#include "owl.h" #include #include /* initialize an fmtext with no data */ void owl_fmtext_init_null(owl_fmtext *f) { f->buff = g_string_new(""); f->default_attrs = OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_NONE; f->default_fgcolor = OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; f->default_bgcolor = OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; } /* Clear the data from an fmtext, but don't deallocate memory. This fmtext can then be appended to again. */ void owl_fmtext_clear(owl_fmtext *f) { g_string_truncate(f->buff, 0); f->default_attrs = OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_NONE; f->default_fgcolor = OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; f->default_bgcolor = OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; } int owl_fmtext_is_format_char(gunichar c) { if ((c & ~OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ATTR_MASK) == OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ATTR) return 1; if ((c & ~(OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ALLCOLOR_MASK)) == OWL_FMTEXT_UC_COLOR_BASE) return 1; return 0; } /* append text to the end of 'f' with attribute 'attr' and color * 'color' */ void owl_fmtext_append_attr(owl_fmtext *f, const char *text, char attr, short fgcolor, short bgcolor) { int a = 0, fg = 0, bg = 0; if (attr != OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_NONE) a=1; if (fgcolor != OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) fg=1; if (bgcolor != OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) bg=1; /* Set attributes */ if (a) g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ATTR | attr); if (fg) g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_FGCOLOR | fgcolor); if (bg) g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_BGCOLOR | bgcolor); g_string_append(f->buff, text); /* Reset attributes */ if (bg) g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_BGDEFAULT); if (fg) g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_FGDEFAULT); if (a) g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ATTR | OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ATTR); } /* Append normal, uncolored text 'text' to 'f' */ void owl_fmtext_append_normal(owl_fmtext *f, const char *text) { owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, text, OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_NONE, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); } /* Append normal, uncolored text specified by format string to 'f' */ void owl_fmtext_appendf_normal(owl_fmtext *f, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *buff; va_start(ap, fmt); buff = g_strdup_vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (!buff) return; owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, buff, OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_NONE, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); g_free(buff); } /* Append normal text 'text' to 'f' with color 'color' */ void owl_fmtext_append_normal_color(owl_fmtext *f, const char *text, int fgcolor, int bgcolor) { owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, text, OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_NONE, fgcolor, bgcolor); } /* Append bold text 'text' to 'f' */ void owl_fmtext_append_bold(owl_fmtext *f, const char *text) { owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, text, OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_BOLD, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); } /* Append reverse video text 'text' to 'f' */ void owl_fmtext_append_reverse(owl_fmtext *f, const char *text) { owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, text, OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_REVERSE, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); } /* Append reversed and bold, uncolored text 'text' to 'f' */ void owl_fmtext_append_reversebold(owl_fmtext *f, const char *text) { owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, text, OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_REVERSE | OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_BOLD, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); } /* Add the attribute 'attr' to the default atts for the text in 'f' */ void owl_fmtext_addattr(owl_fmtext *f, char attr) { /* add the attribute to all text */ f->default_attrs |= attr; } /* Set the default foreground color for this fmtext to 'color'. * Only