#include #include #include #include #include "owl.h" static const char fileIdent[] = "$Id$"; /* fn is "char *foo(int argc, char **argv, char *buff)" */ #define OWLCMD_ARGS(name, fn, ctx, summary, usage, description) \ { name, summary, usage, description, ctx, \ NULL, fn, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } /* fn is "void foo(void)" */ #define OWLCMD_VOID(name, fn, ctx, summary, usage, description) \ { name, summary, usage, description, ctx, \ NULL, NULL, fn, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } /* fn is "void foo(int)" */ #define OWLCMD_INT(name, fn, ctx, summary, usage, description) \ { name, summary, usage, description, ctx, \ NULL, NULL, NULL, fn, NULL, NULL, NULL } #define OWLCMD_ALIAS(name, actualname) \ { name, OWL_CMD_ALIAS_SUMMARY_PREFIX actualname, "", "", OWL_CTX_ANY, \ actualname, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } /* fn is "char *foo(void *ctx, int argc, char **argv, char *buff)" */ #define OWLCMD_ARGS_CTX(name, fn, ctx, summary, usage, description) \ { name, summary, usage, description, ctx, \ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ((char*(*)(void*,int,char**,char*))fn), NULL, NULL } /* fn is "void foo(void)" */ #define OWLCMD_VOID_CTX(name, fn, ctx, summary, usage, description) \ { name, summary, usage, description, ctx, \ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ((void(*)(void*))(fn)), NULL } /* fn is "void foo(int)" */ #define OWLCMD_INT_CTX(name, fn, ctx, summary, usage, description) \ { name, summary, usage, description, ctx, \ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ((void(*)(void*,int))fn) } owl_cmd commands_to_init[] = { OWLCMD_ARGS("zlog", owl_command_zlog, OWL_CTX_ANY, "send a login or logout notification", "zlog in\nzlog out", "zlog in will send a login notification, zlog out will send a\n" "logout notification. By default a login notification is sent\n" "when owl is started and a logout notification is sent when owl\n" "is exited. This behavior can be changed with the 'startuplogin'\n" "and 'shudownlogout' variables.\n"), OWLCMD_VOID("quit", owl_command_quit, OWL_CTX_ANY, "exit owl", "", "Exit owl and run any shutdown activities."), OWLCMD_ALIAS("exit", "quit"), OWLCMD_ALIAS("q", "quit"), OWLCMD_ARGS("start-command", owl_command_start_command, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "prompts the user to enter a command", "start-command [initial-value]", "Initializes the command field to initial-value."), OWLCMD_ARGS("alias", owl_command_alias, OWL_CTX_ANY, "creates a command alias", "alias ", "Creates a command alias from new_command to old_command.\n" "Any arguments passed to will be appended to\n" " before it is executed.\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("bindkey", owl_command_bindkey, OWL_CTX_ANY, "creates a binding in a keymap", "bindkey command ", "Binds a key sequence to a command within a keymap.\n" "Use 'show keymaps' to see the existing keymaps.\n" "Key sequences may be things like M-C-t or NPAGE.\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("zwrite", owl_command_zwrite, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "send a zephyr", "zwrite [-n] [-C] [-c class] [-i instance] [-r realm] [-O opcde] [ ...] ", "Zwrite send a zephyr to the one or more users specified.\n\n" "The following options are available:\n\n" "-n Do not send a ping message.\n\n" "-C If the message is sent to more than one user include a\n" " \"cc:\" line in the text\n\n" "-c class\n" " Send to the specified zephyr class\n\n" "-i instance\n" " Send to the specified zephyr instance\n\n" "-r realm\n" " Send to a foreign realm\n" "-O opcode\n" " Send to the specified opcode\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("reply", owl_command_reply, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "reply to the current message", "reply [-e] [ sender | all ]", "If -e is specified, the zwrite command line is presented to\n" "allow editing.\n\n" "If 'sender' is specified, reply to the sender.\n\n" "If 'all' or no args are specified, reply publically to the\n" "same class/instance for non-personal messages and to the\n" "sender for personal messages.\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("set", owl_command_set, OWL_CTX_ANY, "set a variable value", "set [-q] \n" "set", "Set the named variable to the specified value. If no\n" "arguments are used print the value of all variables.\n" "If -q is specified, is silent and doesn't print a message.\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("print", owl_command_print, OWL_CTX_ANY, "print a variable value", "print \n" "print", "Print the value of the named variable. If no arugments\n" "are used print the value of all variables.\n"), OWLCMD_VOID("version", owl_command_version, OWL_CTX_ANY, "print the version of the running owl", "", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS("subscribe", owl_command_subscribe, OWL_CTX_ANY, "subscribe to a zephyr class, instance, recipient", "subscribe [recipient]", "Subscribe the specified class and instance. If the recipient\n" "is not listed on the command line it defaults\n" "to * (the wildcard recipient).