#include "owl.h" #include typedef struct _owl_log_entry { /* noproto */ char *filename; char *message; } owl_log_entry; typedef struct _owl_log_options { /* noproto */ bool drop_failed_logs; bool display_initial_log_count; } owl_log_options; static GMainContext *log_context; static GMainLoop *log_loop; static GThread *logging_thread; static bool defer_logs; /* to be accessed only on the disk-writing thread */ static GQueue *deferred_entry_queue; /* This is now the one function that should be called to log a * message. It will do all the work necessary by calling the other * functions in this file as necessary. */ void owl_log_message(const owl_message *m) { owl_function_debugmsg("owl_log_message: entering"); if (m == NULL) { owl_function_debugmsg("owl_log_message: passed null message"); return; } /* should we be logging this message? */ if (!owl_log_shouldlog_message(m)) { owl_function_debugmsg("owl_log_message: not logging message"); return; } /* handle incmoing messages */ if (owl_message_is_direction_in(m)) { owl_log_incoming(m); owl_function_debugmsg("owl_log_message: leaving"); return; } /* handle outgoing messages */ owl_log_outgoing(m); owl_function_debugmsg("owl_log_message: leaving"); } /* Return 1 if we should log the given message, otherwise return 0 */ int owl_log_shouldlog_message(const owl_message *m) { const owl_filter *f; /* If there's a logfilter and this message matches it, log */ f=owl_global_get_filter(&g, owl_global_get_logfilter(&g)); if (f && owl_filter_message_match(f, m)) return(1); /* otherwise we do things based on the logging variables */ /* skip login/logout messages if appropriate */ if (!owl_global_is_loglogins(&g) && owl_message_is_loginout(m)) return(0); /* check direction */ if ((owl_global_get_loggingdirection(&g)==OWL_LOGGING_DIRECTION_IN) && owl_message_is_direction_out(m)) { return(0); } if ((owl_global_get_loggingdirection(&g)==OWL_LOGGING_DIRECTION_OUT) && owl_message_is_direction_in(m)) { return(0); } if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m)) { if (owl_message_is_personal(m) && !owl_global_is_logging(&g)) return(0); if (!owl_message_is_personal(m) && !owl_global_is_classlogging(&g)) return(0); } else { if (owl_message_is_private(m) || owl_message_is_loginout(m)) { if (!owl_global_is_logging(&g)) return(0); } else { if (!owl_global_is_classlogging(&g)) return(0); } } return(1); } CALLER_OWN char *owl_log_zephyr(const owl_message *m) { char *tmp = NULL; GString *buffer = NULL; buffer = g_string_new(""); tmp = short_zuser(owl_message_get_sender(m)); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "Class: %s Instance: %s", owl_message_get_class(m), owl_message_get_instance(m)); if (strcmp(owl_message_get_opcode(m), "")) { g_string_append_printf(buffer, " Opcode: %s", owl_message_get_opcode(m)); } g_string_append_printf(buffer, "\n"); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "Time: %s Host: %s\n", owl_message_get_timestr(m), owl_message_get_hostname(m)); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "From: %s <%s>\n\n", owl_message_get_zsig(m), tmp); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "%s\n\n", owl_message_get_body(m)); g_free(tmp); return g_string_free(buffer, FALSE); } CALLER_OWN char *owl_log_aim(const owl_message *m) { GString *buffer = NULL; buffer = g_string_new(""); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "From: <%s> To: <%s>\n", owl_message_get_sender(m), owl_message_get_recipient(m)); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "Time: %s\n\n", owl_message_get_timestr(m)); if (owl_message_is_login(m)) { g_string_append_printf(buffer, "LOGIN\n\n"); } else if (owl_message_is_logout(m)) { g_string_append_printf(buffer, "LOGOUT\n\n"); } else { g_string_append_printf(buffer, "%s\n\n", owl_message_get_body(m)); } return g_string_free(buffer, FALSE); } CALLER_OWN char *owl_log_jabber(const owl_message *m) { GString *buffer = NULL; buffer = g_string_new(""); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "From: <%s> To: <%s>\n", owl_message_get_sender(m), owl_message_get_recipient(m)); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "Time: %s\n\n", owl_message_get_timestr(m)); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "%s\n\n", owl_message_get_body(m)); return g_string_free(buffer, FALSE); } CALLER_OWN char *owl_log_generic(const owl_message *m) { GString *buffer; buffer = g_string_new(""); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "From: <%s> To: <%s>\n", owl_message_get_sender(m), owl_message_get_recipient(m)); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "Time: %s\n\n", owl_message_get_timestr(m)); g_string_append_printf(buffer, "%s\n\n", owl_message_get_body(m)); return g_string_free(buffer, FALSE); } static void owl_log_error_main_thread(gpointer data) { owl_function_error("%s", (const char*)data); } static void owl_log_adminmsg_main_thread(gpointer data) { owl_function_adminmsg("Logging", (const char*)data); } static void owl_log_makemsg_main_thread(gpointer data) { owl_function_makemsg((const char*)data); } static void G_GNUC_PRINTF(1, 2) owl_log_error(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *data; va_start(ap, fmt); data = g_strdup_vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); owl_select_post_task(owl_log_error_main_thread, data, g_free, g_main_context_default()); } static void G_GNUC_PRINTF(1, 2) owl_log_adminmsg(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *data; va_start(ap, fmt); data = g_strdup_vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); owl_select_post_task(owl_log_adminmsg_main_thread, data, g_free, g_main_context_default()); } static void G_GNUC_PRINTF(1, 2) owl_log_makemsg(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *data; va_start(ap, fmt); data = g_strdup_vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); owl_select_post_task(owl_log_makemsg_main_thread, data, g_free, g_main_context_default()); } static CALLER_OWN owl_log_entry *owl_log_new_entry(const char *buffer, const char *filename) { owl_log_entry *log_msg = g_slice_new(owl_log_entry); log_msg->message = g_strdup(buffer); log_msg->filename = g_strdup(filename); return log_msg; } static void owl_log_deferred_enqueue_message(const char *buffer, const char *filename) { g_queue_push_tail(deferred_entry_queue, owl_log_new_entry(buffer, filename)); } static void owl_log_deferred_enqueue_first_message(const char *buffer, const char *filename) { g_queue_push_head(deferred_entry_queue, owl_log_new_entry(buffer, filename)); } /* write out the entry if possible * return 0 on success, errno on failure to open */ static int owl_log_try_write_entry(owl_log_entry *msg) { FILE *file = NULL; file = fopen(msg->filename, "a"); if (!file) { return errno; } fprintf(file, "%s", msg->message); fclose(file); return 0; } static void owl_log_entry_free(void *data) { owl_log_entry *msg = (owl_log_entry*)data; if (msg) { g_free(msg->message); g_free(msg->filename); g_slice_free(owl_log_entry, msg); } } #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 32, 0) #else static void owl_log_entry_free_gfunc(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { owl_log_entry_free(data); } #endif static void owl_log_file_error(owl_log_entry *msg, int errnum) { owl_log_error("Unable to open file for logging: %s (file %s)", g_strerror(errnum), msg->filename); } /* If we are deferring log messages, enqueue this entry for writing. * Otherwise, try to write this log message, and, if it fails with * EPERM, EACCES, or ETIMEDOUT, go into deferred logging mode and * queue an admin message. If it fails with anything else, display an * error message, but do not go into deferred logging mode. * * N.B. This function is called only on the disk-writing thread. */ static void owl_log_eventually_write_entry(gpointer data) { int ret; owl_log_entry *msg = (owl_log_entry*)data; if (defer_logs) { owl_log_deferred_enqueue_message(msg->message, msg->filename); } else { ret = owl_log_try_write_entry(msg); if (ret == EPERM || ret == EACCES || ret == ETIMEDOUT) { defer_logs = true; owl_log_error("Unable to open file for logging (%s): \n" "%s. \n" "Consider renewing your tickets. Logging has been \n" "suspended, and your messages will be saved. To \n" "resume logging, use the command :flush-logs.\n\n", msg->filename, g_strerror(ret)); /* If we were not in deferred logging mode, either the queue should be * empty, or we are attempting to log a message that we just popped off * the head of the queue. Either way, we should enqueue this message as * the first message in the queue, rather than the last, so that we * preserve message ordering. */ owl_log_deferred_enqueue_first_message(msg->message, msg->filename); } else if (ret != 0) { owl_log_file_error(msg, ret); } } } /* tries to write the deferred log entries * * N.B. This function is called only on the disk-writing thread. */ static void owl_log_write_deferred_entries(gpointer data) { owl_log_entry *entry; owl_log_options *opts = (owl_log_options *)data; int ret; int logged_message_count = 0; bool all_succeeded = true; if (opts->display_initial_log_count) { if (g_queue_is_empty(deferred_entry_queue)) { owl_log_makemsg("There