Changeset e488ec5
- Timestamp:
- Jul 27, 2010, 10:50:36 PM (15 years ago)
- Branches:
- master, release-1.10, release-1.7, release-1.8, release-1.9
- Children:
- 35a30f9
- Parents:
- f93cc34 (diff), 26ad412 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent. - Files:
- 26 added
- 1 deleted
- 37 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r5e5f08f rc5873be 7 7 8 8 struct owlfaim_priv { 9 char *aimbinarypath;10 9 char *screenname; 11 10 char *password; … … 65 64 /* static int reportinterval(aim_session_t *sess, aim_module_t *mod, aim_frame_t *rx, aim_modsnac_t *snac, aim_bstream_t *bs); */ 66 65 static int faimtest_parse_motd(aim_session_t *sess, aim_frame_t *fr, ...); 67 static int getaimdata(aim_session_t *sess, unsigned char **bufret, int *buflenret, unsigned long offset, unsigned long len, const char *modname);68 static int faimtest_memrequest(aim_session_t *sess, aim_frame_t *fr, ...);69 66 /* static void printuserflags(fu16_t flags); */ 70 67 static int faimtest_parse_userinfo(aim_session_t *sess, aim_frame_t *fr, ...); … … 517 514 va_end(ap); 518 515 519 owl_function_debugmsg("faimtest_parse_login: %s %s %s", priv->screenname, priv->password, key);520 521 516 aim_send_login(sess, fr->conn, priv->screenname, priv->password, &info, key); 522 517 … … 635 630 aim_conn_addhandler(sess, bosconn, AIM_CB_FAM_SPECIAL, AIM_CB_SPECIAL_CONNERR, faimtest_parse_connerr, 0); 636 631 aim_conn_addhandler(sess, bosconn, AIM_CB_FAM_LOC, AIM_CB_LOC_RIGHTSINFO, faimtest_locrights, 0); 637 aim_conn_addhandler(sess, bosconn, 0x0001, 0x001f, faimtest_memrequest, 0);638 632 aim_conn_addhandler(sess, bosconn, AIM_CB_FAM_BUD, AIM_CB_BUD_ONCOMING, faimtest_parse_oncoming, 0); 639 633 aim_conn_addhandler(sess, bosconn, AIM_CB_FAM_BUD, AIM_CB_BUD_OFFGOING, faimtest_parse_offgoing, 0); … … 951 945 952 946 /* 953 * This is a little more complicated than it looks. The module954 * name (proto, boscore, etc) may or may not be given. If it is955 * not given, then use aim.exe. If it is given, put ".ocm" on the956 * end of it.957 *958 * Now, if the offset or length requested would cause a read past959 * the end of the file, then the request is considered invalid. Invalid960 * requests are processed specially. The value hashed is the961 * the request, put into little-endian (eight bytes: offset followed962 * by length).963 *964 * Additionally, if the request is valid, the length is mod 4096. It is965 * important that the length is checked for validity first before doing966 * the mod.967 *968 * Note to Bosco's Brigade: if you'd like to break this, put the969 * module name on an invalid request.970 *971 */972 static int getaimdata(aim_session_t *sess, unsigned char **bufret, int *buflenret, unsigned long offset, unsigned long len, const char *modname)973 {974 struct owlfaim_priv *priv = sess->aux_data;975 FILE *f;976 static const char defaultmod[] = "aim.exe";977 char *filename = NULL;978 struct stat st;979 unsigned char *buf;980 int invalid = 0;981 982 if (!bufret || !buflenret)983 return -1;984 985 if (modname) {986 filename = owl_sprintf("%s/%s.ocm", priv->aimbinarypath, modname);987 } else {988 filename = owl_sprintf("%s/%s", priv->aimbinarypath, defaultmod);989 }990 991 if (stat(filename, &st) == -1) {992 if (!modname) {993 /* perror("memrequest: stat"); */994 owl_free(filename);995 return -1;996 }997 invalid = 1;998 }999 1000 if (!invalid) {1001 if ((offset > st.st_size) || (len > st.st_size))1002 invalid = 1;1003 else if ((st.st_size - offset) < len)1004 len = st.st_size - offset;1005 else if ((st.st_size - len) < len)1006 len = st.st_size - len;1007 }1008 1009 if (!invalid && len) {1010 len %= 4096;1011 }1012 1013 if (invalid) {1014 int i;1015 1016 owl_free(filename); /* not needed */1017 owl_function_error("getaimdata memrequest: recieved invalid request for 0x%08lx bytes at 0x%08lx (file %s)\n", len, offset, modname);1018 i = 8;1019 if (modname) {1020 i+=strlen(modname);1021 }1022 1023 if (!(buf = owl_malloc(i))) {1024 return -1;1025 }1026 1027 i=0;1028 1029 if (modname) {1030 memcpy(buf, modname, strlen(modname));1031 i+=strlen(modname);1032 }1033 1034 /* Damn endianness. This must be little (LSB first) endian. */1035 buf[i++] = offset & 0xff;1036 buf[i++] = (offset >> 8) & 0xff;1037 buf[i++] = (offset >> 16) & 0xff;1038 buf[i++] = (offset >> 24) & 0xff;1039 buf[i++] = len & 0xff;1040 buf[i++] = (len >> 8) & 0xff;1041 buf[i++] = (len >> 16) & 0xff;1042 buf[i++] = (len >> 24) & 0xff;1043 1044 *bufret = buf;1045 *buflenret = i;1046 } else {1047 if (!(buf = owl_malloc(len))) {1048 owl_free(filename);1049 return -1;1050 }1051 /* printf("memrequest: loading %ld bytes from 0x%08lx in \"%s\"...\n", len, offset, filename); */1052 if (!(f = fopen(filename, "r"))) {1053 /* perror("memrequest: fopen"); */1054 owl_free(filename);1055 owl_free(buf);1056 return -1;1057 }1058 1059 owl_free(filename);1060 1061 if (fseek(f, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) {1062 /* perror("memrequest: fseek"); */1063 fclose(f);1064 owl_free(buf);1065 return -1;1066 }1067 1068 if (fread(buf, len, 1, f) != 1) {1069 /* perror("memrequest: fread"); */1070 fclose(f);1071 owl_free(buf);1072 return -1;1073 }1074 1075 fclose(f);1076 *bufret = buf;1077 *buflenret = len;1078 }1079 return 0; /* success! */1080 }1081 1082 /*1083 * This will get an offset and a length. The client should read this1084 * data out of whatever AIM.EXE binary the user has provided (hopefully1085 * it matches the client information thats sent at login) and pass a1086 * buffer back to libfaim so it can hash the data and send it to AOL for1087 * inspection by the client police.1088 */1089 static int faimtest_memrequest(aim_session_t *sess, aim_frame_t *fr, ...)1090 {1091 struct owlfaim_priv *priv = sess->aux_data;1092 va_list ap;1093 fu32_t offset, len;1094 const char *modname;1095 unsigned char *buf;1096 int buflen;1097 1098 va_start(ap, fr);1099 offset = va_arg(ap, fu32_t);1100 len = va_arg(ap, fu32_t);1101 modname = va_arg(ap, const char *);1102 va_end(ap);1103 1104 if (priv->aimbinarypath && (getaimdata(sess, &buf, &buflen, offset, len, modname) == 0)) {1105 aim_sendmemblock(sess, fr->conn, offset, buflen, buf, AIM_SENDMEMBLOCK_FLAG_ISREQUEST);1106 owl_free(buf);1107 } else {1108 owl_function_debugmsg("faimtest_memrequest: unable to use AIM binary (\"%s/%s\"), sending defaults...\n", priv->aimbinarypath, modname);1109 aim_sendmemblock(sess, fr->conn, offset, len, NULL, AIM_SENDMEMBLOCK_FLAG_ISREQUEST);1110 }1111 return 1;1112 }1113 1114 /*1115 947 static void printuserflags(fu16_t flags) 1116 948 { -
rd296c9a re488ec5 1177 1177 return; 1178 1178 1179 file = fopen(owl_global_get_debug_file(&g), "a");1179 file = owl_global_get_debug_file_handle(&g); 1180 1180 if (!file) /* XXX should report this */ 1181 1181 return; … … 1187 1187 vfprintf(file, fmt, ap); 1188 1188 putc('\n', file); 1189 f close(file);1189 fflush(file); 1190 1190 1191 1191 va_end(ap); -
rd296c9a re488ec5 983 983 filters[i].desc)); 984 984 } 985 986 FILE *owl_global_get_debug_file_handle(owl_global *g) { 987 static char *open_file = NULL; 988 const char *filename = owl_global_get_debug_file(g); 989 if (g->debug_file == NULL || 990 (open_file && strcmp(filename, open_file) != 0)) { 991 char *path; 992 int fd; 993 994 if (g->debug_file) 995 fclose(g->debug_file); 996 997 g->debug_file = NULL; 998 999 path = owl_sprintf("%s.%d", filename, getpid()); 1000 fd = open(path, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_EXCL, 0600); 1001 owl_free(path); 1002 1003 if (fd >= 0) 1004 g->debug_file = fdopen(fd, "a"); 1005 1006 owl_free(open_file); 1007 open_file = owl_strdup(filename); 1008 } 1009 return g->debug_file; 1010 } -
r205e164 re488ec5 457 457 g.load_initial_subs = opts.load_initial_subs; 458 458 459 owl_function_debugmsg("startup: Finished parsing arguments");460 461 459 owl_register_signal_handlers(); 462 460 owl_start_curses(); -
rd296c9a re488ec5 76 76 77 77 #define OWL_DEBUG 0 78 #define OWL_DEBUG_FILE "/var/tmp/ owldebug"78 #define OWL_DEBUG_FILE "/var/tmp/barnowl-debug" 79 79 80 80 #define OWL_CONFIG_DIR "/.owl" /* this is relative to the user's home directory */ … … 643 643 int load_initial_subs; 644 644 volatile sig_atomic_t interrupted; 645 FILE *debug_file; 645 646 } owl_global; 646 647 -
rf6fae8d re488ec5 186 186 OWLVAR_PATH( "debug_file" /* %OwlVarStub */, OWL_DEBUG_FILE, 187 187 "path for logging debug messages when debugging is enabled", 188 "This file will be logged to if 'debug' is set to 'on'.\n"), 188 "This file will be logged to if 'debug' is set to 'on'.\n" 189 "BarnOwl will append a dot and the current process's pid to the filename."), 189 190 190 191 OWLVAR_PATH( "zsigproc" /* %OwlVarStub:zsigproc */, NULL, -
r987cf3f re488ec5 179 179 { 180 180 #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR 181 if(owl_global_is_havezephyr(&g)) 182 return(ZPending()); 181 Code_t code; 182 if(owl_global_is_havezephyr(&g)) { 183 if((code = ZPending()) < 0) { 184 owl_function_debugmsg("Error (%s) in ZPending()\n", 185 error_message(code)); 186 return 0; 187 } 188 return code; 189 } 183 190 #endif 184 191 return 0; … … 1397 1404 #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR 1398 1405 ZNotice_t notice; 1406 Code_t code; 1399 1407 owl_message *m=NULL; 1400 1408 1401 1409 while(owl_zephyr_zpending() && zpendcount < OWL_MAX_ZEPHYRGRAMS_TO_PROCESS) { 1402 1410 if (owl_zephyr_zpending()) { 1403 ZReceiveNotice(¬ice, NULL); 1411 if ((code = ZReceiveNotice(¬ice, NULL)) != ZERR_NONE) { 1412 owl_function_debugmsg("Error: %s while calling ZReceiveNotice\n", 1413 error_message(code)); 1414 continue; 1415 } 1404 1416 zpendcount++; 1405 1417 -