\n"), OWLCMD_ALIAS("sub", "subscribe"), OWLCMD_ARGS("unsubscribe", owl_command_unsubscribe, OWL_CTX_ANY, "unsubscribe from a zephyr class, instance, recipient", "unsubscribe [recipient]", "Unsubscribe from the specified class and instance. If the\n" "recipient is not listed on the command line it defaults\n" "to * (the wildcard recipient).\n"), OWLCMD_ALIAS("unsub", "unsubscribe"), OWLCMD_VOID("unsuball", owl_command_unsuball, OWL_CTX_ANY, "unsubscribe from all zephyrs", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("getsubs", owl_command_getsubs, OWL_CTX_ANY, "print all current subscriptions", "getsubs", "getsubs retrieves the current subscriptions from the server\n" "and displays them.\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("zpunt", owl_command_zpunt, OWL_CTX_ANY, "suppress a given zephyr triplet", "zpunt [recipient]\n" "zpunt ", "The zpunt command will supress message to the specified\n" "zephyr triplet. In the second usage messages as supressed\n" "for class MESSAGE and the named instance.\n\n" "SEE ALSO: zunpunt, show zpunts\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("zunpunt", owl_command_zunpunt, OWL_CTX_ANY, "undo a previous zpunt", "zunpunt [recipient]\n" "zunpunt ", "The zunpunt command will allow messages that were previosly\n" "suppressed to be received again.\n\n" "SEE ALSO: zpunt, show zpunts\n"), OWLCMD_VOID("info", owl_command_info, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "display detailed information about the current message", "", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS("help", owl_command_help, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "display help on using owl", "help [command]", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("recv:shiftleft", owl_command_shift_left, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "scrolls receive window to the left", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("recv:shiftright", owl_command_shift_right, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "scrolls receive window to the left", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("recv:pagedown", owl_function_mainwin_pagedown, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "scrolls down by a page", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("recv:pageup", owl_function_mainwin_pageup, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "scrolls up by a page", "", ""), OWLCMD_INT ("recv:scroll", owl_function_page_curmsg, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "scrolls current message up or down", "recv:scroll ", "Scrolls the current message up or down by .\n" "Scrolls up if is negative, else scrolls down.\n"), OWLCMD_VOID("next", owl_command_next, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "move the pointer to the next message", "", ""), OWLCMD_ALIAS("recv:next", "next"), OWLCMD_VOID("prev", owl_command_prev, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "move the pointer to the previous message", "", ""), OWLCMD_ALIAS("recv:prev", "prev"), OWLCMD_VOID("next-notdel", owl_command_next_notdeleted, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "move the pointer to the next non-deleted message", "", ""), OWLCMD_ALIAS("recv:next-notdel", "next-notdel"), OWLCMD_VOID("prev-notdel", owl_command_prev_notdeleted, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "move the pointer to the previous non-deleted message", "", ""), OWLCMD_ALIAS("recv:prev-notdel", "prev-notdel"), OWLCMD_VOID("recv:next-personal", owl_function_next_personal, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "move the pointer to the next personal message", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("recv:prev-personal", owl_function_prev_personal, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "move the pointer to the previous personal message", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("first", owl_command_first, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "move the pointer to the first message", "", ""), OWLCMD_ALIAS("recv:first", "first"), OWLCMD_VOID("last", owl_command_last, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "move the pointer to the last message", "", ""), OWLCMD_ALIAS("recv:last", "last"), OWLCMD_VOID("expunge", owl_command_expunge, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "remove all messages marked for deletion", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("resize", owl_command_resize, OWL_CTX_ANY, "resize the window to the current screen size", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("redisplay", owl_command_redisplay, OWL_CTX_ANY, "redraw the entire window", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("suspend", owl_command_suspend, OWL_CTX_ANY, "suspend owl", "", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS("echo", owl_command_echo, OWL_CTX_ANY, "pops up a message in popup window", "echo [args .. ]\n\n", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS("exec", owl_command_exec, OWL_CTX_ANY, "run a command from the shell", "exec [args .. ]", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS("aexec", owl_command_aexec, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "run a command from the shell and display in an admin message", "aexec [args .. ]", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS("pexec", owl_command_pexec, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "run a command from the shell and display in a popup window", "pexec [args .. ]", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS("perl", owl_command_perl, OWL_CTX_ANY, "run a perl expression", "perl [args .. ]", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS("aperl", owl_command_aperl, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "run a perl expression and display in an admin message", "aperl [args .. ]", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS("pperl", owl_command_pperl, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "run a perl expression and display in a popup window", "pperl [args .. ]", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS("multi", owl_command_multi, OWL_CTX_ANY, "runs multiple ;-separated commands", "multi ( ; )*\n", "Runs multiple semicolon-separated commands in order.\n" "Note quoting isn't supported here yet.\n" "If you want to do something fancy, use perl.\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("(", owl_command_multi, OWL_CTX_ANY, "runs multiple ;-separated commands", "'(' ( ; )* ')'\n", "Runs multiple semicolon-separated commands in order.\n" "You must have a space before the final ')'\n" "Note quoting isn't supported here yet.\n" "If you want to do something fancy, use perl.\n"), OWLCMD_VOID("pop-message", owl_command_pop_message, OWL_CTX_RECWIN, "pops up a message in a window", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("openurl", owl_command_openurl, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "opens up a URL from the current message", "", "Uses the 'webbrowser' variable to determine\n" "which browser to use. Currently, 'netscape'\n" "and 'galeon' are supported.\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("zaway", owl_command_zaway, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "running a command from the shell", "zaway [ on | off | toggle ]\n" "zaway ", "Turn on or off the default zaway message. If a message is\n" "specified turn on zaway with that message\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("load-subs", owl_command_loadsubs, OWL_CTX_ANY, "load subscriptions from a file", "load-subs \n", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("about", owl_command_about, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "print information about owl", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID("status", owl_command_status, OWL_CTX_ANY, "print status information about the running owl", "", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS("zlocate", owl_command_zlocate, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "locate a user", "zlocate [-d] ", "Performs a zlocate on a user and puts the result into\n" "a popwin. If -d is specified, does not authenticate\n" "the lookup request.\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("filter", owl_command_filter, OWL_CTX_ANY, "create a message filter", "filter [ -c color ] [ ... ]", "The filter command creates a filter with the specified name,\n" "or if one already exists it is replaced. Example filter\n" "syntax would be:\n\n" " filter myfilter -c red ( class ^foobar$ ) or ( class ^quux$ and instance ^bar$ )\n\n" "Valid matching fields are class, instance, recipient, sender,\n" "opcode and realm. Valid operations are 'and', 'or' and 'not'.\n" "Spaces must be present before and after parenthesis. If the\n" "optional color argument is used it specifies the color that\n" "messages matching this filter should be displayed in.\n\n" "SEE ALSO: view, viewclass, viewuser\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("colorview", owl_command_colorview, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "change the color on the current filter", "colorview ", "The color of messages in the current filter will be changed\n" "to . Use the 'show colors' command for a list\n" "of valid colors.\n\n" "SEE ALSO: 'show colors'\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("view", owl_command_view, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "view messages matching a filter", "view \n" "view -d \n" "view --home", "In the first usage, The view command sets the current view to\n" "the specified filter. This causes only messages matching\n" "that filter to be displayed.\n" "\n" "In the second usage a filter expression\n" "and be specified directly\n" "after -d. Owl will build an internal filter based on this\n" "filter and change the current view to use it.\n\n" "If --home is specified, switches to the view specified by\n" "the 'view_home' variable.\n\n" "SEE ALSO: filter, viewclass, viewuser\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("smartnarrow", owl_command_smartnarrow, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "view only messages similar to the current message", "smartnarrow [-i]", "If the curmsg is a personal message narrow\n" " to the converstaion with that user.\n" "If the curmsg is a class message, instance foo, recip *\n" " message, narrow to the class, inst.\n" "If the curmsg is a class message then narrow\n" " to the class.