use strict; use warnings; package BarnOwl; # AnyEvent needs a VERSION to autodetect us as being loaded. Throw in # a dummy one. our $VERSION = 1; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(command getcurmsg getnumcols getidletime zephyr_getsender zephyr_getrealm zephyr_zwrite zephyr_stylestrip zephyr_smartstrip_user zephyr_getsubs queue_message admin_message start_question start_password start_edit_win get_data_dir get_config_dir popless_text popless_ztext error debug create_style getnumcolors wordwrap add_dispatch remove_dispatch add_io_dispatch remove_io_dispatch new_command new_variable_int new_variable_bool new_variable_string quote redisplay); our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => \@EXPORT_OK); BEGIN { # bootstrap in C bindings and glue *owl:: = \*BarnOwl::; bootstrap BarnOwl 1.2; }; use lib(get_data_dir() . "/lib"); use lib(get_config_dir() . "/lib"); use BarnOwl::Hook; use BarnOwl::Hooks; use BarnOwl::Message; use BarnOwl::Style; use BarnOwl::Zephyr; use BarnOwl::Timer; use BarnOwl::Editwin; use BarnOwl::Completion; use BarnOwl::Help; use BarnOwl::AnyEvent; unshift @AnyEvent::REGISTRY, [BarnOwl => BarnOwl::AnyEvent::]; require AnyEvent; use List::Util qw(max); =head1 NAME BarnOwl =head1 DESCRIPTION The BarnOwl module contains the core of BarnOwl's perl bindings. Source in this module is also run at startup to bootstrap barnowl by defining things like the default style. =for NOTE These following functions are defined in perlglue.xs. Keep the documentation here in sync with the user-visible commands defined there! =head2 command STRING Executes a BarnOwl command in the same manner as if the user had executed it at the BarnOwl command prompt. If the command returns a value, return it as a string, otherwise return undef. =head2 getcurmsg Returns the current message as a C subclass, or undef if there is no message selected =head2 getnumcols Returns the width of the display window BarnOwl is currently using =head2 getidletime Returns the length of time since the user has pressed a key, in seconds. =head2 zephyr_getrealm Returns the zephyr realm barnowl is running in =head2 zephyr_getsender Returns the fully-qualified name of the zephyr sender barnowl is running as, e.g. C =head2 zephyr_zwrite COMMAND MESSAGE Sends a zephyr programmatically. C should be a C command line, and C is the zephyr body to send. =head2 ztext_stylestrip STRING Strips zephyr formatting from a string and returns the result =head2 zephyr_getsubs Returns the list of subscription triples , separated by newlines. =head2 queue_message MESSAGE Enqueue a message in the BarnOwl message list, logging it and processing it appropriately. C should be an instance of BarnOwl::Message or a subclass. =head2 admin_message HEADER BODY Display a BarnOwl B message, with the given header and body. =head2 start_question PROMPT CALLBACK Displays C on the screen and lets the user enter a line of text, and calls C, which must be a perl subroutine reference, with the text the user entered =head2 start_password PROMPT CALLBACK Like C, but echoes the user's input as C<*>s when they input. =head2 start_edit_win PROMPT CALLBACK Like C, but displays C on a line of its own and opens the editwin. If the user cancels the edit win, C is not invoked. =head2 get_data_dir Returns the BarnOwl system data directory, where system libraries and modules are stored =head2 get_config_dir Returns the BarnOwl user configuration directory, where user modules and configuration are stored (by default, C<$HOME/.owl>) =head2 popless_text TEXT Show a popup window containing the given C =head2 popless_ztext TEXT Show a popup window containing the provided zephyr-formatted C =head2 error STRING Reports an error and log it in `show errors'. Note that in any callback or hook called in perl code from BarnOwl, a C will be caught and passed to C. =head2 debug STRING Logs a debugging message to BarnOwl's debug log =head2 getnumcolors Returns the number of colors this BarnOwl is capable of displaying =head2 add_dispatch FD CALLBACK Adds a file descriptor to C's internal C loop. C will be invoked whenever data is available to be read from C. C has been deprecated in favor of C, and is now a wrapper for it