rde18326 rf93cc34 15 15 autom4te.cache 16 16 barnowl.bin 17 tester.bin 17 18 zcrypt 18 19 blib … … 30 31 owl_prototypes.h 31 32 32 perl_tester33 33 perlglue.c 34 34 perlwrap.c -
r5aa33fd rd296c9a 1 1 ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 2 CFLAGS += $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) 2 3 3 4 GIT_DESCRIPTION := $(if $(wildcard .git),$(shell git describe --match='barnowl-*' HEAD 2>/dev/null)) … … 18 19 $(GEN_C) $(GEN_H) 19 20 21 man_MANS = doc/barnowl.1 22 doc_DATA = doc/intro.txt doc/advanced.txt 23 20 24 barnowl_bin_LDADD = libfaim/libfaim.a 21 25 … … 35 39 $(GIT_FLAGS) 36 40 37 BASE_SRCS=list.c message.c mainwin.c popwin.c zephyr.c messagelist.c \41 CODELIST_SRCS=list.c message.c mainwin.c popwin.c zephyr.c messagelist.c \ 38 42 commands.c global.c text.c fmtext.c editwin.c util.c logging.c \ 39 43 perlconfig.c keys.c functions.c zwrite.c viewwin.c help.c filter.c \ … … 41 45 keypress.c keymap.c keybinding.c cmd.c context.c \ 42 46 aim.c buddy.c buddylist.c style.c errqueue.c \ 43 zbuddylist.c popexec.c obarray.c select.c wcwidth.c \ 44 glib_compat.c filterproc.c 47 zbuddylist.c popexec.c select.c wcwidth.c \ 48 glib_compat.c mainpanel.c msgwin.c sepbar.c 49 50 NORMAL_SRCS = filterproc.c window.c windowcb.c 51 52 BASE_SRCS = $(CODELIST_SRCS) $(NORMAL_SRCS) 45 53 46 54 GEN_C = varstubs.c perlglue.c … … 64 72 $(AM_V_GEN)perl $< $(sort $(filter-out $<,$+)) > $@ 65 73 66 varstubs.c $( BASE_SRCS)74 varstubs.c $(CODELIST_SRCS) 67 75 $(AM_V_GEN)perl $< $(sort $(filter-out $<,$+)) > $@ 68 76 -
r62c91c1 raeadc74 1 1 BarnOwl - owl, with more ponies 2 2 3 Source is freely available from 4 3 5 Based on owl 2.1.11, by James Kretchmar ( 4 5 This project is a work in progress.6 We guarantee no stability of form or function.7 6 8 7 Notes: -
r8d4b521 rd296c9a 52 52 cmd = owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_cmd)); 53 53 owl_cmd_create_alias(cmd, alias_from, alias_to); 54 owl_perlconfig_new_command(cmd->name); 54 55 owl_dict_insert_element(cd, cmd->name, cmd, (void (*)(void *))owl_cmd_delete); 55 56 return(0); … … 73 74 } else if (NULL != (cmd = owl_dict_find_element(cd, argv[0]))) { 74 75 retval = owl_cmd_execute(cmd, cd, ctx, argc, argv, buff); 76 /* redraw the sepbar; TODO: don't violate layering */ 77 owl_global_sepbar_dirty(&g); 75 78 } else { 76 79 owl_function_makemsg("Unknown command '%s'.", buff); … … 89 92 if (argc < 0) { 90 93 owl_free(tmpbuff); 91 sepbar(NULL);92 94 owl_function_makemsg("Unbalanced quotes"); 93 95 return NULL; … … 104 106 owl_parse_delete(argv, argc); 105 107 owl_free(tmpbuff); 106 sepbar(NULL);107 108 return retval; 108 109 } -
r7ba9e0de rd296c9a 106 106 OWLCMD_ARGS("zwrite", owl_command_zwrite, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, 107 107 "send a zephyr", 108 "zwrite [-n] [-C] [-c class] [-i instance] [-r realm] [-O opc de] [<user> ...] [-m <message...>]",108 "zwrite [-n] [-C] [-c class] [-i instance] [-r realm] [-O opcode] [<user> ...] [-m <message...>]", 109 109 "Zwrite send a zephyr to the one or more users specified.\n\n" 110 110 "The following options are available:\n\n" … … 136 136 "Send a local message.\n"), 137 137 138 OWLCMD_ARGS("zcrypt", owl_command_z crypt, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE,138 OWLCMD_ARGS("zcrypt", owl_command_zwrite, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, 139 139 "send an encrypted zephyr", 140 "zcrypt [-n] [-C] [-c class] [-i instance] [-r realm] [-O opc de] [-m <message...>]\n",140 "zcrypt [-n] [-C] [-c class] [-i instance] [-r realm] [-O opcode] [-m <message...>]\n", 141 141 "Behaves like zwrite but uses encryption. Not for use with\n" 142 142 "personal messages\n"), … … 148 148 "allow editing.\n\n" 149 149 "If 'sender' is specified, reply to the sender.\n\n" 150 "If 'all' or no args are specified, reply public ally to the\n"150 "If 'all' or no args are specified, reply publicly to the\n" 151 151 "same class/instance for non-personal messages and to the\n" 152 152 "sender for personal messages.\n\n" … … 266 266 "zpunt <class> <instance> [recipient]\n" 267 267 "zpunt <instance>", 268 "The zpunt command will sup ress messageto the specified\n"268 "The zpunt command will suppress messages to the specified\n" 269 269 "zephyr triplet. In the second usage messages are suppressed\n" 270 270 "for class MESSAGE and the named instance.\n\n" … … 283 283 "punt <filter-text>", 284 284 "punt <filter-text (multiple words)>\n" 285 "The punt command will sup ress messageto the specified\n"285 "The punt command will suppress messages to the specified\n" 286 286 "filter\n\n" 287 287 "SEE ALSO: unpunt, zpunt, show zpunts\n"), … … 586 586 "name style after the -s argument.\n" 587 587 "\n" 588 "The other usages listed above are abbre ivated forms that simply set\n"588 "The other usages listed above are abbreviated forms that simply set\n" 589 589 "the filter of the current view. The -d option allows you to write a\n" 590 590 "filter expression that will be dynamically created by owl and then\n" … … 594 594 OWLCMD_ARGS("smartnarrow", owl_command_smartnarrow, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, 595 595 "view only messages similar to the current message", 596 "smartnarrow [-i | --instance] [-r | --relat de]",596 "smartnarrow [-i | --instance] [-r | --related]", 597 597 "If the curmsg is a personal message narrow\n" 598 598 " to the conversation with that user.\n" … … 614 614 " message, the filter is to that instance.\n" 615 615 "If the curmsg is a class message, the filter is that class.\n" 616 "If the curmsg is a class message and '-i' is speci ed\n"616 "If the curmsg is a class message and '-i' is specified\n" 617 617 " the filter is to that class and instance.\n"), 618 618 … … 674 674 "for formatting messages.\n\n" 675 675 "Show variables will list the names of all variables.\n\n" 676 "Show errors will show a list of errors e countered by Owl.\n\n"676 "Show errors will show a list of errors encountered by Owl.\n\n" 677 677 "SEE ALSO: filter, view, alias, bindkey, help\n"), 678 678 … … 743 743 "set the search highlight string without searching", 744 744 "setsearch <string>", 745 "The setsearch command highlights all occur ences of its\n"745 "The setsearch command highlights all occurrences of its\n" 746 746 "argument and makes it the default argument for future\n" 747 747 "search commands, but does not move the cursor. With\n" … … 1371 1371 { 1372 1372 owl_function_full_redisplay(); 1373 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);1374 1373 } 1375 1374 … … 1387 1386 { 1388 1387 owl_global_set_rightshift(&g, shift); 1389 owl_mainwin_redisplay(owl_global_get_mainwin(&g));1390 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);1391 1388 } 1392 1389 … … 1914 1911 char *owl_command_zwrite(int argc, const char *const *argv, const char *buff) 1915 1912 { 1916 owl_zwrite z;1913 owl_zwrite *z; 1917 1914 1918 1915 if (!owl_global_is_havezephyr(&g)) { … … 1921 1918 } 1922 1919 /* check for a zwrite -m */ 1923 owl_zwrite_create_from_line(&z, buff); 1924 if (owl_zwrite_is_message_set(&z)) { 1925 owl_function_zwrite(buff, NULL); 1926 owl_zwrite_cleanup(&z); 1927 return (NULL); 1928 } 1929 owl_zwrite_cleanup(&z); 1920 z = owl_zwrite_new(buff); 1921 if (!z) { 1922 owl_function_error("Error in zwrite arguments"); 1923 return NULL; 1924 } 1925 1926 if (owl_zwrite_is_message_set(z)) { 1927 owl_function_zwrite(z, NULL); 1928 owl_zwrite_delete(z); 1929 return NULL; 1930 } 1930 1931 1931 1932 if (argc < 2) { 1933 owl_zwrite_delete(z); 1932 1934 owl_function_makemsg("Not enough arguments to the zwrite command."); 1933 1935 } else { 1934 owl_function_zwrite_setup( buff);1936 owl_function_zwrite_setup(z); 1935 1937 } 1936 1938 return(NULL); … … 2022 2024 } 2023 2025 2024 char *owl_command_zcrypt(int argc, const char *const *argv, const char *buff)2025 {2026 owl_zwrite z;2027 2028 if (!owl_global_is_havezephyr(&g)) {2029 owl_function_makemsg("Zephyr is not available");2030 return(NULL);2031 }2032 /* check for a zcrypt -m */2033 owl_zwrite_create_from_line(&z, buff);2034 if (owl_zwrite_is_message_set(&z)) {2035 owl_function_zcrypt(buff, NULL);2036 owl_zwrite_cleanup(&z);2037 return (NULL);2038 }2039 owl_zwrite_cleanup(&z);2040 2041 if (argc < 2) {2042 owl_function_makemsg("Not enough arguments to the zcrypt command.");2043 } else {2044 owl_function_zwrite_setup(buff);2045 }2046 return(NULL);2047 }2048 2049 2026 char *owl_command_reply(int argc, const char *const *argv, const char *buff) 2050 2027 { … … 2184 2161 argc--; 2185 2162 argv++; 2186 } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-r")) {2187 const char *foo;2188 foo=owl_function_create_negative_filter(owl_view_get_filtname(owl_global_get_current_view(&g)));2189 owl_function_change_currentview_filter(foo);2190 2163 } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-s")) { 2191 2164 if (argc<2) { … … 2717 2690 } 2718 2691 2719 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);2720 2692 owl_global_pop_context(&g); 2721 2693 … … 2738 2710 owl_editwin_clear(e); 2739 2711 owl_editwin_insert_string(e, ptr); 2740 owl_editwin_redisplay(e);2741 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);2742 2712 } else { 2743 2713 owl_function_beep(); … … 2755 2725 owl_editwin_clear(e); 2756 2726 owl_editwin_insert_string(e, ptr); 2757 owl_editwin_redisplay(e);2758 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);2759 2727 } else { 2760 2728 owl_function_beep(); … … 2766 2734 buff = skiptokens(buff, 1); 2767 2735 owl_editwin_insert_string(e, buff); 2768 owl_editwin_redisplay(e);2769 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);2770 2736 return NULL; 2771 2737 } … … 2782 2748 owl_global_set_typwin_inactive(&g); 2783 2749 owl_global_pop_context(&g); 2784 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);2785 2750 2786 2751 owl_editwin_do_callback(e); … … 2804 2769 void owl_command_popless_quit(owl_viewwin *vw) 2805 2770 { 2771 owl_viewwin_cleanup(vw); 2806 2772 owl_popwin_close(owl_global_get_popwin(&g)); 2807 2773 owl_global_pop_context(&g); 2808 owl_viewwin_cleanup(vw); 2809 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); 2810 } 2774 } -