\n" "If the curmsg is a class message and '-i' is specied\n" " then narrow to the class, instance\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("viewclass", owl_command_viewclass, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "view messages matching a particular class", "viewclass ", "The viewclass command will automatically create a filter\n" "matching the specified class and switch the current view\n" "to it.\n\n" "SEE ALSO: filter, view, viewuser\n"), OWLCMD_ALIAS("vc", "viewclass"), OWLCMD_ARGS("viewuser", owl_command_viewuser, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "view messages matching a particular user", "viewuser ", "The viewuser command will automatically create a filter\n" "matching the specified user and switch the current\n" "view to it.\n\n" "SEE ALSO: filter, view, viewclass\n"), OWLCMD_ALIAS("vu", "viewuser"), OWLCMD_ARGS("show", owl_command_show, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "show information", "show variables\n" "show variable \n" "show filters\n" "show filter \n" "show keymaps\n" "show keymap \n" "show commands\n" "show command \n" "show subs\n" "show subscriptions\n" "show zpunts\n" "show colors\n" "show terminal\n" "show version\n" "show status\n", "Show colors will display a list of valid colors for the\n" " terminal." "Show filters will list the names of all filters.\n" "Show filter will show the definition of a particular\n" " filter.\n\n" "Show zpunts will show the active zpunt filters.\n\n" "Show keymaps will list the names of all keymaps.\n" "Show keymap will show the key bindings in a keymap.\n\n" "Show commands will list the names of all keymaps.\n" "Show command will provide information about a command.\n\n" "Show variables will list the names of all variables.\n\n" "SEE ALSO: filter, view, alias, bindkey, help\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("delete", owl_command_delete, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "mark a message for deletion", "delete [ -id msgid ]\n" "delete view\n" "delete trash", "If no message id is specified the current message is marked\n" "for deletion. Otherwise the message with the given message\n" "id is marked for deltion.\n" "If 'trash' is specified, deletes all trash/auto messages\n" "in the current view.\n" "If 'view' is specified, deletes all messages in the\n" "current view.\n"), OWLCMD_ALIAS("del", "delete"), OWLCMD_ARGS("undelete", owl_command_undelete, OWL_CTX_INTERACTIVE, "unmark a message for deletion", "undelete [ -id msgid ]\n" "undelete view", "If no message id is specified the current message is\n" "unmarked for deletion. Otherwise the message with the\n" "given message id is marked for undeltion.\n" "If 'view' is specified, undeletes all messages\n" "in the current view.\n"), OWLCMD_ALIAS("undel", "undelete"), OWLCMD_VOID("beep", owl_command_beep, OWL_CTX_ANY, "ring the terminal bell", "beep", "Beep will ring the terminal bell.\n" "If the variable 'bell' has been\n" "set to 'off' this command does nothing.\n"), OWLCMD_ARGS("debug", owl_command_debug, OWL_CTX_ANY, "prints a message into the debug log", "debug ", ""), /****************************************************************/ /************************* EDIT-SPECIFIC ************************/ /****************************************************************/ OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:move-next-word", owl_editwin_move_to_nextword, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "moves cursor forward a word", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:move-prev-word", owl_editwin_move_to_previousword, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "moves cursor backwards a word", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:move-to-buffer-start", owl_editwin_move_to_top, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "moves cursor to the top left (start) of the buffer", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:move-to-buffer-end", owl_editwin_move_to_end, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "moves cursor to the bottom right (end) of the buffer", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:move-to-line-end", owl_editwin_move_to_line_end, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "moves cursor to the end of the line", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:move-to-line-start", owl_editwin_move_to_line_start, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "moves cursor to the beginning of the line", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:move-left", owl_editwin_key_left, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "moves the cursor left by a character", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:move-right", owl_editwin_key_right, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "moves the cursor right by a character", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:delete-next-word", owl_editwin_delete_nextword, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "deletes the word to the right of the cursor", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:delete-prev-char", owl_editwin_backspace, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "deletes the character to the left of the