Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#92 broder@MIT.EDU fixed zdots are accepted, but not filtered out

Using the barnowl-beta in the locker, if I end a message with a zdot, the message is sent, but the zdot isn't filtered out.

   broder / status / broder  13:49  (Evan Broder)
       ...did zdots stop working in barnowl-beta?
#98 andersk@MIT.EDU Present more strings to perl as Unicode
   barnowl / unicode / jhutz@CS.CMU.EDU  16:56  (JHutz)
       I wonder if upgrading barnowl will make it properly compute the width of
       instance names containing '∀'
   barnowl / unicode.d / nelhage  17:25  (Too many references: cannot splice (109))
       Well, that just means we need to set the utf-8 flag.
   barnowl / unicode.d / nelhage  17:27  (Socket type not supported (94))
       I mean, we could also explicitly tell perl to decode our utf-8
       string, in which case it will validate it as utf-8 and create a new
       scalar with the same contents, but since we know we're using utf-8,
       it's easier to just call SvUTF8_on in the XS code.
   barnowl / unicode.d / asedeno  17:32  (Alejandro R. Sedeno)
       I think I have a task in hiveminder to turn that flag on in more places.
   barnowl / unicode.d / asedeno  17:32  (Alejandro R. Sedeno)
       In particular, I think it's in one more place that affects everything.
#103 fixed message text is arbitrarily selected, which messes with (background) colors

When colors are applied to messages, they count the message text plus the three leftmost spaces in the screen as part of the message, but they don't count anything to the right of the message text as part of the message, even though text/space to the right of the message text is just as much not-part-of-the-message as the three leftmost spaces of the screen.

Basically, when colors are applied, they should go all the way across the screen so that the entire line is colored (this is most obvious when using background colors).

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