Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#61 quentin@MIT.EDU fixed barnowl crashes when .zephyr.subs is unwritable and you attempt to use "unsub"

I keep my .zephyr.subs in RCS, so it's normally locked and unwritable. If I try to unsub with it in that state, barnowl will crash with a pointer error:

command: unsub clyde-crap

*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x10e81728 ***
                                                                                                        (~) athena%

#65 jdreed@MIT.EDU fixed ability to set exposure arbitrarily

I'd like the ability to set my zephyr exposure (like I would with "zctl set exposure"). I occasionally want to differentiate between realm-visible and realm-announced (if I'm logging in and out a lot to test things, I'll set myself to realm-visible to avoid annoying people), and it's occasionally useful to differentiate between net-announced and net-visible (assuming webzephyr still honors those).

Something like :set exposure realm-visible would be good.

Unless this is already exposed by the perl API and I'm missing it.

#70 tvald@MIT.EDU fixed "unpunt foo *" causes segfault

The command "unpunt foo *" causes a segfault. This is repeatable on 1.0.5-1~ubuntu8.10 over putty on Vista.

Changing the class doesn't affect the behavior. Escaping the * instance to \* prevents the segfault.

Setting class to * with a non-* instance does not result in a segfault

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