cursor", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:delete-next-char", owl_editwin_delete_char, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "deletes the character to the right of the cursor", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:delete-to-line-end", owl_editwin_delete_to_endofline, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "deletes from the cursor to the end of the line", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:delete-all", owl_editwin_clear, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "deletes all of the contents of the buffer", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:fill-paragraph", owl_editwin_fill_paragraph, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "fills the current paragraph to line-wrap well", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:recenter", owl_editwin_recenter, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "recenters the buffer", "", ""), OWLCMD_ARGS_CTX("edit:insert-text", owl_command_edit_insert_text, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "inserts text into the buffer", "edit:insert-text ", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:cancel", owl_command_edit_cancel, OWL_CTX_EDIT, "cancels the current command", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:history-next", owl_command_edit_history_next, OWL_CTX_EDITLINE, "replaces the text with the previous history", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("edit:history-prev", owl_command_edit_history_prev, OWL_CTX_EDITLINE, "replaces the text with the previous history", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("editline:done", owl_command_editline_done, OWL_CTX_EDITLINE, "completes the command (eg, executes command being composed)", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("editmulti:move-up-line", owl_editwin_key_up, OWL_CTX_EDITMULTI, "moves the cursor up one line", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("editmulti:move-down-line", owl_editwin_key_down, OWL_CTX_EDITMULTI, "moves the cursor down one line", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("editmulti:done", owl_command_editmulti_done, OWL_CTX_EDITMULTI, "completes the command (eg, sends message being composed)", "", ""), /****************************************************************/ /********************** POPLESS-SPECIFIC ************************/ /****************************************************************/ OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("popless:scroll-down-page", owl_viewwin_pagedown, OWL_CTX_POPLESS, "scrolls down one page", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("popless:scroll-down-line", owl_viewwin_linedown, OWL_CTX_POPLESS, "scrolls down one line", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("popless:scroll-up-page", owl_viewwin_pageup, OWL_CTX_POPLESS, "scrolls up one page", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("popless:scroll-up-line", owl_viewwin_lineup, OWL_CTX_POPLESS, "scrolls up one line", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("popless:scroll-to-top", owl_viewwin_top, OWL_CTX_POPLESS, "scrolls to the top of the buffer", "", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("popless:scroll-to-bottom", owl_viewwin_bottom, OWL_CTX_POPLESS, "scrolls to the bottom of the buffer", "", ""), OWLCMD_INT_CTX ("popless:scroll-right", owl_viewwin_right, OWL_CTX_POPLESS, "scrolls right in the buffer", "popless:scroll-right ", ""), OWLCMD_INT_CTX ("popless:scroll-left", owl_viewwin_left, OWL_CTX_POPLESS, "scrolls left in the buffer", "popless:scroll-left ", ""), OWLCMD_VOID_CTX("popless:quit", owl_command_popless_quit, OWL_CTX_POPLESS, "exits the popless window", "", ""), /* This line MUST be last! */ { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; void owl_command_info() { owl_function_info(); } char *owl_command_help(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc!=2) { owl_help(); return NULL; } owl_function_help_for_command(argv[1]); return NULL; } void owl_command_about() { owl_function_about(); } void owl_command_version() { char buff[1024]; sprintf(buff, "Owl version %s", OWL_VERSION_STRING); owl_function_makemsg(buff); } void owl_command_next() { owl_function_nextmsg(); } void owl_command_prev() { owl_function_prevmsg(); } void owl_command_next_notdeleted() { owl_function_nextmsg_notdeleted(); } void owl_command_prev_notdeleted() { owl_function_prevmsg_notdeleted(); } char *owl_command_smartnarrow(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc == 1) { owl_function_smartnarrow(0); } else if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-i")) { owl_function_smartnarrow(1); } else { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments for %s", argv[0]); } return NULL; } void owl_command_expunge() { owl_function_expunge(); } void owl_command_first() { owl_global_set_rightshift(&g, 0); owl_function_firstmsg(); } void owl_command_last() { owl_function_lastmsg(); } void owl_command_resize() { owl_function_resize(); } void owl_command_redisplay() { owl_function_full_redisplay(); owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); } void owl_command_shift_right() { owl_function_shift_right(); } void