are no logs to flush."); } else { owl_log_makemsg("Attempting to flush %u logs...", g_queue_get_length(deferred_entry_queue)); } } defer_logs = false; while (!g_queue_is_empty(deferred_entry_queue) && !defer_logs) { logged_message_count++; entry = (owl_log_entry*)g_queue_pop_head(deferred_entry_queue); if (!opts->drop_failed_logs) { /* Attempt to write the log entry. If it fails, re-queue the entry at * the head of the queue. */ owl_log_eventually_write_entry(entry); } else { /* Attempt to write the log entry. If it fails, print an error message, * drop the log, and keep going through the queue. */ ret = owl_log_try_write_entry(entry); if (ret != 0) { all_succeeded = false; owl_log_file_error(entry, ret); } } owl_log_entry_free(entry); } if (logged_message_count > 0) { if (opts->display_initial_log_count) { /* first clear the "attempting to flush" message from the status bar */ owl_log_makemsg(""); } if (!defer_logs) { if (all_succeeded) { owl_log_adminmsg("Flushed %d logs and resumed logging.", logged_message_count); } else { owl_log_adminmsg("Flushed or dropped %d logs and resumed logging.", logged_message_count); } } else { owl_log_error("Attempted to flush %d logs; %u deferred logs remain.", logged_message_count, g_queue_get_length(deferred_entry_queue)); } } } void owl_log_flush_logs(bool drop_failed_logs, bool quiet) { owl_log_options *data = g_new(owl_log_options, 1); data->drop_failed_logs = drop_failed_logs; data->display_initial_log_count = !quiet; owl_select_post_task(owl_log_write_deferred_entries, data, g_free, log_context); } void owl_log_enqueue_message(const char *buffer, const char *filename) { owl_log_entry *log_msg = owl_log_new_entry(buffer, filename); owl_select_post_task(owl_log_eventually_write_entry, log_msg, owl_log_entry_free, log_context); } void owl_log_append(const owl_message *m, const char *filename) { char *buffer = NULL; if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m)) { buffer = owl_log_zephyr(m); } else if (owl_message_is_type_jabber(m)) { buffer = owl_log_jabber(m); } else if (owl_message_is_type_aim(m)) { buffer = owl_log_aim(m); } else { buffer = owl_log_generic(m); } owl_log_enqueue_message(buffer, filename); g_free(buffer); } void owl_log_outgoing(const owl_message *m) { char *filename, *logpath; char *to, *temp; GList *cc; /* expand ~ in path names */ logpath = owl_util_makepath(owl_global_get_logpath(&g)); /* Figure out what path to log to */ if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m)) { /* If this has CC's, do all but the "recipient" which we'll do below */ cc = owl_message_get_cc_without_recipient(m); while (cc != NULL) { temp = short_zuser(cc->data); filename = g_build_filename(logpath, temp, NULL); owl_log_append(m, filename); g_free(filename); g_free(temp); g_free(cc->data); cc = g_list_delete_link(cc, cc); } to = short_zuser(owl_message_get_recipient(m)); } else if (owl_message_is_type_jabber(m)) { to = g_strdup_printf("jabber:%s", owl_message_get_recipient(m)); g_strdelimit(to, "/", '_'); } else if (owl_message_is_type_aim(m)) { char *temp2; temp = owl_aim_normalize_screenname(owl_message_get_recipient(m)); temp2 = g_utf8_strdown(temp,-1); to = g_strdup_printf("aim:%s", temp2); g_free(temp2); g_free(temp); } else { to = g_strdup("loopback"); } filename = g_build_filename(logpath, to, NULL); owl_log_append(m, filename); g_free(to); g_free(filename); filename = g_build_filename(logpath, "all", NULL); owl_log_append(m, filename); g_free(logpath); g_free(filename); } void owl_log_outgoing_zephyr_error(const owl_zwrite *zw, const char *text) { char *filename, *logpath; char *tobuff, *recip; owl_message *m; GString *msgbuf; /* create a present message so we can pass it to * owl_log_shouldlog_message(void) */ m = g_slice_new(owl_message); /* recip_index = 0 because there can only be one recipient anyway */ owl_message_create_from_zwrite(m, zw, text, 0); if (!owl_log_shouldlog_message(m)) { owl_message_delete(m); return; } owl_message_delete(m); /* chop off a local realm */ recip = owl_zwrite_get_recip_n_with_realm(zw, 0); tobuff = short_zuser(recip); g_free(recip); /* expand ~ in path names */ logpath = owl_util_makepath(owl_global_get_logpath(&g)); filename = g_build_filename(logpath, tobuff, NULL); msgbuf = g_string_new(""); g_string_printf(msgbuf, "ERROR (owl): %s\n%s\n", tobuff, text); if (text[strlen(text)-1] != '\n') { g_string_append_printf(msgbuf, "\n"); } owl_log_enqueue_message(msgbuf->str, filename); g_string_free(msgbuf, TRUE); filename = g_build_filename(logpath, "all", NULL); g_free(logpath); msgbuf = g_string_new(""); g_string_printf(msgbuf, "ERROR (owl): %s\n%s\n", tobuff, text); if (text[strlen(text)-1] != '\n') { g_string_append_printf(msgbuf, "\n"); } owl_log_enqueue_message(msgbuf->str, filename); g_string_free(msgbuf, TRUE); g_free(tobuff); } void owl_log_incoming(const owl_message *m) { char *filename, *allfilename, *logpath; const char *from=NULL; char *frombuff=NULL; int len, ch, i, personal; /* figure out if it's a "personal" message or not */ if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m)) { if (owl_message_is_personal(m)) { personal = 1; } else { personal = 0; } } else if (owl_message_is_type_jabber(m)) { /* This needs to be fixed to handle groupchat */ const char* msgtype = owl_message_get_attribute_value(m,"jtype"); if (msgtype && !strcmp(msgtype,"groupchat")) { personal = 0; } else { personal = 1; } } else { if (owl_message_is_private(m) || owl_message_is_loginout(m)) { personal = 1; } else { personal = 0; } } if (owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m)) { if (personal) { from=frombuff=short_zuser(owl_message_get_sender(m)); } else { from=frombuff=g_strdup(owl_message_get_class(m)); } } else if (owl_message_is_type_aim(m)) { /* we do not yet handle chat rooms */ char *normalto, *temp; temp = owl_aim_normalize_screenname(owl_message_get_sender(m)); normalto = g_utf8_strdown(temp, -1); from=frombuff=g_strdup_printf("aim:%s", normalto); g_free(normalto); g_free(temp); } else if (owl_message_is_type_loopback(m)) { from=frombuff=g_strdup("loopback"); } else if (owl_message_is_type_jabber(m)) { if (personal) { from=frombuff=g_strdup_printf("jabber:%s", owl_message_get_sender(m)); } else { from=frombuff=g_strdup_printf("jabber:%s", owl_message_get_recipient(m)); } } else { from=frombuff=g_strdup("unknown"); } /* check for malicious sender formats */ len=strlen(frombuff); if (len<1 || len>35) from="weird"; if (strchr(frombuff, '/')) from="weird"; ch=frombuff[0]; if (!g_ascii_isalnum(ch)) from="weird"; for (i=0; i='~') from="weird"; } if (!strcmp(frombuff, ".") || !strcasecmp(frombuff, "..")) from="weird"; if (!personal) { if (strcmp(from, "weird")) { char* temp = g_utf8_strdown(frombuff, -1); if (temp) { g_free(frombuff); from = frombuff = temp; } } } /* create the filename (expanding ~ in path names) */ if (personal) { logpath = owl_util_makepath(owl_global_get_logpath(&g)); filename = g_build_filename(logpath, from, NULL); allfilename = g_build_filename(logpath, "all", NULL); owl_log_append(m, allfilename); g_free(allfilename); } else { logpath = owl_util_makepath(owl_global_get_classlogpath(&g)); filename = g_build_filename(logpath, from, NULL); } owl_log_append(m, filename); g_free(filename); if (personal && owl_message_is_type_zephyr(m)) { /* We want to log to all of the CC'd people who were not us, or * the sender, as well. */ char *temp; GList *cc; cc = owl_message_get_cc_without_recipient(m); while (cc != NULL) { temp = short_zuser(cc->data); if (strcasecmp(temp, frombuff) != 0) { filename = g_build_filename(logpath, temp, NULL); owl_log_append(m, filename); g_free(filename); } g_free(temp); g_free(cc->data); cc = g_list_delete_link(cc, cc); } } g_free(frombuff); g_free(logpath); } static gpointer owl_log_thread_func(gpointer data) { log_context = g_main_context_new(); log_loop = g_main_loop_new(log_context, FALSE); g_main_loop_run(log_loop); return NULL; } void owl_log_init(void) { log_context = g_main_context_new(); #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 31, 0) logging_thread = g_thread_new("logging", owl_log_thread_func, NULL); #else GError *error = NULL; logging_thread = g_thread_create(owl_log_thread_func, NULL, TRUE, &error); if (error) { endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "Error spawning logging thread: %s\n", error->message); fflush(stderr); exit(1); } #endif deferred_entry_queue = g_queue_new(); } static void owl_log_quit_func(gpointer data) { /* flush the deferred logs queue, trying to write the * entries to the disk one last time. Drop any failed * entries, and be quiet about it. */ owl_log_options opts; opts.drop_failed_logs = true; opts.display_initial_log_count = false; owl_log_write_deferred_entries(&opts); #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 32, 0) g_queue_free_full(deferred_entry_queue, owl_log_entry_free); #else g_queue_foreach(deferred_entry_queue, owl_log_entry_free_gfunc, NULL); g_queue_free(deferred_entry_queue); #endif g_main_loop_quit(log_loop); } void owl_log_shutdown(void) { owl_select_post_task(owl_log_quit_func, NULL, NULL, log_context); g_thread_join(logging_thread); }