called with C set to C<'r'>. =cut sub add_dispatch { my $fd = shift; my $cb = shift; add_io_dispatch($fd, 'r', $cb); } =head2 remove_dispatch FD Remove a file descriptor previously registered via C C has been deprecated in favor of C. =cut *remove_dispatch = \&remove_io_dispatch; =head2 add_io_dispatch FD MODE CB Adds a file descriptor to C's internal C loop. can be 'r', 'w', or 'rw'. C will be invoked whenever C becomes ready, as specified by . Only one callback can be registered per FD. If a new callback is registered, the old one is removed. =cut sub add_io_dispatch { my $fd = shift; my $modeStr = shift; my $cb = shift; my $mode = 0; $mode |= 0x1 if ($modeStr =~ /r/i); # Read $mode |= 0x2 if ($modeStr =~ /w/i); # Write if ($mode) { $mode |= 0x4; # Exceptional BarnOwl::Internal::add_io_dispatch($fd, $mode, $cb); } else { die("Invalid I/O Dispatch mode: $modeStr"); } } =head2 remove_io_dispatch FD Remove a file descriptor previously registered via C =head2 create_style NAME OBJECT Creates a new barnowl style with the given NAME defined by the given object. The object must have a C method which returns a string description of the style, and a and C method which accepts a C object and returns a string that is the result of formatting the message for display. =head2 redisplay Redraw all of the messages on screen. This is useful if you've just changed how a style renders messages. =cut # perlconfig.c will set this to the value of the -c command-line # switch, if present. our $configfile; our @all_commands; if(!$configfile && -f $ENV{HOME} . "/.barnowlconf") { $configfile = $ENV{HOME} . "/.barnowlconf"; } $configfile ||= $ENV{HOME}."/.owlconf"; # populate global variable space for legacy owlconf files sub _receive_msg_legacy_wrap { my ($m) = @_; $m->legacy_populate_global(); return &BarnOwl::Hooks::_receive_msg($m); } =head2 new_command NAME FUNC [{ARGS}] Add a new owl command. When owl executes the command NAME, FUNC will be called with the arguments passed to the command, with NAME as the first argument. ARGS should be a hashref containing any or all of C, C, or C keys: =over 4 =item summary A one-line summary of the purpose of the command =item usage A one-line usage synopsis, showing available options and syntax =item description A longer description of the syntax and semantics of the command, explaining usage and options =back =cut sub new_command { my $name = shift; my $func = shift; my $args = shift || {}; my %args = ( summary => "", usage => "", description => "", %{$args} ); BarnOwl::Internal::new_command($name, $func, $args{summary}, $args{usage}, $args{description}); } =head2 new_variable_int NAME [{ARGS}] =head2 new_variable_bool NAME [{ARGS}] =head2 new_variable_string NAME [{ARGS}] Add a new owl variable, either an int, a bool, or a string, with the specified name. ARGS can optionally contain the following keys: =over 4 =item default The default and initial value for the variable =item summary A one-line summary of the variable's purpose =item description A longer description of the function of the variable =back =cut sub new_variable_int { unshift @_, \&BarnOwl::Internal::new_variable_int, 0; goto \&_new_variable; } sub new_variable_bool { unshift @_, \&BarnOwl::Internal::new_variable_bool, 0; goto \&_new_variable; } sub new_variable_string { unshift @_, \&BarnOwl::Internal::new_variable_string, ""; goto \&_new_variable; } sub _new_variable { my $func = shift; my $default_default = shift; my $name = shift; my $args = shift || {}; my %args = ( summary => "", description => "", default => $default_default, %{$args}); $func->($name, $args{default}, $args{summary}, $args{description}); } =head2 quote LIST Quotes each of the strings in LIST and returns a string that will be correctly decoded to LIST by the BarnOwl command parser. For example: quote('zwrite', 'andersk', '-m', 'Hello, world!') # returns "zwrite andersk -m 'Hello, world!'" =cut sub quote { my @quoted; for my $str (@_) { if ($str eq '') { push @quoted, "''"; } elsif ($str !~ /['" \n\t]/) { push @quoted, "$str"; } elsif ($str !