use warnings; use strict; =head1 NAME BarnOwl::Module::Twitter =head1 DESCRIPTION Post outgoing zephyrs from -c $USER -i status -O TWITTER to Twitter =cut package BarnOwl::Module::Twitter; our $VERSION = 0.2; use Net::Twitter; use JSON; use List::Util qw(first); use BarnOwl; use BarnOwl::Hooks; use BarnOwl::Module::Twitter::Handle; use BarnOwl::Module::Twitter::Completion; our @twitter_handles = (); our $default_handle = undef; our $prefix; my $desc = <<'END_DESC'; BarnOwl::Module::Twitter will watch for authentic zephyrs to -c $twitter:class -i $twitter:instance -O $twitter:opcode from your sender and mirror them to Twitter. A value of '*' in any of these fields acts a wildcard, accepting messages with any value of that field. END_DESC BarnOwl::new_variable_string( 'twitter:class', { default => $ENV{USER}, summary => 'Class to watch for Twitter messages', description => $desc } ); BarnOwl::new_variable_string( 'twitter:instance', { default => 'status', summary => 'Instance on twitter:class to watch for Twitter messages.', description => $desc } ); BarnOwl::new_variable_string( 'twitter:opcode', { default => 'twitter', summary => 'Opcode for zephyrs that will be sent as twitter updates', description => $desc } ); BarnOwl::new_variable_bool( 'twitter:poll', { default => 1, summary => 'Poll Twitter for incoming messages', description => "If set, will poll Twitter every minute for normal updates,\n" . 'and every two minutes for direct message' } ); sub fail { my $msg = shift; undef @twitter_handles; BarnOwl::admin_message('Twitter Error', $msg); die("Twitter Error: $msg\n"); } my $conffile = BarnOwl::get_config_dir() . "/twitter"; open(my $fh, "<", "$conffile") || fail("Unable to read $conffile"); my $raw_cfg = do {local $/; <$fh>}; close($fh); eval { $raw_cfg = from_json($raw_cfg); }; if($@) { fail("Unable to parse $conffile: $@"); } $raw_cfg = [$raw_cfg] unless UNIVERSAL::isa $raw_cfg, "ARRAY"; # Perform some sanity checking on the configuration. { my %nicks; my $default = 0; for my $cfg (@$raw_cfg) { if(! exists $cfg->{user}) { fail("Account has no username set."); } my $user = $cfg->{user}; if(! exists $cfg->{password}) { fail("Account $user has no password set."); } if(@$raw_cfg > 1&& !exists($cfg->{account_nickname}) ) { fail("Account $user has no account_nickname set."); } if($cfg->{account_nickname}) { if($nicks{$cfg->{account_nickname}}++) { fail("Nickname " . $cfg->{account_nickname} . " specified more than once."); } } if($cfg->{default} || $cfg->{default_sender}) { if($default++) { fail("Multiple accounts marked as 'default'."); } } } } # If there is only a single account, make publish_tweets default to # true. if (scalar @$raw_cfg == 1 && !exists($raw_cfg->[0]{publish_tweets})) { $raw_cfg->[0]{publish_tweets} = 1; } for my $cfg (@$raw_cfg) { my $twitter_args = { username => $cfg->{user}, password => $cfg->{password}, source => 'barnowl', }; if (defined $cfg->{service}) { my $service = $cfg->{service}; $twitter_args->{apiurl} = $service; my $apihost = $service; $apihost =~ s/^\s*http:\/\///; $apihost =~ s/\/.*$//; $apihost .= ':80' unless $apihost =~ /:\d+$/; $twitter_args->{apihost} = $cfg->{apihost} || $apihost; my $apirealm = "Laconica API"; $twitter_args->{apirealm} = $cfg->{apirealm} || $apirealm; } else { $cfg->{service} = ''; } my $twitter_handle; eval { $twitter_handle = BarnOwl::Module::Twitter::Handle->new($cfg, %$twitter_args); }; if ($@) { BarnOwl::error($@); next; } push @twitter_handles, $twitter_handle; } $default_handle = first {$_->{cfg}->{default}} @twitter_handles; if (!$default_handle && @twitter_handles) { $default_handle = $twitter_handles[0]; } sub match { my $val = shift; my $pat = shift; return $pat eq "*" || ($val eq $pat); } sub handle_message { my $m = shift; my ($class, $instance, $opcode) = map{BarnOwl::getvar("twitter:$_")} qw(class instance opcode); if($m->type eq 'zephyr' && $m->sender eq BarnOwl::zephyr_getsender() && match($m->class, $class) && match($m->instance, $instance) && match($m->opcode, $opcode) && $m->auth eq 'YES') { for my $handle (@twitter_handles) { $handle->twitter($m->body) if $handle->{cfg}->{publish_tweets}; } } } sub poll_messages { # If we are reloaded into a barnowl with the old # BarnOwl::Module::Twitter