use strict; use warnings; package BarnOwl::Message::Zephyr; use constant WEBZEPHYR_PRINCIPAL => "daemon/"; use constant WEBZEPHYR_CLASS => "webzephyr"; use constant WEBZEPHYR_OPCODE => "webzephyr"; use base qw( BarnOwl::Message ); sub strip_realm { my $sender = shift; my $realm = BarnOwl::zephyr_getrealm(); $sender =~ s/\@\Q$realm\E$//; return $sender; } sub principal_realm { my $principal = shift; my ($user, $realm) = split(/@/,$principal); return $realm; } sub login_type { return (shift->zsig eq "") ? "(PSEUDO)" : ""; } sub login_extra { my $m = shift; return undef if (!$m->is_loginout); my $s = lc($m->host); $s .= " " . $m->login_tty if defined $m->login_tty; return $s; } sub long_sender { my $m = shift; return $m->zsig; } sub context { return shift->class; } sub subcontext { return shift->instance; } sub login_tty { my ($m) = @_; return undef if (!$m->is_loginout); return $m->fields->[2]; } sub login_host { my ($m) = @_; return undef if (!$m->is_loginout); return $m->fields->[0]; } sub zwriteline { return shift->{"zwriteline"}; } sub is_ping { return (lc(shift->opcode) eq "ping"); } sub is_personal { my ($m) = @_; return ((lc($m->class) eq "message") && $m->is_private); } sub is_mail { my ($m) = @_; return ((lc($m->class) eq "mail") && $m->is_private); } sub pretty_sender { my ($m) = @_; return strip_realm($m->sender); } sub pretty_recipient { my ($m) = @_; return strip_realm($m->recipient); } # Portion of the reply command that preserves the context sub context_reply_cmd { my $mclass = shift; my $minstance = shift; my @class; if (lc($mclass) ne "message") { @class = ('-c', $mclass); } my @instance; if (lc($minstance) ne "personal") { @instance = ('-i', $minstance); } return (@class, @instance); } sub personal_context { my ($m) = @_; return BarnOwl::quote(context_reply_cmd($m->class, $m->instance)); } sub short_personal_context { my ($m) = @_; if(lc($m->class) eq 'message') { if(lc($m->instance) eq 'personal') { return ''; } else { return $m->instance; } } else { return $m->class; } } # These are arguably zephyr-specific sub class { return shift->{"class"}; } sub instance { return shift->{"instance"}; } sub realm { return shift->{"realm"}; } sub opcode { return shift->{"opcode"}; } sub host { return shift->{"hostname"}; } sub hostname { return shift->{"hostname"}; } sub header { return shift->{"header"}; } sub auth { return shift->{"auth"}; } sub fields { return shift->{"fields"}; } sub zsig { return shift->{"zsig"}; } sub zephyr_cc { my $self = shift; return $1 if $self->body =~ /^\s*cc:\s+([^\n]+)/i; return undef; } sub replycmd { my $self = shift; my $sender = shift; $sender = 0 unless defined $sender; my ($class, $instance, $to, $cc); if($self->is_outgoing) { return $self->{zwriteline}; } if($sender && $self->opcode eq WEBZEPHYR_OPCODE) { $class = WEBZEPHYR_CLASS; $instance = $self->pretty_sender; $instance =~ s/-webzephyr$//; $to = WEBZEPHYR_PRINCIPAL; } elsif($self->class eq WEBZEPHYR_CLASS && $self->is_loginout) { $class = WEBZEPHYR_CLASS; $instance = $self->instance; $to = WEBZEPHYR_PRINCIPAL; } elsif($self->is_loginout) { $class = 'MESSAGE'; $instance = 'PERSONAL'; $to = $self->sender; } elsif($sender && !$self->is_private) { # Possible future feature: (Optionally?) include the class and/or # instance of the message being replied to in the instance of the # outgoing personal reply $class = 'MESSAGE'; $instance = 'PERSONAL'; $to = $self->sender; } else { $class = $self->class; $instance = $self->instance; $to = $self->recipient; $cc = $self->zephyr_cc(); if($to eq '*' || $to eq '') { $to = ''; } elsif($to !~ /^@/) { $to = $self->sender; } } my @cmd; if(lc $self->opcode eq 'crypt' and ( not $sender or $self->is_private)) { # Responses to zcrypted messages should be zcrypted, so long as we # aren't switching to personals @cmd = ('zcrypt'); } else { @cmd = ('zwrite'); } push @cmd, context_reply_cmd($class, $instance); if ($to ne '') { $to = strip_realm($to); if (defined $cc and not $sender) { my @cc = grep /^[^-]/, ($to, split /\s+/, $cc); my %cc = map {$_ => 1} @cc; # this isn't quite right - it doesn't strip off the # user if the message was addressed to them by fully qualified # name delete $cc{strip_realm(BarnOwl::zephyr_getsender())}; @cc = keys %cc; my $sender_realm = principal_realm($self->sender); if (BarnOwl::zephyr_getrealm() ne $sender_realm) { @cc = map { if($_ !~ /@/) { "${_}\@${sender_realm}"; } else { $_; } } @cc; } push @cmd, '-C', @cc; } else { if(BarnOwl::getvar('smartstrip') eq 'on') { $to = BarnOwl::zephyr_smartstrip_user($to); } push @cmd, $to; } } return BarnOwl::quote(@cmd); } sub replysendercmd { my $self = shift; return $self->replycmd(1); } 1;