r263320f rd296c9a 35 35 [with_zephyr=check]) 36 36 37 AC_ARG_WITH([krb4], 38 AS_HELP_STRING([--with-krb4], 39 [Build with kerberos IV])) 40 37 41 AS_IF([test "x$with_zephyr" != xno], 38 [AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Kerberos IV]) 39 AS_IF([krb5-config krb4 --libs >/dev/null 2>&1], 40 [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) 41 AC_DEFINE([HAVE_KERBEROS_IV], [1], [Define if you have kerberos IV]) 42 CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} `krb5-config krb4 --cflags`" 43 LIBS="${LIBS} `krb5-config krb4 --libs`" 44 ], 45 [AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) 46 PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBCRYPTO], [libcrypto]) 47 CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${LIBCRYPTO_CFLAGS}" 48 LIBS="${LIBS} ${LIBCRYPTO_LIBS}" 49 ]) 42 [AS_IF([test "x$with_krb4" != "xno"], 43 [AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Kerberos IV]) 44 AS_IF([krb5-config krb4 --libs >/dev/null 2>&1], 45 [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) 46 AC_DEFINE([HAVE_KERBEROS_IV], [1], [Define if you have kerberos IV]) 47 CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} `krb5-config krb4 --cflags`" 48 LIBS="${LIBS} `krb5-config krb4 --libs`" 49 ], 50 [AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) 51 AS_IF([test "x$with_krb4" = "xyes"], 52 [AC_MSG_ERROR([Kerberos IV requested but not found])]) 53 PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIBCRYPTO], [libcrypto]) 54 CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${LIBCRYPTO_CFLAGS}" 55 LIBS="${LIBS} ${LIBCRYPTO_LIBS}" 56 ])]) 50 57 AC_CHECK_LIB([zephyr], [ZGetSender], 51 58 [LIBS="$LIBS -lzephyr" … … 108 115 109 116 dnl Add CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for glib-2.0 110 PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GLIB, glib-2.0)117 PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GLIB,[glib-2.0 gobject-2.0]) 111 118 112 119 AC_MSG_NOTICE([Adding glib-2.0 CFLAGS ${GLIB_CFLAGS}]) … … 131 138 test "$HAVE_DES_ECB_ENCRYPT"]) 132 139 140 CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D_XOPEN_SOURCE" 141 133 142 AC_SUBST([LIBFAIM_CFLAGS]) 134 143 -
r2a17b63 r07b59ea 9 9 ctx->mode = OWL_CTX_STARTUP; 10 10 ctx->data = NULL; 11 ctx->cursor = NULL; 11 12 return 0; 12 13 } -
r1286893 r44cc9ab 86 86 Meta. At any one time, there is exactly one active 87 87 keymap which determines where keybindings are looked for 88 (along with its submaps).88 (along with its parents). 89 89 90 90 list: Simple list abstraction. (Uses realloc to resize the list.) -
r9d7a720 r3f11c00 28 28 int cursorx; 29 29 int winlines, wincols, fillcol, wrapcol; 30 WINDOW *curswin; 30 owl_window *win; 31 gulong repaint_id; 32 gulong resized_id; 31 33 int style; 32 34 int lock; … … 40 42 }; 41 43 44 static void oe_set_window(owl_editwin *e, owl_window *w, int winlines, int wincols); 45 static void oe_redraw(owl_window *win, WINDOW *curswin, void *user_data); 42 46 static void oe_reframe(owl_editwin *e); 43 47 static void oe_save_excursion(owl_editwin *e, oe_excursion *x); … … 58 62 static char *oe_chunk(owl_editwin *e, int start, int end); 59 63 static void oe_destroy_cbdata(owl_editwin *e); 64 static void oe_dirty(owl_editwin *e); 65 static void oe_window_resized(owl_window *w, owl_editwin *e); 60 66 61 67 #define INCR 4096 … … 73 79 void owl_editwin_delete(owl_editwin *e) 74 80 { 81 if (e->win) { 82 g_signal_handler_disconnect(e->win, e->repaint_id); 83 g_signal_handler_disconnect(e->win, e->resized_id); 84 } 75 85 owl_free(e->buff); 76 86 owl_free(e->killbuf); … … 91 101 } 92 102 e->index = index; 103 oe_dirty(e); 93 104 } 94 105 … … 105 116 106 117 static void _owl_editwin_init(owl_editwin *e, 107 WINDOW *win,108 118 int winlines, 109 119 int wincols, … … 130 140 e->style=OWL_EDITWIN_STYLE_MULTILINE; 131 141 } 132 owl_editwin_set_curswin(e, win, winlines, wincols);133 142 e->lock=0; 134 143 e->dotsend=0; 135 144 e->echochar='\0'; 136 137 if (win) werase(win); 138 } 139 140 owl_editwin *owl_editwin_new(WINDOW *win, int winlines, int wincols, int style, owl_history *hist) 145 } 146 147 owl_editwin *owl_editwin_new(owl_window *win, int winlines, int wincols, int style, owl_history *hist) 141 148 { 142 149 owl_editwin *e = owl_editwin_allocate(); 143 150 144 _owl_editwin_init(e, win, winlines, wincols, style, hist); 151 _owl_editwin_init(e, winlines, wincols, style, hist); 152 oe_set_window(e, win, winlines, wincols); 145 153 return e; 146 154 } 147 155 148 void owl_editwin_set_curswin(owl_editwin *e, WINDOW *w, int winlines, int wincols) 149 { 150 e->curswin=w; 156 static void oe_window_resized(owl_window *w, owl_editwin *e) 157 { 158 /* update the sizes */ 159 owl_window_get_position(w, &e->winlines, &e->wincols, NULL, NULL); 160 } 161 162 static void oe_set_window(owl_editwin *e, owl_window *w, int winlines, int wincols) 163 { 164 e->win=w; 151 165 e->winlines=winlines; 152 166 e->wincols=wincols; … … 156 170 else 157 171 e->wrapcol = 0; 172 if (e->win) { 173 e->repaint_id = g_signal_connect(w, "redraw", G_CALLBACK(oe_redraw), e); 174 e->resized_id = g_signal_connect(w, "resized", G_CALLBACK(oe_window_resized), e); 175 owl_window_dirty(e->win); 176 } 158 177 } 159 178 … … 165 184 { 166 185 e->echochar=ch; 167 } 168 169 WINDOW *owl_editwin_get_curswin(owl_editwin *e) 170 { 171 return(e->curswin); 186 oe_dirty(e); 172 187 } 173 188 … … 239 254 e->lock=e->bufflen; 240 255 oe_set_index(e, e->lock); 241 o wl_editwin_redisplay(e);256 oe_dirty(e); 242 257 } 243 258 … … 265 280 266 281 owl_free(e->buff); 267 _owl_editwin_init(e, e-> curswin, e->winlines, e->wincols, e->style, e->hist);282 _owl_editwin_init(e, e->winlines, e->wincols, e->style, e->hist); 268 283 269 284 if (lock > 0) { … … 286 301 { 287 302 e->topindex = -1; 303 oe_dirty(e); 288 304 } 289 305 … … 467 483 468 484 oe_restore_excursion(e, &x); 469 } 470 471 static void oe_addnec(owl_editwin *e, int count) 485 oe_dirty(e); 486 } 487 488 static void oe_addnec(owl_editwin *e, WINDOW *curswin, int count) 472 489 { 473 490 int i; 474 491 475 492 for (i = 0; i < count; i++) 476 waddch( e->curswin, e->echochar);477 } 478 479 static void oe_mvaddnec(owl_editwin *e, int y, int x, int count)480 { 481 wmove( e->curswin, y, x);482 oe_addnec(e, c ount);493 waddch(curswin, e->echochar); 494 } 495 496 static void oe_mvaddnec(owl_editwin *e, WINDOW *curswin, int y, int x, int count) 497 { 498 wmove(curswin, y, x); 499 oe_addnec(e, curswin, count); 483 500 } 484 501 485 502 /* regenerate the text on the curses window */ 486 void owl_editwin_redisplay(owl_editwin *e)503 static void oe_redraw(owl_window *win, WINDOW *curswin, void *user_data) 487 504 { 488 505 int x = -1, y = -1, t, hard; 489 506 int line, index, lineindex, times = 0; 507 owl_editwin *e = user_data; 490 508 491 509 do { 492 werase( e->curswin);510 werase(curswin); 493 511 494 512 if (e->topindex == -1 || e->index < e->topindex) … … 505 523 if (index - lineindex) { 506 524 if (!e->echochar) 507 mvwaddnstr( e->curswin, line, 0,525 mvwaddnstr(curswin, line, 0, 508 526 e->buff + lineindex, 509 527 index - lineindex); 510 528 else { 511 529 if(lineindex < e->lock) { 512 mvwaddnstr( e->curswin, line, 0,530 mvwaddnstr(curswin, line, 0, 513 531 e->buff + lineindex, 514 532 MIN(index - lineindex, 515 533 e->lock - lineindex)); 516 534 if (e->lock < index) 517 oe_addnec(e, 535 oe_addnec(e, curswin, 518 536 oe_region_width(e, e->lock, index, 519 537 oe_region_width(e, lineindex, e->lock, 0))); 520 538 } else 521 oe_mvaddnec(e, line, 0, oe_region_width(e, lineindex, index, 0));539 oe_mvaddnec(e, curswin, line, 0, oe_region_width(e, lineindex, index, 0)); 522 540 } 523 541 if (!hard) 524 waddch( e->curswin, '\\');542 waddch(curswin, '\\'); 525 543 } 526 544 line++; … … 531 549 } while(x == -1 && times < 3); 532 550 533 wmove( e->curswin, y, x);551 wmove(curswin, y, x); 534 552 e->cursorx = x; 535 553 } … … 624 642 if (start <= e->topindex) 625 643 owl_editwin_recenter(e); 644 645 oe_dirty(e); 626 646 627 647 return change; … … 857 877 858 878 e->goal_column = goal_column; 879 oe_dirty(e); 859 880 860 881 return distance; … … 1211 1232 return; 1212 1233 } 1213 owl_editwin_redisplay(e);1214 1234 } 1215 1235 … … 1346 1366 } 1347 1367 1368 static void oe_dirty(owl_editwin *e) 1369 { 1370 if (e->win) owl_window_dirty(e->win); 1371 } 1372 1348 1373 1349 1374 -