owl_command_shift_left() { owl_function_shift_left(); } void owl_command_unsuball() { owl_function_unsuball(); } char *owl_command_loadsubs(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc == 2) { owl_function_loadsubs(argv[1]); } else if (argc == 1) { owl_function_loadsubs(NULL); } else { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments for load-subs."); return NULL; } return NULL; } void owl_command_suspend() { owl_function_suspend(); } char *owl_command_start_command(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { buff = skiptokens(buff, 1); owl_function_start_command(buff); return NULL; } char *owl_command_zaway(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if ((argc==1) || ((argc==2) && !strcmp(argv[1], "on"))) { owl_global_set_zaway_msg(&g, owl_global_get_zaway_msg_default(&g)); owl_function_zaway_on(); return NULL; } if (argc==2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "off")) { owl_function_zaway_off(); return NULL; } if (argc==2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "toggle")) { owl_function_zaway_toggle(); return NULL; } buff = skiptokens(buff, 1); owl_global_set_zaway_msg(&g, buff); owl_function_zaway_on(); return NULL; } char *owl_command_set(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { char *var, *val; int silent=0; if (argc == 1) { owl_function_printallvars(); return NULL; } else if (argc == 4 && !strcmp("-q",argv[1])) { silent = 1; var=argv[2]; val=argv[3]; } else if (argc == 3) { var=argv[1]; val=argv[2]; } else { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments for set command"); return NULL; } owl_variable_set_fromstring(owl_global_get_vardict(&g), var, val, !silent); return NULL; } char *owl_command_print(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { char *var; char valbuff[1024]; if (argc==1) { owl_function_printallvars(); return NULL; } else if (argc!=2) { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments for print command"); return NULL; } var=argv[1]; if (0 == owl_variable_get_tostring(owl_global_get_vardict(&g), var, valbuff, 1024)) { owl_function_makemsg("%s = '%s'", var, valbuff); } else { owl_function_makemsg("Unknown variable '%s'.", var); } return NULL; } char *owl_command_exec(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { return owl_function_exec(argc, argv, buff, 0); } char *owl_command_pexec(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { return owl_function_exec(argc, argv, buff, 1); } char *owl_command_aexec(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { return owl_function_exec(argc, argv, buff, 2); } char *owl_command_perl(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { return owl_function_perl(argc, argv, buff, 0); } char *owl_command_pperl(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { return owl_function_perl(argc, argv, buff, 1); } char *owl_command_aperl(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { return owl_function_perl(argc, argv, buff, 2); } char *owl_command_multi(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { char *lastrv = NULL, *newbuff; char **commands; int ncommands, i; if (argc < 2) { owl_function_makemsg("Invalid arguments to 'multi' command."); return NULL; } newbuff = owl_strdup(buff); newbuff = skiptokens(newbuff, 1); if (!strcmp(argv[0], "(")) { for (i=strlen(newbuff)-1; i>=0; i--) { if (newbuff[i] == ')') { newbuff[i] = '\0'; break; } else if (newbuff[i] != ' ') { owl_function_makemsg("Invalid arguments to 'multi' command."); owl_free(newbuff); return NULL; } } } commands = atokenize(newbuff, ";", &ncommands); for (i=0; i command ", argv[3], argc); return NULL; } km = owl_keyhandler_get_keymap(owl_global_get_keyhandler(&g), argv[1]); if (!km) { owl_function_makemsg("No such keymap '%s'", argv[1]); return NULL; } buff = skiptokens(buff, 4); ret = owl_keymap_create_binding(km, argv[2], buff, NULL, "*user*"); if (ret!=0) { owl_function_makemsg("Unable to bind '%s' in keymap '%s' to '%s'.", argv[2], argv[1], buff); return NULL; } return NULL; } void owl_command_quit() { owl_function_quit(); } char *owl_command_debug(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc<2) { owl_function_makemsg("Need at least one argument to debug command"); return NULL; } if (!owl_global_is_debug_fast(&g)) { owl_function_makemsg("Debugging is not turned on"); return NULL; } owl_function_debugmsg(argv[1]); return NULL; } char *owl_command_ktest(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { owl_function_popless_text("foobar"); return NULL; } char *owl_command_zlog(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc != 2) { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments for zlog command"); return NULL; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "in")) { owl_function_zlog_in(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "out")) { owl_function_zlog_out(); } else { owl_function_makemsg("Invalid subcommand for zlog"); } return NULL; } void owl_command_zlog_out() { owl_function_zlog_out(); } char *owl_command_subscribe(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { char *recip=""; if (argc<3) { owl_function_makemsg("Not enough arguments to the subscribe command"); return NULL; } else if (argc>4) { owl_function_makemsg("Too many