Changeset a62fbdaa

Jan 12, 2013, 1:48:58 PM (12 years ago)
Jason Gross <>
4626016 (diff), 8258ea5 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.
Merge 8258ea514c05b11da3f68d25d8414e222496fa2d into 46260161946c87dfed4fef9e3223b2327895f139
6 edited


  • aim.c

    rf271129 r8258ea5  
    708708  aim_clientready(sess, fr->conn);
    709   owl_function_debugmsg("conninitdone_admin: initializtion done for admin connection");
     709  owl_function_debugmsg("conninitdone_admin: initialization done for admin connection");
    710710  return(1);
    836836  params = va_arg(ap, struct aim_icbmparameters *);
    837837  va_end(ap);
    839   owl_function_debugmsg("faimtest_icbmparaminfo: ICBM Parameters: maxchannel = %d, default flags = 0x%08x, max msg len = %d, max sender evil = %f, max reciever evil = %f, min msg interval = %u",
     839  owl_function_debugmsg("faimtest_icbmparaminfo: ICBM Parameters: maxchannel = %d, default flags = 0x%08x, max msg len = %d, max sender evil = %f, max receiver evil = %f, min msg interval = %u",
    840840                       params->maxchan, params->flags, params->maxmsglen, ((float)params->maxsenderwarn)/10.0, ((float)params->maxrecverwarn)/10.0, params->minmsginterval);
  • commands.c

    r39a531d r8258ea5  
    10331033  OWLCMD_ARGS_CTX("popless:start-search", owl_viewwin_command_start_search, OWL_CTX_POPLESS,
    10341034                  "starts a command line to search for particular string",
    1035                   "popless:start-search [-r] [inital-value]",
     1035                  "popless:start-search [-r] [initial-value]",
    10361036                  "Initializes the command-line to search for initial-value. If\n"
    10371037                  "-r is used, the search will be performed backwards.\n\n"
    21902190    if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-f")) {
    21912191      if (argc<2) {
    2192         owl_function_makemsg("Too few argments to the view command");
     2192        owl_function_makemsg("Too few arguments to the view command");
    21932193        return(NULL);
    21942194      }
    22022202    } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-s")) {
    22032203      if (argc<2) {
    2204         owl_function_makemsg("Too few argments to the view command");
     2204        owl_function_makemsg("Too few arguments to the view command");
    22052205        return(NULL);
    22062206      }
    22092209      argv+=2;
    22102210    } else {
    2211       owl_function_makemsg("Too few argments to the view command");
     2211      owl_function_makemsg("Too few arguments to the view command");
    22122212      return(NULL);
    22132213    }
  • editwin.c

    r7803326 r8258ea5  
    620620  if (!g_utf8_validate(s, -1, NULL)) {
    621     owl_function_debugmsg("owl_editwin_insert_string: received non-utf-8 string.");
     621    owl_function_debugmsg("owl_editwin_insert_string: received non-UTF-8 string.");
    622622    return 0;
    623623  }
  • help.c

    rd6b8b50 r8258ea5  
    107107     "    unsuball      Unsubscribe from all zephyr classes\n"
    108108     "    load-subs     Load zephyr subscriptions from a file\n"
    109      "    zpunt         Supress messages from a zephyr triplet\n"
     109     "    zpunt         Suppress messages from a zephyr triplet\n"
    110110     "    zlog          Send a login or logout notification\n"
    111111     "    zlist         Print a list of zephyr buddies logged in\n"
  • perl/modules/Jabber/lib/BarnOwl/Module/

    r678f607 r8258ea5  
    320320              . "configure [<muc>]\n"
    321321              . "            Configures a MUC.\n"
    322               . "            Necessary to initalize a new MUC.\n"
     322              . "            Necessary to initialize a new MUC.\n"
    323323              . "            At present, only the default configuration is supported.\n"
    324324              . "            The MUC is taken from the current message if not supplied.\n\n"
  • variable.c

    rd126a19 r8258ea5  
    354354  OWLVAR_BOOL( "narrow-related" /* %OwlVarStub:narrow_related */, 1,
    355355               "Make smartnarrow use broader filters",
    356                "Causes smartfiler to narrow to messages \"related\" to \n"
     356               "Causes smartfilter to narrow to messages \"related\" to \n"
    357357               "the current message, as well as ones to the same place.\n\n"
    358358               "for Zephyr, this controls whether to narrow to e.g. class-help or\n"
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