#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "owl.h" static const char fileIdent[] = "$Id$"; #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR Code_t ZResetAuthentication(); #endif int owl_zephyr_initialize() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR int ret; if ((ret = ZInitialize()) != ZERR_NONE) { com_err("owl",ret,"while initializing"); return(1); } if ((ret = ZOpenPort(NULL)) != ZERR_NONE) { com_err("owl",ret,"while opening port"); return(1); } #endif return(0); } int owl_zephyr_shutdown() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR if(owl_global_is_havezephyr(&g)) { unsuball(); ZClosePort(); } #endif return(0); } int owl_zephyr_zpending() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR if(owl_global_is_havezephyr(&g)) return(ZPending()); else return 0; #else return(0); #endif } char *owl_zephyr_get_realm() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR return(ZGetRealm()); #else return(""); #endif } char *owl_zephyr_get_sender() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR return(ZGetSender()); #else return(""); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR int owl_zephyr_loadsubs_helper(ZSubscription_t subs[], int count) { int i, ret = 0; /* sub without defaults */ if (ZSubscribeToSansDefaults(subs,count,0) != ZERR_NONE) { owl_function_error("Error subscribing to zephyr notifications."); ret=-2; } /* free stuff */ for (i=0; i= subSize) { ZSubscription_t* newsubs; newsubs = owl_realloc(subs, sizeof(ZSubscription_t) * subSize * 2); if (NULL == newsubs) { /* If realloc fails, load what we've got, clear, and continue */ ret = owl_zephyr_loadsubs_helper(subs, count); if (ret != 0) { fclose(file); return(ret); } count=0; } else { subs = newsubs; subSize *= 2; } } /* add it to the list of subs */ if ((tmp=(char *) strtok(start, ",\n\r"))==NULL) continue; subs[count].zsub_class=owl_strdup(tmp); if ((tmp=(char *) strtok(NULL, ",\n\r"))==NULL) continue; subs[count].zsub_classinst=owl_strdup(tmp); if ((tmp=(char *) strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"))==NULL) continue; subs[count].zsub_recipient=owl_strdup(tmp); /* if it started with '-' then add it to the global punt list, and * remove it from the list of subs. */ if (buffer[0]=='-') { owl_function_zpunt(subs[count].zsub_class, subs[count].zsub_classinst, subs[count].zsub_recipient, 0); owl_free(subs[count].zsub_class); owl_free(subs[count].zsub_classinst); owl_free(subs[count].zsub_recipient); } else { count++; } } fclose(file); ret=owl_zephyr_loadsubs_helper(subs, count); owl_free(subs); return(ret); #else return(0); #endif } int owl_zephyr_loaddefaultsubs() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR ZSubscription_t subs[10]; if (ZSubscribeTo(subs,0,0) != ZERR_NONE) { owl_function_error("Error subscribing to default zephyr notifications."); return(-1); } return(0); #else return(0); #endif } int owl_zephyr_loadloginsubs(char *filename) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR FILE *file; ZSubscription_t subs[3001]; char subsfile[1024], buffer[1024]; int count, ret, i; struct stat statbuff; if (filename==NULL) { sprintf(subsfile, "%s/%s", owl_global_get_homedir(&g), ".anyone"); } else { strcpy(subsfile, filename); } ret=stat(subsfile, &statbuff); if (ret) return(0); ret=0; ZResetAuthentication(); /* need to redo this to do chunks, not just bag out after 3000 */ count=0; file=fopen(subsfile, "r"); if (file) { while ( fgets(buffer, 1024, file)!