arguments to the subscribe command"); return NULL; } if (argc==3) { recip=""; } else if (argc==4) { recip=argv[3]; } owl_function_subscribe(argv[1], argv[2], recip); return NULL; } char *owl_command_unsubscribe(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { char *recip=""; if (argc<3) { owl_function_makemsg("Not enough arguments to the unsubscribe command"); return NULL; } else if (argc>4) { owl_function_makemsg("Too many arguments to the unsubscribe command"); return NULL; } if (argc==3) { recip=""; } else if (argc==4) { recip=argv[3]; } owl_function_unsubscribe(argv[1], argv[2], recip); return NULL; } char *owl_command_echo(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { buff = skiptokens(buff, 1); owl_function_popless_text(buff); return NULL; } void owl_command_getsubs() { owl_function_getsubs(); } void owl_command_status() { owl_function_status(); } char *owl_command_zwrite(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { char *tmpbuff; if (argc < 2) { owl_function_makemsg("Not enough arguments to the zwrite command."); } else { tmpbuff = owl_strdup(buff); owl_function_zwrite_setup(tmpbuff); owl_global_set_buffercommand(&g, tmpbuff); owl_free(tmpbuff); } return NULL; } char *owl_command_reply(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { int edit=0; if (argc==2 && !strcmp("-e", argv[1])) { edit=1; argv++; } if ((argc==1) || (argc==2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "all"))) { owl_function_reply(0, !edit); } else if ((argc==1) || (argc==2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "sender"))) { owl_function_reply(1, !edit); } else { owl_function_makemsg("Invalid arguments to the reply command."); } return NULL; } char *owl_command_filter(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { owl_function_create_filter(argc, argv); return NULL; } char *owl_command_zlocate(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc==2) { owl_function_zlocate(argv[1], 1); } else if (argc==3) { if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-d")) { owl_function_zlocate(argv[2], 0); } else { owl_function_makemsg("Invalid option to the zlocate command"); return NULL; } } else { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments for zlocate command"); return NULL; } return NULL; } char *owl_command_view(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc<2) { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments to view command"); return NULL; } if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--home")) { owl_function_change_view(owl_global_get_view_home(&g)); return NULL; } /* is it a dynamic filter? */ if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-d")) { char **myargv; int i; myargv=owl_malloc((argc*sizeof(char *))+50); myargv[0]=""; myargv[1]="owl-dynamic"; for (i=2; i2) { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments to view command"); return NULL; } owl_function_change_view(argv[1]); return NULL; } char *owl_command_show(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc<2) { owl_function_help_for_command("show"); return NULL; } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "filter") || !strcmp(argv[1], "filters")) { if (argc==2) { owl_function_show_filters(); } else { owl_function_show_filter(argv[2]); } } else if (argc==2 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "zpunts") || !strcmp(argv[1], "zpunted"))) { owl_function_show_zpunts(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "command") || !strcmp(argv[1], "commands")) { if (argc==2) { owl_function_show_commands(); } else { owl_function_show_command(argv[2]); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "variable") || !strcmp(argv[1], "variables")) { if (argc==2) { owl_function_show_variables(); } else { owl_function_show_variable(argv[2]); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "keymap") || !strcmp(argv[1], "keymaps")) { if (argc==2) { owl_function_show_keymaps(); } else { owl_function_show_keymap(argv[2]); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "colors")) { owl_function_show_colors(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "subs") || !strcmp(argv[1], "subscriptions")) { owl_function_getsubs(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "terminal") || !strcmp(argv[1], "term")) { owl_function_show_term(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "version")) { owl_function_about(); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "status")) { owl_function_status(); } else { owl_function_makemsg("Unknown subcommand for 'show' command (see 'help show' for allowed args)"); return NULL; } return NULL; } char *owl_command_viewclass(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc!=2) { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments to viewclass command"); return NULL; } owl_function_fastclassinstfilt(argv[1], NULL); return NULL; } char *owl_command_viewuser(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc!