Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#10 nelhage@MIT.EDU nelhage@MIT.EDU fixed barnowl needs a test system

barnowl needs a test system. I'm planning on writing system tests in perl. I'm tired of all the regressions we keep introducing and have no way to test for.

#11 nelhage@MIT.EDU kchen@MIT.EDU fixed Sending to -c message -i personal is broken

Sending to -c message -i personal is broken in barnowl. Pressing "r" says that there aren't enough arguments to zwrite. I _think_ sending to -c message -i personal told me there were insufficient arguments too. Sending to -c message -i personal "" sent a ping beforehand too.

#15 nelhage@MIT.EDU nelhage@MIT.EDU fixed barnowl crashes on :dump

barnowl crashes on the :dump command with large message lists

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