use warnings; use strict; =head1 NAME BarnOwl::Module::Twitter::Handle =head1 DESCRIPTION Contains everything needed to send and receive messages from a Twitter-like service. =cut package BarnOwl::Module::Twitter::Handle; use Net::Twitter; use HTML::Entities; use BarnOwl; use BarnOwl::Message::Twitter; sub fail { my $self = shift; my $msg = shift; undef $self->{twitter}; my $nickname = $self->{cfg}->{account_nickname} || ""; die("[Twitter $nickname] Error: $msg\n"); } my $use_reply_to = 0; if($Net::Twitter::VERSION >= 2.06) { $use_reply_to = 1; } sub new { my $class = shift; my $cfg = shift; my $self = { 'user' => undef, 'cfg' => $cfg, 'twitter' => undef, 'last_poll' => 0, 'last_direct_poll' => 0, 'last_id' => undef, 'last_direct' => undef, }; bless($self, $class); my %twitter_args = @_; $self->{twitter} = Net::Twitter->new(%twitter_args); if(!defined($self->{twitter}->verify_credentials())) { $self->fail("Invalid credentials"); } unless(defined($self->{last_id})) { eval { $self->{last_id} = $self->{twitter}->friends_timeline({count => 1})->[0]{id}; }; $self->{last_id} = 1 unless defined($self->{last_id}); } unless(defined($self->{last_direct})) { eval { $self->{last_direct} = $self->{twitter}->direct_messages()->[0]{id}; }; $self->{last_direct} = 1 unless defined($self->{last_direct}); } eval { $self->{twitter}->{ua}->timeout(1); }; return $self; } sub twitter_error { my $self = shift; my $ratelimit = $self->{twitter}->rate_limit_status; unless(defined($ratelimit) && ref($ratelimit) eq 'HASH') { # Twitter's just sucking, sleep for 5 minutes $self->{last_direct_poll} = $self->{last_poll} = time + 60*5; # die("Twitter seems to be having problems.\n"); return; } if(exists($ratelimit->{remaining_hits}) && $ratelimit->{remaining_hits} <= 0) { $self->{last_direct_poll} = $self->{last_poll} = $ratelimit->{reset_time_in_seconds}; die("Twitter: ratelimited until " . $ratelimit->{reset_time} . "\n"); } elsif(exists($ratelimit->{error})) { die("Twitter: ". $ratelimit->{error} . "\n"); $self->{last_direct_poll} = $self->{last_poll} = time + 60*20; } } sub poll_twitter { my $self = shift; return unless ( time - $self->{last_poll} ) >= 60; $self->{last_poll} = time; return unless BarnOwl::getvar('twitter:poll') eq 'on'; my $timeline = $self->{twitter}->friends_timeline( { since_id => $self->{last_id} } ); unless(defined($timeline) && ref($timeline) eq 'ARRAY') { $self->twitter_error(); return; }; if ( scalar @$timeline ) { for my $tweet ( reverse @$timeline ) { if ( $tweet->{id} <= $self->{last_id} ) { next; } my $msg = BarnOwl::Message->new( type => 'Twitter', sender => $tweet->{user}{screen_name}, recipient => $self->{cfg}->{user} || $self->{user}, direction => 'in', source => decode_entities($tweet->{source}), location => decode_entities($tweet->{user}{location}||""), body => decode_entities($tweet->{text}), status_id => $tweet->{id}, service => $self->{cfg}->{service}, account => $self->{cfg}->{account_nickname}, ); BarnOwl::queue_message($msg); } $self->{last_id} = $timeline->[0]{id} if $timeline->[0]{id} > $self->{last_id}; } else { # BarnOwl::message("No new tweets..."); } } sub poll_direct { my $self = shift; return unless ( time - $self->{last_direct_poll}) >= 120; $self->{last_direct_poll} = time; return unless BarnOwl::getvar('twitter:poll') eq 'on'; my $direct = $self->{twitter}->direct_messages( { since_id => $self->{last_direct} } ); unless(defined($direct) && ref($direct) eq 'ARRAY') { $self->twitter_error(); return; }; if ( scalar @$direct ) { for my $tweet ( reverse @$direct ) { if ( $tweet->{id} <= $self->{last_direct} ) { next; } my $msg = BarnOwl::Message->new( type => 'Twitter', sender => $tweet->{sender}{screen_name}, recipient => $self->{cfg}->{user} || $self->{user}, direction => 'in', location => decode_entities($tweet->{sender}{location}||""), body => decode_entities($tweet->{text}), isprivate => 'true', service => $self->{cfg}->{service}, account => $self->{cfg}->{account_nickname}, ); BarnOwl::queue_message($msg); } $self->{last_direct} = $direct->[0]{id} if $direct->[0]{id} > $self->{last_direct}; } else { # BarnOwl::message("No new tweets..."); } } sub twitter { my $self = shift; my $msg = shift; my $reply_to = shift; if($msg =~ m{\Ad\s+([^\s])+(.*)}sm) { $self->twitter_direct($1, $2); } elsif(defined $self->{twitter}) { if($use_reply_to && defined($reply_to)) { $self->{twitter}->update({ status => $msg, in_reply_to_status_id => $reply_to }); } else { $self->{twitter}->update($msg); } } } sub twitter_direct { my $self = shift; my $who = shift; my $msg = shift; if(defined $self->{twitter}) { $self->{twitter}->new_direct_message({ user => $who, text => $msg }); if(BarnOwl::getvar("displayoutgoing") eq 'on') { my $tweet = BarnOwl::Message->new( type => 'Twitter', sender => $self->{cfg}->{user} || $self->{user}, recipient => $who, direction => 'out', body => $msg, isprivate => 'true', service => $self->{cfg}->{service}, ); BarnOwl::queue_message($tweet); } } } sub twitter_atreply { my $self = shift; my $to = shift; my $id = shift; my $msg = shift; if(defined($id)) { $self->twitter("@".$to." ".$msg, $id); } else { $self->twitter("@".$to." ".$msg); } } 1;