use strict; use warnings; package BarnOwl::Module::Kerberos; =head1 NAME BarnOwl::Module::Kerberos =head1 DESCRIPTION This module allows someone to renew tickets within BarnOwl =cut use BarnOwl; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::Handle; use IPC::Open3; use Data::Dumper; our $VERSION = 1.0; BarnOwl::new_variable_bool( 'aklog', { default => 1, summary => 'Enable running aklog on renew', description => "If set, aklog will be run during the renew command." } ); sub startup { register_commands(); } sub register_commands { BarnOwl::new_command( 'renew' => \&cmd_renew, { summary => 'Renew Kerberos Tickets', usage => 'renew', description => <add('BarnOwl::Module::Kerberos::startup'); ################################################################################ ######################## Owl command handlers ################################## ################################################################################ sub cmd_renew { BarnOwl::start_password("Password: ", \&do_renew ); return ""; } my $hdlin; my $hdlerr; my $kinit_watcher; sub do_renew { my $password = shift; my($stdin, $stdout, $stderr); use Symbol 'gensym'; $stderr = gensym; my $pid = open3($stdin, $stdout, $stderr, 'kinit', '-l7d') or die("Failed to run kinit"); $hdlerr = new AnyEvent::Handle(fh => $stderr); $hdlin = new AnyEvent::Handle(fh => $stdin); my $output = ""; $hdlin->push_write($password . "\n"); $hdlerr->push_read (line => sub { my ($hdl, $line) = @_; $output .= $line; }); close $stdout; $kinit_watcher = AnyEvent->child (pid => $pid, cb => sub { my ($pid, $status) = @_; if ($status != 0){ BarnOwl::error($output); } else{ if(BarnOwl::getvar("aklog") == 'on'){ my $status = system('aklog'); if ($status != 0){ BarnOwl::error('Aklog Failed'); } } } }); } 1;