affects text that is colored default. */ void owl_fmtext_colorize(owl_fmtext *f, int color) { f->default_fgcolor = color; } /* Set the default foreground color for this fmtext to 'color'. * Only affects text that is colored default. */ void owl_fmtext_colorizebg(owl_fmtext *f, int color) { f->default_bgcolor = color; } /* Internal function. Parse attrbute character. */ static void _owl_fmtext_update_attributes(gunichar c, char *attr, short *fgcolor, short *bgcolor) { if ((c & OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ATTR) == OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ATTR) { *attr = c & OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ATTR_MASK; } else if ((c & OWL_FMTEXT_UC_COLOR_BASE) == OWL_FMTEXT_UC_COLOR_BASE) { if ((c & OWL_FMTEXT_UC_BGCOLOR) == OWL_FMTEXT_UC_BGCOLOR) { *bgcolor = (c == OWL_FMTEXT_UC_BGDEFAULT ? OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT : c & OWL_FMTEXT_UC_COLOR_MASK); } else if ((c & OWL_FMTEXT_UC_FGCOLOR) == OWL_FMTEXT_UC_FGCOLOR) { *fgcolor = (c == OWL_FMTEXT_UC_FGDEFAULT ? OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT : c & OWL_FMTEXT_UC_COLOR_MASK); } } } /* Internal function. Scan for attribute characters. */ static void _owl_fmtext_scan_attributes(const owl_fmtext *f, int start, char *attr, short *fgcolor, short *bgcolor) { const char *p; p = strchr(f->buff->str, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_STARTBYTE_UTF8); while (p && p < f->buff->str + start) { _owl_fmtext_update_attributes(g_utf8_get_char(p), attr, fgcolor, bgcolor); p = strchr(p+1, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_STARTBYTE_UTF8); } } /* Internal function. Append text from 'in' between index 'start' * inclusive and 'stop' exclusive, to the end of 'f'. This function * works with bytes. */ static void _owl_fmtext_append_fmtext(owl_fmtext *f, const owl_fmtext *in, int start, int stop) { int a = 0, fg = 0, bg = 0; char attr = 0; short fgcolor = OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; short bgcolor = OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; _owl_fmtext_scan_attributes(in, start, &attr, &fgcolor, &bgcolor); if (attr != OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_NONE) a=1; if (fgcolor != OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) fg=1; if (bgcolor != OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) bg=1; if (a) g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ATTR | attr); if (fg) g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_FGCOLOR | fgcolor); if (bg) g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_BGCOLOR | bgcolor); g_string_append_len(f->buff, in->buff->str+start, stop-start); /* Reset attributes */ g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_BGDEFAULT); g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_FGDEFAULT); g_string_append_unichar(f->buff, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ATTR | OWL_FMTEXT_UC_ATTR); } /* append fmtext 'in' to 'f' */ void owl_fmtext_append_fmtext(owl_fmtext *f, const owl_fmtext *in) { _owl_fmtext_append_fmtext(f, in, 0, in->buff->len); } /* Append 'nspaces' number of spaces to the end of 'f' */ void owl_fmtext_append_spaces(owl_fmtext *f, int nspaces) { int i; for (i=0; ibuff->str); } static void _owl_fmtext_wattrset(WINDOW *w, int attrs) { wattrset(w, A_NORMAL); if (attrs & OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_BOLD) wattron(w, A_BOLD); if (attrs & OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_REVERSE) wattron(w, A_REVERSE); if (attrs & OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_UNDERLINE) wattron(w, A_UNDERLINE); } static void _owl_fmtext_update_colorpair(short fg, short bg, short *pair) { if (owl_global_get_hascolors(&g)) { *pair = owl_fmtext_get_colorpair(fg, bg); } } static void _owl_fmtext_wcolor_set(WINDOW *w, short pair) { if (owl_global_get_hascolors(&g)) { wcolor_set(w,pair,NULL); wbkgdset(w, COLOR_PAIR(pair)); } } /* add the formatted text to the curses window 'w'. The window 'w' * must already be initiatlized with curses */ static void _owl_fmtext_curs_waddstr(const owl_fmtext *f, WINDOW *w, int do_search) { /* char *tmpbuff; */ /* int position, trans1, trans2, trans3, len, lastsame; */ char *s, *p; char attr; short fg, bg, pair = 0; if (w==NULL) { owl_function_debugmsg("Hit a null window in owl_fmtext_curs_waddstr."); return; } s = f->buff->str; /* Set default attributes. */ attr = f->default_attrs; fg = f->default_fgcolor; bg = f->default_bgcolor; _owl_fmtext_wattrset(w, attr); _owl_fmtext_update_colorpair(fg, bg, &pair); _owl_fmtext_wcolor_set(w, pair); /* Find next possible format character. */ p = strchr(s, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_STARTBYTE_UTF8); while(p) { if (owl_fmtext_is_format_char(g_utf8_get_char(p))) { /* Deal with all text from last insert to here. */ char tmp; tmp = p[0]; p[0] = '\0'; if (do_search && owl_global_is_search_active(&g)) { /* Search is active, so highlight search results. */ int start, end; while (owl_regex_compare(owl_global_get_search_re(&g), s, &start, &end) == 0) { /* Prevent an infinite loop matching the empty string. */ if (end == 0) break; /* Found search string, highlight it. */ waddnstr(w, s, start); _owl_fmtext_wattrset(w, attr ^ OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_REVERSE); _owl_fmtext_wcolor_set(w, pair); waddnstr(w, s + start, end - start); _owl_fmtext_wattrset(w, attr); _owl_fmtext_wcolor_set(w, pair); s += end; } } /* Deal with remaining part of string. */ waddstr(w, s); p[0] = tmp; /* Deal with new attributes. Initialize to defaults, then process all consecutive formatting characters. */ attr = f->default_attrs; fg = f->default_fgcolor; bg = f->default_bgcolor; while (owl_fmtext_is_format_char(g_utf8_get_char(p))) { _owl_fmtext_update_attributes(g_utf8_get_char(p), &attr, &fg, &bg); p = g_utf8_next_char(p); } _owl_fmtext_wattrset(w, attr | f->default_attrs); if (fg == OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) fg = f->default_fgcolor; if (bg == OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) bg = f->default_bgcolor; _owl_fmtext_update_colorpair(fg, bg, &pair); _owl_fmtext_wcolor_set(w, pair); /* Advance to next non-formatting character. */ s = p; p = strchr(s, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_STARTBYTE_UTF8); } else { p = strchr(p+1, OWL_FMTEXT_UC_STARTBYTE_UTF8); } } if (s) { waddstr(w, s); } wbkgdset(w, 0); } void owl_fmtext_curs_waddstr(const owl_fmtext *f, WINDOW *w) { _owl_fmtext_curs_waddstr(f, w, 1); } void owl_fmtext_curs_waddstr_without_search(const owl_fmtext *f, WINDOW *w) { _owl_fmtext_curs_waddstr(f, w, 0); } /* Expands tabs. Tabs are expanded as if given an initial indent of start. */ void owl_fmtext_expand_tabs(const owl_fmtext *in, owl_fmtext *out, int start) { int col = start, numcopied = 0; char *ptr; /* Copy the default attributes. */ out->default_attrs = in->default_attrs; out->default_fgcolor = in->default_fgcolor; out->default_bgcolor = in->default_bgcolor; for (ptr = in->buff->str; ptr < in->buff->str + in->buff->len; ptr = g_utf8_next_char(ptr)) { gunichar c = g_utf8_get_char(ptr); int chwidth; if (c == '\t') { /* Copy up to this tab */ _owl_fmtext_append_fmtext(out, in, numcopied, ptr - in->buff->str); /* and then copy spaces for the tab. */ chwidth = OWL_TAB_WIDTH - (col % OWL_TAB_WIDTH); owl_fmtext_append_spaces(out, chwidth); col += chwidth; numcopied = g_utf8_next_char(ptr) - in->buff->str; } else { /* Just update col. We'll append later. */ if (c == '\n') { col = start; } else if (!owl_fmtext_is_format_char(c)) { col += mk_wcwidth(c); } } } /* Append anything we've missed. */ if (numcopied < in->buff->len) _owl_fmtext_append_fmtext(out, in, numcopied, in->buff->len); } /* start with line 'aline' (where the first line is 0) and print * 'lines' number of lines into 'out' */ int owl_fmtext_truncate_lines(const owl_fmtext *in, int aline, int lines, owl_fmtext *out) { const char *ptr1, *ptr2; int i, offset; /* find the starting line */ ptr1 = in->buff->str; for (i = 0; i < aline; i++) { ptr1 = strchr(ptr1, '\n'); if (!ptr1) return(-1); ptr1++; } /* ptr1 now holds the starting point */ /* copy the default attributes */ out->default_attrs = in->default_attrs; out->default_fgcolor = in->default_fgcolor; out->default_bgcolor = in->default_bgcolor; /* copy in the next 'lines' lines */ if (lines < 1) return(-1); for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { offset = ptr1 - in->buff->str; ptr2 = strchr(ptr1, '\n'); if (!ptr2) { /* Copy to the end of the buffer. */ _owl_fmtext_append_fmtext(out, in, offset, in->buff->len); return(-1); } /* Copy up to, and including, the new line. */ _owl_fmtext_append_fmtext(out, in, offset, (ptr2 - ptr1) + offset + 1); ptr1 = ptr2 + 1; } return(0); } /* Implementation of owl_fmtext_truncate_cols. Does not support tabs in input. */ void _owl_fmtext_truncate_cols_internal(const