~ /'/) { push @quoted, "'$str'"; } else { (my $qstr = $str) =~ s/"/"'"'"/g; push @quoted, '"' . $qstr . '"'; } } return join(' ', @quoted); } =head2 Modify filters by appending text =cut sub register_builtin_commands { # Filter modification BarnOwl::new_command("filterappend", sub { filter_append_helper('appending', '', @_); }, { summary => "append '' to filter", usage => "filterappend ", }); BarnOwl::new_command("filterand", sub { filter_append_helper('and-ing', 'and', @_); }, { summary => "append 'and ' to filter", usage => "filterand ", }); BarnOwl::new_command("filteror", sub { filter_append_helper('or-ing', 'or', @_); }, { summary => "append 'or ' to filter", usage => "filteror ", }); # Date formatting BarnOwl::new_command("showdate", sub { BarnOwl::time_format('showdate', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'); }, { summary => "Show date in timestamps for supporting styles.", usage => "showdate", }); BarnOwl::new_command("hidedate", sub { BarnOwl::time_format('hidedate', '%H:%M'); }, { summary => "Don't show date in timestamps for supporting styles.", usage => "hidedate", }); BarnOwl::new_command("timeformat", \&BarnOwl::time_format, { summary => "Set the format for timestamps and re-display messages", usage => "timeformat ", }); # Receive window scrolling BarnOwl::new_command("recv:shiftleft", \&BarnOwl::recv_shift_left, { summary => "scrolls receive window to the left", usage => "recv:shiftleft []", description => < "scrolls receive window to the right", usage => "recv:shiftright []", description => <add("BarnOwl::register_builtin_commands"); =head3 filter_append_helper ACTION SEP FUNC FILTER APPEND_TEXT Helper to append to filters. =cut sub filter_append_helper { my $action = shift; my $sep = shift; my $func = shift; my $filter = shift; my @append = @_; my $oldfilter = BarnOwl::getfilter($filter); chomp $oldfilter; my $newfilter = "$oldfilter $sep " . quote(@append); my $msgtext = "To filter " . quote($filter) . " $action\n" . quote(@append) . "\nto get\n$newfilter"; if (BarnOwl::getvar('showfilterchange') eq 'on') { BarnOwl::admin_message("Filter", $msgtext); } set_filter($filter, $newfilter); return; } BarnOwl::new_variable_bool("showfilterchange", { default => 1, summary => 'Show modifications to filters by filterappend and friends.'}); sub set_filter { my $filtername = shift; my $filtertext = shift; my $cmd = 'filter ' . BarnOwl::quote($filtername) . ' ' . $filtertext; BarnOwl::command($cmd); } =head3 time_format FORMAT Set the format for displaying times (variable timeformat) and redisplay messages. =cut my $timeformat = '%H:%M'; sub time_format { my $function = shift; my $format = shift; if(!$format) { return $timeformat; } if(shift) { return "Wrong number of arguments for command"; } $timeformat = $format; redisplay(); } =head3 Receive window scrolling Permit scrolling the receive window left or right by arbitrary amounts (with a default of 10 characters). =cut sub recv_shift_left { my $func = shift; my $delta = shift; $delta = 10 unless defined($delta) && int($delta) > 0; my $shift = BarnOwl::recv_getshift(); if($shift > 0) { BarnOwl::recv_setshift(max(0, $shift-$delta)); } else { return "Already full left"; } } sub recv_shift_right { my $func = shift; my $delta = shift; $delta = 10 unless defined($delta) && int($delta) > 0; my $shift = BarnOwl::recv_getshift(); BarnOwl::recv_setshift($shift+$delta); } =head3 default_zephyr_signature Compute the default zephyr signature. =cut sub default_zephyr_signature { my $zsig = getvar('zsig'); if (!$zsig) { if (my $zsigproc = getvar('zsigproc')) { $zsig = `$zsigproc`; } elsif (!defined($zsig = get_zephyr_variable('zwrite-signature'))) { $zsig = ((getpwuid($<))[6]); $zsig =~ s/,.*//; } } chomp($zsig); return $zsig; } =head3 random_zephyr_signature Retrieve a random line from ~/.zsigs (except those beginning with '#') and use it as the zephyr signature. =cut sub random_zephyr_signature { my $zsigfile = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.zsigs"; open my $file, '<', $zsigfile or die "Error opening file $zsigfile: $!"; my @lines = grep !(/^#/ || /^\s*$/), <$file>; close $file; return '' if !@lines; my $zsig = "$lines[int(rand(scalar @lines))]"; chomp $zsig; return $zsig; } # Stub for owl::startup / BarnOwl::startup, so it isn't bound to the # startup command. This may be redefined in a user's configfile. sub startup { } 1;