#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "owl.h" static const char fileIdent[] = "$Id$"; #ifndef MAXHOSTNAMELEN #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 256 #endif void owl_global_init(owl_global *g) { struct hostent *hent; char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; char buff[MAXPATHLEN]; gethostname(hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN); hent=gethostbyname(hostname); if (!hent) { strcpy(g->thishost, "localhost"); } else { strcpy(g->thishost, hent->h_name); } owl_context_init(&g->ctx); owl_context_set_startup(&g->ctx); g->curmsg=0; g->topmsg=0; g->needrefresh=1; owl_variable_dict_setup(&(g->vars)); owl_cmddict_setup(&(g->cmds)); g->lines=LINES; g->cols=COLS; g->rightshift=0; owl_editwin_init(&(g->tw), NULL, owl_global_get_typwin_lines(g), g->cols, OWL_EDITWIN_STYLE_ONELINE, NULL); owl_keyhandler_init(&g->kh); owl_keys_setup_keymaps(&g->kh); owl_list_create(&(g->filterlist)); owl_list_create(&(g->puntlist)); g->curmsg_vert_offset=0; g->resizepending=0; g->typwinactive=0; g->direction=OWL_DIRECTION_DOWNWARDS; g->zaway=0; if (has_colors()) { g->hascolors=1; } g->colorpairs=COLOR_PAIRS; g->debug=OWL_DEBUG; g->starttime=time(NULL); /* assumes we call init only a start time */ strcpy(g->buffercommand, ""); owl_global_set_config_format(g, 0); owl_global_set_userclue(g, OWL_USERCLUE_NONE); owl_global_set_no_have_config(g); owl_history_init(&(g->msghist)); owl_history_init(&(g->cmdhist)); g->nextmsgid=0; owl_filterelement_create_true(&(g->fe_true)); owl_filterelement_create_false(&(g->fe_false)); owl_filterelement_create_null(&(g->fe_null)); _owl_global_setup_windows(g); /* Fill in some variables which don't have constant defaults */ /* TODO: come back later and check passwd file first */ strcpy(g->homedir, getenv("HOME")); sprintf(buff, "%s/zlog/people/", owl_global_get_homedir(g)); owl_global_set_logpath(g, buff); sprintf(buff, "%s/zlog/class/", owl_global_get_homedir(g)); owl_global_set_classlogpath(g, buff); owl_messagelist_create(&(g->msglist)); owl_mainwin_init(&(g->mw)); owl_popwin_init(&(g->pw)); } void _owl_global_setup_windows(owl_global *g) { int lines, cols, typwin_lines; lines=g->lines; cols=g->cols; typwin_lines = owl_global_get_typwin_lines(g); /* set the new window sizes */ g->recwinlines=g->lines-(typwin_lines+2); /* create the new windows */ g->recwin=newwin(g->recwinlines, cols, 0, 0); g->sepwin=newwin(1, cols, g->recwinlines, 0); g->msgwin=newwin(1, cols, g->recwinlines+1, 0); g->typwin=newwin(typwin_lines, cols, g->recwinlines+2, 0); owl_editwin_set_curswin(&(g->tw), g->typwin, typwin_lines, g->cols); idlok(g->typwin, FALSE); idlok(g->recwin, FALSE); idlok(g->sepwin, FALSE); idlok(g->msgwin, FALSE); nodelay(g->typwin, 1); keypad(g->typwin, TRUE); wmove(g->typwin, 0, 0); meta(g->typwin, TRUE); } owl_context *owl_global_get_context(owl_global *g) { return(&g->ctx); } int owl_global_get_lines(owl_global *g) { return(g->lines); } int owl_global_get_cols(owl_global *g) { return(g->cols); } int owl_global_get_recwin_lines(owl_global *g) { return(g->recwinlines); } /* curmsg */ int owl_global_get_curmsg(owl_global *g) { return(g->curmsg); } void owl_global_set_curmsg(owl_global *g, int i) { g->curmsg=i; /* we will reset the vertical offset from here */ /* we might want to move this out to the functions later */ owl_global_set_curmsg_vert_offset(g, 0); } /* topmsg */ int owl_global_get_topmsg(owl_global *g) { return(g->topmsg); } void owl_global_set_topmsg(owl_global *g, int i) { g->topmsg=i; } /* windows */ owl_mainwin *owl_global_get_mainwin(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->mw)); } owl_popwin *owl_global_get_popwin(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->pw)); } /* msglist */ owl_messagelist *owl_global_get_msglist(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->msglist)); } /* keyhandler */ owl_keyhandler *owl_global_get_keyhandler(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->kh)); } /* curses windows */ WINDOW *owl_global_get_curs_recwin(owl_global *g) { return(g->recwin); } WINDOW *owl_global_get_curs_sepwin(owl_global *g) { return(g->sepwin); } WINDOW *owl_global_get_curs_msgwin(owl_global *g) { return(g->msgwin); } WINDOW *owl_global_get_curs_typwin(owl_global *g) { return(g->typwin); } /* typwin */ owl_editwin *owl_global_get_typwin(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->tw)); } /* buffercommand */ void owl_global_set_buffercommand(owl_global *g, char *command) { strcpy(g->buffercommand, command); } char *owl_global_get_buffercommand(owl_global *g) { return(g->buffercommand); } /* refresh */ int owl_global_is_needrefresh(owl_global *g) { if (g->needrefresh==1) return(1); return(0); } void owl_global_set_needrefresh(owl_global *g) { g->needrefresh=1; } void owl_global_set_noneedrefresh(owl_global *g) { g->needrefresh=0; } /* variable dictionary */ owl_vardict *owl_global_get_vardict(owl_global *g) { return &(g->vars); } /* command dictionary */ owl_cmddict *owl_global_get_cmddict(owl_global *g) { return &(g->cmds); } /* rightshift */ void owl_global_set_rightshift(owl_global *g, int i) { g->rightshift=i; } int owl_global_get_rightshift(owl_global *g) { return(g->rightshift); } /* typwin */ int owl_global_is_typwin_active(owl_global *g) { if (g->typwinactive==1) return(1); return(0); } void owl_global_set_typwin_active(owl_global *g) { g->typwinactive=1; } void owl_global_set_typwin_inactive(owl_global *g) { g->typwinactive=0; } /* resize */ void owl_global_set_resize_pending(owl_global *g) { g->resizepending=1; } char *owl_global_get_homedir(owl_global *g) { return(g->homedir); } int owl_global_get_direction(owl_global *g) { return(g->direction); } void owl_global_set_direction_downwards(owl_global *g) { g->direction=OWL_DIRECTION_DOWNWARDS; } void owl_global_set_direction_upwards(owl_global *g) { g->direction=OWL_DIRECTION_UPWARDS; } /* perl stuff */ void owl_global_set_perlinterp(owl_global *g, void *p) { g->perl=p; } void *owl_global_get_perlinterp(owl_global *g) { return(g->perl); } int owl_global_is_config_format(owl_global *g) { if (g->config_format) return(1); return(0); } void owl_global_set_config_format(owl_global *g, int state) { if (state==1) { g->config_format=1; } else { g->config_format=0; } } void owl_global_set_have_config(owl_global *g) { g->haveconfig=1; } void owl_global_set_no_have_config(owl_global *g) { g->haveconfig=0; } int owl_global_have_config(owl_global *g) { if (g->haveconfig) return(1); return(0); } void owl_global_resize(owl_global *g, int x, int y) { /* resize the screen. If x or y is 0 use the terminal size */ struct winsize size; if (!g->resizepending) return; /* delete the current windows */ delwin(g->recwin); delwin(g->sepwin); delwin(g->msgwin); delwin(g->typwin); if (!isendwin()) { endwin(); } refresh(); /* get the new size */ ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &size); if (x==0) { g->lines=size.ws_row; } else { g->lines=x; } if (y==0) { g->cols=size.ws_col; } else { g->cols=y; } /* resizeterm(size.ws_row, size.ws_col); */ /* re-initialize the windows */ _owl_global_setup_windows(g); /* refresh stuff */ g->needrefresh=1; owl_mainwin_redisplay(&(g->mw)); sepbar(NULL); if (owl_global_is_typwin_active(g)) { owl_editwin_redisplay(&(g->tw), 0); } /* TODO: this should handle other forms of popwins */ if (owl_popwin_is_active(owl_global_get_popwin(g)) && owl_global_get_viewwin(g)) { owl_popwin_refresh(owl_global_get_popwin(g)); owl_viewwin_redisplay(owl_global_get_viewwin(g), 0); } /* char buff[1024]; sprintf(buff, "New size is %i lines, %i cols.