=NULL ) { if (buffer[0]=='#' || buffer[0]=='\n' || buffer[0]=='\n') continue; if (count >= 3000) break; /* also tell the user */ buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]='\0'; subs[count].zsub_class="login"; subs[count].zsub_recipient="*"; if (strchr(buffer, '@')) { subs[count].zsub_classinst=owl_strdup(buffer); } else { subs[count].zsub_classinst=owl_sprintf("%s@%s", buffer, ZGetRealm()); } count++; } fclose(file); } else { count=0; ret=-1; } /* sub with defaults */ if (ZSubscribeToSansDefaults(subs,count,0) != ZERR_NONE) { owl_function_error("Error subscribing to zephyr notifications."); ret=-2; } /* free stuff */ for (i=0; i", class, inst, recip); return(-2); } return(0); #else return(0); #endif } int owl_zephyr_unsub(char *class, char *inst, char *recip) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR ZSubscription_t subs[5]; subs[0].zsub_class=class; subs[0].zsub_classinst=inst; subs[0].zsub_recipient=recip; ZResetAuthentication(); if (ZUnsubscribeTo(subs,1,0) != ZERR_NONE) { owl_function_error("Error unsubbing from <%s,%s,%s>", class, inst, recip); return(-2); } return(0); #else return(0); #endif } /* return a pointer to the data in the Jth field, (NULL terminated by * definition). Caller must free the return. */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR char *owl_zephyr_get_field(ZNotice_t *n, int j) { int i, count, save; char *out; /* If there's no message here, just run along now */ if (n->z_message_len == 0) return(owl_strdup("")); count=save=0; for (i=0; iz_message_len; i++) { if (n->z_message[i]=='\0') { count++; if (count==j) { /* just found the end of the field we're looking for */ return(owl_strdup(n->z_message+save)); } else { save=i+1; } } } /* catch the last field, which might not be null terminated */ if (count==j-1) { out=owl_malloc(n->z_message_len-save+5); memcpy(out, n->z_message+save, n->z_message_len-save); out[n->z_message_len-save]='\0'; return(out); } return(owl_strdup("")); } #else char *owl_zephyr_get_field(void *n, int j) { return(owl_strdup("")); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR int owl_zephyr_get_num_fields(ZNotice_t *n) { int i, fields; if(n->z_message_len == 0) return 0; fields=1; for (i=0; iz_message_len; i++) { if (n->z_message[i]=='\0') fields++; } return(fields); } #else int owl_zephyr_get_num_fields(void *n) { return(0); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR /* return a pointer to the message, place the message length in k * caller must free the return */ char *owl_zephyr_get_message(ZNotice_t *n, owl_message *m) { /* don't let ping messages have a body */ if (!strcasecmp(n->z_opcode, "ping")) { return(owl_strdup("")); } /* deal with MIT NOC messages */ if (!strcasecmp(n->z_default_format, "@center(@bold(NOC Message))\n\n@bold(Sender:) $1 <$sender>\n@bold(Time: ) $time\n\n@italic($opcode service on $instance $3.) $4\n")) { char *msg, *field3, *field4; field3 = owl_zephyr_get_field(n, 3); field4 = owl_zephyr_get_field(n, 4); msg = owl_sprintf("%s service on %s %s\n%s", n->z_opcode, n->z_class_inst, field3, field4); owl_free(field3); owl_free(field4); if (msg) { return msg; } } /* deal with MIT Discuss messages */ else if (!strcasecmp(n->z_default_format, "New transaction [$1] entered in $2\nFrom: $3 ($5)\nSubject: $4")) { char *msg, *field1, *field2, *field3, *field4, *field5; field1 = owl_zephyr_get_field(n, 1); field2 = owl_zephyr_get_field(n, 2); field3 = owl_zephyr_get_field(n, 3); field4 = owl_zephyr_get_field(n, 4); field5 = owl_zephyr_get_field(n, 5); msg = owl_sprintf("New transaction [%s] entered in %s\nFrom: %s (%s)\nSubject: %s", field1, field2, field3, field5, field4); owl_free(field1); owl_free(field2); owl_free(field3); owl_free(field4); owl_free(field5); if (msg) { return msg; } } /* deal with MIT Moira messages */ else if (!strcasecmp(n->z_default_format, "MOIRA $instance on $fromhost:\n $message\n")) { char *msg, *field1; field1 = owl_zephyr_get_field(n, 1); msg = owl_sprintf("MOIRA %s on %s: %s", n->z_class_inst, owl_message_get_hostname(m), field1); owl_free(field1); if (msg) { return msg; } } if (owl_zephyr_get_num_fields(n) == 1) { return(owl_zephyr_get_field(n, 1)); } else { return(owl_zephyr_get_field(n, 2)); } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR char *owl_zephyr_get_zsig(ZNotice_t *n, int *k) { /* return a pointer to the zsig if there is one */ /* message length 0? No zsig */ if (n->z_message_len==0) { *k=0; return(""); } /* If there's only one field, no zsig */ if (owl_zephyr_get_num_fields(n) == 1) { *k=0; return(""); } /* Everything else is field 1 */ *k=strlen(n->z_message); return(n->z_message); } #else char *owl_zephyr_get_zsig(void *n, int *k) { return(""); } #endif int send_zephyr(char *opcode, char *zsig, char *class, char *instance, char *recipient, char *message) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR int ret; ZNotice_t notice; memset(¬ice, 0, sizeof(notice)); ZResetAuthentication(); if (!zsig) zsig=""; notice.z_kind=ACKED; notice.z_port=0; notice.z_class=class; notice.z_class_inst=instance; if (!strcmp(recipient, "*") || !strcmp(recipient, "@")) { notice.z_recipient=""; } else { notice.z_recipient=recipient; } notice.z_default_format="Class $class, Instance $instance:\nTo: @bold($recipient) at $time $date\nFrom: @bold{$1 <$sender>}\n\n$2"; notice.z_sender=NULL; if (opcode) notice.z_opcode=opcode; notice.z_message_len=strlen(zsig)+1+strlen(message); notice.z_message=owl_malloc(notice.z_message_len+10); strcpy(notice.z_message, zsig); memcpy(notice.z_message+strlen(zsig)+1, message, strlen(message)); /* ret=ZSendNotice(¬ice, ZAUTH); */ ret=ZSrvSendNotice(¬ice, ZAUTH, send_zephyr_helper); /* free then check the return */ owl_free(notice.z_message); ZFreeNotice(¬ice); if (ret!=ZERR_NONE) { owl_function_error("Error sending zephyr"); return(ret); } return(0); #else return(0); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR Code_t send_zephyr_helper(ZNotice_t *notice, char *buf, int len, int wait) { return(ZSendPacket(buf, len, 0)); } #endif void send_ping(char *to) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR send_zephyr("PING", "", "MESSAGE", "PERSONAL", to, ""); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR void owl_zephyr_handle_ack(ZNotice_t *retnotice) { char *tmp; /* if it's an HMACK ignore it */ if (retnotice->z_kind == HMACK) return; if (retnotice->z_kind == SERVNAK) { owl_function_error("Authorization failure sending zephyr"); } else if ((retnotice->z_kind != SERVACK) || !retnotice->z_message_len) { owl_function_error("Detected server failure while receiving acknowledgement"); } else if (!strcmp(retnotice->z_message, ZSRVACK_SENT)) { if (!strcasecmp(retnotice->z_opcode, "ping")) { return; } else if (!strcasecmp(retnotice->z_class, "message") && !strcasecmp(retnotice->z_class_inst, "personal")) { tmp=short_zuser(retnotice->z_recipient); owl_function_makemsg("Message sent to %s.", tmp); free(tmp); } else { owl_function_makemsg("Message sent to -c %s -i %s\n", retnotice->z_class, retnotice->z_class_inst); } } else if (!strcmp(retnotice->z_message, ZSRVACK_NOTSENT)) { if (retnotice->z_recipient == NULL || *retnotice->z_recipient == NULL || *retnotice->z_recipient == '@') { char buff[1024]; owl_function_error("No one subscribed to class %s", retnotice->z_class); sprintf(buff, "Could not send message to class %s: no one subscribed.\n", retnotice->z_class); owl_function_adminmsg("", buff); } else { char buff[1024]; tmp = short_zuser(retnotice->z_recipient); owl_function_error("%s: Not logged in or subscribing.", tmp); sprintf(buff, "Could not send message to %s: not logged in or subscribing to", tmp); if(strcmp(retnotice->z_class, "message")) { sprintf(buff, "%s class %s, instance %s.\n", buff, retnotice->z_class, retnotice->z_class_inst); } else { sprintf(buff, "%s messages.