … 640 835 die("You must specify an IRC network using -a.\n"); 641 836 } 837 push @ARGV, "-t" if $is_temporary; 642 838 if($flags & CHANNEL_ARG) { 643 839 $sub->($cmd, $conn, $channel, @ARGV); -
r13ee8f2 rbe43554 39 39 my $self = bless({}, $class); 40 40 $self->conn($conn); 41 $self->autoconnect_channels([]); 41 # TODO(jgross): use // when we move to requiring perl 5.10 42 $self->autoconnect_channels(defined $args->{autoconnect_channels} ? $args->{autoconnect_channels} : []); 42 43 $self->alias($alias); 43 44 $self->server($host); … … 412 413 $self->{reconnect_timer}->stop; 413 414 } 414 $self->{reconnect_timer} = 415 $self->{reconnect_timer} = 415 416 BarnOwl::Timer->new( { 416 417 name => 'IRC (' . $self->alias . ') reconnect_timer', … … 445 446 $self->conn->send_msg(join => $c); 446 447 } 447 $self->autoconnect_channels([]);448 448 } 449 449 $self->conn->enable_ping(60, sub { … … 458 458 my $backoff = $self->backoff; 459 459 460 $self->autoconnect_channels([keys(%{$self->{channel_list}})]);461 460 $self->conn->connect(@{$self->connect_args}); 462 461 }
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