

Mar 15, 2016:

10:48 PM Changeset [4ced41e]release-1.10 by Karl Ramm <xyzzy-github@1ts.org>
Merge pull request #156 from andersk/dist scripts/do-release: Build distribution with ‘make distcheck’
10:39 PM Changeset [39caad0]release-1.10 by Karl Ramm <xyzzy-github@1ts.org>
Merge pull request #164 from andersk/filterproc filterproc: Rewrite using GIOChannel
3:45 PM Changeset [0147aef] by Karl Ramm <kcr@1ts.org>
Add ztext.h to Makefile.am on suspicion
3:21 PM Changeset [4b2eef6] by Karl Ramm <kcr@1ts.org>
implement @roman style from zwgc
3:21 PM Changeset [fc1429d] by Karl Ramm <kcr@1ts.org>
Make ztext_strip do something more like zwgc does and surface it in perl as BarnOwl::ztext_stylestrip_full

Mar 13, 2016:

12:43 PM Changeset [a13ad6f] by Karl Ramm <kcr@1ts.org>
Barnowl::ztext_protect ~ "protect() from zwgc.desc" Shouldd produce a zephyr/zcribe string that won't interfere with other any zephyr/scribe directives you put around it. Fixes Barnowl::Style::boldify.
12:43 PM Changeset [a2a3cc0] by Karl Ramm <kcr@1ts.org>
more patterns I was feeling paranoid about
12:43 PM Changeset [ed05467] by Karl Ramm <kcr@1ts.org>
clean out some debug tooling
12:43 PM Changeset [9e219d3] by Karl Ramm <kcr@1ts.org>
rewrite the zephyr scribelike markup parser
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.