Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#184 fixed Default zsigs are empty

Since commit 010a9511420887329269aa51e7598533e826c57f, the default zsigs show up as empty; BarnOwl::default_zephyr_signature() checks BarnOwl::getvar('zsigproc') as a boolean (which may be incorrect if you happen to have a zsigproc called 0). As of that commit, BarnOwl::getvar returns "<null>" instead of undef.

Some possible fixes were talked about on -c barnowl.

#191 invalid multiple BarnOwls in AFS should DTRT with respect to logging

If I have multiple BarnOwls running in AFS, all with logging turned on, currently, they each log their own copy of messages.

Ideally, for each BarnOwl process that I gave permission to log, all messages received by that BarnOwl would be logged, and no files would contain duplicate messages. If I had two BarnOwls running on the same machine, logging to different directories, they shouldn't interfere with each other.

#200 fixed Trac 'component's for a new ticket should be updated

The components drop-down should include things like Facebook', AIM', and Twitter' (and maybe something like other' or `meta' for tickets like this).

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