Opened 14 years ago

#136 new defect

Ctrl-C during jabberlogin results in weird state

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: jabber Keywords:


:jabberlogin takes a while, presumably because Jabber sucks. If I hit Ctrl-C during the process, I will get an OWL ADMIN message telling me that I am connected to Jabber. However, I cannot send or receive messages, and I do not show up as logged in on other user's buddy lists (who I know have previously authorized me). But, I _do_ see my Jabber buddy list if I hit "L".

Logging out, and then logging back in and waiting works.

This almost certainly falls under "Don't do that", but a possible workaround might be to have the minibuffer say something like "Logging in to Jabber, please wait..."

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