owl_fmtext *in, int acol, int bcol, owl_fmtext *out) { const char *ptr_s, *ptr_e, *ptr_c, *last; int col, st, padding, chwidth; /* copy the default attributes */ out->default_attrs = in->default_attrs; out->default_fgcolor = in->default_fgcolor; out->default_bgcolor = in->default_bgcolor; last = in->buff->str + in->buff->len - 1; ptr_s = in->buff->str; while (ptr_s <= last) { ptr_e=strchr(ptr_s, '\n'); if (!ptr_e) { /* but this shouldn't happen if we end in a \n */ break; } if (ptr_e == ptr_s) { owl_fmtext_append_normal(out, "\n"); ++ptr_s; continue; } col = 0; st = 0; padding = 0; chwidth = 0; ptr_c = ptr_s; while(ptr_c < ptr_e) { gunichar c = g_utf8_get_char(ptr_c); if (!owl_fmtext_is_format_char(c)) { chwidth = mk_wcwidth(c); if (col + chwidth > bcol) break; if (col >= acol) { if (st == 0) { ptr_s = ptr_c; padding = col - acol; ++st; } } col += chwidth; chwidth = 0; } ptr_c = g_utf8_next_char(ptr_c); } if (st) { /* lead padding */ owl_fmtext_append_spaces(out, padding); if (ptr_c == ptr_e) { /* We made it to the newline. Append up to, and including it. */ _owl_fmtext_append_fmtext(out, in, ptr_s - in->buff->str, ptr_c - in->buff->str + 1); } else if (chwidth > 1) { /* Last char is wide, truncate. */ _owl_fmtext_append_fmtext(out, in, ptr_s - in->buff->str, ptr_c - in->buff->str); owl_fmtext_append_normal(out, "\n"); } else { /* Last char fits perfectly, We stop at the next char to make * sure we get it all. */ ptr_c = g_utf8_next_char(ptr_c); _owl_fmtext_append_fmtext(out, in, ptr_s - in->buff->str, ptr_c - in->buff->str); } } else { owl_fmtext_append_normal(out, "\n"); } ptr_s = g_utf8_next_char(ptr_e); } } /* Truncate the message so that each line begins at column 'acol' and * ends at 'bcol' or sooner. The first column is number 0. The new * message is placed in 'out'. The message is expected to end in a * new line for now. * * NOTE: This needs to be modified to deal with backing up if we find * a SPACING COMBINING MARK at the end of a line. If that happens, we * should back up to the last non-mark character and stop there. * * NOTE: If a line ends at bcol, we omit the newline. This is so printing * to ncurses works. */ void owl_fmtext_truncate_cols(const owl_fmtext *in, int acol, int bcol, owl_fmtext *out) { owl_fmtext notabs; /* _owl_fmtext_truncate_cols_internal cannot handle tabs. */ if (strchr(in->buff->str, '\t')) { owl_fmtext_init_null(¬abs); owl_fmtext_expand_tabs(in, ¬abs, 0); _owl_fmtext_truncate_cols_internal(¬abs, acol, bcol, out); owl_fmtext_cleanup(¬abs); } else { _owl_fmtext_truncate_cols_internal(in, acol, bcol, out); } } /* Return the number of lines in 'f' */ int owl_fmtext_num_lines(const owl_fmtext *f) { int lines, i; char *lastbreak, *p; lines=0; lastbreak = f->buff->str; for (i = 0; i < f->buff->len; i++) { if (f->buff->str[i]=='\n') { lastbreak = f->buff->str + i; lines++; } } /* Check if there's a trailing line; formatting characters don't count. */ for (p = g_utf8_next_char(lastbreak); p < f->buff->str + f->buff->len; p = g_utf8_next_char(p)) { if (!owl_fmtext_is_format_char(g_utf8_get_char(p))) { lines++; break; } } return(lines); } /* Returns the line number, starting at 0, of the character which * contains the byte at 'offset'. Note that a trailing newline is part * of the line it ends. Also, while a trailing line of formatting * characters does not contribute to owl_fmtext_num_lines, those * characters are considered on a new line. */ int owl_fmtext_line_number(const owl_fmtext *f, int offset) { int i, lineno = 0; if (offset >= f->buff->len) offset = f->buff->len - 1; for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) { if (f->buff->str[i] == '\n') lineno++; } return lineno; } /* Searches for line 'lineno' in 'f'. The returned range, [start, * end), forms a half-open interval for the extent of the line. */ void owl_fmtext_line_extents(const owl_fmtext *f, int lineno, int *o_start, int *o_end) { int start, end; char *newline; for (start = 0; lineno > 0 && start < f->buff->len; start++) { if (f->buff->str[start] == '\n') lineno--; } newline = strchr(f->buff->str + start, '\n'); /* Include the newline, if it is there. */ end = newline ? newline - f->buff->str + 1 : f->buff->len; if (o_start) *o_start = start; if (o_end) *o_end = end; } const char *owl_fmtext_get_text(const owl_fmtext *f) { return f->buff->str; } int owl_fmtext_num_bytes(const owl_fmtext *f) { return f->buff->len; } /* Make a copy of the