\n", buff); } owl_function_adminmsg("", buff); owl_log_outgoing_zephyr_error(tmp, buff); owl_free(tmp); } } else { owl_function_error("Internal error on ack (%s)", retnotice->z_message); } } #else void owl_zephyr_handle_ack(void *retnotice) { } #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR int owl_zephyr_notice_is_ack(ZNotice_t *n) { if (n->z_kind == SERVNAK || n->z_kind == SERVACK || n->z_kind == HMACK) { if (!strcasecmp(n->z_class, LOGIN_CLASS)) return(0); return(1); } return(0); } #else int owl_zephyr_notice_is_ack(void *n) { return(0); } #endif void owl_zephyr_zaway(owl_message *m) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR char *tmpbuff, *myuser, *to; owl_message *mout; /* bail if it doesn't look like a message we should reply to. Some * of this defined by the way zaway(1) works */ if (strcasecmp(owl_message_get_class(m), "message")) return; if (strcasecmp(owl_message_get_recipient(m), ZGetSender())) return; if (!strcasecmp(owl_message_get_sender(m), "")) return; if (!strcasecmp(owl_message_get_opcode(m), "ping")) return; if (!strcasecmp(owl_message_get_opcode(m), "auto")) return; if (!strcasecmp(owl_message_get_zsig(m), "Automated reply:")) return; if (!strcasecmp(owl_message_get_sender(m), ZGetSender())) return; if (owl_message_get_attribute_value(m, "isauto")) return; if (owl_global_is_smartstrip(&g)) { to=owl_zephyr_smartstripped_user(owl_message_get_sender(m)); } else { to=owl_strdup(owl_message_get_sender(m)); } send_zephyr("", "Automated reply:", owl_message_get_class(m), owl_message_get_instance(m), to, owl_global_get_zaway_msg(&g)); myuser=short_zuser(to); if (!strcasecmp(owl_message_get_instance(m), "personal")) { tmpbuff = owl_sprintf("zwrite %s", myuser); } else { tmpbuff = owl_sprintf("zwrite -i %s %s", owl_message_get_instance(m), myuser); } owl_free(myuser); owl_free(to); /* display the message as an admin message in the receive window */ mout=owl_function_make_outgoing_zephyr(owl_global_get_zaway_msg(&g), tmpbuff, "Automated reply:"); owl_global_messagequeue_addmsg(&g, mout); owl_free(tmpbuff); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR void owl_zephyr_hackaway_cr(ZNotice_t *n) { /* replace \r's with ' '. Gross-ish */ int i; for (i=0; iz_message_len; i++) { if (n->z_message[i]=='\r') { n->z_message[i]=' '; } } } #endif void owl_zephyr_zlocate(char *user, char *out, int auth) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR int ret, numlocs; int one = 1; ZLocations_t locations; char *myuser; strcpy(out, ""); ZResetAuthentication(); ret=ZLocateUser(user,&numlocs,auth?ZAUTH:ZNOAUTH); if (ret != ZERR_NONE) { sprintf(out, "Error locating user %s\n", user); return; } if (numlocs==0) { myuser=short_zuser(user); sprintf(out, "%s: Hidden or not logged-in\n", myuser); owl_free(myuser); return; } for (;numlocs;numlocs--) { ZGetLocations(&locations,&one); myuser=short_zuser(user); sprintf(out, "%s%s: %s\t%s\t%s\n", out, myuser, locations.host ? locations.host : "?", locations.tty ? locations.tty : "?", locations.time ? locations.time : "?"); owl_free(myuser); } #endif } void owl_zephyr_addsub(char *filename, char *class, char *inst, char *recip) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR char *line, subsfile[LINE], buff[LINE]; FILE *file; line=owl_zephyr_makesubline(class, inst, recip); if (filename==NULL) { sprintf(subsfile, "%s/%s", owl_global_get_homedir(&g), ".zephyr.subs"); } else { strcpy(subsfile, filename); } /* if the file already exists, check to see if the sub is already there */ file=fopen(subsfile, "r"); if (file) { while (fgets(buff, LINE, file)!