Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#67 asedeno@MIT.EDU wdc@MIT.EDU fixed "down" can't go to an empty final line in editwin

When composing a message I often hit newline, see an error in the line I just typed, correct it by hitting the UP arrow key, and then, because there is no text in the next line, hitting the DOWN arrow does nothing. I DID hit newline. I expect there would be a blank line in the message composition buffer, but I have to hit the right arrow key till the cows come home to continue what I was doing.

#68 geofft@MIT.EDU fixed hang on searching for a too-long string

If you search for a string about 100-something characters long, barnowl hangs. A backtrace indicates it's running stristr on invalid or unhappy pointers, although I did not immediately find what was corrupt.

Thanks to mherdeg for pointing this out. I don't think this is the same as ticket #29.

#74 xavid@MIT.EDU fixed :show variable zsig misleading

:show variable zsig implies that if zsig and zsigproc are both set, zsigproc wins. Actually, zsig wins in this case. The docs should be corrected.

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