r8a921b5 r44cc9ab 1 1 #include <string.h> 2 2 #include "owl.h" 3 4 static void _owl_keymap_format_bindings(const owl_keymap *km, owl_fmtext *fm); 5 static void _owl_keymap_format_with_parents(const owl_keymap *km, owl_fmtext *fm); 3 6 4 7 /* returns 0 on success */ … … 9 12 if ((km->desc = owl_strdup(desc)) == NULL) return(-1); 10 13 if (0 != owl_list_create(&km->bindings)) return(-1); 11 km-> submap= NULL;14 km->parent = NULL; 12 15 km->default_fn = default_fn; 13 16 km->prealways_fn = prealways_fn; … … 24 27 } 25 28 26 void owl_keymap_set_ submap(owl_keymap *km, const owl_keymap *submap)27 { 28 km-> submap = submap;29 void owl_keymap_set_parent(owl_keymap *km, const owl_keymap *parent) 30 { 31 km->parent = parent; 29 32 } 30 33 … … 86 89 87 90 /* Appends details about the keymap to fm */ 88 void owl_keymap_get_details(const owl_keymap *km, owl_fmtext *fm) 89 { 90 int i, nbindings; 91 const owl_keybinding *kb; 92 91 void owl_keymap_get_details(const owl_keymap *km, owl_fmtext *fm, int recurse) 92 { 93 93 owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, "KEYMAP - "); 94 94 owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, km->name); … … 99 99 owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, "\n"); 100 100 } 101 if (km-> submap) {102 owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, OWL_TABSTR "Has submap: ");103 owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, km-> submap->name);101 if (km->parent) { 102 owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, OWL_TABSTR "Has parent: "); 103 owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, km->parent->name); 104 104 owl_fmtext_append_normal(fm, "\n"); 105 105 } … … 119 119 120 120 owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, "\nKey bindings:\n\n"); 121 if (recurse) { 122 _owl_keymap_format_with_parents(km, fm); 123 } else { 124 _owl_keymap_format_bindings(km, fm); 125 } 126 } 127 128 static void _owl_keymap_format_with_parents(const owl_keymap *km, owl_fmtext *fm) 129 { 130 while (km) { 131 _owl_keymap_format_bindings(km, fm); 132 km = km->parent; 133 if (km) { 134 owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, "\nInherited from "); 135 owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, km->name); 136 owl_fmtext_append_bold(fm, ":\n\n"); 137 } 138 } 139 } 140 141 static void _owl_keymap_format_bindings(const owl_keymap *km, owl_fmtext *fm) 142 { 143 int i, nbindings; 144 const owl_keybinding *kb; 145 121 146 nbindings = owl_list_get_size(&km->bindings); 122 147 for (i=0; i<nbindings; i++) { … … 248 273 } 249 274 250 /* deal with the always_fn for the map and submaps */251 for (km=kh->active; km; km=km-> submap) {275 /* deal with the always_fn for the map and parents */ 276 for (km=kh->active; km; km=km->parent) { 252 277 if (km->prealways_fn) { 253 278 km->prealways_fn(j); … … 256 281 257 282 /* search for a match. goes through active keymap and then 258 * through submaps... TODO: clean this up so we can pull283 * through parents... TODO: clean this up so we can pull 259 284 * keyhandler and keymap apart. */ 260 for (km=kh->active; km; km=km-> submap) {285 for (km=kh->active; km; km=km->parent) { 261 286 for (i=owl_list_get_size(&km->bindings)-1; i>=0; i--) { 262 287 kb = owl_list_get_element(&km->bindings, i); -
r8a5b5a1 r5cc7e5e 30 30 "Text editing and command window", 31 31 owl_keys_editwin_default, NULL, owl_keys_editwin_postalways); 32 owl_keymap_set_ submap(km_editwin, km_global);32 owl_keymap_set_parent(km_editwin, km_global); 33 33 /* 34 34 BIND_CMD("F1", "help", ""); … … 99 99 "Multi-line text editing", 100 100 owl_keys_editwin_default, NULL, owl_keys_editwin_postalways); 101 owl_keymap_set_ submap(km_ew_multi, km_editwin);101 owl_keymap_set_parent(km_ew_multi, km_editwin); 102 102 103 103 BIND_CMD("UP", "edit:move-up-line", ""); … … 129 129 "Single-line text editing", 130 130 owl_keys_editwin_default, NULL, owl_keys_editwin_postalways); 131 owl_keymap_set_ submap(km_ew_onel, km_editwin);131 owl_keymap_set_parent(km_ew_onel, km_editwin); 132 132 133 133 BIND_CMD("C-u", "edit:delete-all", "Clears the entire line"); … … 154 154 "Single-line response to question", 155 155 owl_keys_editwin_default, NULL, owl_keys_editwin_postalways); 156 owl_keymap_set_ submap(km_ew_onel, km_editwin);156 owl_keymap_set_parent(km_ew_onel, km_editwin); 157 157 158 158 BIND_CMD("C-u", "edit:delete-all", "Clears the entire line"); … … 169 169 "Pop-up window (eg, help)", 170 170 owl_keys_default_invalid, NULL, owl_keys_popless_postalways); 171 owl_keymap_set_ submap(km_viewwin, km_global);171 owl_keymap_set_parent(km_viewwin, km_global); 172 172 173 173 BIND_CMD("SPACE", "popless:scroll-down-page", ""); … … 222 222 "Main window / message list", 223 223 owl_keys_default_invalid, owl_keys_recwin_prealways, NULL); 224 owl_keymap_set_ submap(km_mainwin, km_global);224 owl_keymap_set_parent(km_mainwin, km_global); 225 225 BIND_CMD("C-x C-c", "start-command quit", ""); 226 226 BIND_CMD("F1", "help", ""); … … 338 338 owl_editwin_post_process_char(e, j); 339 339 } 340 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);341 340 } 342 341 343 342 void owl_keys_popless_postalways(owl_input j) { 344 owl_viewwin *v = owl_global_get_viewwin(&g);345 const owl_popwin *pw = owl_global_get_popwin(&g);346 347 if (pw && owl_popwin_is_active(pw) && v) {348 owl_viewwin_redisplay(v);349 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);350 }351 343 } 352 344 -
r91634ec r839697d 128 128 char filename[MAXPATHLEN], *logpath; 129 129 char *to, *temp; 130 GList *cc; 130 131 131 132 /* expand ~ in path names */ … … 135 136 if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m)) { 136 137 /* If this has CC's, do all but the "recipient" which we'll do below */ 137 to = owl_message_get_cc_without_recipient(m); 138 if (to != NULL) { 139 temp = strtok(to, " "); 140 while (temp != NULL) { 141 temp = short_zuser(temp); 142 snprintf(filename, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", logpath, temp); 143 owl_log_append(m, filename); 144 temp = strtok(NULL, " "); 145 } 146 owl_free(to); 147 } 138 cc = owl_message_get_cc_without_recipient(m); 139 while (cc != NULL) { 140 temp = short_zuser(cc->data); 141 snprintf(filename, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", logpath, temp); 142 owl_log_append(m, filename); 143 144 owl_free(cc->data); 145 cc = g_list_delete_link(cc, cc); 146 } 147 148 148 to = short_zuser(owl_message_get_recipient(m)); 149 149 } else if (owl_message_is_type_jabber(m)) { … … 325 325 * the sender, as well. 326 326 */ 327 char *cc, *temp; 327 char *temp; 328 GList *cc; 328 329 cc = owl_message_get_cc_without_recipient(m); 329 if (cc != NULL) { 330 temp = strtok(cc, " "); 331 while (temp != NULL) { 332 temp = short_zuser(temp); 333 if (strcasecmp(temp, frombuff) != 0) { 334 snprintf(filename, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", logpath, temp); 335 owl_log_append(m, filename); 336 } 337 temp = strtok(NULL, " "); 330 while (cc != NULL) { 331 temp = short_zuser(cc->data); 332 if (strcasecmp(temp, frombuff) != 0) { 333 snprintf(filename, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", logpath, temp); 334 owl_log_append(m, filename); 338 335 } 339 owl_free(cc); 336 337 owl_free(cc->data); 338 cc = g_list_delete_link(cc, cc); 340 339 } 341 340 } -
rf449096 r5cc7e5e 1 1 #include "owl.h" 2 2 3 void owl_mainwin_init(owl_mainwin *mw) 3 static void owl_mainwin_redraw(owl_window *w, WINDOW *recwin, void *user_data); 4 static void owl_mainwin_resized(owl_window *w, void *user_data); 5 6 void owl_mainwin_init(owl_mainwin *mw, owl_window *window) 4 7 { 5 8 mw->curtruncated=0; 6 9 mw->lastdisplayed=-1; 10 mw->window = g_object_ref(window); 11 /* for now, just assume this object lasts forever */ 12 g_signal_connect(window, "redraw", G_CALLBACK(owl_mainwin_redraw), mw); 13 g_signal_connect(window, "resized", G_CALLBACK(owl_mainwin_resized), mw); 14 owl_window_dirty(window); 15 16 /* For now, we do not bother with connecting up dependencies; that'll be a 17 * future refactor of the mainwin */ 18 } 19 20 static void owl_mainwin_resized(owl_window *w, void *user_data) 21 { 22 owl_mainwin *mw = user_data; 23 24 /* in case any styles rely on the current width */ 25 owl_messagelist_invalidate_formats(owl_global_get_msglist(&g)); 26 27 /* recalculate the topmsg to make sure the current message is on 28 * screen */ 29 owl_function_calculate_topmsg(OWL_DIRECTION_NONE); 30 31 /* Schedule a redraw */ 32 owl_window_dirty(mw->window); 7 33 } 8 34 9 35 void owl_mainwin_redisplay(owl_mainwin *mw) 36 { 37 owl_window_dirty(mw->window); 38 } 39 40 static void owl_mainwin_redraw(owl_window *w, WINDOW *recwin, void *user_data) 10 41 { 11 42 owl_message *m; … … 13 44 int x, y, savey, recwinlines, start; 14 45 int topmsg, curmsg, markedmsgid, fgcolor, bgcolor; 15 WINDOW *recwin;16 46 const owl_view *v; 17 47 GList *fl; 18 48 const owl_filter *f; 49 owl_mainwin *mw = user_data; 19 50 20 recwin = owl_global_get_curs_recwin(&g);21 51 topmsg = owl_global_get_topmsg(&g); 22 52 curmsg = owl_global_get_curmsg(&g); … … 43 73 mw->curtruncated=0; 44 74 mw->lastdisplayed=-1; 45 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);46 75 return; 47 76 } … … 88 117 if (y+lines > recwinlines-1) { 89 118 isfull=1; 90 owl_message_curs_waddstr(m, owl_global_get_curs_recwin(&g),119 owl_message_curs_waddstr(m, recwin, 91 120 start, 92 121 start+recwinlines-y, … … 96 125 } else { 97 126 /* otherwise print the whole thing */ 98 owl_message_curs_waddstr(m, owl_global_get_curs_recwin(&g),127 owl_message_curs_waddstr(m, recwin, 99 128 start, 100 129 start+lines, … … 139 168 } 140 169 mw->lastdisplayed=i-1; 141 142 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);143 170 } 144 171 -