=NULL) { if (!strcasecmp(buff, line)) { owl_function_error("Subscription already present in %s", subsfile); owl_free(line); fclose(file); return; } } fclose(file); } /* if we get here then we didn't find it */ file=fopen(subsfile, "a"); if (!file) { owl_function_error("Error opening file %s for writing", subsfile); owl_free(line); return; } fputs(line, file); fclose(file); owl_function_makemsg("Subscription added"); owl_free(line); #endif } void owl_zephyr_delsub(char *filename, char *class, char *inst, char *recip) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR char *line, *subsfile; line=owl_zephyr_makesubline(class, inst, recip); line[strlen(line)-1]='\0'; if (!filename) { subsfile=owl_sprintf("%s/.zephyr.subs", owl_global_get_homedir(&g)); } else { subsfile=owl_strdup(filename); } owl_util_file_deleteline(subsfile, line, 1); owl_free(subsfile); owl_free(line); owl_function_makemsg("Subscription removed"); #endif } /* caller must free the return */ char *owl_zephyr_makesubline(char *class, char *inst, char *recip) { char *out; out=owl_malloc(strlen(class)+strlen(inst)+strlen(recip)+30); sprintf(out, "%s,%s,%s\n", class, inst, !strcmp(recip, "") ? "*" : recip); return(out); } void owl_zephyr_zlog_in(void) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR char *exposure, *eset; int ret; ZResetAuthentication(); eset=EXPOSE_REALMVIS; exposure=ZGetVariable("exposure"); if (exposure==NULL) { eset=EXPOSE_REALMVIS; } else if (!strcasecmp(exposure,EXPOSE_NONE)) { eset = EXPOSE_NONE; } else if (!strcasecmp(exposure,EXPOSE_OPSTAFF)) { eset = EXPOSE_OPSTAFF; } else if (!strcasecmp(exposure,EXPOSE_REALMVIS)) { eset = EXPOSE_REALMVIS; } else if (!strcasecmp(exposure,EXPOSE_REALMANN)) { eset = EXPOSE_REALMANN; } else if (!strcasecmp(exposure,EXPOSE_NETVIS)) { eset = EXPOSE_NETVIS; } else if (!strcasecmp(exposure,EXPOSE_NETANN)) { eset = EXPOSE_NETANN; } ret=ZSetLocation(eset); if (ret != ZERR_NONE) { /* char buff[LINE]; sprintf(buff, "Error setting location: %s", error_message(ret)); owl_function_makemsg(buff); */ } #endif } void owl_zephyr_zlog_out(void) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR int ret; ZResetAuthentication(); ret=ZUnsetLocation(); if (ret != ZERR_NONE) { /* char buff[LINE]; sprintf(buff, "Error unsetting location: %s", error_message(ret)); owl_function_makemsg(buff); */ } #endif } void owl_zephyr_addbuddy(char *name) { char *filename; FILE *file; filename=owl_sprintf("%s/.anyone", owl_global_get_homedir(&g)); file=fopen(filename, "a"); owl_free(filename); if (!file) { owl_function_error("Error opening zephyr buddy file for append"); return; } fprintf(file, "%s\n", name); fclose(file); } void owl_zephyr_delbuddy(char *name) { char *filename; filename=owl_sprintf("%s/.anyone", owl_global_get_homedir(&g)); owl_util_file_deleteline(filename, name, 0); owl_free(filename); } /* return auth string */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR char *owl_zephyr_get_authstr(ZNotice_t *n) { if (!n) return("UNKNOWN"); if (n->z_auth == ZAUTH_FAILED) { return ("FAILED"); } else if (n->z_auth == ZAUTH_NO) { return ("NO"); } else if (n->z_auth == ZAUTH_YES) { return ("YES"); } else { return ("UNKNOWN"); } } #else char *owl_zephyr_get_authstr(void *n) { return(""); } #endif /* Returns a buffer of subscriptions or an error message. Caller must * free the return. */ char *owl_zephyr_getsubs() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR int ret, num, i, one; ZSubscription_t sub; char *out, *tmpbuff; one=1; ret=ZRetrieveSubscriptions(0, &num); if (ret==ZERR_TOOMANYSUBS) { return(owl_strdup("Zephyr: too many subscriptions\n")); } else if (ret) { return(owl_strdup("Zephyr: error retriving subscriptions\n")); } out=owl_malloc(num*500); tmpbuff=owl_malloc(num*500); strcpy(out, ""); for (i=0; i\n%s", sub.zsub_class, sub.zsub_classinst, sub.zsub_recipient, out); strcpy(out, tmpbuff); } } owl_free(tmpbuff); ZFlushSubscriptions(); return(out); #else return(owl_strdup("Zephyr not