=2) { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments to viewuser command"); return NULL; } owl_function_fastuserfilt(argv[1]); return NULL; } void owl_command_pop_message(void) { owl_function_curmsg_to_popwin(); } void owl_command_openurl(void) { owl_function_openurl(); } char *owl_command_delete(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc==1) { owl_function_deletecur(); return NULL; } if (argc==2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "view")) { owl_function_delete_curview_msgs(1); return NULL; } if (argc==2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "trash")) { owl_function_delete_automsgs(); return NULL; } if (argc==3 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-id")) { owl_function_delete_by_id(atoi(argv[2]), 1); return NULL; } owl_function_makemsg("Unknown arguments to delete command"); return NULL; } char *owl_command_undelete(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc==1) { owl_function_undeletecur(); return NULL; } if (argc==2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "view")) { owl_function_delete_curview_msgs(0); return NULL; } if (argc==3 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-id")) { owl_function_delete_by_id(atoi(argv[2]), 0); return NULL; } owl_function_makemsg("Unknown arguments to delete command"); return NULL; } void owl_command_beep() { owl_function_beep(); } char *owl_command_colorview(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { if (argc!=2) { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments to colorview command"); return NULL; } owl_function_color_current_filter(argv[1]); return NULL; } char *owl_command_zpunt(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { owl_command_zpunt_and_zunpunt(argc, argv, 0); return NULL; } char *owl_command_zunpunt(int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { owl_command_zpunt_and_zunpunt(argc, argv, 1); return NULL; } void owl_command_zpunt_and_zunpunt(int argc, char **argv, int type) { /* if type==0 then zpunt * if type==1 then zunpunt */ char *class, *inst, *recip; class="message"; inst=""; recip="*"; if (argc==1) { /* show current punt filters */ owl_function_show_zpunts(); return; } else if (argc==2) { inst=argv[1]; } else if (argc==3) { class=argv[1]; inst=argv[2]; } else if (argc==4) { class=argv[1]; inst=argv[2]; recip=argv[3]; } else { owl_function_makemsg("Wrong number of arguments to the zpunt command"); return; } owl_function_zpunt(class, inst, recip, type); if (type==0) { owl_function_makemsg("<%s, %s, %s> added to punt list.", class, inst, recip); } else if (type==1) { owl_function_makemsg("<%s, %s, %s> removed from punt list.", class, inst, recip); } } /*********************************************************************/ /************************** EDIT SPECIFIC ****************************/ /*********************************************************************/ void owl_command_edit_cancel(owl_editwin *e) { owl_function_makemsg("Command cancelled."); owl_editwin_fullclear(e); owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); wnoutrefresh(owl_editwin_get_curswin(e)); owl_global_set_typwin_inactive(&g); owl_editwin_new_style(e, OWL_EDITWIN_STYLE_ONELINE); } void owl_command_edit_history_prev(owl_editwin *e) { owl_history *hist; char *ptr; hist=owl_global_get_history(&g); if (!owl_history_is_touched(hist)) { owl_history_store(hist, owl_editwin_get_text(e)); owl_history_set_partial(hist); } ptr=owl_history_get_prev(hist); if (ptr) { owl_editwin_clear(e); owl_editwin_insert_string(e, ptr); owl_editwin_redisplay(e, 0); owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); } else { owl_function_beep(); } } void owl_command_edit_history_next(owl_editwin *e) { owl_history *hist; char *ptr; hist=owl_global_get_history(&g); ptr=owl_history_get_next(hist); if (ptr) { owl_editwin_clear(e); owl_editwin_insert_string(e, ptr); owl_editwin_redisplay(e, 0); owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); } else { owl_function_beep(); } } char *owl_command_edit_insert_text(owl_editwin *e, int argc, char **argv, char *buff) { buff = skiptokens(buff, 1); owl_editwin_insert_string(e, buff); owl_editwin_redisplay(e, 0); owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); return NULL; } void owl_command_editline_done(owl_editwin *e) { owl_history *hist=owl_global_get_history(&g); char *rv; owl_global_set_typwin_inactive(&g); owl_history_store(hist, owl_editwin_get_text(e)); owl_history_reset(hist); rv = owl_function_command(owl_editwin_get_text(e)); /* if we're still in ONELINE mode we can clear the buffer */ if (owl_editwin_get_style(e)==OWL_EDITWIN_STYLE_ONELINE) { owl_editwin_fullclear(e); } wnoutrefresh(owl_editwin_get_curswin(e)); owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); if (rv) { owl_function_makemsg("%s", rv); owl_free(rv); } } void owl_command_editmulti_done(owl_editwin *e) { owl_function_run_buffercommand(); owl_editwin_new_style(e, OWL_EDITWIN_STYLE_ONELINE); owl_editwin_fullclear(e); owl_global_set_typwin_inactive(&g); owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); wnoutrefresh(owl_editwin_get_curswin(e)); } /*********************************************************************/ /*********************** POPLESS SPECIFIC ****************************/ /*********************************************************************/ void owl_command_popless_quit(owl_viewwin *vw) { owl_popwin_close(owl_global_get_popwin(&g)); owl_viewwin_free(vw); owl_global_set_needrefresh(&g); }