r9a7b4f2 r89ab5c8 61 61 owl_pair *p = NULL, *pair = NULL; 62 62 63 attrname = g_intern_string(attrname); 64 63 65 /* look for an existing pair with this key, */ 64 66 j=owl_list_get_size(&(m->attributes)); 65 67 for (i=0; i<j; i++) { 66 68 p=owl_list_get_element(&(m->attributes), i); 67 if ( !strcmp(owl_pair_get_key(p), attrname)) {69 if (owl_pair_get_key(p) == attrname) { 68 70 owl_free(owl_pair_get_value(p)); 69 71 pair = p; … … 74 76 if(pair == NULL) { 75 77 pair = owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_pair)); 76 owl_pair_create(pair, owl_global_intern(&g, attrname), NULL);78 owl_pair_create(pair, attrname, NULL); 77 79 owl_list_append_element(&(m->attributes), pair); 78 80 } … … 87 89 int i, j; 88 90 owl_pair *p; 91 GQuark quark; 92 93 quark = g_quark_try_string(attrname); 94 if (quark == 0) 95 /* don't bother inserting into string table */ 96 return NULL; 97 attrname = g_quark_to_string(quark); 89 98 90 99 j=owl_list_get_size(&(m->attributes)); 91 100 for (i=0; i<j; i++) { 92 101 p=owl_list_get_element(&(m->attributes), i); 93 if ( !strcmp(owl_pair_get_key(p), attrname)) {102 if (owl_pair_get_key(p) == attrname) { 94 103 return(owl_pair_get_value(p)); 95 104 } … … 496 505 void owl_message_set_hostname(owl_message *m, const char *hostname) 497 506 { 498 m->hostname =owl_global_intern(&g,hostname);507 m->hostname = g_intern_string(hostname); 499 508 } 500 509 … … 584 593 585 594 /* caller must free return value */ 586 char*owl_message_get_cc_without_recipient(const owl_message *m)587 { 588 char *cc, * out, *end, *shortuser, *recip;595 GList *owl_message_get_cc_without_recipient(const owl_message *m) 596 { 597 char *cc, *shortuser, *recip; 589 598 const char *user; 599 GList *out = NULL; 590 600 591 601 cc = owl_message_get_cc(m); … … 594 604 595 605 recip = short_zuser(owl_message_get_recipient(m)); 596 out = owl_malloc(strlen(cc) + 2);597 end = out;598 606 599 607 user = strtok(cc, " "); … … 601 609 shortuser = short_zuser(user); 602 610 if (strcasecmp(shortuser, recip) != 0) { 603 strcpy(end, user); 604 end[strlen(user)] = ' '; 605 end += strlen(user) + 1; 611 out = g_list_prepend(out, owl_strdup(user)); 606 612 } 607 613 owl_free(shortuser); 608 614 user = strtok(NULL, " "); 609 615 } 610 end[0] = '\0';611 616 612 617 owl_free(recip); 613 618 owl_free(cc); 614 615 if (strlen(out) == 0) {616 owl_free(out);617 out = NULL;618 }619 619 620 620 return(out); … … 732 732 owl_message_set_recipient(m, "looprecip"); 733 733 owl_message_set_isprivate(m); 734 } 735 736 void owl_message_save_ccs(owl_message *m) { 737 GList *cc; 738 char *tmp; 739 740 cc = owl_message_get_cc_without_recipient(m); 741 742 if (cc != NULL) { 743 GString *recips = g_string_new(""); 744 cc = g_list_prepend(cc, short_zuser(owl_message_get_sender(m))); 745 cc = g_list_prepend(cc, short_zuser(owl_message_get_recipient(m))); 746 cc = g_list_sort(cc, (GCompareFunc)strcasecmp); 747 748 while(cc != NULL) { 749 /* Collapse any identical entries */ 750 while (cc->next && strcasecmp(cc->data, cc->next->data) == 0) { 751 owl_free(cc->data); 752 cc = g_list_delete_link(cc, cc); 753 } 754 755 tmp = short_zuser(cc->data); 756 g_string_append(recips, tmp); 757 758 owl_free(tmp); 759 owl_free(cc->data); 760 cc = g_list_delete_link(cc, cc); 761 762 if (cc) 763 g_string_append_c(recips, ' '); 764 } 765 766 owl_message_set_attribute(m, "zephyr_ccs", recips->str); 767 g_string_free(recips, true); 768 } 734 769 } 735 770 … … 869 904 } 870 905 } 906 907 owl_message_save_ccs(m); 871 908 } 872 909 #else … … 963 1000 owl_message_set_isprivate(m); 964 1001 } 1002 1003 owl_message_save_ccs(m); 965 1004 } 966 1005 -
rb30c256 r3aa0522 79 79 our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT_OK]); 80 80 81 use BarnOwl::MainLoopCompatHook; 82 81 83 our $startup = BarnOwl::Hook->new; 82 84 our $shutdown = BarnOwl::Hook->new; 83 85 our $receiveMessage = BarnOwl::Hook->new; 84 86 our $newMessage = BarnOwl::Hook->new; 85 our $mainLoop = BarnOwl:: Hook->new;87 our $mainLoop = BarnOwl::MainLoopCompatHook->new; 86 88 our $getBuddyList = BarnOwl::Hook->new; 87 89 our $getQuickstart = BarnOwl::Hook->new; … … 162 164 } 163 165 166 $mainLoop->check_owlconf(); 164 167 $startup->run(0); 165 168 BarnOwl::startup() if *BarnOwl::startup{CODE}; … … 186 189 187 190 BarnOwl::new_msg($m) if *BarnOwl::new_msg{CODE}; 188 }189 190 sub _mainloop_hook {191 $mainLoop->run;192 BarnOwl::mainloop_hook() if *BarnOwl::mainloop_hook{CODE};193 191 } 194 192 -
ree183be r5d1324f 6 6 use base qw( BarnOwl::Message ); 7 7 8 sub body { "" } 9 8 10 9 11 1; -
r0fe69d2 r08544e0 32 32 my $m = shift; 33 33 return $m->is_personal && $m->direction eq "in"; 34 } 35 36 sub maybe { 37 my $x = shift; 38 return defined($x) ? $x : ""; 34 39 } 35 40 … … 99 104 $header .= ' / ' . $self->humanize($m->subcontext, 1); 100 105 } 101 $header .= ' / @b{' . $m->pretty_sender. '}';106 $header .= ' / @b{' . maybe($m->pretty_sender) . '}'; 102 107 } 103 108 -
ree183be r8d16e58 21 21 } 22 22 23 sub stop { 24 my $self = shift; 25 if(defined($self->{timer})) { 26 BarnOwl::Internal::remove_timer($self->{timer}); 27 undef $self->{timer}; 28 } 29 } 30 23 31 sub do_callback { 24 32 my $self = shift; … … 28 36 sub DESTROY { 29 37 my $self = shift; 30 if(defined($self->{timer})) { 31 BarnOwl::Internal::remove_timer($self->{timer}); 32 } 38 $self->stop; 33 39 } 34 40 -
rc854e74 r2f25537 20 20 sub to { shift->{to} }; 21 21 sub room { shift->{room} }; 22 sub nick { shift->{nick} }; 22 23 sub subject { shift->{subject} }; 23 24 sub status { shift->{status} } … … 41 42 sub long_sender { 42 43 my $self = shift; 44 if ($self->jtype eq 'groupchat' && $self->nick) { 45 my $from_jid = Net::Jabber::JID->new($self->from); 46 if ($from_jid->GetJID('base') eq $self->room && 47 $from_jid->GetResource() eq $self->nick) { 48 return $self->nick; 49 } 50 } 43 51 return $self->from; 44 52 } … … 77 85 } elsif ($self->jtype eq 'groupchat') { 78 86 my $room = $self->room; 79 $filter = "jabber-room-$room"; 80 BarnOwl::command(qw[filter], $filter, 81 qw[type ^jabber$ and room], "^\Q$room\E\$"); 87 if ($inst) { 88 my $subject = $self->subject; 89 $filter = "jabber-room-$room-subject-$subject"; 90 BarnOwl::command(qw[filter], $filter, 91 qw[type ^jabber$ and room], "^\Q$room\E\$", 92 qw[and subject], "^\Q$subject\E\$"); 93 } else { 94 $filter = "jabber-room-$room"; 95 BarnOwl::command(qw[filter], $filter, 96 qw[type ^jabber$ and room], "^\Q$room\E\$"); 97 } 82 98 return $filter; 83 99 } elsif ($self->login ne 'none') { -
r8789410 r2f25537 285 285 { 286 286 summary => "Send a Jabber Message", 287 usage => "jwrite <jid> [-t <thread>] [-s <subject>] [-a <account>] "287 usage => "jwrite <jid> [-t <thread>] [-s <subject>] [-a <account>] [-m <message>]" 288 288 } 289 289 ); … … 308 308 description => "jmuc sends Jabber commands related to MUC.\n\n" 309 309 . "The following commands are available\n\n" 310 . "join <muc> Join a MUC.\n\n" 310 . "join <muc>[/<nick>]\n" 311 . " Join a MUC (with a given nickname, or otherwise your JID).\n\n" 311 312 . "part <muc> Part a MUC.\n" 312 313 . " The MUC is taken from the current message if not supplied.\n\n" … … 377 378 my $cjidStr = $conn->baseJIDExists($jidStr); 378 379 if ($cjidStr) { 379 BarnOwl::error("Already logged in as $cjidStr."); 380 return; 380 die("Already logged in as $cjidStr.\n"); 381 381 } 382 382 } … … 387 387 388 388 if ( !$uid || !$componentname ) { 389 BarnOwl::error("usage: $cmd JID"); 390 return; 389 die("usage: $cmd JID\n"); 391 390 } 392 391 393 392 if ( $conn->jidActive($jidStr) ) { 394 BarnOwl::error("Already logged in as $jidStr."); 395 return; 393 die("Already logged in as $jidStr.\n"); 396 394 } elsif ($conn->jidExists($jidStr)) { 397 395 return $conn->tryReconnect($jidStr, 1); … … 526 524 sub cmd_jlist { 527 525 if ( !( scalar $conn->getJIDs() ) ) { 528 BarnOwl::error("You are not logged in to Jabber."); 529 return; 526 die("You are not logged in to Jabber.\n"); 530 527 } 531 528 BarnOwl::popless_ztext( onGetBuddyList() ); … … 534 531 sub cmd_jwrite { 535 532 if ( !$conn->connected() ) { 536 BarnOwl::error("You are not logged in to Jabber."); 537 return; 533 die("You are not logged in to Jabber.