available")); #endif } char *owl_zephyr_get_variable(char *var) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR return(ZGetVariable(var)); #else return(""); #endif } void owl_zephyr_set_locationinfo(char *host, char *val) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR ZInitLocationInfo(host, val); #endif } /* Strip a local realm fron the zephyr user name. * The caller must free the return */ char *short_zuser(char *in) { char *out, *ptr; out=owl_strdup(in); ptr=strchr(out, '@'); if (ptr) { if (!strcasecmp(ptr+1, owl_zephyr_get_realm())) { *ptr='\0'; } } return(out); } /* Append a local realm to the zephyr user name if necessary. * The caller must free the return. */ char *long_zuser(char *in) { if (strchr(in, '@')) { return(owl_strdup(in)); } return(owl_sprintf("%s@%s", in, owl_zephyr_get_realm())); } /* strip out the instance from a zsender's principal. Preserves the * realm if present. daemon.webzephyr is a special case. The * caller must free the return */ char *owl_zephyr_smartstripped_user(char *in) { char *ptr, *realm, *out; out=owl_strdup(in); /* bail immeaditly if we don't have to do any work */ ptr=strchr(in, '.'); if (!strchr(in, '/') && !ptr) { /* no '/' and no '.' */ return(out); } if (ptr && strchr(in, '@') && (ptr > strchr(in, '@'))) { /* There's a '.' but it's in the realm */ return(out); } if (!strncasecmp(in, OWL_WEBZEPHYR_PRINCIPAL, strlen(OWL_WEBZEPHYR_PRINCIPAL))) { return(out); } /* remove the realm from ptr, but hold on to it */ realm=strchr(out, '@'); if (realm) realm[0]='\0'; /* strip */ ptr=strchr(out, '.'); if (!ptr) ptr=strchr(out, '/'); ptr[0]='\0'; /* reattach the realm if we had one */ if (realm) { strcat(out, "@"); strcat(out, realm+1); } return(out); } /* read the list of users in 'filename' as a .anyone file, and put the * names of the zephyr users in the list 'in'. If 'filename' is NULL, * use the default .anyone file in the users home directory. Returns * -1 on failure, 0 on success. */ int owl_zephyr_get_anyone_list(owl_list *in, char *filename) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR char *ourfile, *tmp, buff[LINE]; FILE *f; if (filename==NULL) { tmp=owl_global_get_homedir(&g); ourfile=owl_sprintf("%s/.anyone", owl_global_get_homedir(&g)); } else { ourfile=owl_strdup(filename); } f=fopen(ourfile, "r"); if (!f) { owl_function_error("Error opening file %s: %s", ourfile, strerror(errno) ? strerror(errno) : ""); owl_free(ourfile); return(-1); } while (fgets(buff, LINE, f)!=NULL) { /* ignore comments, blank lines etc. */ if (buff[0]=='#') continue; if (buff[0]=='\n') continue; if (buff[0]=='\0') continue; /* strip the \n */ buff[strlen(buff)-1]='\0'; /* ingore from # on */ tmp=strchr(buff, '#'); if (tmp) tmp[0]='\0'; /* ingore from SPC */ tmp=strchr(buff, ' '); if (tmp) tmp[0]='\0'; /* stick on the local realm. */ if (!strchr(buff, '@')) { strcat(buff, "@"); strcat(buff, ZGetRealm()); } owl_list_append_element(in, owl_strdup(buff)); } fclose(f); owl_free(ourfile); return(0); #else return(-1); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_LIBZEPHYR void owl_zephyr_process_events() { int zpendcount=0; ZNotice_t notice; struct sockaddr_in from; owl_message *m=NULL; while(owl_zephyr_zpending() && zpendcount < 20) { if (owl_zephyr_zpending()) { ZReceiveNotice(¬ice, &from); zpendcount++; /* is this an ack from a zephyr we sent? */ if (owl_zephyr_notice_is_ack(¬ice)) { owl_zephyr_handle_ack(¬ice); continue; } /* if it's a ping and we're not viewing pings then skip it */ if (!owl_global_is_rxping(&g) && !strcasecmp(notice.z_opcode, "ping")) { continue; } /* create the new message */ m=owl_malloc(sizeof(owl_message)); owl_message_create_from_znotice(m, ¬ice); owl_global_messagequeue_addmsg(&g, m); } } } #else void owl_zephyr_process_events() { } #endif