# $Id$ # # This is all linked into the binary and evaluated when perl starts up... # ##################################################################### ##################################################################### package owl; BEGIN { # bootstrap in C bindings and glue bootstrap owl 1.2; }; use lib(get_data_dir()."/owl/lib"); use lib($::ENV{'HOME'}."/.owl/lib"); our $configfile = $::ENV{'HOME'}."/.owlconf"; # populate global variable space for legacy owlconf files sub _format_msg_legacy_wrap { my ($m) = @_; $m->legacy_populate_global(); return &owl::format_msg($m); } # populate global variable space for legacy owlconf files sub _receive_msg_legacy_wrap { my ($m) = @_; $m->legacy_populate_global(); return &owl::receive_msg($m); } # make owl::("foo") be aliases to owl::command(" foo"); sub AUTOLOAD { my $called = $AUTOLOAD; $called =~ s/.*:://; $called =~ s/_/-/g; return &owl::command("$called ".join(" ",@_)); } =head2 new_command NAME FUNC [{ARGS}] Add a new owl command. When owl executes the command NAME, FUNC will be called with the arguments passed to the command, with NAME as the first argument. ARGS should be a hashref containing any or all of C, C, or C keys. =cut sub new_command { my $name = shift; my $func = shift; my $args = shift || {}; my %args = ( summary => undef, usage => undef, description => undef, %{$args} ); owl::new_command_internal($name, $func, $args{summary}, $args{usage}, $args{description}); } ##################################################################### ##################################################################### package owl::Message; sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = (@_); if($class eq __PACKAGE__ && $args{type}) { $class = "owl::Message::" . ucfirst $args{type}; } return bless {%args}, $class; } sub type { return shift->{"type"}; } sub direction { return shift->{"direction"}; } sub time { return shift->{"time"}; } sub id { return shift->{"id"}; } sub body { return shift->{"body"}; } sub sender { return shift->{"sender"}; } sub recipient { return shift->{"recipient"}; } sub login { return shift->{"login"}; } sub is_private { return shift->{"private"}; } sub is_login { return shift->login eq "login"; } sub is_logout { return shift->login eq "logout"; } sub is_loginout { my $m=shift; return ($m->is_login or $m->is_logout); } sub is_incoming { return (shift->{"direction"} eq "in"); } sub is_outgoing { return (shift->{"direction"} eq "out"); } sub is_deleted { return shift->{"deleted"}; } sub is_admin { return (shift->{"type"} eq "admin"); } sub is_generic { return (shift->{"type"} eq "generic"); } sub is_zephyr { return (shift->{"type"} eq "zephyr"); } sub is_aim { return (shift->{"type"} eq "aim"); } sub is_jabber { return (shift->{"type"} eq "jabber"); } sub is_icq { return (shift->{"type"} eq "icq"); } sub is_yahoo { return (shift->{"type"} eq "yahoo"); } sub is_msn { return (shift->{"type"} eq "msn"); } sub is_loopback { return (shift->{"type"} eq "loopback"); } # These are overridden by appropriate message types sub is_ping { return 0; } sub is_mail { return 0; } sub is_personal { return shift->is_private; } sub class { return undef; } sub instance { return undef; } sub realm { return undef; } sub opcode { return undef; } sub header { return undef; } sub host { return undef; } sub hostname { return undef; } sub auth { return undef; } sub fields { return undef; } sub zsig { return undef; } sub zwriteline { return undef; } sub login_host { return undef; } sub login_tty { return undef; } sub pretty_sender { return shift->sender; } sub delete { my ($m) = @_; &owl::command("delete --id ".$m->id); } sub undelete { my ($m) = @_; &owl::command("undelete --id ".$m->id); } # Serializes the message into something similar to the zwgc->vt format sub serialize { my ($this) = @_; my $s; for my $f (keys %$this) { my $val = $this->{$f}; if (ref($val) eq "ARRAY") { for my $i (0..@$val-1) { my $aval; $aval = $val->[$i]; $aval =~ s/\n/\n$f.$i: /g; $s .= "$f.$i: $aval\n"; } } else { $val =~ s/\n/\n$f: /g; $s .= "$f: $val\n"; } } return $s; } # Populate the annoying legacy global variables sub legacy_populate_global { my ($m) = @_; $owl::direction = $m->direction ; $owl::type = $m->type ; $owl::id = $m->id ; $owl::class = $m->class ; $owl::instance = $m->instance ; $owl::recipient = $m->recipient ; $owl::sender = $m->sender ; $owl::realm = $m->realm ; $owl::opcode = $m->opcode ; $owl::zsig = $m->zsig ; $owl::msg = $m->body ; $owl::time = $m->time ; $owl::host = $m->host ; $owl::login = $m->login ; $owl::auth = $m->auth ; if ($m->fields) { @owl::fields = @{$m->fields}; @main::fields = @{$m->fields}; } else { @owl::fields = undef; @main::fields = undef; } } ##################################################################### ##################################################################### package owl::Message::Admin; @ISA = qw( owl::Message ); sub header { return shift->{"header"}; } ##################################################################### ##################################################################### package owl::Message::Generic; @ISA = qw( owl::Message ); ##################################################################### ##################################################################### package owl::Message::AIM; @ISA = qw( owl::Message ); # all non-loginout AIM messages are personal for now... sub is_personal { return !(shift->is_loginout); } ##################################################################### ##################################################################### package owl::Message::Zephyr; @ISA = qw( owl::Message ); sub login_tty { my ($m) = @_; return undef if (!$m->is_loginout); return $m->fields->[2]; } sub login_host { my ($m) = @_; return undef if (!$m->is_loginout); return $m->fields->[0]; } sub zwriteline { return shift->{"zwriteline"}; } sub zsig { return shift->{"zsig"}; } sub is_ping { return (lc(shift->opcode) eq "ping"); } sub is_personal { my ($m) = @_; return ((lc($m->class) eq "message") && (lc($m->instance) eq "personal") && $m->is_private); } sub is_mail { my ($m) = @_; return ((lc($m->class) eq "mail") && $m->is_private); } sub pretty_sender { my ($m) = @_; my $sender = $m->sender; my $realm = owl::zephyr_getrealm(); $sender =~ s/\@$realm$//; return $sender; } # These are arguably zephyr-specific sub class { return shift->{"class"}; } sub instance { return shift->{"instance"}; } sub realm { return shift->{"realm"}; } sub opcode { return shift->{"opcode"}; } sub host { return shift->{"hostname"}; } sub hostname { return shift->{"hostname"}; } sub header { return shift->{"header"}; } sub auth { return shift->{"auth"}; } sub fields { return shift->{"fields"}; } sub zsig { return shift->{"zsig"}; } ##################################################################### ##################################################################### package owl::Message::Jabber; @ISA = qw( owl::Message ); ##################################################################### ##################################################################### # switch to package main when we're done package main; # load the config file if (-r $owl::configfile) { do $owl::configfile or die $@; } 1;