\n"); 538 534 } 539 535 … … 543 539 my $jwrite_thread = ""; 544 540 my $jwrite_subject = ""; 541 my $jwrite_body; 545 542 my ($to, $from); 546 543 my $jwrite_type = "chat"; … … 554 551 'subject=s' => \$jwrite_subject, 555 552 'account=s' => \$from, 556 'id=s' => \$jwrite_sid, 553 'id=s' => \$jwrite_sid, 554 'message=s' => \$jwrite_body, 557 555 ) or die("Usage: jwrite <jid> [-t <thread>] [-s <subject>] [-a <account>]\n"); 558 556 $jwrite_type = 'groupchat' if $gc; 559 557 560 558 if ( scalar @ARGV != 1 ) { 561 BarnOwl::error( 562 "Usage: jwrite <jid> [-t <thread>] [-s <subject>] [-a <account>]"); 563 return; 559 die("Usage: jwrite <jid> [-t <thread>] [-s <subject>] [-a <account>]\n"); 564 560 } 565 561 else { … … 570 566 571 567 unless(scalar @candidates) { 572 die("Unable to resolve JID $to ");568 die("Unable to resolve JID $to\n"); 573 569 } 574 570 … … 577 573 unless(scalar @candidates) { 578 574 if(!$from) { 579 die("You must specify an account with -a ");575 die("You must specify an account with -a\n"); 580 576 } else { 581 die("Unable to resolve account $from ");577 die("Unable to resolve account $from\n"); 582 578 } 583 579 } … … 594 590 type => $jwrite_type 595 591 }; 592 593 if (defined($jwrite_body)) { 594 process_owl_jwrite($jwrite_body); 595 return; 596 } 596 597 597 598 if(scalar @candidates > 1) { … … 631 632 my $func = $jmuc_commands{$cmd}; 632 633 if ( !$func ) { 633 BarnOwl::error("jmuc: Unknown command: $cmd"); 634 return; 634 die("jmuc: Unknown command: $cmd\n"); 635 635 } 636 636 … … 654 654 } 655 655 else { 656 BarnOwl::error('You must specify an account with -a <jid>');656 die("You must specify an account with -a <jid>\n"); 657 657 } 658 658 return $func->( $jid, $muc, @ARGV ); … … 667 667 668 668 $muc = shift @ARGV 669 or die("Usage: jmuc join <muc> [-p <password>] [-a <account>] ");669 or die("Usage: jmuc join <muc> [-p <password>] [-a <account>]\n"); 670 670 671 671 die("Error: Must specify a fully-qualified MUC name (e.g. barnowl\\n") … … 680 680 MaxChars => 0 681 681 }); 682 $completion_jids{$muc } = 1;682 $completion_jids{$muc->GetJID('base')} = 1; 683 683 return; 684 684 } … … 688 688 689 689 $muc = shift @args if scalar @args; 690 die("Usage: jmuc part [<muc>] [-a <account>] ") unless $muc;690 die("Usage: jmuc part [<muc>] [-a <account>]\n") unless $muc; 691 691 692 692 if($conn->getConnectionFromJID($jid)->MUCLeave(JID => $muc)) { 693 693 queue_admin_msg("$jid has left $muc."); 694 694 } else { 695 die("Error: Not joined to $muc ");695 die("Error: Not joined to $muc\n"); 696 696 } 697 697 } … … 703 703 $muc = shift @args if scalar @args; 704 704 705 die( 'Usage: jmuc invite <jid> [<muc>] [-a <account>]')705 die("Usage: jmuc invite <jid> [<muc>] [-a <account>]\n") 706 706 unless $muc && $invite_jid; 707 707 … … 718 718 my ( $jid, $muc, @args ) = @_; 719 719 $muc = shift @args if scalar @args; 720 die("Usage: jmuc configure [<muc>] ") unless $muc;720 die("Usage: jmuc configure [<muc>]\n") unless $muc; 721 721 my $iq = Net::Jabber::IQ->new(); 722 722 $iq->SetTo($muc); … … 759 759 760 760 $muc = shift @args if scalar @args; 761 die("Usage: jmuc presence [<muc>] ") unless $muc;761 die("Usage: jmuc presence [<muc>]\n") unless $muc; 762 762 763 763 if ($muc eq '-a') { … … 774 774 else { 775 775 my $m = $conn->getConnectionFromJID($jid)->FindMUC(jid => $muc); 776 die("No such muc: $muc ") unless $m;776 die("No such muc: $muc\n") unless $m; 777 777 BarnOwl::popless_ztext(jmuc_presence_single($m)); 778 778 } … … 801 801 my $func = $jroster_commands{$cmd}; 802 802 if ( !$func ) { 803 BarnOwl::error("jroster: Unknown command: $cmd"); 804 return; 803 die("jroster: Unknown command: $cmd\n"); 805 804 } 806 805 … … 825 824 } 826 825 else { 827 BarnOwl::error('You must specify an account with -a <jid>');826 die("You must specify an account with -a <jid>\n"); 828 827 } 829 828 return $func->( $jid, $name, \@groups, $purgeGroups, @ARGV ); … … 849 848 } 850 849 else { 851 BarnOwl::error('You must specify an account with -a <jid>');850 die("You must specify an account with -a <jid>\n"); 852 851 } 853 852 … … 1234 1233 $completion_jids{$room} = 1; 1235 1234 1235 my $muc; 1236 if ($dir eq 'in') { 1237 my $connection = $conn->getConnectionFromSid($props{sid}); 1238 $muc = $connection->FindMUC(jid => $from); 1239 } else { 1240 my $connection = $conn->getConnectionFromJID($props{from}); 1241 $muc = $connection->FindMUC(jid => $to); 1242 } 1243 $props{from} = $muc->GetFullJID($from) || $props{from}; 1236 1244 $props{sender} = $nick || $room; 1237 1245 $props{recipient} = $room; … … 1331 1339 return $givenJIDStr if ($conn->jidExists($givenJIDStr) ); 1332 1340 return resolveConnectedJID($givenJID->GetJID('base')) if $loose; 1333 die("Invalid account: $givenJIDStr ");1341 die("Invalid account: $givenJIDStr\n"); 1334 1342 } 1335 1343 … … 1384 1392 # Not one of ours. 1385 1393 else { 1386 die("Invalid account: $givenJIDStr ");1394 die("Invalid account: $givenJIDStr\n"); 1387 1395 } 1388 1396 … … 1430 1438 if($from) { 1431 1439 $from_jid = resolveConnectedJID($from, 1); 1432 die("Unable to resolve account $from ") unless $from_jid;1440 die("Unable to resolve account $from\n") unless $from_jid; 1433 1441 $to_jid = resolveDestJID($to, $from_jid); 1434 1442 push @matches, [$from_jid, $to_jid] if $to_jid; -
r636de2a r1fd469d4 1 MODULES = Jabber IRC WordWrap 1 MODULES = Jabber IRC WordWrap Twitter 2 2 3 3 EXTRA_DIST = $(MODULES:=/Makefile.PL) $(MODULES:=/inc) $(MODULES:=/lib) -
r5aa33fd rdec60b4 584 584 } 585 585 586 void owl_perlconfig_mainloop(owl_timer *t, void *data)587 {588 dSP;589 if (!owl_perlconfig_is_function("BarnOwl::Hooks::_mainloop_hook"))590 return;591 PUSHMARK(SP) ;592 call_pv("BarnOwl::Hooks::_mainloop_hook", G_DISCARD|G_EVAL);593 if(SvTRUE(ERRSV)) {594 owl_function_error("%s", SvPV_nolen(ERRSV));595 }596 return;597 }598 599 586 void owl_perlconfig_io_dispatch(const owl_io_dispatch *d, void *data) 600 587 { -
r125fd21 r07b59ea 27 27 28 28 owl_popwin_up(pw); 29 owl_global_push_context(&g, OWL_CTX_POPLESS, v, "popless"); 30 owl_viewwin_init_text(v, owl_popwin_get_curswin(pw), 31 owl_popwin_get_lines(pw), owl_popwin_get_cols(pw), 32 ""); 33 owl_viewwin_redisplay(v); 34 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); 29 owl_global_push_context(&g, OWL_CTX_POPLESS, v, "popless", NULL); 30 owl_viewwin_init_text(v, owl_popwin_get_content(pw), ""); 35 31 owl_viewwin_set_onclose_hook(v, owl_popexec_viewwin_onclose, pe); 36 32 pe->refcount++; … … 111 107 if (pe->winactive) { 112 108 owl_viewwin_append_text(pe->vwin, "\n"); 113 owl_viewwin_redisplay(pe->vwin);114 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);115 109 } 116 110 owl_select_remove_io_dispatch(d); … … 139 133 if (pe->winactive) { 140 134 owl_viewwin_append_text(pe->vwin, buf); 141 owl_viewwin_redisplay(pe->vwin);142 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);143 135 } 144 136 owl_free(buf); -
r0881cdd r05ca0d8 4 4 { 5 5 pw->active=0; 6 pw->lines=0;7 pw->cols=0;8 6 return(0); 9 7 } … … 11 9 int owl_popwin_up(owl_popwin *pw) 12 10 { 13 int glines, gcols, startcol, startline; 14 WINDOW *popwin, *borderwin; 11 pw->border = owl_window_new(NULL); 12 pw->content = owl_window_new(pw->border); 13 g_signal_connect(pw->border, "redraw", G_CALLBACK(owl_popwin_draw_border), 0); 14 owl_signal_connect_object(owl_window_get_screen(), "resized", G_CALLBACK(owl_popwin_size_border), pw->border, 0); 15 owl_signal_connect_object(pw->border, "resized", G_CALLBACK(owl_popwin_size_content), pw->content, 0); 15 16 16 /* calculate the size of the popwin */ 17 glines=owl_global_get_lines(&g); 18 gcols=owl_global_get_cols(&g); 17 /* bootstrap sizing */ 18 owl_popwin_size_border(owl_window_get_screen(), pw->border); 19 19 20 pw->lines = owl_util_min(glines,24)*3/4 + owl_util_max(glines-24,0)/2; 21 startline = (glines-pw->lines)/2; 20 owl_window_show_all(pw->border); 22 21 23 pw->cols = owl_util_min(gcols,90)*15/16 + owl_util_max(gcols-90,0)/2; 24 startcol = (gcols-pw->cols)/2; 22 pw->active=1; 23 return(0); 24 } 25 25 26 borderwin = newwin(pw->lines, pw->cols, startline, startcol); 27 pw->borderpanel = new_panel(borderwin); 28 popwin = newwin(pw->lines-2, pw->cols-2, startline+1, startcol+1); 29 pw->poppanel = new_panel(popwin); 26 void owl_popwin_size_border(owl_window *parent, void *user_data) 27 { 28 int lines, cols, startline, startcol; 29 int glines, gcols; 30 owl_window *border = user_data; 30 31 31 werase(popwin); 32 werase(borderwin); 32 owl_window_get_position(parent, &glines, &gcols, 0, 0); 33 34 lines = owl_util_min(glines,24)*3/4 + owl_util_max(glines-24,0)/2; 35 startline = (glines-lines)/2; 36 cols = owl_util_min(gcols,90)*15/16 + owl_util_max(gcols-90,0)/2; 37 startcol = (gcols-cols)/2; 38 39 owl_window_set_position(border, lines, cols, startline, startcol); 40 } 41 42 void owl_popwin_size_content(owl_window *parent, void *user_data) 43 { 44 int lines, cols; 45 owl_window *content = user_data; 46 owl_window_get_position(parent, &lines, &cols, 0, 0); 47 owl_window_set_position(content, lines-2, cols-2, 1, 1); 48 } 49 50 void owl_popwin_draw_border(owl_window *w, WINDOW *borderwin, void *user_data) 51 { 52 int lines, cols; 53 owl_window_get_position(w, &lines, &cols, 0, 0); 33 54 if (owl_global_is_fancylines(&g)) { 34 55 box(borderwin, 0, 0); … … 37 58 wmove(borderwin, 0, 0); 38 59 waddch(borderwin, '+'); 39 wmove(borderwin, pw->lines-1, 0);60 wmove(borderwin, lines-1, 0); 40 61 waddch(borderwin, '+'); 41 wmove(borderwin, pw->lines-1, pw->cols-1);62 wmove(borderwin, lines-1, cols-1); 42 63 waddch(borderwin, '+'); 43 wmove(borderwin, 0, pw->cols-1);64 wmove(borderwin, 0, cols-1); 44 65 waddch(borderwin, '+'); 45 66 } 46 47 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);48 pw->active=1;49 return(0);50 67 } 51 68 52 69 int owl_popwin_close(owl_popwin *pw) 53 70 { 54 WINDOW *popwin, *borderwin; 71 owl_window_unlink(pw->border); 72 g_object_unref(pw->border); 73 g_object_unref(pw->content); 55 74 56 popwin = panel_window(pw->poppanel); 57 borderwin = panel_window(pw->borderpanel); 58 59 del_panel(pw->poppanel); 60 del_panel(pw->borderpanel); 61 delwin(popwin); 62 delwin(borderwin); 63 75 pw->border = 0; 76 pw->content = 0; 64 77 pw->active=0; 65 owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g);66 78 return(0); 67 79 } … … 72 84 } 73 85 74 WINDOW *owl_popwin_get_curswin(const owl_popwin *pw)86 owl_window *owl_popwin_get_content(const owl_popwin *pw) 75 87 { 76 return p anel_window(pw->poppanel);88 return pw->content; 77 89 } 78 79 int owl_popwin_get_lines(const owl_popwin *pw)80 {81 return(pw->lines-2);82 }83 84 int owl_popwin_get_cols(const owl_popwin *pw)85 {86 return(pw->cols-2);87 } -
rd7cc50b rea7daa8 12 12 my $altvarname = $2; 13 13 $altvarname = $3 if ($3); 14 my $detailname = $altvarname; 15 $detailname =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/-/g; 16 $detailname =~ s/^[^a-zA-Z]+//; 14 17 if ($vartype =~ /^BOOL/) { 15 print "void owl_global_set_${altvarname}_on(owl_global *g) {\n"; 16 print " owl_variable_set_bool_on(&g->vars, \"$varname\");\n}\n"; 17 print "void owl_global_set_${altvarname}_off(owl_global *g) {\n"; 18 print " owl_variable_set_bool_off(&g->vars, \"$varname\");\n}\n"; 19 print "int owl_global_is_$altvarname(const owl_global *g) {\n"; 20 print " return owl_variable_get_bool(&g->vars, \"$varname\");\n}\n"; 18 print <<EOT; 19 void owl_global_set_${altvarname}_on(owl_global *g) { 20 owl_variable_set_bool_on(&g->vars, "$altvarname"); 21 } 22 void owl_global_set_${altvarname}_off(owl_global *g) { 23 owl_variable_set_bool_off(&g->vars, "$altvarname"); 24 } 25 int owl_global_is_$altvarname(const owl_global *g) { 26 return owl_variable_get_bool(&g->vars, "$varname"); 27 } 28 EOT 21 29 } elsif ($vartype =~ /^PATH/ or $vartype =~ /^STRING/) { 22 print "void owl_global_set_$altvarname(owl_global *g, const char *text) {\n"; 23 print " owl_variable_set_string(&g->vars, \"$varname\", text);\n}\n"; 24 print "const char *owl_global_get_$altvarname(const owl_global *g) {\n"; 25 print " return owl_variable_get_string(&g->vars, \"$varname\");\n}\n"; 30 print <<EOT; 31 void owl_global_set_${altvarname}(owl_global *g, const char *text) { 32 owl_variable_set_string(&g->vars, "$altvarname", text); 33 } 34 const char *owl_global_get_$altvarname(const owl_global *g) { 35 return owl_variable_get_string(&g->vars, "$varname"); 36 } 37 EOT 26 38 } elsif ($vartype =~ /^INT/ or $vartype =~ /^ENUM/) { 27 print "void owl_global_set_$altvarname(owl_global *g, int n) {\n"; 28 print " owl_variable_set_int(&g->vars, \"$varname\", n);\n}\n"; 29 print "int owl_global_get_$altvarname(const owl_global *g) {\n"; 30 print " return owl_variable_get_int(&g->vars, \"$varname\");\n}\n"; 39 print <<EOT; 40 void owl_global_set_${altvarname}(owl_global *g, int n) { 41 owl_variable_set_int(&g->vars, "$altvarname", n); 42 } 43 int owl_global_get_$altvarname(const owl_global *g) { 44 return owl_variable_get_int(&g->vars, "$varname"); 45 } 46 EOT 31 47 } 32 48 } -
r95414bf rdec60b4 105 105 numfailures += owl_variable_regtest(); 106 106 numfailures += owl_filter_regtest(); 107 numfailures += owl_obarray_regtest();108 107 numfailures += owl_editwin_regtest(); 109 108 if (numfailures) { … … 368 367 } 369 368 370 371 int owl_obarray_regtest(void) {372 int numfailed = 0;373 const char *p,*p2;374 375 owl_obarray oa;376 owl_obarray_init(&oa);377 378 printf("# BEGIN testing owl_obarray\n");379 380 p = owl_obarray_insert(&oa, "test");381 FAIL_UNLESS("returned string is equal", p && !strcmp(p, "test"));382 p2 = owl_obarray_insert(&oa, "test");383 FAIL_UNLESS("returned string is equal", p2 && !strcmp(p2, "test"));384 FAIL_UNLESS("returned the same string", p2 && p == p2);385 386 p = owl_obarray_insert(&oa, "test2");387 FAIL_UNLESS("returned string is equal", p && !strcmp(p, "test2"));388 p2 = owl_obarray_find(&oa, "test2");389 FAIL_UNLESS("returned the same string", p2 && !strcmp(p2, "test2"));390 391 p = owl_obarray_find(&oa, "nothere");392 FAIL_UNLESS("Didn't find a string that isn't there", p == NULL);393 394 printf("# END testing owl_obarray (%d failures)\n", numfailed);395 396 return numfailed;397 }398 399 369 int owl_editwin_regtest(void) { 400 370 int numfailed = 0; -
r9a7b4f2 rc1f1e1e 8 8 #include <sys/types.h> 9 9 10 void sepbar(const char *in) 11 { 12 WINDOW *sepwin; 13 const owl_messagelist *ml; 14 const owl_view *v; 15 int x, y, i; 16 const char *foo, *appendtosepbar; 17 18 sepwin=owl_global_get_curs_sepwin(&g); 19 ml=owl_global_get_msglist(&g); 20 v=owl_global_get_current_view(&g); 21 22 werase(sepwin); 23 wattron(sepwin, A_REVERSE); 24 if (owl_global_is_fancylines(&g)) { 25 whline(sepwin, ACS_HLINE, owl_global_get_cols(&g)); 26 } else { 27 whline(sepwin, '-', owl_global_get_cols(&g)); 28 } 29 30 if (owl_global_is_sepbar_disable(&g)) { 31 getyx(sepwin, y, x); 32 wmove(sepwin, y, owl_global_get_cols(&g)-1); 33 return; 34 } 35 36 wmove(sepwin, 0, 2); 37 38 if (owl_messagelist_get_size(ml) == 0) 39 waddstr(sepwin, " (-/-) "); 40 else 41 wprintw(sepwin, " (%i/%i/%i) ", owl_global_get_curmsg(&g) + 1, 42 owl_view_get_size(v), 43 owl_messagelist_get_size(ml)); 44 45 foo=owl_view_get_filtname(v); 46 if (strcmp(foo, owl_global_get_view_home(&g))) 47 wattroff(sepwin, A_REVERSE); 48 wprintw(sepwin, " %s ", owl_view_get_filtname(v)); 49 if (strcmp(foo, owl_global_get_view_home(&g))) 50 wattron(sepwin, A_REVERSE); 51 52 if (owl_mainwin_is_curmsg_truncated(owl_global_get_mainwin(&g))) { 53 getyx(sepwin, y, x); 54 wmove(sepwin, y, x+2); 55 wattron(sepwin, A_BOLD); 56 waddstr(sepwin, " <truncated> "); 57 wattroff(sepwin, A_BOLD); 58 } 59 60 i=owl_mainwin_get_last_msg(owl_global_get_mainwin(&g)); 61 if ((i != -1) && 62 (i < owl_view_get_size(v)-1)) { 63 getyx(sepwin, y, x); 64 wmove(sepwin, y, x+2); 65 wattron(sepwin, A_BOLD); 66 waddstr(sepwin, " <more> "); 67 wattroff(sepwin, A_BOLD); 68 } 69 70 if (owl_global_get_rightshift(&g)>0) { 71 getyx(sepwin, y, x); 72 wmove(sepwin, y, x+2); 73 wprintw(sepwin, " right: %i ", owl_global_get_rightshift(&g)); 74 } 75 76 if (owl_global_is_zaway(&g) || owl_global_is_aaway(&g)) { 77 getyx(sepwin, y, x); 78 wmove(sepwin, y, x+2); 79 wattron(sepwin, A_BOLD); 80 wattroff(sepwin, A_REVERSE); 81 if (owl_global_is_zaway(&g) && owl_global_is_aaway(&g)) { 82 waddstr(sepwin, " AWAY "); 83 } else if (owl_global_is_zaway(&g)) { 84 waddstr(sepwin, " Z-AWAY "); 85 } else if (owl_global_is_aaway(&g)) { 86 waddstr(sepwin, " A-AWAY "); 87 } 88 wattron(sepwin, A_REVERSE); 89 wattroff(sepwin, A_BOLD); 90 } 91 92 if (owl_global_get_curmsg_vert_offset(&g)) { 93 getyx(sepwin, y, x); 94 wmove(sepwin, y, x+2); 95 wattron(sepwin, A_BOLD); 96 wattroff(sepwin, A_REVERSE); 97 waddstr(sepwin, " SCROLL "); 98 wattron(sepwin, A_REVERSE); 99 wattroff(sepwin, A_BOLD); 100 } 101 102 if (in) { 103 getyx(sepwin, y, x); 104 wmove(sepwin, y, x+2); 105 waddstr(sepwin, in); 106 } 107 108 appendtosepbar = owl_global_get_appendtosepbar(&g); 109 if (appendtosepbar && *appendtosepbar) { 110 getyx(sepwin, y, x); 111 wmove(sepwin, y, x+2); 112 waddstr(sepwin, " "); 113 waddstr(sepwin, owl_global_get_appendtosepbar(&g)); 114 waddstr(sepwin, " "); 115 } 116 117 getyx(sepwin, y, x); 118 wmove(sepwin, y, owl_global_get_cols(&g)-1); 119 120 wattroff(sepwin, A_BOLD); 121 wattroff(sepwin, A_REVERSE); 122 } 10 #include <glib-object.h> 123 11 124 12 char **atokenize(const char *buffer, const char *sep, int *i) … … 786 674 return buf; 787 675 } 676 677 gulong owl_dirty_window_on_signal(owl_window *w, gpointer sender, const gchar *detailed_signal) 678 { 679 return owl_signal_connect_object(sender, detailed_signal, G_CALLBACK(owl_window_dirty), w, G_CONNECT_SWAPPED); 680 } 681 682 typedef struct { /*noproto*/ 683 GObject *sender; 684 gulong signal_id; 685 } SignalData; 686 687 static void _closure_invalidated(gpointer data, GClosure *closure); 688 689 /* 690 * GObject's g_signal_connect_object has a documented bug. This function is 691 * identical except it does not leak the signal handler. 