fmtext 'src' into 'dst' */ void owl_fmtext_copy(owl_fmtext *dst, const owl_fmtext *src) { dst->buff = g_string_new(src->buff->str); dst->default_attrs = src->default_attrs; dst->default_fgcolor = src->default_fgcolor; dst->default_bgcolor = src->default_bgcolor; } /* Search 'f' for the regex 're' for matches starting at * 'start'. Returns the offset of the first match, -1 if not * found. This is a case-insensitive search. */ int owl_fmtext_search(const owl_fmtext *f, const owl_regex *re, int start) { int offset; if (start > f->buff->len || owl_regex_compare(re, f->buff->str + start, &offset, NULL) != 0) return -1; return offset + start; } /* Append the text 'text' to 'f' and interpret the zephyr style * formatting syntax to set appropriate attributes. */ void owl_fmtext_append_ztext(owl_fmtext *f, const char *text) { int stacksize, curattrs, curcolor; const char *ptr, *txtptr, *tmpptr; char *buff; int attrstack[32], chrstack[32], colorstack[32]; curattrs=OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_NONE; curcolor=OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; stacksize=0; txtptr=text; while (1) { ptr=strpbrk(txtptr, "@{[<()>]}"); if (!ptr) { /* add all the rest of the text and exit */ owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, txtptr, curattrs, curcolor, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); return; } else if (ptr[0]=='@') { /* add the text up to this point then deal with the stack */ buff=g_new(char, ptr-txtptr+20); strncpy(buff, txtptr, ptr-txtptr); buff[ptr-txtptr]='\0'; owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, buff, curattrs, curcolor, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); g_free(buff); /* update pointer to point at the @ */ txtptr=ptr; /* now the stack */ /* if we've hit our max stack depth, print the @ and move on */ if (stacksize==32) { owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, "@", curattrs, curcolor, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); txtptr++; continue; } /* if it's an @@, print an @ and continue */ if (txtptr[1]=='@') { owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, "@", curattrs, curcolor, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); txtptr+=2; continue; } /* if there's no opener, print the @ and continue */ tmpptr=strpbrk(txtptr, "(<[{ "); if (!tmpptr || tmpptr[0]==' ') { owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, "@", curattrs, curcolor, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); txtptr++; continue; } /* check what command we've got, push it on the stack, start using it, and continue ... unless it's a color command */ buff=g_new(char, tmpptr-ptr+20); strncpy(buff, ptr, tmpptr-ptr); buff[tmpptr-ptr]='\0'; if (!strcasecmp(buff, "@bold")) { attrstack[stacksize]=OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_BOLD; chrstack[stacksize]=tmpptr[0]; colorstack[stacksize]=curcolor; stacksize++; curattrs|=OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_BOLD; txtptr+=6; g_free(buff); continue; } else if (!strcasecmp(buff, "@b")) { attrstack[stacksize]=OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_BOLD; chrstack[stacksize]=tmpptr[0]; colorstack[stacksize]=curcolor; stacksize++; curattrs|=OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_BOLD; txtptr+=3; g_free(buff); continue; } else if (!strcasecmp(buff, "@i")) { attrstack[stacksize]=OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_UNDERLINE; chrstack[stacksize]=tmpptr[0]; colorstack[stacksize]=curcolor; stacksize++; curattrs|=OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_UNDERLINE; txtptr+=3; g_free(buff); continue; } else if (!strcasecmp(buff, "@italic")) { attrstack[stacksize]=OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_UNDERLINE; chrstack[stacksize]=tmpptr[0]; colorstack[stacksize]=curcolor; stacksize++; curattrs|=OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_UNDERLINE; txtptr+=8; g_free(buff); continue; } else if (!strcasecmp(buff, "@")) { attrstack[stacksize]=OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_NONE; chrstack[stacksize]=tmpptr[0]; colorstack[stacksize]=curcolor; stacksize++; txtptr+=2; g_free(buff); continue; /* if it's a color read the color, set the current color and continue */ } else if (!strcasecmp(buff, "@color") && owl_global_get_hascolors(&g) && owl_global_is_colorztext(&g)) { g_free(buff); txtptr+=7; tmpptr=strpbrk(txtptr, "@{[<()>]}"); if (tmpptr && ((txtptr[-1]=='(' && tmpptr[0]==')') || (txtptr[-1]=='<' && tmpptr[0]=='>') || (txtptr[-1]=='[' && tmpptr[0]==']') || (txtptr[-1]=='{' && tmpptr[0]=='}'))) { /* grab the color name */ buff=g_new(char, tmpptr-txtptr+20); strncpy(buff, txtptr, tmpptr-txtptr); buff[tmpptr-txtptr]='\0'; /* set it as the current color */ curcolor=owl_util_string_to_color(buff); if (curcolor == OWL_COLOR_INVALID) curcolor = OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; g_free(buff); txtptr=tmpptr+1; continue; } else { } } else { /* if we didn't understand it, we'll print it. This is different from zwgc * but zwgc seems to be smarter about some screw cases than I am */ owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, "@", curattrs, curcolor, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); txtptr++; continue; } } else if (ptr[0]=='}' || ptr[0]==']' || ptr[0]==')' || ptr[0]=='>') { /* add the text up to this point first */ buff=g_new(char, ptr-txtptr+20); strncpy(buff, txtptr, ptr-txtptr); buff[ptr-txtptr]='\0'; owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, buff, curattrs, curcolor, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); g_free(buff); /* now deal with the closer */ txtptr=ptr; /* first, if the stack is empty we must bail (just print and go) */ if (stacksize==0) { buff=g_new(char, 5); buff[0]=ptr[0]; buff[1]='\0'; owl_fmtext_append_attr(f, buff, curattrs, curcolor, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); g_free(buff); txtptr++; continue; } /* if the closing char is what's on the stack, turn off the attribue and pop the stack */ if ((ptr[0]==')' && chrstack[stacksize-1]=='(') || (ptr[0]=='>' && chrstack[stacksize-1]=='<') || (ptr[0]==']' && chrstack[stacksize-1]=='[') || (ptr[0]=='}' && chrstack[stacksize-1]=='{')) { int i; stacksize--; curattrs=OWL_FMTEXT_ATTR_NONE; curcolor = colorstack[stacksize]; for (i=0; ibuff) g_string_free(f->buff, true); f->buff = NULL; } /*** Color Pair manager ***/ void owl_fmtext_init_colorpair_mgr(owl_colorpair_mgr *cpmgr) { /* This could be a bitarray if we wanted to save memory. */ short i; /* The test is <= because we allocate COLORS+1 entries. */ cpmgr->pairs = g_new(short *, COLORS + 1); for(i = 0; i <= COLORS; i++) { cpmgr->pairs[i] = g_new(short, COLORS + 1); } owl_fmtext_reset_colorpairs(cpmgr); } /* Reset used list */ void owl_fmtext_reset_colorpairs(owl_colorpair_mgr *cpmgr) { short i, j; cpmgr->overflow = false; cpmgr->next = 8; /* The test is <= because we allocated COLORS+1 entries. */ for(i = 0; i <= COLORS; i++) { for(j = 0; j <= COLORS; j++) { cpmgr->pairs[i][j] = -1; } } if (owl_global_get_hascolors(&g)) { for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { short fg, bg; if (i >= COLORS) continue; pair_content(i, &fg, &bg); cpmgr->pairs[fg+1][bg+1] = i; } } } /* Assign pairs by request */ short owl_fmtext_get_colorpair(int fg, int bg) { owl_colorpair_mgr *cpmgr; short pair; /* Sanity (Bounds) Check */ if (fg > COLORS || fg < OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) fg = OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; if (bg > COLORS || bg < OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) bg = OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT; #ifdef HAVE_USE_DEFAULT_COLORS if (fg == OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) fg = -1; #else if (fg == OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) fg = 0; if (bg == OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) bg = 0; #endif /* looking for a pair we already set up for this draw. */ cpmgr = owl_global_get_colorpair_mgr(&g); pair = cpmgr->pairs[fg+1][bg+1]; if (!(pair != -1 && pair < cpmgr->next)) { /* If we didn't find a pair, search for a free one to assign. */ pair = (cpmgr->next < COLOR_PAIRS) ? cpmgr->next : -1; if (pair != -1) { /* We found a free pair, initialize it. */ init_pair(pair, fg, bg); cpmgr->pairs[fg+1][bg+1] = pair; cpmgr->next++; } else if (bg != OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT) { /* We still don't have a pair, drop the background color. Too bad. */ owl_function_debugmsg("colorpairs: color shortage - dropping background color."); cpmgr->overflow = true; pair = owl_fmtext_get_colorpair(fg, OWL_COLOR_DEFAULT); } else { /* We still don't have a pair, defaults all around. */ owl_function_debugmsg("colorpairs: color shortage - dropping foreground and background color."); cpmgr->overflow = true; pair = 0; } } return pair; }