Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#71 nelhage@MIT.EDU broder@MIT.EDU fixed :irc-msg could select network more cleverly

Right now, if you're connected to two networks and try to :irc-msg a room without specifying a network, it errors.

Generally, I don't join channels of the same name on different networks; it'd be cool if :irc-msg could figure that out.

#73 kchen@MIT.EDU wontfix Log, but don't display, subset of subscriptions

I'm currently subbed to some high-traffic classes that have low signal-to-noise ratios, and I'd like to unsub from them, but still be able to reference what discussion happened on the class when I want to.

One way to do this that seems most convenient would be to log zephyrs to those classes, but not display them.

(As a workaround, I could narrow to an appropriate filter that doesn't display such classes, of course.)

#78 geofft@MIT.EDU fixed :irc-msg username fails iff the current message is of type IRC

The code in mk_irc_command assumes that the indirect object is a channel starting with #, not a user. In the case of /msg, this is wrong, so you end up mis-sending that person's username to the current channel iff the module is able to "guess" the indirect object from the current message.

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