692 */ 693 gulong owl_signal_connect_object(gpointer sender, const gchar *detailed_signal, GCallback c_handler, gpointer receiver, GConnectFlags connect_flags) 694 { 695 g_return_val_if_fail (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (sender), 0); 696 g_return_val_if_fail (detailed_signal != NULL, 0); 697 g_return_val_if_fail (c_handler != NULL, 0); 698 699 if (receiver) { 700 SignalData *sdata; 701 GClosure *closure; 702 gulong signal_id; 703 704 g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_OBJECT (receiver), 0); 705 706 closure = ((connect_flags & G_CONNECT_SWAPPED) ? g_cclosure_new_object_swap : g_cclosure_new_object) (c_handler, receiver); 707 signal_id = g_signal_connect_closure (sender, detailed_signal, closure, connect_flags & G_CONNECT_AFTER); 708 709 /* Register the missing hooks */ 710 sdata = g_slice_new0(SignalData); 711 sdata->sender = sender; 712 sdata->signal_id = signal_id; 713 714 g_closure_add_invalidate_notifier(closure, sdata, _closure_invalidated); 715 716 return signal_id; 717 } else { 718 return g_signal_connect_data(sender, detailed_signal, c_handler, NULL, NULL, connect_flags); 719 } 720 } 721 722 /* 723 * There are three ways the signal could come to an end: 724 * 725 * 1. The user explicitly disconnects it with the returned signal_id. 726 * - In that case, the disconnection unref's the closure, causing it 727 * to first be invalidated. The handler's already disconnected, so 728 * we have no work to do. 729 * 2. The sender gets destroyed. 730 * - GObject will disconnect each signal which then goes into the above 731 * case. Our handler does no work. 732 * 3. The receiver gets destroyed. 733 * - The GClosure was created by g_cclosure_new_object_{,swap} which gets 734 * invalidated when the receiver is destroyed. We then follow through case 1 735 * again, but *this* time, the handler has not been disconnected. We then 736 * clean up ourselves. 737 * 738 * We can't actually hook into this process earlier with weakrefs as GObject 739 * will, on object dispose, first disconnect signals, then invalidate closures, 740 * and notify weakrefs last. 741 */ 742 static void _closure_invalidated(gpointer data, GClosure *closure) 743 { 744 SignalData *sdata = data; 745 if (g_signal_handler_is_connected(sdata->sender, sdata->signal_id)) { 746 g_signal_handler_disconnect(sdata->sender, sdata->signal_id); 747 } 748 g_slice_free(SignalData, sdata); 749 } 750 -
rfe4c786 r0b9e607 4 4 #define BOTTOM_OFFSET 1 5 5 6 static void owl_viewwin_redraw(owl_window *w, WINDOW *curswin, void *user_data); 7 6 8 /* initialize the viewwin e. 'win' is an already initialzed curses 7 9 * window that will be used by viewwin 8 10 */ 9 void owl_viewwin_init_text(owl_viewwin *v, WINDOW *win, int winlines, int wincols, const char *text)11 void owl_viewwin_init_text(owl_viewwin *v, owl_window *win, const char *text) 10 12 { 11 13 owl_fmtext_init_null(&(v->fmtext)); … … 19 21 v->topline=0; 20 22 v->rightshift=0; 21 v->winlines=winlines;22 v->wincols=wincols;23 v->curswin=win;24 23 v->onclose_hook = NULL; 24 25 owl_viewwin_set_window(v, win); 25 26 } 26 27 … … 28 29 owl_fmtext_append_normal(&(v->fmtext), text); 29 30 v->textlines=owl_fmtext_num_lines(&(v->fmtext)); 31 owl_window_dirty(v->window); 30 32 } 31 33 … … 33 35 * window that will be used by viewwin 34 36 */ 35 void owl_viewwin_init_fmtext(owl_viewwin *v, WINDOW *win, int winlines, int wincols, const owl_fmtext *fmtext)37 void owl_viewwin_init_fmtext(owl_viewwin *v, owl_window *win, const owl_fmtext *fmtext) 36 38 { 37 39 char *text; … … 46 48 v->topline=0; 47 49 v->rightshift=0; 48 v->winlines=winlines; 49 v->wincols=wincols; 50 v->curswin=win; 50 51 owl_viewwin_set_window(v, win); 51 52 } 52 53 53 void owl_viewwin_set_ curswin(owl_viewwin *v, WINDOW *w, int winlines, int wincols)54 void owl_viewwin_set_window(owl_viewwin *v, owl_window *w) 54 55 { 55 v->curswin=w; 56 v->winlines=winlines; 57 v->wincols=wincols; 56 if (v->window) { 57 g_signal_handler_disconnect(v->window, v->sig_redraw_id); 58 g_object_unref(v->window); 59 } 60 v->window = w; 61 if (w) { 62 g_object_ref(v->window); 63 v->sig_redraw_id = g_signal_connect(w, "redraw", G_CALLBACK(owl_viewwin_redraw), v); 64 } 58 65 } 59 66 … … 64 71 65 72 /* regenerate text on the curses window. */ 66 void owl_viewwin_redisplay(owl_viewwin *v)73 static void owl_viewwin_redraw(owl_window *w, WINDOW *curswin, void *user_data) 67 74 { 68 75 owl_fmtext fm1, fm2; 76 owl_viewwin *v = user_data; 77 int winlines, wincols; 69 78 70 /* avoid segfault when screen too small to create curswin */ 71 if (v->curswin == NULL) 72 return; 79 owl_window_get_position(w, &winlines, &wincols, 0, 0); 73 80 74 werase( v->curswin);75 wmove( v->curswin, 0, 0);81 werase(curswin); 82 wmove(curswin, 0, 0); 76 83 77 84 owl_fmtext_init_null(&fm1); 78 85 owl_fmtext_init_null(&fm2); 79 86 80 owl_fmtext_truncate_lines(&(v->fmtext), v->topline, v->winlines-BOTTOM_OFFSET, &fm1);81 owl_fmtext_truncate_cols(&fm1, v->rightshift, v->wincols-1+v->rightshift, &fm2);87 owl_fmtext_truncate_lines(&(v->fmtext), v->topline, winlines-BOTTOM_OFFSET, &fm1); 88 owl_fmtext_truncate_cols(&fm1, v->rightshift, wincols-1+v->rightshift, &fm2); 82 89 83 owl_fmtext_curs_waddstr_without_search(&fm2, v->curswin);90 owl_fmtext_curs_waddstr_without_search(&fm2, curswin); 84 91 85 92 /* print the message at the bottom */ 86 wmove( v->curswin, v->winlines-1, 0);87 wattrset( v->curswin, A_REVERSE);88 if (v->textlines - v->topline > v->winlines-BOTTOM_OFFSET) {89 waddstr( v->curswin, "--More-- (Space to see more, 'q' to quit)");93 wmove(curswin, winlines-1, 0); 94 wattrset(curswin, A_REVERSE); 95 if (v->textlines - v->topline > winlines-BOTTOM_OFFSET) { 96 waddstr(curswin, "--More-- (Space to see more, 'q' to quit)"); 90 97 } else { 91 waddstr( v->curswin, "--End-- (Press 'q' to quit)");98 waddstr(curswin, "--End-- (Press 'q' to quit)"); 92 99 } 93 wattroff( v->curswin, A_REVERSE);100 wattroff(curswin, A_REVERSE); 94 101 95 102 owl_fmtext_cleanup(&fm1); … … 99 106 void owl_viewwin_pagedown(owl_viewwin *v) 100 107 { 101 v->topline+=v->winlines - BOTTOM_OFFSET; 102 if ( (v->topline+v->winlines-BOTTOM_OFFSET) > v->textlines) { 103 v->topline = v->textlines - v->winlines + BOTTOM_OFFSET; 108 int winlines; 109 owl_window_get_position(v->window, &winlines, 0, 0, 0); 110 v->topline+=winlines - BOTTOM_OFFSET; 111 if ( (v->topline+winlines-BOTTOM_OFFSET) > v->textlines) { 112 v->topline = v->textlines - winlines + BOTTOM_OFFSET; 104 113 } 114 owl_window_dirty(v->window); 105 115 } 106 116 107 117 void owl_viewwin_linedown(owl_viewwin *v) 108 118 { 119 int winlines; 120 owl_window_get_position(v->window, &winlines, 0, 0, 0); 109 121 v->topline++; 110 if ( (v->topline+ v->winlines-BOTTOM_OFFSET) > v->textlines) {111 v->topline = v->textlines - v->winlines + BOTTOM_OFFSET;122 if ( (v->topline+winlines-BOTTOM_OFFSET) > v->textlines) { 123 v->topline = v->textlines - winlines + BOTTOM_OFFSET; 112 124 } 125 owl_window_dirty(v->window); 113 126 } 114 127 115 128 void owl_viewwin_pageup(owl_viewwin *v) 116 129 { 117 v->topline-=v->winlines; 130 int winlines; 131 owl_window_get_position(v->window, &winlines, 0, 0, 0); 132 v->topline-=winlines; 118 133 if (v->topline<0) v->topline=0; 134 owl_window_dirty(v->window); 119 135 } 120 136 … … 123 139 v->topline--; 124 140 if (v->topline<0) v->topline=0; 141 owl_window_dirty(v->window); 125 142 } 126 143 … … 128 145 { 129 146 v->rightshift+=n; 147 owl_window_dirty(v->window); 130 148 } 131 149 … … 134 152 v->rightshift-=n; 135 153 if (v->rightshift<0) v->rightshift=0; 154 owl_window_dirty(v->window); 136 155 } 137 156 … … 140 159 v->topline=0; 141 160 v->rightshift=0; 161 owl_window_dirty(v->window); 142 162 } 143 163 144 164 void owl_viewwin_bottom(owl_viewwin *v) 145 165 { 146 v->topline = v->textlines - v->winlines + BOTTOM_OFFSET; 166 int winlines; 167 owl_window_get_position(v->window, &winlines, 0, 0, 0); 168 v->topline = v->textlines - winlines + BOTTOM_OFFSET; 169 owl_window_dirty(v->window); 147 170 } 148 171 149 172 void owl_viewwin_cleanup(owl_viewwin *v) 150 173 { 174 owl_viewwin_set_window(v, NULL); 151 175 if (v->onclose_hook) { 152 176 v->onclose_hook(v, v->onclose_hook_data); -
r60fcd71 r3c2c7fc 88 88 89 89 cipher_pair ciphers[NCIPHER] = { 90 [CIPHER_DES] { do_encrypt_des, do_decrypt_des},91 [CIPHER_AES] { do_encrypt_aes, do_decrypt_aes},90 [CIPHER_DES] = { do_encrypt_des, do_decrypt_des}, 91 [CIPHER_AES] = { do_encrypt_aes, do_decrypt_aes}, 92 92 }; 93 93 … … 113 113 int mode = M_NONE; 114 114 115 extern int optind, opterr;116 extern char *optarg;117 115 char c; 118 116 -
rc230bc1 r7bfc613 5 5 #include "owl.h" 6 6 7 owl_zwrite *owl_zwrite_new(const char *line) 8 { 9 owl_zwrite *z = owl_malloc(sizeof *z); 10 if (owl_zwrite_create_from_line(z, line) < 0) { 11 owl_zwrite_delete(z); 12 return NULL; 13 } 14 return z; 15 } 16 7 17 int owl_zwrite_create_from_line(owl_zwrite *z, const char *line) 8 18 { … … 15 25 16 26 /* start with null entries */ 27 z->cmd=NULL; 17 28 z->realm=NULL; 18 29 z->class=NULL; … … 35 46 myargc=argc; 36 47 if (myargc && *(myargv[0])!='-') { 48 z->cmd=owl_strdup(myargv[0]); 37 49 myargc--; 38 50 myargv++; … … 187 199 } 188 200 201 /* Set the message with no post-processing*/ 202 void owl_zwrite_set_message_raw(owl_zwrite *z, const char *msg) 203 { 204 if (z->message) owl_free(z->message); 205 z->message = owl_validate_utf8(msg); 206 } 207 189 208 void owl_zwrite_set_message(owl_zwrite *z, const char *msg) 190 209 { … … 350 369 } 351 370 371 void owl_zwrite_delete(owl_zwrite *z) 372 { 373 owl_zwrite_cleanup(z); 374 owl_free(z); 375 } 376 352 377 void owl_zwrite_cleanup(owl_zwrite *z) 353 378 {
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