Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#246 new enhancement

per-filter current message

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: ui Keywords:


It would be nice if the current message could be cached on smartnarrowed filters (or something like that). For example, if I smartnarrow, and then move ahead many messages, it would be nice if the cursor returned to where it originally was when I go back.

See also:

   barnowl / smartnarrow / rlink@CS.CMU.EDU  2013-04-11 16:13  (Schädelzerkleinerungsmaschine)
       In my ancient barnowl (1.3), "smartnarrow -i" followed by scrolling through
       a thread to the bottom-ish, then "delete view ; expunge ; view --home"
       would place the cursor at the zgram immediately after the zgram
       it was on before I smartnarrowed.

       In 1.5.1, the cursor now ends up right (before? after? I dunno, I was
       smartnarrowed) the zgram I was on when I hit my "delete view; expunge;
       view --home" hotkey.  For a long (messagecount-wise and time-wise)
       conversation, this means that I now have a bunch of unread zgrams
       scrolled off the top of my screen that I have to page back up to.

       Was this an intentional change?  Is it the same in even newer barnowls?
-> barnowl / smartnarrow / andersk  2013-04-11 16:29  (Anders Kaseorg)
       That sounds like it could be
   barnowl / smartnarrow / rlink@CS.CMU.EDU  2013-04-11 16:34  (Schädelzerkleinerungsmaschine)
       So the old behaviour that made more sense was actually a bug?
   barnowl / smartnarrow / jgross  2013-04-11 18:11  (Jason S Gross)
       It reads to me that the old behavior was believed to be not commonly
       known/used, and that the simplest way to fix an actual bug was to
       remove that behavior.
   barnowl / smartnarrow / rlink@CS.CMU.EDU  2013-04-11 18:19  (Schädelzerkleinerungsmaschine)
       Hrm.  That's kind of a drag.
   barnowl / smartnarrow / andersk  2013-04-11 18:55  (Anders Kaseorg)
       Well, now that we know there’s a use case, we could try to
       reimplement it correctly.  File a bug?
   barnowl / smartnarrow / andersk  2013-04-11 18:57  (Anders Kaseorg)
       Meanwhile, you can emulate the old behavior using the mark:
       recv:mark; delete view; expunge; view --home; recv:swapmark
       (Keybindings are C-SPC for recv:mark, C-x C-x for recv:swapmark.)

Change History (2)

comment:1 in reply to: ↑ description Changed 12 years ago by

Replying to jgross@…:

For example, if I smartnarrow, and then move ahead many messages, it would be nice if the cursor returned to where it originally was when I go back.

rlink’s report was only about what happens when you delete and expunge the current view. BarnOwl has never done that when the view remains nonempty.

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by

barnowl / smartnarrow / rlink@CS.CMU.EDU  00:41  (Schädelzerkleinerungsmaschine)
    I think I can simulate the old behaviour well enough with recv:mark and
    recv:swapmark.  Thank you.
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