\n", size.ws_row, size.ws_col); owl_function_makemsg(buff); */ owl_function_makemsg(""); g->resizepending=0; } /* tty (not fully implemented yet) */ void owl_global_set_tty(owl_global *g, char *tty) { if (tty) { strcpy(g->thistty, tty); } else if (getenv("DISPLAY")) { strcpy(g->thistty, getenv("DISPLAY")); } else if (ttyname(fileno(stdout))) { strcpy(g->thistty, ttyname(fileno(stdout))); if (!strncmp(g->thistty, "/dev/", 5)) { strcpy(g->thistty, g->thistty+5); } } else { strcpy(g->thistty, "unknown"); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR_ZINITLOCATIONINFO ZInitLocationInfo(g->thishost, g->thistty); #endif } /* debug */ int owl_global_is_debug_fast(owl_global *g) { if (g->debug) return(1); return(0); } /* starttime */ time_t owl_global_get_starttime(owl_global *g) { return(g->starttime); } time_t owl_global_get_runtime(owl_global *g) { return(time(NULL)-g->starttime); } void owl_global_get_runtime_string(owl_global *g, char *buff) { time_t diff; diff=time(NULL)-owl_global_get_starttime(g); /* print something nicer later */ sprintf(buff, "%i seconds", (int) diff); } /* userclue */ void owl_global_set_userclue(owl_global *g, int clue) { g->userclue=clue; } void owl_global_add_userclue(owl_global *g, int clue) { g->userclue|=clue; } int owl_global_get_userclue(owl_global *g) { return(g->userclue); } int owl_global_is_userclue(owl_global *g, int clue) { if (g->userclue & clue) return(1); return(0); } /* viewwin */ owl_viewwin *owl_global_get_viewwin(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->vw)); } /* vert offset */ int owl_global_get_curmsg_vert_offset(owl_global *g) { return(g->curmsg_vert_offset); } void owl_global_set_curmsg_vert_offset(owl_global *g, int i) { g->curmsg_vert_offset=i; } /* startup args */ void owl_global_set_startupargs(owl_global *g, int argc, char **argv) { int i; strcpy(g->startupargs, ""); for (i=0; istartupargs, "%s%s ", g->startupargs, argv[i]); } g->startupargs[strlen(g->startupargs)-1]='\0'; } char *owl_global_get_startupargs(owl_global *g) { return(g->startupargs); } /* history */ owl_history *owl_global_get_msg_history(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->msghist)); } owl_history *owl_global_get_cmd_history(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->cmdhist)); } /* filterlist */ owl_list *owl_global_get_filterlist(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->filterlist)); } owl_filter *owl_global_get_filter(owl_global *g, char *name) { int i, j; owl_filter *f; j=owl_list_get_size(&(g->filterlist)); for (i=0; ifilterlist), i); if (!strcmp(name, owl_filter_get_name(f))) { return(f); } } return(NULL); } void owl_global_add_filter(owl_global *g, owl_filter *f) { owl_list_append_element(&(g->filterlist), f); } void owl_global_remove_filter(owl_global *g, char *name) { int i, j; owl_filter *f; j=owl_list_get_size(&(g->filterlist)); for (i=0; ifilterlist), i); if (!strcmp(name, owl_filter_get_name(f))) { owl_filter_free(f); owl_list_remove_element(&(g->filterlist), i); break; } } } /* nextmsgid */ int owl_global_get_nextmsgid(owl_global *g) { return(g->nextmsgid++); } /* current view */ owl_view *owl_global_get_current_view(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->current_view)); } owl_filterelement *owl_global_get_filterelement_true(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->fe_true)); } owl_filterelement *owl_global_get_filterelement_false(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->fe_false)); } owl_filterelement *owl_global_get_filterelement_null(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->fe_null)); } /* has colors */ int owl_global_get_hascolors(owl_global *g) { if (g->hascolors) return(1); return(0); } /* color pairs */ int owl_global_get_colorpairs(owl_global *g) { return(g->colorpairs); } /* puntlist */ owl_list *owl_global_get_puntlist(owl_global *g) { return(&(g->puntlist)); } int owl_global_message_is_puntable(owl_global *g, owl_message *m) { owl_list *pl; int i, j; pl=owl_global_get_puntlist(g); j=owl_list_get_size(pl); for (i=0; i