loaded, it still has a main loop hook # that will call this function every second. If we just delete it, # it will get the old version, which will call poll on each of our # handles every second. However, they no longer include the time # check, and so we will poll a handle every second until # ratelimited. # So we include an empty function here. } sub find_account { my $name = shift; my $handle = first {$_->{cfg}->{account_nickname} eq $name} @twitter_handles; if ($handle) { return $handle; } else { die("No such Twitter account: $name\n"); } } sub find_account_default { my $name = shift; if(defined($name)) { return find_account($name); } else { return $default_handle; } } sub twitter { my $account = shift; my $sent = 0; if (defined $account) { my $handle = find_account($account); $handle->twitter(@_); } else { # broadcast for my $handle (@twitter_handles) { $handle->twitter(@_) if $handle->{cfg}->{publish_tweets}; } } } BarnOwl::new_command(twitter => \&cmd_twitter, { summary => 'Update Twitter from BarnOwl', usage => 'twitter [ACCOUNT] [MESSAGE]', description => 'Update Twitter on ACCOUNT. If MESSAGE is provided, use it as your status.' . "\nIf no ACCOUNT is provided, update all services which have publishing enabled." . "\nOtherwise, prompt for a status message to use." }); BarnOwl::new_command('twitter-direct' => \&cmd_twitter_direct, { summary => 'Send a Twitter direct message', usage => 'twitter-direct USER [ACCOUNT]', description => 'Send a Twitter Direct Message to USER on ACCOUNT (defaults to default_sender,' . "\nor first service if no default is provided)" }); BarnOwl::new_command( 'twitter-atreply' => sub { cmd_twitter_atreply(@_); }, { summary => 'Send a Twitter @ message', usage => 'twitter-atreply USER [ACCOUNT]', description => 'Send a Twitter @reply Message to USER on ACCOUNT (defaults to default_sender,' . "\nor first service if no default is provided)" } ); BarnOwl::new_command( 'twitter-retweet' => sub { cmd_twitter_retweet(@_) }, { summary => 'Retweet the current Twitter message', usage => 'twitter-retweet [ACCOUNT]', description => < sub { cmd_twitter_follow(@_); }, { summary => 'Follow a user on Twitter', usage => 'twitter-follow USER [ACCOUNT]', description => 'Follow USER on Twitter ACCOUNT (defaults to default_sender, or first service' . "\nif no default is provided)" } ); BarnOwl::new_command( 'twitter-unfollow' => sub { cmd_twitter_unfollow(@_); }, { summary => 'Stop following a user on Twitter', usage => 'twitter-unfollow USER [ACCOUNT]', description => 'Stop following USER on Twitter ACCOUNT (defaults to default_sender, or first' . "\nservice if no default is provided)" } ); BarnOwl::new_command('twitter-count-chars' => \&cmd_count_chars, { summary => 'Count the number of characters in the edit window', usage => 'twitter-count-chars', description => <nickname||""), sub { $account->twitter_direct($user, shift) }); } sub cmd_twitter_atreply { my $cmd = shift; my $user = shift || die("Usage: $cmd USER [In-Reply-To ID]\n"); my $id = shift; my $account = find_account_default(shift); $prefix = "\@$user "; BarnOwl::start_edit_win("Reply to \@" . $user . ($account->nickname ? (" on " . $account->nickname) : ""), sub { $account->twitter_atreply($user, $id, shift) }); } sub cmd_twitter_retweet { my $cmd = shift; my $account = shift; my $m = BarnOwl::getcurmsg(); if(!$m || $m->type ne 'Twitter') { die("$cmd must be used with a Twitter message selected.\n"); } $account = $m->account unless defined($account); find_account($account)->twitter_retweet($m); return; } sub cmd_twitter_follow { my $cmd = shift; my $user = shift; die("Usage: $cmd USER\n") unless $user; my $account = shift; find_account_default($account)->twitter_follow($user); } sub cmd_twitter_unfollow { my $cmd = shift; my $user = shift; die("Usage: $cmd USER\n") unless $user; my $account = shift; find_account_default($account)->twitter_unfollow($user); } use BarnOwl::Editwin qw(:all); sub cmd_count_chars { my $cmd = shift; my $text = save_excursion { move_to_buffer_start(); set_mark(); move_to_buffer_end(); get_region(); }; my $len = length($text); $len += length($prefix) if $prefix; BarnOwl::message($len); return $len; } BarnOwl::filter(qw{twitter type ^twitter$}); 1;