Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#39 kchen@MIT.EDU fixed Confusing error messages when accidentally sending to a user on a class

If one accidentally sends to a user on a non-standard class, one gets the message:

Could not send message to class kchen-test: no one subscribed.

This is confusing, because users think nobody is actually subscribed. zwgc does a bit better:

kchen: Not logged in or not subscribing to class kchen-test, instance PERSONAL

This differs from its normal message:

No one subscribing to class asfasdfasdfasdfasdf, instance PERSONAL

barnowl should use different messages, and possibly explain to the user what the problem was.

#40 nelhage@MIT.EDU fixed R and C-r don't DWIM on personals

R and C-r on personals act the same as 'r', automatically starting a new request. It'd be nice to be able to C-r and edit the command-line, or "R" on a CC'd personal and only reply to the sender.

#41 kchen@MIT.EDU fixed "End" key doesn't work in popup screens

On screen such as the help listing and the "l" page for the zephyr/jabber roster, the "Home" key will go to the top of the screen, but the "End" key results in:

'END' is not a valid key in this context.

End should jump to the end of the page.

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